function add_do() { $rcmail = $this->rcmail; $pop3fetcher_email = get_input_value('_pop3fetcher_email', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $pop3fetcher_username = get_input_value('_pop3fetcher_username', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $pop3fetcher_password = get_input_value('_pop3fetcher_password', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $pop3fetcher_serveraddress = get_input_value('_pop3fetcher_serveraddress', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $pop3fetcher_serverport = get_input_value('_pop3fetcher_serverport', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $pop3fetcher_ssl = get_input_value('_pop3fetcher_ssl', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $pop3fetcher_leaveacopy = get_input_value('_pop3fetcher_leaveacopy', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $pop3fetcher_provider = get_input_value('_pop3fetcher_provider', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $pop3fetcher_testconnection = get_input_value('_pop3fetcher_testconnection', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $pop3fetcher_defaultfolder = get_input_value('_pop3fetcher_defaultfolder', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $pop3fetcher_import_old_messages = get_input_value('_pop3fetcher_import_old_messages', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); //MUST CREATE THE TARGET FOLDER IF IT DOESN'T EXIST $rcmail->imap_connect(); $delimiter = $rcmail->imap->get_hierarchy_delimiter(); if ($this->config["debug"]) { write_log("pop3fetcher.txt", "SET DEFAULT FOLDER ON SAVE: {$pop3fetcher_defaultfolder}"); } if ($pop3fetcher_defaultfolder == "#AUTO_FOLDER#") { $pop3fetcher_defaultfolder = $this->config["root_folder_path"] . $delimiter . str_replace($delimiter, "_", $pop3fetcher_email); } // check if the folder exists if ($rcmail->imap->folder_exists($pop3fetcher_defaultfolder)) { if ($this->config["debug"]) { write_log("pop3fetcher.txt", "INTERCEPT: settings, FOLDER {$pop3fetcher_defaultfolder} EXISTS"); } } else { $rcmail->imap->create_folder($pop3fetcher_defaultfolder, true); if ($this->config["debug"]) { write_log("pop3fetcher.txt", "INTERCEPT: settings, FOLDER {$pop3fetcher_defaultfolder} DOESN'T EXIST, MUST CREATE IT!"); } } if ($pop3fetcher_leaveacopy == "true") { $pop3fetcher_leaveacopy = true; } else { $pop3fetcher_leaveacopy = false; } if ($pop3fetcher_import_old_messages == "true") { $pop3fetcher_import_old_messages = true; } else { $pop3fetcher_import_old_messages = false; } $user_id = $rcmail->user->data['user_id']; /* QUA VERIFICO LA CONNESSIONE */ if ($pop3fetcher_testconnection == "true" && !$this->test_connection($pop3fetcher_username, $pop3fetcher_password, $pop3fetcher_serveraddress, $pop3fetcher_serverport, $pop3fetcher_ssl)) { $rcmail->output->add_label('pop3fetcher.account_unableconnect'); $this->rcmail->output->command('plugin.add_do_error_connecting', array()); $this->rcmail->output->send('plugin'); } else { require_once './plugins/pop3fetcher/XPM4/POP35.php'; require_once './plugins/pop3fetcher/XPM4/FUNC5.php'; // SALVO L'UID DELL'ULTIMO MESSAGGIO, IN MODO DA SCARICARE SOLO I NUOVI $last_uidl = 0; if (!$pop3fetcher_import_old_messages) { $c = POP35::connect($pop3fetcher_serveraddress, $pop3fetcher_username, $pop3fetcher_password, intval($pop3fetcher_serverport), $pop3fetcher_ssl, 100); if ($c) { $msglist = POP35::puidl($c); $last_uidl = $msglist[count($msglist) - 1]; if ($this->config["debug"]) { write_log("pop3fetcher.txt", "INTERCEPT: TASK ADDACCOUNT, fetching last UID {$last_uidl}"); } } } $query = "SELECT * FROM " . get_table_name('pop3fetcher_accounts') . " WHERE user_id=? AND pop3fetcher_email=?"; $ret = $rcmail->db->query($query, $user_id, $pop3fetcher_email); $arr = $rcmail->db->fetch_assoc($ret); if (!is_array($arr)) { $query = "INSERT INTO " . get_table_name('pop3fetcher_accounts') . "(pop3fetcher_email, pop3fetcher_username, pop3fetcher_password, pop3fetcher_serveraddress, pop3fetcher_serverport, pop3fetcher_ssl, pop3fetcher_leaveacopyonserver, user_id, last_uidl, pop3fetcher_provider, default_folder) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"; $ret = $rcmail->db->query($query, $pop3fetcher_email, $pop3fetcher_username, $pop3fetcher_password, $pop3fetcher_serveraddress, $pop3fetcher_serverport, $pop3fetcher_ssl, $pop3fetcher_leaveacopy, $user_id, $last_uidl, $pop3fetcher_provider, $pop3fetcher_defaultfolder); if ($ret) { $this->rcmail->output->command('plugin.add_do_ok', array()); $this->rcmail->output->send('plugin'); } else { $this->rcmail->output->command('plugin.add_do_ok', array()); $this->rcmail->output->send('plugin'); } } else { $this->rcmail->output->command('plugin.add_do_ok', array()); $this->rcmail->output->send('plugin'); } } }
/** * Synchronize all available pop3fetcher accounts * * @return void */ public function synchronize() { define('DISPLAY_XPM4_ERRORS', false); // display XPM4 errors require_once $this->docRoot . '/plugins/pop3fetcher/XPM4/POP35.php'; require_once $this->docRoot . '/plugins/pop3fetcher/XPM4/FUNC5.php'; $this->rcmail = rcmail::get_instance(); $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t`t1`.*, `t2`.`username`, `t2`.`mail_host`,\n\t\t\t\t`t3`.`mail_pass`\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t`{IMSCP_DATABASE}_roundcube`.`pop3fetcher_accounts` AS `t1`\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t`{IMSCP_DATABASE}_roundcube`.`users` AS `t2` ON(`t2`.`user_id` = `t1`.`user_id`)\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t`{IMSCP_DATABASE}`.`mail_users` AS `t3` ON(`t3`.`mail_addr` = `t2`.`username`)\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t(`t3`.`mail_type` LIKE '%normal_mail%' OR `t3`.`mail_type` LIKE '%alias_mail%' OR `t3`.`mail_type` LIKE '%subdom_mail%')\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\t`t1`.`user_id` ASC\n\t\t"; $ret = $this->rcmail->db->query($query); $accounts = array(); while ($account = $this->rcmail->db->fetch_assoc($ret)) { $accounts[] = $account; } $temparr = array(); foreach ($accounts as $key => $val) { $temparr[$key] = $val['pop3fetcher_email']; if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: task mail, checkunread for " . $val['pop3fetcher_email']); } $last_uidl = $val['last_uidl']; $c = POP35::connect($val['pop3fetcher_serveraddress'], $val['pop3fetcher_username'], $val['pop3fetcher_password'], intval($val['pop3fetcher_serverport']), $val['pop3fetcher_ssl'], 100); if ($c) { $s = POP35::pStat($c, false); if (is_array($s)) { list($Count, $b) = each($s); if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: task mail, found new messages: {$Count}, {$b}"); } $msglist = POP35::puidl($c); if (is_array($msglist)) { $Count = count($msglist); } else { $Count = 0; } if (sizeof($msglist) > 0) { $i = 0; for ($j = 1; $j <= sizeof($msglist); $j++) { if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: task mail, MSG UIDL: " . $msglist["{$j}"]); } if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: task mail, LAST UIDL: " . $last_uidl); } if ($msglist["{$j}"] == $last_uidl) { $i = $j; break; } } if ($Count < $i) { POP35::disconnect($c); } if ($Count == 0) { POP35::disconnect($c); } else { $newmsgcount = $Count - $i; if ($this->debug && $this->debug_console) { echo "Login OK: Inbox contains [" . $newmsgcount . "] messages\n"; } } if ($newmsgcount > 0) { // Start to login to the imap server $this->rcmail->kill_session(); if ($this->debug && $this->debug_console) { echo "Start Login IMAP Server (" . $val['mail_host'] . ") with account: " . $val['username'] . "\n"; } if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "Start Login IMAP Server (" . $val['mail_host'] . ") with account: " . $val['username']); } if ($this->rcmail->login($val['username'], $val['mail_pass'], $auth['mail_host'], false)) { $this->rcmail->get_storage(); $this->rcmail->storage_connect(); $max_messages_downloaded_x_session = 10; $max_bytes_downloaded_x_session = 1000000; $cur_bytes_downloaded = 0; $k = 1; for (; $i < $Count; $i++) { if ($k <= $max_messages_downloaded_x_session) { $cur_msg_index = $i + 1; $l = POP35::pList($c, $cur_msg_index); $last_uidl = $msglist["{$cur_msg_index}"]; if ($l["{$cur_msg_index}"] <= $this->max_forwarded_message_size || $this->max_forwarded_message_size == 0) { $cur_bytes_downloaded = $cur_bytes_downloaded + $l["{$i}"]; if ($this->debug && $this->debug_console) { echo "INTERCEPT: task mail, k=" . $k . " Downloading a message with UIDL " . $msglist["{$cur_msg_index}"] . ", SIZE: " . $l["{$cur_msg_index}"] . "\n"; } if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: task mail, k=" . $k . " Downloading a message with UIDL " . $msglist["{$cur_msg_index}"] . ", SIZE: " . $l["{$cur_msg_index}"]); } $Message = POP35::pRetr($c, $cur_msg_index) or die(print_r($_RESULT)); if ($this->debug && $this->debug_console) { echo "INTERCEPT: task mail, k=" . $k . " Downloaded a message with UIDL " . $msglist["{$cur_msg_index}"] . "\n"; } if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: task mail, k=" . $k . " Downloaded a message with UIDL " . $msglist["{$cur_msg_index}"]); } $message_id = $this->rcmail->storage->save_message($val['default_folder'], $Message); if ($this->debug && $this->debug_console) { echo "INTERCEPT: task mail, k=" . $k . " Stored a message with UIDL " . $msglist["{$cur_msg_index}"] . "\n"; } if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: task mail, k=" . $k . " Stored a message with UIDL " . $msglist["{$cur_msg_index}"]); } $this->rcmail->storage->unset_flag($message_id, "SEEN", $val['default_folder']); if (!$val['pop3fetcher_leaveacopyonserver']) { if (POP35::pDele($c, $cur_msg_index)) { if ($this->debug && $this->debug_console) { echo "INTERCEPT: DELETING MESSAGE " . $cur_msg_index . " " . $last_uidl . "\n"; } if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: DELETING MESSAGE " . $cur_msg_index . " " . $last_uidl); } } else { if ($this->debug && $this->debug_console) { echo "INTERCEPT: ERROR: CANNOT DELETE " . $last_uidl . "\n"; } if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: ERROR: CANNOT DELETE " . $last_uidl); } } } else { if ($this->debug && $this->debug_console) { echo "INTERCEPT: leaveacopyonserver IS SET\n"; } if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: leaveacopyonserver IS SET"); } } if ($cur_bytes_downloaded > $max_bytes_downloaded_x_session) { $i = $Count + 1; } } else { if ($this->debug && $this->debug_console) { echo "INTERCEPT: Skipped message " . $last_uidl . "\n"; } if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: Skipped message " . $last_uidl); } } if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: trying to update DB: " . $last_uidl . " " . $val['pop3fetcher_id']); } $query = "UPDATE {IMSCP_DATABASE}_roundcube.pop3fetcher_accounts SET last_uidl = ? WHERE pop3fetcher_id = ?"; $ret = $this->rcmail->db->query($query, $last_uidl, $val['pop3fetcher_id']); if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: updated DB: " . $last_uidl . " " . $val['pop3fetcher_id']); } $k = $k + 1; } else { $i = $Count + 1; } } $this->rcmail->logout_actions(); $this->rcmail->kill_session(); } else { if ($this->debug && $this->debug_console) { echo "ERROR: Can't login to IMAP Server (" . $val['mail_host'] . ") with account: " . $val['username'] . "\n"; } if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "ERROR: Can't login to IMAP Server (" . $val['mail_host'] . ") with account: " . $val['username']); } } } else { if ($this->debug && $this->debug_console) { echo "Nothing to do. Inbox contains [" . $newmsgcount . "] messages\n"; } if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "Nothing to do. Inbox contains [" . $newmsgcount . "] messages"); } } } POP35::disconnect($c); } else { if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: task mail, ERROR ON is_array FOR " . $val['pop3fetcher_email']); } } } else { if ($this->debug) { write_log("pop3fetcher_cron.txt", "INTERCEPT: task mail, POP35::connectfailed for " . $val['pop3fetcher_email']); } } } }