function auto_cloak_links($import, &$url) { $url = apply_filters('pmwi_cloak_affiliate_url', trim($url), $import->id); // cloak urls with `WP Wizard Cloak` if corresponding option is set if (!empty($import->options['is_cloak']) and class_exists('PMLC_Plugin')) { if (preg_match('%^\\w+://%i', $url)) { // mask only links having protocol // try to find matching cloaked link among already registered ones $list = new PMLC_Link_List(); $linkTable = $list->getTable(); $rule = new PMLC_Rule_Record(); $ruleTable = $rule->getTable(); $dest = new PMLC_Destination_Record(); $destTable = $dest->getTable(); $list->join($ruleTable, "{$ruleTable}.link_id = {$linkTable}.id")->join($destTable, "{$destTable}.rule_id = {$ruleTable}.id")->setColumns("{$linkTable}.*")->getBy(array("{$linkTable}.destination_type =" => 'ONE_SET', "{$linkTable}.is_trashed =" => 0, "{$linkTable}.preset =" => '', "{$linkTable}.expire_on =" => '0000-00-00', "{$ruleTable}.type =" => 'ONE_SET', "{$destTable}.weight =" => 100, "{$destTable}.url LIKE" => $url), NULL, 1, 1)->convertRecords(); if ($list->count()) { // matching link found $link = $list[0]; } else { // register new cloaked link global $wpdb; $slug = max(intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(CONVERT(name, SIGNED)) FROM {$linkTable}")), intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(CONVERT(slug, SIGNED)) FROM {$linkTable}")), 0); $i = 0; do { is_int(++$slug) and $slug > 0 or $slug = 1; $is_slug_found = !intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$linkTable} WHERE name = '{$slug}' OR slug = '{$slug}'")); } while (!$is_slug_found and $i++ < 100000); if ($is_slug_found) { $link = new PMLC_Link_Record(array('name' => strval($slug), 'slug' => strval($slug), 'header_tracking_code' => '', 'footer_tracking_code' => '', 'redirect_type' => '301', 'destination_type' => 'ONE_SET', 'preset' => '', 'forward_url_params' => 1, 'no_global_tracking_code' => 0, 'expire_on' => '0000-00-00', 'created_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'is_trashed' => 0)); $link->insert(); $rule = new PMLC_Rule_Record(array('link_id' => $link->id, 'type' => 'ONE_SET', 'rule' => '')); $rule->insert(); $dest = new PMLC_Destination_Record(array('rule_id' => $rule->id, 'url' => $url, 'weight' => 100)); $dest->insert(); } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- <b>WARNING</b>: Unable to create cloaked link for %s', 'pmxi_plugin'), $url)); $link = NULL; } } if ($link) { // cloaked link is found or created for url $url = preg_replace('%' . preg_quote($url, '%') . '(?=([\\s\'"]|$))%i', $link->getUrl(), $url); } } } }
/** * Perform import operation * @param string $xml XML string to import * @param callback[optional] $logger Method where progress messages are submmitted * @return PMXI_Import_Record * @chainable */ public function process($xml, $logger = NULL, $chunk = false, $is_cron = false, $xpath_prefix = '', $loop = 0) { add_filter('user_has_cap', array($this, '_filter_has_cap_unfiltered_html')); kses_init(); // do not perform special filtering for imported content kses_remove_filters(); $cxpath = $xpath_prefix . $this->xpath; $this->options += PMXI_Plugin::get_default_import_options(); // make sure all options are defined $avoid_pingbacks = PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getOption('pingbacks'); $cron_sleep = (int) PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getOption('cron_sleep'); if ($avoid_pingbacks and !defined('WP_IMPORTING')) { define('WP_IMPORTING', true); } $postRecord = new PMXI_Post_Record(); $tmp_files = array(); // compose records to import $records = array(); $is_import_complete = false; try { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing titles...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); if (!empty($this->options['title'])) { $titles = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['title'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { $loop and $titles = array_fill(0, $loop, ''); } $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing excerpts...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $post_excerpt = array(); if (!empty($this->options['post_excerpt'])) { $post_excerpt = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['post_excerpt'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $post_excerpt = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } if ("xpath" == $this->options['status']) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing statuses...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $post_status = array(); if (!empty($this->options['status_xpath'])) { $post_status = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['status_xpath'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $post_status = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } } if ("xpath" == $this->options['comment_status']) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing comment statuses...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $comment_status = array(); if (!empty($this->options['comment_status_xpath'])) { $comment_status = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['comment_status_xpath'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $comment_status = array_fill(0, count($titles), 'open'); } } if ("xpath" == $this->options['ping_status']) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing ping statuses...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $ping_status = array(); if (!empty($this->options['ping_status_xpath'])) { $ping_status = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['ping_status_xpath'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $ping_status = array_fill(0, count($titles), 'open'); } } if ("xpath" == $this->options['post_format']) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing post formats...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $post_format = array(); if (!empty($this->options['post_format_xpath'])) { $post_format = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['post_format_xpath'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $post_format = array_fill(0, count($titles), 'open'); } } if ("no" == $this->options['is_multiple_page_template']) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing page templates...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $page_template = array(); if (!empty($this->options['single_page_template'])) { $page_template = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['single_page_template'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $page_template = array_fill(0, count($titles), 'default'); } } if ($this->options['is_override_post_type'] and !empty($this->options['post_type_xpath'])) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing post types...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $post_type = array(); $post_type = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['post_type_xpath'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { if ('post' == $this->options['type'] and '' != $this->options['custom_type']) { $pType = $this->options['custom_type']; } else { $pType = $this->options['type']; } count($titles) and $post_type = array_fill(0, count($titles), $pType); } if ("no" == $this->options['is_multiple_page_parent']) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing page parent...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $page_parent = array(); if (!empty($this->options['single_page_parent'])) { $page_parent = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['single_page_parent'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; foreach ($page_parent as $key => $identity) { $page = 0; switch ($this->options['type']) { case 'post': if (!empty($identity)) { if (ctype_digit($identity)) { $page = get_post($identity); } else { $page = get_page_by_title($identity, OBJECT, $post_type[$key]); if (empty($page)) { $args = array('name' => $identity, 'post_type' => $post_type[$key], 'post_status' => 'any', 'numberposts' => 1); $my_posts = get_posts($args); if ($my_posts) { $page = $my_posts[0]; } } } } break; case 'page': $page = get_page_by_title($identity) or $page = get_page_by_path($identity) or ctype_digit($identity) and $page = get_post($identity); break; default: # code... break; } $page_parent[$key] = !empty($page) ? $page->ID : 0; } } else { count($titles) and $page_parent = array_fill(0, count($titles), 0); } } $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing authors...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $post_author = array(); $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); if (!empty($this->options['author'])) { $post_author = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['author'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; foreach ($post_author as $key => $author) { $user = get_user_by('login', $author) or $user = get_user_by('slug', $author) or $user = get_user_by('email', $author) or ctype_digit($author) and $user = get_user_by('id', $author); $post_author[$key] = !empty($user) ? $user->ID : $current_user->ID; } } else { count($titles) and $post_author = array_fill(0, count($titles), $current_user->ID); } $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing slugs...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $post_slug = array(); if (!empty($this->options['post_slug'])) { $post_slug = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['post_slug'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $post_slug = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing menu order...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $menu_order = array(); if (!empty($this->options['order'])) { $menu_order = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['order'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $menu_order = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing contents...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); if (!empty($this->options['content'])) { $contents = XmlImportParser::factory((!empty($this->options['is_keep_linebreaks']) and intval($this->options['is_keep_linebreaks'])) ? $xml : preg_replace('%\\r\\n?|\\n%', ' ', $xml), $cxpath, $this->options['content'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $contents = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing dates...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); if ('specific' == $this->options['date_type']) { $dates = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['date'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; $warned = array(); // used to prevent the same notice displaying several times foreach ($dates as $i => $d) { if ($d == 'now') { $d = current_time('mysql'); } // Replace 'now' with the WordPress local time to account for timezone offsets (WordPress references its local time during publishing rather than the server’s time so it should use that) $time = strtotime($d); if (FALSE === $time) { in_array($d, $warned) or $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: unrecognized date format `%s`, assigning current date', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $warned[] = $d)); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; $time = time(); } $dates[$i] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time); } } else { $dates_start = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['date_start'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; $dates_end = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['date_end'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; $warned = array(); // used to prevent the same notice displaying several times foreach ($dates_start as $i => $d) { $time_start = strtotime($dates_start[$i]); if (FALSE === $time_start) { in_array($dates_start[$i], $warned) or $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: unrecognized date format `%s`, assigning current date', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $warned[] = $dates_start[$i])); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; $time_start = time(); } $time_end = strtotime($dates_end[$i]); if (FALSE === $time_end) { in_array($dates_end[$i], $warned) or $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: unrecognized date format `%s`, assigning current date', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $warned[] = $dates_end[$i])); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; $time_end = time(); } $dates[$i] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mt_rand($time_start, $time_end)); } } // [custom taxonomies] require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/taxonomy.php'; $taxonomies = array(); $exclude_taxonomies = apply_filters('pmxi_exclude_taxonomies', class_exists('PMWI_Plugin') ? array('post_format', 'product_type', 'product_shipping_class') : array('post_format')); $post_taxonomies = array_diff_key(get_taxonomies_by_object_type(array($this->options['custom_type']), 'object'), array_flip($exclude_taxonomies)); if (!empty($post_taxonomies)) { foreach ($post_taxonomies as $ctx) { if ("" == $ctx->labels->name or class_exists('PMWI_Plugin') and strpos($ctx->name, "pa_") === 0 and $this->options['custom_type'] == "product") { continue; } $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Composing terms for `%s` taxonomy...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $ctx->labels->name)); $tx_name = $ctx->name; $mapping_rules = !empty($this->options['tax_mapping'][$tx_name]) ? json_decode($this->options['tax_mapping'][$tx_name], true) : false; $taxonomies[$tx_name] = array(); if (!empty($this->options['tax_logic'][$tx_name]) and !empty($this->options['tax_assing'][$tx_name])) { switch ($this->options['tax_logic'][$tx_name]) { case 'single': if (!empty($this->options['tax_single_xpath'][$tx_name])) { $txes = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['tax_single_xpath'][$tx_name], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; foreach ($txes as $i => $tx) { $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][] = wp_all_import_ctx_mapping(array('name' => $tx, 'parent' => false, 'assign' => isset($this->options['term_assing'][$tx_name]) ? $this->options['term_assing'][$tx_name] : true, 'is_mapping' => !empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]), 'hierarchy_level' => 1, 'max_hierarchy_level' => 1), $mapping_rules, $tx_name); } } break; case 'multiple': if (!empty($this->options['tax_multiple_xpath'][$tx_name])) { $txes = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['tax_multiple_xpath'][$tx_name], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; foreach ($txes as $i => $tx) { $_tx = $tx; // apply mapping rules before splitting via separator symbol if (!empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and !empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name])) { if (!empty($mapping_rules)) { foreach ($mapping_rules as $rule) { if (!empty($rule[trim($_tx)])) { $_tx = trim($rule[trim($_tx)]); break; } } } } $delimeted_taxonomies = explode(!empty($this->options['tax_multiple_delim'][$tx_name]) ? $this->options['tax_multiple_delim'][$tx_name] : ',', $_tx); if (!empty($delimeted_taxonomies)) { foreach ($delimeted_taxonomies as $cc) { $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][] = wp_all_import_ctx_mapping(array('name' => $cc, 'parent' => false, 'assign' => isset($this->options['multiple_term_assing'][$tx_name]) ? $this->options['multiple_term_assing'][$tx_name] : true, 'is_mapping' => !empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name]), 'hierarchy_level' => 1, 'max_hierarchy_level' => 1), $mapping_rules, $tx_name); } } } } break; case 'hierarchical': if (!empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_logic_entire'][$tx_name])) { if (!empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_xpath'][$tx_name]) and is_array($this->options['tax_hierarchical_xpath'][$tx_name])) { count($titles) and $iterator = array_fill(0, count($titles), 0); $taxonomies_hierarchy_groups = array_fill(0, count($titles), array()); // separate hierarchy groups via symbol if (!empty($this->options['is_tax_hierarchical_group_delim'][$tx_name]) and !empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_group_delim'][$tx_name])) { foreach ($this->options['tax_hierarchical_xpath'][$tx_name] as $k => $tx_xpath) { if (empty($tx_xpath)) { continue; } $txes = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $tx_xpath, $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; foreach ($txes as $i => $tx) { $_tx = $tx; // apply mapping rules before splitting via separator symbol if (!empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and !empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name])) { if (!empty($mapping_rules)) { foreach ($mapping_rules as $rule) { if (!empty($rule[trim($_tx)])) { $_tx = trim($rule[trim($_tx)]); break; } } } } $delimeted_groups = explode($this->options['tax_hierarchical_group_delim'][$tx_name], $_tx); if (!empty($delimeted_groups) and is_array($delimeted_groups)) { foreach ($delimeted_groups as $group) { if (!empty($group)) { array_push($taxonomies_hierarchy_groups[$i], $group); } } } } } } else { foreach ($this->options['tax_hierarchical_xpath'][$tx_name] as $k => $tx_xpath) { if (empty($tx_xpath)) { continue; } $txes = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $tx_xpath, $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; foreach ($txes as $i => $tx) { array_push($taxonomies_hierarchy_groups[$i], $tx); } } } foreach ($taxonomies_hierarchy_groups as $i => $groups) { if (empty($groups)) { continue; } foreach ($groups as $kk => $tx) { $_tx = $tx; // apply mapping rules before splitting via separator symbol if (!empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and !empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name])) { if (!empty($mapping_rules)) { foreach ($mapping_rules as $rule) { if (!empty($rule[trim($_tx)])) { $_tx = trim($rule[trim($_tx)]); break; } } } } $delimeted_taxonomies = explode(!empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_delim'][$tx_name]) ? $this->options['tax_hierarchical_delim'][$tx_name] : ',', $_tx); if (!empty($delimeted_taxonomies)) { foreach ($delimeted_taxonomies as $j => $cc) { $is_assign_term = isset($this->options['tax_hierarchical_assing'][$tx_name][$k]) ? $this->options['tax_hierarchical_assing'][$tx_name][$k] : true; if (!empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_last_level_assign'][$tx_name])) { $is_assign_term = count($delimeted_taxonomies) == $j + 1 ? 1 : 0; } $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][] = wp_all_import_ctx_mapping(array('name' => $cc, 'parent' => (!empty($taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][$iterator[$i] - 1]) and $j) ? $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][$iterator[$i] - 1] : false, 'assign' => $is_assign_term, 'is_mapping' => !empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name]), 'hierarchy_level' => $j + 1, 'max_hierarchy_level' => count($delimeted_taxonomies)), $mapping_rules, $tx_name); $iterator[$i]++; } } } } } } if (!empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_logic_manual'][$tx_name])) { if (!empty($this->options['post_taxonomies'][$tx_name])) { $taxonomies_hierarchy = json_decode($this->options['post_taxonomies'][$tx_name], true); foreach ($taxonomies_hierarchy as $k => $taxonomy) { if ("" == $taxonomy['xpath']) { continue; } $txes_raw = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $taxonomy['xpath'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; $warned = array(); foreach ($txes_raw as $i => $cc) { $_tx = $cc; // apply mapping rules before splitting via separator symbol if (!empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and !empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name])) { if (!empty($mapping_rules)) { foreach ($mapping_rules as $rule) { if (!empty($rule[trim($_tx)])) { $_tx = trim($rule[trim($_tx)]); break; } } } } if (!empty($this->options['tax_manualhierarchy_delim'][$tx_name])) { $delimeted_taxonomies = explode($this->options['tax_manualhierarchy_delim'][$tx_name], $_tx); } if (empty($delimeted_taxonomies)) { continue; } if (empty($taxonomies_hierarchy[$k]['txn_names'][$i])) { $taxonomies_hierarchy[$k]['txn_names'][$i] = array(); } if (empty($taxonomies[$tx_name][$i])) { $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i] = array(); } $count_cats = count($taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]); foreach ($delimeted_taxonomies as $j => $dc) { if (!empty($taxonomy['parent_id'])) { foreach ($taxonomies_hierarchy as $key => $value) { if ($value['item_id'] == $taxonomy['parent_id'] and !empty($value['txn_names'][$i])) { foreach ($value['txn_names'][$i] as $parent) { $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][] = wp_all_import_ctx_mapping(array('name' => trim($dc), 'parent' => $parent, 'assign' => isset($taxonomy['assign']) ? $taxonomy['assign'] : true, 'is_mapping' => !empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name]), 'hierarchy_level' => 1, 'max_hierarchy_level' => 1), $mapping_rules, $tx_name); } } } } else { $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][] = wp_all_import_ctx_mapping(array('name' => trim($dc), 'parent' => false, 'assign' => isset($taxonomy['assign']) ? $taxonomy['assign'] : true, 'is_mapping' => !empty($this->options['tax_enable_mapping'][$tx_name]) and empty($this->options['tax_logic_mapping'][$tx_name]), 'hierarchy_level' => 1, 'max_hierarchy_level' => 1), $mapping_rules, $tx_name); } if ($count_cats < count($taxonomies[$tx_name][$i])) { $taxonomies_hierarchy[$k]['txn_names'][$i][] = $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][count($taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]) - 1]; } } } } } } break; default: break; } } } } // [/custom taxonomies] // Composing featured images $image_sections = apply_filters('wp_all_import_image_sections', array(array('slug' => '', 'title' => __('Images', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), 'type' => 'images'))); if (!(($uploads = wp_upload_dir()) && false === $uploads['error'])) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin') . ': ' . $uploads['error']); $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>: No featured images will be created. Uploads folder is not found.', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; } else { $images_bundle = array(); foreach ($image_sections as $section) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing URLs for ' . strtolower($section['title']) . '...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $featured_images = array(); if ("no" == $this->options[$section['slug'] . 'download_images']) { if ($this->options[$section['slug'] . 'featured_image']) { $featured_images = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options[$section['slug'] . 'featured_image'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $featured_images = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } } else { if ($this->options[$section['slug'] . 'download_featured_image']) { $featured_images = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options[$section['slug'] . 'download_featured_image'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $featured_images = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } } $images_bundle[empty($section['slug']) ? 'pmxi_gallery_image' : $section['slug']] = array('type' => $section['type'], 'files' => $featured_images); // Composing images meta titles $image_meta_titles_bundle = array(); if ($this->options[$section['slug'] . 'set_image_meta_title']) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing ' . strtolower($section['title']) . ' meta data (titles)...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $image_meta_titles = array(); if ($this->options[$section['slug'] . 'image_meta_title']) { $image_meta_titles = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options[$section['slug'] . 'image_meta_title'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $image_meta_titles = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } $image_meta_titles_bundle[empty($section['slug']) ? 'pmxi_gallery_image' : $section['slug']] = $image_meta_titles; } // Composing images meta captions $image_meta_captions_bundle = array(); if ($this->options[$section['slug'] . 'set_image_meta_caption']) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing ' . strtolower($section['title']) . ' meta data (captions)...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $image_meta_captions = array(); if ($this->options[$section['slug'] . 'image_meta_caption']) { $image_meta_captions = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options[$section['slug'] . 'image_meta_caption'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $image_meta_captions = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } $image_meta_captions_bundle[empty($section['slug']) ? 'pmxi_gallery_image' : $section['slug']] = $image_meta_captions; } // Composing images meta alt text $image_meta_alts_bundle = array(); if ($this->options[$section['slug'] . 'set_image_meta_alt']) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing ' . strtolower($section['title']) . ' meta data (alt text)...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $image_meta_alts = array(); if ($this->options[$section['slug'] . 'image_meta_alt']) { $image_meta_alts = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options[$section['slug'] . 'image_meta_alt'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $image_meta_alts = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } $image_meta_alts_bundle[empty($section['slug']) ? 'pmxi_gallery_image' : $section['slug']] = $image_meta_alts; } // Composing images meta description $image_meta_descriptions_bundle = array(); if ($this->options[$section['slug'] . 'set_image_meta_description']) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing ' . strtolower($section['title']) . ' meta data (description)...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $image_meta_descriptions = array(); if ($this->options[$section['slug'] . 'image_meta_description']) { $image_meta_descriptions = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options[$section['slug'] . 'image_meta_description'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $image_meta_descriptions = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } $image_meta_descriptions_bundle[empty($section['slug']) ? 'pmxi_gallery_image' : $section['slug']] = $image_meta_descriptions; } $auto_rename_images_bundle = array(); $auto_extensions_bundle = array(); if ("yes" == $this->options[$section['slug'] . 'download_images']) { // Composing images suffix $chunk == 1 and $this->options[$section['slug'] . 'auto_rename_images'] and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing ' . strtolower($section['title']) . ' suffix...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $auto_rename_images = array(); if ($this->options[$section['slug'] . 'auto_rename_images'] and !empty($this->options[$section['slug'] . 'auto_rename_images_suffix'])) { $auto_rename_images = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options[$section['slug'] . 'auto_rename_images_suffix'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $auto_rename_images = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } $auto_rename_images_bundle[empty($section['slug']) ? 'pmxi_gallery_image' : $section['slug']] = $auto_rename_images; // Composing images extensions $chunk == 1 and $this->options[$section['slug'] . 'auto_set_extension'] and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing ' . strtolower($section['title']) . ' extensions...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $auto_extensions = array(); if ($this->options[$section['slug'] . 'auto_set_extension'] and !empty($this->options[$section['slug'] . 'new_extension'])) { $auto_extensions = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options[$section['slug'] . 'new_extension'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $auto_extensions = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } $auto_extensions_bundle[empty($section['slug']) ? 'pmxi_gallery_image' : $section['slug']] = $auto_extensions; } } } // Composing attachments if (!(($uploads = wp_upload_dir()) && false === $uploads['error'])) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin') . ': ' . $uploads['error']); $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>: No attachments will be created', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; } else { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing URLs for attachments files...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $attachments = array(); if ($this->options['attachments']) { // Detect if attachments is separated by comma $atchs = explode(',', $this->options['attachments']); if (!empty($atchs)) { $parse_multiple = true; foreach ($atchs as $atch) { if (!preg_match("/{.*}/", trim($atch))) { $parse_multiple = false; } } if ($parse_multiple) { foreach ($atchs as $atch) { $posts_attachments = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, trim($atch), $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; foreach ($posts_attachments as $i => $val) { $attachments[$i][] = $val; } } } else { $attachments = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['attachments'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } } } else { count($titles) and $attachments = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } } $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing unique keys...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); if (!empty($this->options['unique_key'])) { $unique_keys = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['unique_key'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $unique_keys = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Processing posts...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $addons = array(); $addons_data = array(); // data parsing for WP All Import add-ons $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Data parsing via add-ons...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $parsingData = array('import' => $this, 'count' => count($titles), 'xml' => $xml, 'logger' => $logger, 'chunk' => $chunk, 'xpath_prefix' => $xpath_prefix); $parse_functions = apply_filters('wp_all_import_addon_parse', array()); foreach (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_active_addons() as $class) { $model_class = str_replace("_Plugin", "_Import_Record", $class); if (class_exists($model_class)) { $addons[$class] = new $model_class(); $addons_data[$class] = method_exists($addons[$class], 'parse') ? $addons[$class]->parse($parsingData) : false; } else { if (!empty($parse_functions[$class])) { if (is_array($parse_functions[$class]) and is_callable($parse_functions[$class]) or !is_array($parse_functions[$class]) and function_exists($parse_functions[$class])) { $addons_data[$class] = call_user_func($parse_functions[$class], $parsingData); } } } } // save current import state to variables before import $created = $this->created; $updated = $this->updated; $skipped = $this->skipped; $specified_records = array(); if ($this->options['is_import_specified']) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Calculate specified records to import...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); foreach (preg_split('% *, *%', $this->options['import_specified'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $chank) { if (preg_match('%^(\\d+)-(\\d+)$%', $chank, $mtch)) { $specified_records = array_merge($specified_records, range(intval($mtch[1]), intval($mtch[2]))); } else { $specified_records = array_merge($specified_records, array(intval($chank))); } } } $simpleXml = simplexml_load_string($xml, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); $rootNodes = $simpleXml->xpath($cxpath); foreach ($titles as $i => $void) { $custom_type_details = get_post_type_object($post_type[$i]); if ($is_cron and $cron_sleep) { sleep($cron_sleep); } $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('---', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Record #%s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->imported + $this->skipped + $i + 1)); wp_cache_flush(); $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ACTION</b>: pmxi_before_post_import ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); do_action('pmxi_before_post_import', $this->id); if (empty($titles[$i])) { if (!empty($addons_data['PMWI_Plugin']) and !empty($addons_data['PMWI_Plugin']['single_product_parent_ID'][$i])) { $titles[$i] = $addons_data['PMWI_Plugin']['single_product_parent_ID'][$i] . ' Product Variation'; } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>: title is empty.', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; } } if ($this->options['custom_type'] == 'import_users') { $articleData = array('user_pass' => $addons_data['PMUI_Plugin']['pmui_pass'][$i], 'user_login' => $addons_data['PMUI_Plugin']['pmui_logins'][$i], 'user_nicename' => $addons_data['PMUI_Plugin']['pmui_nicename'][$i], 'user_url' => $addons_data['PMUI_Plugin']['pmui_url'][$i], 'user_email' => $addons_data['PMUI_Plugin']['pmui_email'][$i], 'display_name' => $addons_data['PMUI_Plugin']['pmui_display_name'][$i], 'user_registered' => $addons_data['PMUI_Plugin']['pmui_registered'][$i], 'first_name' => $addons_data['PMUI_Plugin']['pmui_first_name'][$i], 'last_name' => $addons_data['PMUI_Plugin']['pmui_last_name'][$i], 'description' => $addons_data['PMUI_Plugin']['pmui_description'][$i], 'nickname' => $addons_data['PMUI_Plugin']['pmui_nickname'][$i], 'role' => '' == $addons_data['PMUI_Plugin']['pmui_role'][$i] ? 'subscriber' : strtolower($addons_data['PMUI_Plugin']['pmui_role'][$i])); $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Combine all data for user %s...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['user_login'])); } else { $articleData = array('post_type' => $post_type[$i], 'post_status' => "xpath" == $this->options['status'] ? $post_status[$i] : $this->options['status'], 'comment_status' => "xpath" == $this->options['comment_status'] ? $comment_status[$i] : $this->options['comment_status'], 'ping_status' => "xpath" == $this->options['ping_status'] ? $ping_status[$i] : $this->options['ping_status'], 'post_title' => !empty($this->options['is_leave_html']) ? html_entity_decode($titles[$i]) : $titles[$i], 'post_excerpt' => apply_filters('pmxi_the_excerpt', !empty($this->options['is_leave_html']) ? html_entity_decode($post_excerpt[$i]) : $post_excerpt[$i], $this->id), 'post_name' => $post_slug[$i], 'post_content' => apply_filters('pmxi_the_content', !empty($this->options['is_leave_html']) ? html_entity_decode($contents[$i]) : $contents[$i], $this->id), 'post_date' => $dates[$i], 'post_date_gmt' => get_gmt_from_date($dates[$i]), 'post_author' => $post_author[$i], 'menu_order' => (int) $menu_order[$i], 'post_parent' => "no" == $this->options['is_multiple_page_parent'] ? (int) $page_parent[$i] : (int) $this->options['parent']); $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Combine all data for post `%s`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } // Re-import Records Matching $post_to_update = false; $post_to_update_id = false; // if Auto Matching re-import option selected if ("manual" != $this->options['duplicate_matching']) { // find corresponding article among previously imported $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `%s`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); $postRecord->clear(); $postRecord->getBy(array('unique_key' => $unique_keys[$i], 'import_id' => $this->id)); if (!$postRecord->isEmpty()) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Duplicate post was founded for post %s with unique key `%s`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'], $unique_keys[$i])); if ($this->options['custom_type'] == 'import_users') { $post_to_update = get_user_by('id', $post_to_update_id = $postRecord->post_id); } else { $post_to_update = get_post($post_to_update_id = $postRecord->post_id); } } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Duplicate post wasn\'t founded with unique key `%s`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $unique_keys[$i])); } // if Manual Matching re-import option seleted } else { if ('custom field' == $this->options['duplicate_indicator']) { $custom_duplicate_value = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['custom_duplicate_value'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; $custom_duplicate_name = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['custom_duplicate_name'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $custom_duplicate_name = $custom_duplicate_value = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Find corresponding article among database for post `%s`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); // handle duplicates according to import settings if ($duplicates = pmxi_findDuplicates($articleData, $custom_duplicate_name[$i], $custom_duplicate_value[$i], $this->options['duplicate_indicator'])) { $duplicate_id = array_shift($duplicates); if ($duplicate_id) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Duplicate post was founded for post `%s`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); if ($this->options['custom_type'] == 'import_users') { $post_to_update = get_user_by('id', $post_to_update_id = $duplicate_id); } else { $post_to_update = get_post($post_to_update_id = $duplicate_id); } } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Duplicate post wasn\'n founded for post `%s`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } } } if (!empty($specified_records)) { if (!in_array($created + $updated + $skipped + 1, $specified_records)) { if (!$postRecord->isEmpty()) { $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); } $skipped++; $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>SKIPPED</b>: by specified records option', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); continue; } } // Duplicate record is founded if ($post_to_update) { $continue_import = true; $continue_import = apply_filters('wp_all_import_is_post_to_update', $post_to_update_id, wp_all_import_xml2array($rootNodes[$i])); if (!$continue_import) { if (!$postRecord->isEmpty()) { $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); } $skipped++; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>SKIPPED</b>: By filter wp_all_import_is_post_to_update `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); continue; } //$logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Duplicate record is founded for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); // Do not update already existing records option selected if ("yes" == $this->options['is_keep_former_posts']) { if (!$postRecord->isEmpty()) { $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); } do_action('pmxi_do_not_update_existing', $post_to_update_id, $this->id, $this->iteration); $skipped++; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>SKIPPED</b>: Previously imported record found for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); continue; } $articleData['ID'] = $post_to_update_id; // Choose which data to update if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == 'no') { if (!in_array($this->options['custom_type'], array('import_users'))) { // preserve date of already existing article when duplicate is found if (!$this->options['is_update_categories'] and (is_object_in_taxonomy($post_type[$i], 'category') or is_object_in_taxonomy($post_type[$i], 'post_tag')) or $this->options['is_update_categories'] and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] != "full_update") { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Preserve taxonomies of already existing article for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); $existing_taxonomies = array(); foreach (array_keys($taxonomies) as $tx_name) { $txes_list = get_the_terms($articleData['ID'], $tx_name); if (is_wp_error($txes_list)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: Unable to get current taxonomies for article #%d, updating with those read from XML file', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['ID'])); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; } else { $txes_new = array(); if (!empty($txes_list)) { foreach ($txes_list as $t) { $txes_new[] = $t->term_taxonomy_id; } } $existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i] = $txes_new; } } } if (!$this->options['is_update_dates']) { // preserve date of already existing article when duplicate is found $articleData['post_date'] = $post_to_update->post_date; $articleData['post_date_gmt'] = $post_to_update->post_date_gmt; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Preserve date of already existing article for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } if (!$this->options['is_update_status']) { // preserve status and trashed flag $articleData['post_status'] = $post_to_update->post_status; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Preserve status of already existing article for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } if (!$this->options['is_update_content']) { $articleData['post_content'] = $post_to_update->post_content; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Preserve content of already existing article for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } if (!$this->options['is_update_title']) { $articleData['post_title'] = $post_to_update->post_title; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Preserve title of already existing article for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } if (!$this->options['is_update_slug']) { $articleData['post_name'] = $post_to_update->post_name; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Preserve slug of already existing article for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } if (!$this->options['is_update_excerpt']) { $articleData['post_excerpt'] = $post_to_update->post_excerpt; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Preserve excerpt of already existing article for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } if (!$this->options['is_update_menu_order']) { $articleData['menu_order'] = $post_to_update->menu_order; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Preserve menu order of already existing article for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } if (!$this->options['is_update_parent']) { $articleData['post_parent'] = $post_to_update->post_parent; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Preserve post parent of already existing article for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } if (!$this->options['is_update_author']) { $articleData['post_author'] = $post_to_update->post_author; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Preserve post author of already existing article for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } } else { if (!$this->options['is_update_first_name']) { $articleData['first_name'] = $post_to_update->first_name; } if (!$this->options['is_update_last_name']) { $articleData['last_name'] = $post_to_update->last_name; } if (!$this->options['is_update_role']) { unset($articleData['role']); } if (!$this->options['is_update_nickname']) { $articleData['nickname'] = get_user_meta($post_to_update->ID, 'nickname', true); } if (!$this->options['is_update_description']) { $articleData['description'] = get_user_meta($post_to_update->ID, 'description', true); } if (!$this->options['is_update_login']) { $articleData['user_login'] = $post_to_update->user_login; } if (!$this->options['is_update_password']) { unset($articleData['user_pass']); } if (!$this->options['is_update_nicename']) { $articleData['user_nicename'] = $post_to_update->user_nicename; } if (!$this->options['is_update_email']) { $articleData['user_email'] = $post_to_update->user_email; } if (!$this->options['is_update_registered']) { $articleData['user_registered'] = $post_to_update->user_registered; } if (!$this->options['is_update_display_name']) { $articleData['display_name'] = $post_to_update->display_name; } if (!$this->options['is_update_url']) { $articleData['user_url'] = $post_to_update->user_url; } } $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); $articleData = apply_filters('pmxi_article_data', $articleData, $this, $post_to_update); } if (!in_array($this->options['custom_type'], array('import_users'))) { if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == 'yes' or $this->options['update_all_data'] == 'no' and $this->options['is_update_attachments']) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Deleting attachments for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); wp_delete_attachments($articleData['ID'], true, 'files'); } // handle obsolete attachments (i.e. delete or keep) according to import settings if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == 'yes' or $this->options['update_all_data'] == 'no' and $this->options['is_update_images'] and $this->options['update_images_logic'] == "full_update") { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Deleting images for `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); wp_delete_attachments($articleData['ID'], !$this->options['do_not_remove_images'], 'images'); } } } elseif (!$postRecord->isEmpty()) { // existing post not found though it's track was found... clear the leftover, plugin will continue to treat record as new $postRecord->clear(); } // no new records are created. it will only update posts it finds matching duplicates for if (!$this->options['create_new_records'] and empty($articleData['ID'])) { if (!$postRecord->isEmpty()) { $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); } $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>SKIPPED</b>: by do not create new posts option.', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; $skipped++; $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); continue; } // cloak urls with `WP Wizard Cloak` if corresponding option is set if (!empty($this->options['is_cloak']) and class_exists('PMLC_Plugin')) { if (preg_match_all('%<a\\s[^>]*href=(?(?=")"([^"]*)"|(?(?=\')\'([^\']*)\'|([^\\s>]*)))%is', $articleData['post_content'], $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) { $hrefs = array_unique(array_merge(array_filter($matches[1]), array_filter($matches[2]), array_filter($matches[3]))); foreach ($hrefs as $url) { if (preg_match('%^\\w+://%i', $url)) { // mask only links having protocol // try to find matching cloaked link among already registered ones $list = new PMLC_Link_List(); $linkTable = $list->getTable(); $rule = new PMLC_Rule_Record(); $ruleTable = $rule->getTable(); $dest = new PMLC_Destination_Record(); $destTable = $dest->getTable(); $list->join($ruleTable, "{$ruleTable}.link_id = {$linkTable}.id")->join($destTable, "{$destTable}.rule_id = {$ruleTable}.id")->setColumns("{$linkTable}.*")->getBy(array("{$linkTable}.destination_type =" => 'ONE_SET', "{$linkTable}.is_trashed =" => 0, "{$linkTable}.preset =" => '', "{$linkTable}.expire_on =" => '0000-00-00', "{$ruleTable}.type =" => 'ONE_SET', "{$destTable}.weight =" => 100, "{$destTable}.url LIKE" => $url), NULL, 1, 1)->convertRecords(); if ($list->count()) { // matching link found $link = $list[0]; } else { // register new cloaked link global $wpdb; $slug = max(intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(CONVERT(name, SIGNED)) FROM {$linkTable}")), intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(CONVERT(slug, SIGNED)) FROM {$linkTable}")), 0); $i = 0; do { is_int(++$slug) and $slug > 0 or $slug = 1; $is_slug_found = !intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$linkTable} WHERE name = '{$slug}' OR slug = '{$slug}'")); } while (!$is_slug_found and $i++ < 100000); if ($is_slug_found) { $link = new PMLC_Link_Record(array('name' => strval($slug), 'slug' => strval($slug), 'header_tracking_code' => '', 'footer_tracking_code' => '', 'redirect_type' => '301', 'destination_type' => 'ONE_SET', 'preset' => '', 'forward_url_params' => 1, 'no_global_tracking_code' => 0, 'expire_on' => '0000-00-00', 'created_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'is_trashed' => 0)); $link->insert(); $rule = new PMLC_Rule_Record(array('link_id' => $link->id, 'type' => 'ONE_SET', 'rule' => '')); $rule->insert(); $dest = new PMLC_Destination_Record(array('rule_id' => $rule->id, 'url' => $url, 'weight' => 100)); $dest->insert(); } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: Unable to create cloaked link for %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $url)); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; $link = NULL; } } if ($link) { // cloaked link is found or created for url $articleData['post_content'] = preg_replace('%' . preg_quote($url, '%') . '(?=([\\s\'"]|$))%i', $link->getUrl(), $articleData['post_content']); } } } } } // insert article being imported if ($this->options['is_fast_mode']) { foreach (array('transition_post_status', 'save_post', 'pre_post_update', 'add_attachment', 'edit_attachment', 'edit_post', 'post_updated', 'wp_insert_post', 'save_post_' . $post_type[$i]) as $act) { remove_all_actions($act); } } if (!in_array($this->options['custom_type'], array('import_users'))) { if (empty($articleData['ID'])) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>CREATING</b> `%s` `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'], $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name)); } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>UPDATING</b> `%s` `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'], $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name)); } $pid = wp_insert_post($articleData, true); } else { $pid = empty($articleData['ID']) ? wp_insert_user($articleData) : wp_update_user($articleData); $articleData['post_title'] = $articleData['user_login']; } if (is_wp_error($pid)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ERROR</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin') . ': ' . $pid->get_error_message()); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->errors++; $skipped++; } else { if ("manual" != $this->options['duplicate_matching'] or empty($articleData['ID'])) { // associate post with import $postRecord->isEmpty() and $postRecord->set(array('post_id' => $pid, 'import_id' => $this->id, 'unique_key' => $unique_keys[$i], 'product_key' => ($post_type[$i] == "product" and PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_addon('PMWI_Plugin')) ? $addons_data['PMWI_Plugin']['single_product_ID'][$i] : ''))->insert(); $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Associate post `%s` with current import ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } // [post format] if (current_theme_supports('post-formats') && post_type_supports($post_type[$i], 'post-formats')) { set_post_format($pid, "xpath" == $this->options['post_format'] ? $post_format[$i] : $this->options['post_format']); $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Associate post `%s` with post format %s ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'], "xpath" == $this->options['post_format'] ? $post_format[$i] : $this->options['post_format'])); } // [/post format] // [addons import] // prepare data for import $importData = array('pid' => $pid, 'i' => $i, 'import' => $this, 'articleData' => $articleData, 'xml' => $xml, 'is_cron' => $is_cron, 'logger' => $logger, 'xpath_prefix' => $xpath_prefix, 'post_type' => $post_type[$i]); $import_functions = apply_filters('wp_all_import_addon_import', array()); // deligate operation to addons foreach (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_active_addons() as $class) { if (class_exists($class)) { if (method_exists($addons[$class], 'import')) { $addons[$class]->import($importData); } } else { if (!empty($import_functions[$class])) { if (is_array($import_functions[$class]) and is_callable($import_functions[$class]) or !is_array($import_functions[$class]) and function_exists($import_functions[$class])) { call_user_func($import_functions[$class], $importData, $addons_data[$class]); } } } } // [/addons import] // Page Template if ('page' == $articleData['post_type'] and wp_all_import_is_update_cf('_wp_page_template', $this->options) and (!empty($this->options['page_template']) or "no" == $this->options['is_multiple_page_template'])) { update_post_meta($pid, '_wp_page_template', "no" == $this->options['is_multiple_page_template'] ? $page_template[$i] : $this->options['page_template']); } // [featured image] $is_allow_import_images = apply_filters('wp_all_import_is_allow_import_images', false, $articleData['post_type']); if (!empty($uploads) and false === $uploads['error'] and ($articleData['post_type'] == "product" and class_exists('PMWI_Plugin') or $is_allow_import_images) and (empty($articleData['ID']) or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "yes" or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['is_update_images'])) { if (!empty($images_bundle)) { $is_show_add_new_images = apply_filters('wp_all_import_is_show_add_new_images', true, $post_type[$i]); foreach ($images_bundle as $slug => $bundle_data) { $featured_images = $bundle_data['files']; $option_slug = $slug == 'pmxi_gallery_image' ? '' : $slug; if (!empty($featured_images[$i])) { $targetDir = $uploads['path']; $targetUrl = $uploads['url']; $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>IMAGES:</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); if (!@is_writable($targetDir)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>ERROR</b>: Target directory %s is not writable', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $targetDir)); } else { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'; $success_images = false; $gallery_attachment_ids = array(); $imgs = array(); $featured_delim = "yes" == $this->options[$option_slug . 'download_images'] ? $this->options[$option_slug . 'download_featured_delim'] : $this->options[$option_slug . 'featured_delim']; $line_imgs = explode("\n", $featured_images[$i]); if (!empty($line_imgs)) { foreach ($line_imgs as $line_img) { $imgs = array_merge($imgs, !empty($featured_delim) ? str_getcsv($line_img, $featured_delim) : array($line_img)); } } // keep existing and add newest images if (!empty($articleData['ID']) and $this->options['is_update_images'] and $this->options['update_images_logic'] == "add_new" and $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $is_show_add_new_images) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('- Keep existing and add newest images ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $attachment_imgs = get_attached_media('image', $pid); if ($post_type[$i] == "product") { $gallery_attachment_ids = array_filter(explode(",", get_post_meta($pid, '_product_image_gallery', true))); } if ($attachment_imgs) { foreach ($attachment_imgs as $attachment_img) { $post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($pid); if (empty($post_thumbnail_id) and $this->options[$option_slug . 'is_featured']) { set_post_thumbnail($pid, $attachment_img->ID); } elseif (!in_array($attachment_img->ID, $gallery_attachment_ids) and $post_thumbnail_id != $attachment_img->ID) { $gallery_attachment_ids[] = $attachment_img->ID; } } $success_images = true; } if (!empty($gallery_attachment_ids)) { foreach ($gallery_attachment_ids as $aid) { do_action($slug, $pid, $aid, wp_get_attachment_url($aid), 'update_images'); } } } if (!empty($imgs)) { if ($this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_title'] and !empty($image_meta_titles_bundle[$slug])) { $img_titles = array(); $line_img_titles = explode("\n", $image_meta_titles_bundle[$slug][$i]); if (!empty($line_img_titles)) { foreach ($line_img_titles as $line_img_title) { $img_titles = array_merge($img_titles, !empty($this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_title_delim']) ? str_getcsv($line_img_title, $this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_title_delim']) : array($line_img_title)); } } } if ($this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_caption'] and !empty($image_meta_captions_bundle[$slug])) { $img_captions = array(); $line_img_captions = explode("\n", $image_meta_captions_bundle[$slug][$i]); if (!empty($line_img_captions)) { foreach ($line_img_captions as $line_img_caption) { $img_captions = array_merge($img_captions, !empty($this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_caption_delim']) ? str_getcsv($line_img_caption, $this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_caption_delim']) : array($line_img_caption)); } } } if ($this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_alt'] and !empty($image_meta_alts_bundle[$slug])) { $img_alts = array(); $line_img_alts = explode("\n", $image_meta_alts_bundle[$slug][$i]); if (!empty($line_img_alts)) { foreach ($line_img_alts as $line_img_alt) { $img_alts = array_merge($img_alts, !empty($this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_alt_delim']) ? str_getcsv($line_img_alt, $this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_alt_delim']) : array($line_img_alt)); } } } if ($this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_description'] and !empty($image_meta_descriptions_bundle[$slug])) { $img_descriptions = array(); $line_img_descriptions = explode("\n", $image_meta_descriptions_bundle[$slug][$i]); if (!empty($line_img_descriptions)) { foreach ($line_img_descriptions as $line_img_description) { $img_descriptions = array_merge($img_descriptions, !empty($this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_description_delim']) ? str_getcsv($line_img_description, $this->options[$option_slug . 'image_meta_description_delim']) : array($line_img_description)); } } } $is_keep_existing_images = (!empty($articleData['ID']) and $this->options['is_update_images'] and $this->options['update_images_logic'] == "add_new" and $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $is_show_add_new_images); foreach ($imgs as $k => $img_url) { if (empty($img_url)) { continue; } $attid = false; $attch = null; $url = str_replace(" ", "%20", trim($img_url)); $bn = basename($url); if ("yes" == $this->options[$option_slug . 'download_images'] and !empty($auto_extensions_bundle[$slug][$i]) and preg_match('%^(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$%i', $auto_extensions_bundle[$slug][$i])) { $img_ext = $auto_extensions_bundle[$slug][$i]; } else { $img_ext = pmxi_getExtensionFromStr($url); $default_extension = pmxi_getExtension($bn); if ($img_ext == "") { $img_ext = pmxi_get_remote_image_ext($url); } } $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Importing image `%s` for `%s` ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $img_url, $articleData['post_title'])); // generate local file name $image_name = urldecode(($this->options[$option_slug . 'auto_rename_images'] and !empty($auto_rename_images_bundle[$slug][$i])) ? sanitize_file_name($img_ext ? str_replace("." . $default_extension, "", $auto_rename_images_bundle[$slug][$i]) : $auto_rename_images_bundle[$slug][$i]) : sanitize_file_name($img_ext ? str_replace("." . $default_extension, "", $bn) : $bn)) . ("" != $img_ext ? '.' . $img_ext : ''); // if wizard store image data to custom field $create_image = false; $download_image = true; $wp_filetype = false; if ($bundle_data['type'] == 'images' and base64_decode($url, true) !== false) { $img = @imagecreatefromstring(base64_decode($url)); if ($img) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('- Founded base64_encoded image', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $image_filename = md5(time()) . '.jpg'; $image_filepath = $targetDir . '/' . $image_filename; imagejpeg($img, $image_filepath); if (!($image_info = @getimagesize($image_filepath)) or !in_array($image_info[2], array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- <b>WARNING</b>: File %s is not a valid image and cannot be set as featured one', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $image_filepath)); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; } else { $create_image = true; } } } else { $image_filename = wp_unique_filename($targetDir, $image_name); $image_filepath = $targetDir . '/' . $image_filename; // keep existing and add newest images if ($is_keep_existing_images) { $attch = $this->wpdb->get_row($this->wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $this->wpdb->posts . " WHERE (post_title = %s OR post_title = %s OR post_name = %s) AND post_type = %s AND post_parent = %d;", $image_name, preg_replace('/\\.[^.\\s]{3,4}$/', '', $image_name), sanitize_title($image_name), "attachment", $pid)); if ($attch != null) { $post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($pid); if ($post_thumbnail_id == $attch->ID or in_array($attch->ID, $gallery_attachment_ids)) { continue; } } elseif (file_exists($targetDir . '/' . $image_name)) { if ($bundle_data['type'] == 'images' and $img_meta = wp_read_image_metadata($targetDir . '/' . $image_name)) { if (trim($img_meta['title']) && !is_numeric(sanitize_title($img_meta['title']))) { $img_title = $img_meta['title']; $attch = $this->wpdb->get_row($this->wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $this->wpdb->posts . " WHERE post_title = %s AND post_type = %s AND post_parent = %d;", $img_title, "attachment", $pid)); if ($attch != null) { $post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($pid); if ($post_thumbnail_id == $attch->ID or in_array($attch->ID, $gallery_attachment_ids)) { continue; } } } } } } // search existing attachment if ($this->options[$option_slug . 'search_existing_images']) { $image_filename = $image_name; $attch = $this->wpdb->get_row($this->wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $this->wpdb->posts . " WHERE (post_title = %s OR post_title = %s OR post_name = %s) AND post_type = %s;", $image_name, preg_replace('/\\.[^.\\s]{3,4}$/', '', $image_name), sanitize_title($image_name), "attachment")); if ($attch != null) { $download_image = false; $attid = $attch->ID; } elseif (@file_exists($targetDir . '/' . $image_name)) { if ($bundle_data['type'] == 'images' and $img_meta = wp_read_image_metadata($targetDir . '/' . $image_name)) { if (trim($img_meta['title']) && !is_numeric(sanitize_title($img_meta['title']))) { $img_title = $img_meta['title']; $attch = $this->wpdb->get_row($this->wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $this->wpdb->posts . " WHERE post_title = %s AND post_type = %s AND post_parent = %d;", $img_title, "attachment", $pid)); if ($attch != null) { $download_image = false; $attid = $attch->ID; } } } } } if ($download_image) { // do not download images if ("yes" != $this->options[$option_slug . 'download_images']) { $image_filename = $image_name; $image_filepath = $targetDir . '/' . $image_filename; $wpai_uploads = $uploads['basedir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . PMXI_Plugin::FILES_DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $wpai_image_path = $wpai_uploads . str_replace('%20', ' ', $url); $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Searching for existing image `%s` in `%s` folder', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $wpai_image_path, $wpai_uploads)); if (@file_exists($wpai_image_path) and @copy($wpai_image_path, $image_filepath)) { $download_image = false; // valdate import attachments if ($bundle_data['type'] == 'files') { if (!($wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype(basename($image_filepath), null))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- <b>WARNING</b>: Can\'t detect attachment file type %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), trim($image_filepath))); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; @unlink($image_filepath); } else { $create_image = true; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- File `%s` has been successfully founded', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $wpai_image_path)); } } elseif ($bundle_data['type'] == 'images') { if (!($image_info = @getimagesize($image_filepath)) or !in_array($image_info[2], array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- <b>WARNING</b>: File %s is not a valid image and cannot be set as featured one', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $image_filepath)); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; @unlink($image_filepath); } else { $create_image = true; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Image `%s` has been successfully founded', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $wpai_image_path)); } } } } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Downloading image from `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $url)); $request = get_file_curl($url, $image_filepath); if ((is_wp_error($request) or $request === false) and !@file_put_contents($image_filepath, @file_get_contents($url))) { @unlink($image_filepath); // delete file since failed upload may result in empty file created } else { if ($bundle_data['type'] == 'images') { if ($image_info = @getimagesize($image_filepath) and in_array($image_info[2], array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG))) { $create_image = true; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Image `%s` has been successfully downloaded', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $url)); } } elseif ($bundle_data['type'] == 'files') { if ($wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype(basename($image_filepath), null)) { $create_image = true; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- File `%s` has been successfully downloaded', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $url)); } } } if (!$create_image) { $url = str_replace(" ", "%20", trim(pmxi_convert_encoding($img_url))); $request = get_file_curl($url, $image_filepath); if ((is_wp_error($request) or $request === false) and !@file_put_contents($image_filepath, @file_get_contents($url))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- <b>WARNING</b>: File %s cannot be saved locally as %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $url, $image_filepath)); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; @unlink($image_filepath); // delete file since failed upload may result in empty file created } else { if ($bundle_data['type'] == 'images') { if (!($image_info = @getimagesize($image_filepath)) or !in_array($image_info[2], array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- <b>WARNING</b>: File %s is not a valid image and cannot be set as featured one', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $url)); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; @unlink($image_filepath); } else { $create_image = true; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Image `%s` has been successfully downloaded', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $url)); } } elseif ($bundle_data['type'] == 'files') { if (!($wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype(basename($image_filepath), null))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- <b>WARNING</b>: Can\'t detect attachment file type %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), trim($url))); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; @unlink($image_filepath); } else { $create_image = true; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- File `%s` has been successfully founded', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $url)); } } } } } } } if ($create_image) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Creating an attachment for image `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $targetUrl . '/' . $image_filename)); $attachment = array('post_mime_type' => $bundle_data['type'] == 'images' ? image_type_to_mime_type($image_info[2]) : $wp_filetype['type'], 'guid' => $targetUrl . '/' . $image_filename, 'post_title' => $image_name, 'post_content' => '', 'post_author' => $post_author[$i]); if ($bundle_data['type'] == 'images' and $image_meta = wp_read_image_metadata($image_filepath)) { if (trim($image_meta['title']) && !is_numeric(sanitize_title($image_meta['title']))) { $attachment['post_title'] = $image_meta['title']; } if (trim($image_meta['caption'])) { $attachment['post_content'] = $image_meta['caption']; } } $attid = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $image_filepath, $pid); if (is_wp_error($attid)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('- <b>WARNING</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin') . ': ' . $attid->get_error_message()); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; } else { // you must first include the image.php file // for the function wp_generate_attachment_metadata() to work require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'; wp_update_attachment_metadata($attid, wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attid, $image_filepath)); $update_attachment_meta = array(); if ($this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_title'] and !empty($img_titles[$k])) { $update_attachment_meta['post_title'] = $img_titles[$k]; } if ($this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_caption'] and !empty($img_captions[$k])) { $update_attachment_meta['post_excerpt'] = $img_captions[$k]; } if ($this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_description'] and !empty($img_descriptions[$k])) { $update_attachment_meta['post_content'] = $img_descriptions[$k]; } if ($this->options[$option_slug . 'set_image_meta_alt'] and !empty($img_alts[$k])) { update_post_meta($attid, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', $img_alts[$k]); } if (!empty($update_attachment_meta)) { $this->wpdb->update($this->wpdb->posts, $update_attachment_meta, array('ID' => $attid)); } } } if ($attid) { if ($attch != null and empty($attch->post_parent)) { wp_update_post(array('ID' => $attch->ID, 'post_parent' => $pid)); } $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('- <b>ACTION</b>: ' . $slug, 'wp_all_import_plugin')); do_action($slug, $pid, $attid, $image_filepath, $is_keep_existing_images ? 'add_images' : 'update_images'); $success_images = true; $post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($pid); if ($bundle_data['type'] == 'images' and empty($post_thumbnail_id) and $this->options[$option_slug . 'is_featured']) { set_post_thumbnail($pid, $attid); } elseif (!in_array($attid, $gallery_attachment_ids) and $post_thumbnail_id != $attid) { $gallery_attachment_ids[] = $attid; } $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Attachment has been successfully created for image `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $targetUrl . '/' . $image_filename)); } } } // Set product gallery images if ($post_type[$i] == "product") { update_post_meta($pid, '_product_image_gallery', !empty($gallery_attachment_ids) ? implode(',', $gallery_attachment_ids) : ''); } // Create entry as Draft if no images are downloaded successfully if (!$success_images and "yes" == $this->options[$option_slug . 'create_draft']) { $this->wpdb->update($this->wpdb->posts, array('post_status' => 'draft'), array('ID' => $pid)); $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Post `%s` saved as Draft, because no images are downloaded successfully', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } } } else { // Create entry as Draft if no images are downloaded successfully if ("yes" == $this->options[$option_slug . 'create_draft']) { $this->wpdb->update($this->wpdb->posts, array('post_status' => 'draft'), array('ID' => $pid)); $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Post `%s` saved as Draft, because no images are downloaded successfully', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } } } } } else { if (!empty($images_bundle)) { foreach ($images_bundle as $slug => $bundle_data) { if (!empty($bundle_data['images'][$i])) { $imgs = array(); $featured_delim = "yes" == $this->options[$option_slug . 'download_images'] ? $this->options[$option_slug . 'download_featured_delim'] : $this->options[$option_slug . 'featured_delim']; $line_imgs = explode("\n", $bundle_data['images'][$i]); if (!empty($line_imgs)) { foreach ($line_imgs as $line_img) { $imgs = array_merge($imgs, !empty($featured_delim) ? str_getcsv($line_img, $featured_delim) : array($line_img)); } } foreach ($imgs as $img) { do_action($slug, $pid, false, $img, false); } } } } } // [/featured image] // [attachments] if (!empty($uploads) and false === $uploads['error'] and !empty($attachments[$i]) and (empty($articleData['ID']) or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "yes" or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['is_update_attachments'])) { $targetDir = $uploads['path']; $targetUrl = $uploads['url']; $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ATTACHMENTS:</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); if (!@is_writable($targetDir)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- <b>ERROR</b>: Target directory %s is not writable', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), trim($targetDir))); } else { // you must first include the image.php file // for the function wp_generate_attachment_metadata() to work require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'; if (!is_array($attachments[$i])) { $attachments[$i] = array($attachments[$i]); } $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Importing attachments for `%s` ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); foreach ($attachments[$i] as $attachment) { if ("" == $attachment) { continue; } $atchs = str_getcsv($attachment, $this->options['atch_delim']); if (!empty($atchs)) { foreach ($atchs as $atch_url) { if (empty($atch_url)) { continue; } $download_file = true; $atch_url = str_replace(" ", "%20", trim($atch_url)); $attachment_filename = urldecode(basename(parse_url(trim($atch_url), PHP_URL_PATH))); $attachment_filepath = $targetDir . '/' . sanitize_file_name($attachment_filename); if ($this->options['is_search_existing_attach']) { // search existing attachment $attch = $this->wpdb->get_row($this->wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $this->wpdb->posts . " WHERE (post_title = %s OR post_title = %s OR post_name = %s OR post_name = %s) AND post_type = %s;", $attachment_filename, preg_replace('/\\.[^.\\s]{3,4}$/', '', $attachment_filename), sanitize_title($attachment_filename), sanitize_title(preg_replace('/\\.[^.\\s]{3,4}$/', '', $attachment_filename)), "attachment")); if ($attch != null) { $download_file = false; $attach_id = $attch->ID; } } if ($download_file) { $attachment_filename = wp_unique_filename($targetDir, $attachment_filename); $attachment_filepath = $targetDir . '/' . sanitize_file_name($attachment_filename); $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Filename for attachment was generated as %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $attachment_filename)); $request = get_file_curl(trim($atch_url), $attachment_filepath); if ((is_wp_error($request) or $request === false) and !@file_put_contents($attachment_filepath, @file_get_contents(trim($atch_url)))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- <b>WARNING</b>: Attachment file %s cannot be saved locally as %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), trim($atch_url), $attachment_filepath)); is_wp_error($request) and $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- <b>WP Error</b>: %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $request->get_error_message())); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; unlink($attachment_filepath); // delete file since failed upload may result in empty file created } elseif (!($wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype(basename($attachment_filename), null))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- <b>WARNING</b>: Can\'t detect attachment file type %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), trim($atch_url))); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- File %s has been successfully downloaded', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $atch_url)); $attachment_data = array('guid' => $targetUrl . '/' . basename($attachment_filepath), 'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'], 'post_title' => preg_replace('/\\.[^.]+$/', '', basename($attachment_filepath)), 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_author' => $post_author[$i]); $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment_data, $attachment_filepath, $pid); if (is_wp_error($attach_id)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('- <b>WARNING</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin') . ': ' . $pid->get_error_message()); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; } else { wp_update_attachment_metadata($attach_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $attachment_filepath)); $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Attachment has been successfully created for post `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('- <b>ACTION</b>: pmxi_attachment_uploaded', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); do_action('pmxi_attachment_uploaded', $pid, $attach_id, $attachment_filepath); } } } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('- <b>ACTION</b>: pmxi_attachment_uploaded', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); do_action('pmxi_attachment_uploaded', $pid, $attach_id, $attachment_filepath); } } } } } } // [/attachments] // [custom taxonomies] if (!empty($taxonomies)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>TAXONOMIES:</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); foreach ($taxonomies as $tx_name => $txes) { // Skip updating product attributes if (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_addon('PMWI_Plugin') and strpos($tx_name, "pa_") === 0) { continue; } if (empty($articleData['ID']) or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "yes" or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['is_update_categories']) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Importing taxonomy `%s` ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $tx_name)); if (!empty($this->options['tax_logic'][$tx_name]) and $this->options['tax_logic'][$tx_name] == 'hierarchical' and !empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_logic'][$tx_name]) and $this->options['tax_hierarchical_logic'][$tx_name] == 'entire') { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Auto-nest enabled with separator `%s` ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), !empty($this->options['tax_hierarchical_delim'][$tx_name]) ? $this->options['tax_hierarchical_delim'][$tx_name] : ',')); } if (!empty($articleData['ID'])) { if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == "all_except" and !empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and is_array($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and in_array($tx_name, $this->options['taxonomies_list'])) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- %s %s `%s` has been skipped attempted to `Leave these taxonomies alone, update all others`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $tx_name, $single_tax['name'])); continue; } if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == "only" and (!empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and is_array($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and !in_array($tx_name, $this->options['taxonomies_list']) or empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- %s %s `%s` has been skipped attempted to `Update only these taxonomies, leave the rest alone`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $tx_name, $single_tax['name'])); continue; } } $assign_taxes = array(); if ($this->options['update_categories_logic'] == "add_new" and !empty($existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i])) { $assign_taxes = $existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]; unset($existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]); } elseif (!empty($existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i])) { unset($existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]); } // create term if not exists if (!empty($txes[$i])) { foreach ($txes[$i] as $key => $single_tax) { $is_created_term = false; if (is_array($single_tax) and !empty($single_tax['name'])) { $parent_id = !empty($single_tax['parent']) ? pmxi_recursion_taxes($single_tax['parent'], $tx_name, $txes[$i], $key) : ''; $term = empty($this->options['tax_is_full_search_' . $this->options['tax_logic'][$tx_name]][$tx_name]) ? term_exists($single_tax['name'], $tx_name, (int) $parent_id) : term_exists($single_tax['name'], $tx_name); if (empty($term) and !is_wp_error($term)) { $term = empty($this->options['tax_is_full_search_' . $this->options['tax_logic'][$tx_name]][$tx_name]) ? term_exists(htmlspecialchars($single_tax['name']), $tx_name, (int) $parent_id) : term_exists(htmlspecialchars($single_tax['name']), $tx_name); if (empty($term) and !is_wp_error($term)) { $term_attr = array('parent' => !empty($parent_id) ? $parent_id : 0); $term = wp_insert_term($single_tax['name'], $tx_name, $term_attr); if (!is_wp_error($term)) { $is_created_term = true; if (empty($parent_id)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Creating parent %s %s `%s` ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $tx_name, $single_tax['name'])); } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Creating child %s %s for %s named `%s` ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $tx_name, is_array($single_tax['parent']) ? $single_tax['parent']['name'] : $single_tax['parent'], $single_tax['name'])); } } } } if (is_wp_error($term)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- <b>WARNING</b>: `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $term->get_error_message())); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->warnings++; } elseif (!empty($term)) { $cat_id = $term['term_id']; if ($cat_id and $single_tax['assign']) { $term = get_term_by('id', $cat_id, $tx_name); if ($term->parent != '0' and !empty($this->options['tax_is_full_search_' . $this->options['tax_logic'][$tx_name]][$tx_name]) and empty($this->options['tax_assign_to_one_term_' . $this->options['tax_logic'][$tx_name]][$tx_name])) { $parent_ids = wp_all_import_get_parent_terms($cat_id, $tx_name); if (!empty($parent_ids)) { foreach ($parent_ids as $p) { if (!in_array($p, $assign_taxes)) { $assign_taxes[] = $p; } } } } if (!in_array($term->term_taxonomy_id, $assign_taxes)) { $assign_taxes[] = $term->term_taxonomy_id; } if (!$is_created_term) { if (empty($parent_id)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Attempted to create parent %s %s `%s`, duplicate detected. Importing %s to existing `%s` %s, ID %d, slug `%s` ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $tx_name, $single_tax['name'], $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $term->name, $tx_name, $term->term_id, $term->slug)); } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- Attempted to create child %s %s `%s`, duplicate detected. Importing %s to existing `%s` %s, ID %d, slug `%s` ...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $tx_name, $single_tax['name'], $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $term->name, $tx_name, $term->term_id, $term->slug)); } } } } } } } // associate taxes with post $this->associate_terms($pid, empty($assign_taxes) ? false : $assign_taxes, $tx_name, $logger, $is_cron); } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('- %s %s `%s` has been skipped attempted to `Do not update Taxonomies (incl. Categories and Tags)`...', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $tx_name, $single_tax['name'])); } } if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and ($this->options['is_update_categories'] and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] != 'full_update' or !$this->options['is_update_categories'] and (is_object_in_taxonomy($post_type[$i], 'category') or is_object_in_taxonomy($post_type[$i], 'post_tag')))) { if (!empty($existing_taxonomies)) { foreach ($existing_taxonomies as $tx_name => $txes) { // Skip updating product attributes if (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_addon('PMWI_Plugin') and strpos($tx_name, "pa_") === 0) { continue; } if (!empty($txes[$i])) { $this->associate_terms($pid, $txes[$i], $tx_name, $logger, $is_cron); } } } } } // [/custom taxonomies] if (empty($articleData['ID'])) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>CREATED</b> `%s` `%s` (ID: %s)', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'], $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $pid)); } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>UPDATED</b> `%s` `%s` (ID: %s)', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'], $custom_type_details->labels->singular_name, $pid)); } // fire important hooks after custom fields are added if (!$this->options['is_fast_mode'] and $this->options['custom_type'] != 'import_users') { $post_object = get_post($pid); $is_update = !empty($articleData['ID']); do_action("save_post_" . $articleData['post_type'], $pid, $post_object, $is_update); do_action('save_post', $pid, $post_object, $is_update); do_action('wp_insert_post', $pid, $post_object, $is_update); } // [addons import] // prepare data for import $importData = array('pid' => $pid, 'import' => $this, 'logger' => $logger); $saved_functions = apply_filters('wp_all_import_addon_saved_post', array()); // deligate operation to addons foreach (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_active_addons() as $class) { if (class_exists($class)) { if (method_exists($addons[$class], 'saved_post')) { $addons[$class]->saved_post($importData); } } else { if (!empty($saved_functions[$class])) { if (is_array($saved_functions[$class]) and is_callable($saved_functions[$class]) or !is_array($saved_functions[$class]) and function_exists($saved_functions[$class])) { call_user_func($saved_functions[$class], $importData); } } } } // [/addons import] $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ACTION</b>: pmxi_saved_post', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); do_action('pmxi_saved_post', $pid, $rootNodes[$i]); // hook that was triggered immediately after post saved if (empty($articleData['ID'])) { $created++; } else { $updated++; } if (!$is_cron and "default" == $this->options['import_processing']) { $processed_records = $created + $updated + $skipped; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<span class="processing_info"><span class="created_count">%s</span><span class="updated_count">%s</span><span class="percents_count">%s</span></span>', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $created, $updated, ceil($processed_records / $this->count * 100))); } } $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ACTION</b>: pmxi_after_post_import', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); do_action('pmxi_after_post_import', $this->id); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->chunk_number++; } wp_cache_flush(); $this->set(array('imported' => $created + $updated, 'created' => $created, 'updated' => $updated, 'skipped' => $skipped, 'last_activity' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')))->update(); if (!$is_cron) { PMXI_Plugin::$session->save_data(); $records_count = $this->created + $this->updated + $this->skipped; $is_import_complete = $records_count == $this->count; // Delete posts that are no longer present in your file if ($is_import_complete and !empty($this->options['is_delete_missing']) and $this->options['duplicate_matching'] == 'auto') { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Removing previously imported posts which are no longer actual...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $postList = new PMXI_Post_List(); $missing_ids = array(); $missingPosts = $postList->getBy(array('import_id' => $this->id, 'iteration !=' => $this->iteration)); if (!$missingPosts->isEmpty()) { foreach ($missingPosts as $missingPost) { $missing_ids[] = $missingPost['post_id']; } } // Delete posts from database if (!empty($missing_ids) && is_array($missing_ids)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ACTION</b>: pmxi_delete_post', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Deleting posts from database', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $missing_ids_arr = array_chunk($missing_ids, 100); foreach ($missing_ids_arr as $key => $ids) { if (!empty($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $k => $id) { $to_delete = true; // Instead of deletion, set Custom Field if ($this->options['is_update_missing_cf']) { update_post_meta($id, $this->options['update_missing_cf_name'], $this->options['update_missing_cf_value']); $to_delete = false; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Instead of deletion post with ID `%s`, set Custom Field `%s` to value `%s`', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $id, $this->options['update_missing_cf_name'], $this->options['update_missing_cf_value'])); } // Instead of deletion, change post status to Draft if ($this->options['set_missing_to_draft']) { $this->wpdb->update($this->wpdb->posts, array('post_status' => 'draft'), array('ID' => $id)); $to_delete = false; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Instead of deletion, change post with ID `%s` status to Draft', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $id)); } if ($to_delete) { // Remove attachments empty($this->options['is_keep_attachments']) and wp_delete_attachments($id, true, 'files'); // Remove images empty($this->options['is_keep_imgs']) and wp_delete_attachments($id, true, 'images'); // Clear post's relationships if ($post_type[$i] != "import_users") { wp_delete_object_term_relationships($id, get_object_taxonomies('' != $this->options['custom_type'] ? $this->options['custom_type'] : 'post')); } } else { unset($ids[$k]); } } if (!empty($ids)) { do_action('pmxi_delete_post', $ids); if ($this->options['custom_type'] == "import_users") { $sql = "delete a,b\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $this->wpdb->users . " a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . $this->wpdb->usermeta . " b ON ( a.ID = b.user_id )\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE a.ID IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ");"; } else { $sql = "delete a,b,c\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $this->wpdb->posts . " a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . $this->wpdb->term_relationships . " b ON ( a.ID = b.object_id )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . $this->wpdb->postmeta . " c ON ( a.ID = c.post_id )\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE a.ID IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ");"; } $this->wpdb->query($sql); // Delete record form pmxi_posts $sql = "DELETE FROM " . PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getTablePrefix() . "posts WHERE post_id IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ") AND import_id = %d"; $this->wpdb->query($this->wpdb->prepare($sql, $this->id)); $this->set(array('deleted' => $this->deleted + count($ids)))->update(); } } } } } // Set out of stock status for missing records [Woocommerce add-on option] if ($is_import_complete and empty($this->options['is_delete_missing']) and $post_type[$i] == "product" and class_exists('PMWI_Plugin') and !empty($this->options['missing_records_stock_status'])) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Update stock status previously imported posts which are no longer actual...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); $postList = new PMXI_Post_List(); $missingPosts = $postList->getBy(array('import_id' => $this->id, 'iteration !=' => $this->iteration)); if (!$missingPosts->isEmpty()) { foreach ($missingPosts as $missingPost) { update_post_meta($missingPost['post_id'], '_stock_status', 'outofstock'); update_post_meta($missingPost['post_id'], '_stock', 0); $missingPostRecord = new PMXI_Post_Record(); $missingPostRecord->getBy('id', $missingPost['id']); if (!$missingPostRecord->isEmpty()) { $missingPostRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); } unset($missingPostRecord); } } } } } catch (XmlImportException $e) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ERROR</b>', 'wp_all_import_plugin') . ': ' . $e->getMessage()); $logger and !$is_cron and PMXI_Plugin::$session->errors++; } $logger and $is_import_complete and call_user_func($logger, __('Cleaning temporary data...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); foreach ($tmp_files as $file) { // remove all temporary files created @unlink($file); } if (($is_cron or $is_import_complete) and $this->options['is_delete_source']) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Deleting source XML file...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); // Delete chunks foreach (PMXI_Helper::safe_glob($uploads['basedir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . PMXI_Plugin::TEMP_DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pmxi_chunk_*', PMXI_Helper::GLOB_RECURSE | PMXI_Helper::GLOB_PATH) as $filePath) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Deleting chunks files...', 'wp_all_import_plugin')); @file_exists($filePath) and wp_all_import_remove_source($filePath, false); } if ($this->type != "ftp") { if (!@unlink($this->path)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: Unable to remove %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->path)); } } else { $file_path_array = PMXI_Helper::safe_glob($this->path, PMXI_Helper::GLOB_NODIR | PMXI_Helper::GLOB_PATH); if (!empty($file_path_array)) { foreach ($file_path_array as $path) { if (!@unlink($path)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: Unable to remove %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $path)); } } } } } if (!$is_cron and $is_import_complete) { $this->set(array('processing' => 0, 'triggered' => 0, 'queue_chunk_number' => 0, 'registered_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'iteration' => ++$this->iteration))->update(); $logger and call_user_func($logger, 'Done'); } remove_filter('user_has_cap', array($this, '_filter_has_cap_unfiltered_html')); kses_init(); // return any filtering rules back if they has been disabled for import procedure return $this; }
/** * Perform import operation * @param string $xml XML string to import * @param callback[optional] $logger Method where progress messages are submmitted * @return PMXI_Import_Record * @chainable */ public function process($xml, $logger = NULL, $chunk = false, $is_cron = false, $xpath_prefix = '') { add_filter('user_has_cap', array($this, '_filter_has_cap_unfiltered_html')); kses_init(); // do not perform special filtering for imported content $cxpath = $xpath_prefix . $this->xpath; $this->options += PMXI_Plugin::get_default_import_options(); // make sure all options are defined $avoid_pingbacks = PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getOption('pingbacks'); if ($avoid_pingbacks and !defined('WP_IMPORTING')) { define('WP_IMPORTING', true); } $postRecord = new PMXI_Post_Record(); $tmp_files = array(); // compose records to import $records = array(); $is_import_complete = false; try { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing titles...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $titles = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->template['title'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing excerpts...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $post_excerpt = array(); if (!empty($this->options['post_excerpt'])) { $post_excerpt = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['post_excerpt'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $post_excerpt = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } if ("xpath" == $this->options['status']) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing statuses...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $post_status = array(); if (!empty($this->options['status_xpath'])) { $post_status = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['status_xpath'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $post_status = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } } $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing authors...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $post_author = array(); $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); if (!empty($this->options['author'])) { $post_author = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['author'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; foreach ($post_author as $key => $author) { $user = get_user_by('login', $author) or $user = get_user_by('slug', $author) or $user = get_user_by('email', $author) or ctype_digit($author) and $user = get_user_by('id', $author); $post_author[$key] = !empty($user) ? $user->ID : $current_user->ID; } } else { count($titles) and $post_author = array_fill(0, count($titles), $current_user->ID); } $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing slugs...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $post_slug = array(); if (!empty($this->options['post_slug'])) { $post_slug = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['post_slug'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $post_slug = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing contents...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $contents = XmlImportParser::factory((!empty($this->template['is_keep_linebreaks']) and intval($this->template['is_keep_linebreaks'])) ? $xml : preg_replace('%\\r\\n?|\\n%', ' ', $xml), $cxpath, $this->template['content'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing dates...', 'pmxi_plugin')); if ('specific' == $this->options['date_type']) { $dates = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['date'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; $warned = array(); // used to prevent the same notice displaying several times foreach ($dates as $i => $d) { if ($d == 'now') { $d = current_time('mysql'); } // Replace 'now' with the WordPress local time to account for timezone offsets (WordPress references its local time during publishing rather than the server’s time so it should use that) $time = strtotime($d); if (FALSE === $time) { in_array($d, $warned) or $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: unrecognized date format `%s`, assigning current date', 'pmxi_plugin'), $warned[] = $d)); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; $time = time(); } $dates[$i] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time); } } else { $dates_start = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['date_start'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; $dates_end = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['date_end'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; $warned = array(); // used to prevent the same notice displaying several times foreach ($dates_start as $i => $d) { $time_start = strtotime($dates_start[$i]); if (FALSE === $time_start) { in_array($dates_start[$i], $warned) or $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: unrecognized date format `%s`, assigning current date', 'pmxi_plugin'), $warned[] = $dates_start[$i])); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; $time_start = time(); } $time_end = strtotime($dates_end[$i]); if (FALSE === $time_end) { in_array($dates_end[$i], $warned) or $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: unrecognized date format `%s`, assigning current date', 'pmxi_plugin'), $warned[] = $dates_end[$i])); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; $time_end = time(); } $dates[$i] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mt_rand($time_start, $time_end)); } } $tags = array(); if ($this->options['tags']) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing tags...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $tags_raw = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['tags'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; foreach ($tags_raw as $i => $t_raw) { $tags[$i] = ''; if ('' != $t_raw) { $tags[$i] = implode(', ', str_getcsv($t_raw, $this->options['tags_delim'])); } } } else { count($titles) and $tags = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } // [posts categories] require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/taxonomy.php'; if ('post' == $this->options['type']) { $cats = array(); $categories_hierarchy = !empty($this->options['categories']) ? json_decode($this->options['categories']) : array(); if (!empty($categories_hierarchy) and is_array($categories_hierarchy)) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing categories...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $categories = array(); foreach ($categories_hierarchy as $k => $category) { if ("" == $category->xpath) { continue; } $cats_raw = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, str_replace('\'', '"', $category->xpath), $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; $warned = array(); // used to prevent the same notice displaying several times foreach ($cats_raw as $i => $c_raw) { if (empty($categories_hierarchy[$k]->cat_ids[$i])) { $categories_hierarchy[$k]->cat_ids[$i] = array(); } if (empty($cats[$i])) { $cats[$i] = array(); } $count_cats = count($cats[$i]); $delimeted_categories = explode($this->options['categories_delim'], $c_raw); if ('' != $c_raw) { foreach (explode($this->options['categories_delim'], $c_raw) as $j => $cc) { if ('' != $cc) { $cat = get_term_by('name', trim($cc), 'category') or $cat = get_term_by('slug', trim($cc), 'category') or ctype_digit($cc) and $cat = get_term_by('id', trim($cc), 'category'); if (!empty($category->parent_id)) { foreach ($categories_hierarchy as $key => $value) { if ($value->item_id == $category->parent_id and !empty($value->cat_ids[$i])) { foreach ($value->cat_ids[$i] as $parent) { if (!$j or !$this->options['categories_auto_nested']) { $filtered_cats = apply_filters('pmxi_single_category', array(array('name' => trim($cc), 'parent' => is_array($parent) ? $parent['name'] : $parent, 'assign' => $category->assign)), $category); foreach ($filtered_cats as $filtered_cat) { $cats[$i][] = $filtered_cat; } } elseif ($this->options['categories_auto_nested']) { $filtered_cats = apply_filters('pmxi_single_category', array(array('name' => trim($cc), 'parent' => !empty($delimeted_categories[$j - 1]) ? apply_filters('pmxi_parent_category', trim($delimeted_categories[$j - 1]), $category) : false, 'assign' => $category->assign)), $category); foreach ($filtered_cats as $filtered_cat) { $cats[$i][] = $filtered_cat; } } } } } } else { if (!$j or !$this->options['categories_auto_nested']) { $filtered_cats = apply_filters('pmxi_single_category', array(array('name' => trim($cc), 'parent' => false, 'assign' => $category->assign)), $category); foreach ($filtered_cats as $filtered_cat) { $cats[$i][] = $filtered_cat; } } elseif ($this->options['categories_auto_nested']) { $filtered_cats = apply_filters('pmxi_single_category', array(array('name' => trim($cc), 'parent' => !empty($delimeted_categories[$j - 1]) ? apply_filters('pmxi_parent_category', trim($delimeted_categories[$j - 1]), $category) : false, 'assign' => $category->assign)), $category); foreach ($filtered_cats as $filtered_cat) { $cats[$i][] = $filtered_cat; } } } } } } if ($count_cats < count($cats[$i])) { $categories_hierarchy[$k]->cat_ids[$i][] = apply_filters('pmxi_single_category', $cats[$i][count($cats[$i]) - 1], $categories_hierarchy[$k]); } } } } else { count($titles) and $cats = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } } // [/posts categories] // [custom taxonomies] $taxonomies = array(); $taxonomies_param = $this->options['type'] . '_taxonomies'; if ('page' == $this->options['type']) { $taxonomies_object_type = 'page'; } elseif ('' != $this->options['custom_type']) { $taxonomies_object_type = $this->options['custom_type']; } else { $taxonomies_object_type = 'post'; } if (!empty($this->options[$taxonomies_param]) and is_array($this->options[$taxonomies_param])) { foreach ($this->options[$taxonomies_param] as $tx_name => $tx_template) { if ('' != $tx_template) { $tx = get_taxonomy($tx_name); $taxonomies[$tx_name] = array(); if (!empty($tx->object_type) and in_array($taxonomies_object_type, $tx->object_type)) { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Composing terms for `%s` taxonomy...', 'pmxi_plugin'), $tx->labels->name)); $txes = array(); $taxonomies_hierarchy = json_decode($tx_template); foreach ($taxonomies_hierarchy as $k => $taxonomy) { if ("" == $taxonomy->xpath) { continue; } $txes_raw = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, str_replace('\'', '"', $taxonomy->xpath), $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; $warned = array(); foreach ($txes_raw as $i => $tx_raw) { if (empty($taxonomies_hierarchy[$k]->txn_names[$i])) { $taxonomies_hierarchy[$k]->txn_names[$i] = array(); } if (empty($taxonomies[$tx_name][$i])) { $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i] = array(); } $count_cats = count($taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]); $delimeted_taxonomies = explode(!empty($taxonomy->delim) ? $taxonomy->delim : ',', $tx_raw); if ('' != $tx_raw) { foreach (explode(!empty($taxonomy->delim) ? $taxonomy->delim : ',', $tx_raw) as $j => $cc) { if ('' != $cc) { $cat = get_term_by('name', trim($cc), $tx_name) or $cat = get_term_by('slug', trim($cc), $tx_name) or ctype_digit($cc) and $cat = get_term_by('id', $cc, $tx_name); if (!empty($taxonomy->parent_id)) { foreach ($taxonomies_hierarchy as $key => $value) { if ($value->item_id == $taxonomy->parent_id and !empty($value->txn_names[$i])) { foreach ($value->txn_names[$i] as $parent) { if (!$j or !$taxonomy->auto_nested) { $filtered_txs = apply_filters('pmxi_single_category', array(array('name' => trim($cc), 'parent' => $parent, 'assign' => $taxonomy->assign)), $taxonomy); foreach ($filtered_txs as $filtered_tx) { $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][] = $filtered_tx; } } elseif ($taxonomy->auto_nested) { $filtered_txs = apply_filters('pmxi_single_category', array(array('name' => trim($cc), 'parent' => !empty($delimeted_taxonomies[$j - 1]) ? apply_filters('pmxi_parent_category', trim($delimeted_taxonomies[$j - 1]), $taxonomy) : false, 'assign' => $taxonomy->assign)), $taxonomy); foreach ($filtered_txs as $filtered_tx) { $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][] = $filtered_tx; } } } } } } else { if (!$j or !$taxonomy->auto_nested) { $filtered_txs = apply_filters('pmxi_single_category', array(array('name' => trim($cc), 'parent' => false, 'assign' => $taxonomy->assign)), $taxonomy); foreach ($filtered_txs as $filtered_tx) { $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][] = $filtered_tx; } } elseif ($taxonomy->auto_nested) { $filtered_txs = apply_filters('pmxi_single_category', array(array('name' => trim($cc), 'parent' => !empty($delimeted_taxonomies[$j - 1]) ? apply_filters('pmxi_parent_category', trim($delimeted_taxonomies[$j - 1]), $taxonomy) : false, 'assign' => $taxonomy->assign)), $taxonomy); foreach ($filtered_txs as $filtered_tx) { $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][] = $filtered_tx; } } } } } } if ($count_cats < count($taxonomies[$tx_name][$i])) { $taxonomies_hierarchy[$k]->txn_names[$i][] = apply_filters('pmxi_single_category', $taxonomies[$tx_name][$i][count($taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]) - 1], $taxonomies_hierarchy[$k]); } } } } } } } // [/custom taxonomies] // serialized featured images if (!(($uploads = wp_upload_dir()) && false === $uploads['error'])) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>', 'pmxi_plugin') . ': ' . $uploads['error']); $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>: No featured images will be created', 'pmxi_plugin')); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } else { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing URLs for featured images...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $featured_images = array(); if ($this->options['featured_image']) { $featured_images = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['featured_image'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $featured_images = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } } // serialized images meta data if ($this->options['set_image_meta_data']) { $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); // serialized images meta titles $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing image meta data (titles)...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $image_meta_titles = array(); if ($this->options['image_meta_title']) { $image_meta_titles = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['image_meta_title'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $image_meta_titles = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } // serialized images meta captions $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing image meta data (captions)...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $image_meta_captions = array(); if ($this->options['image_meta_caption']) { $image_meta_captions = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['image_meta_caption'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $image_meta_captions = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } // serialized images meta alt text $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing image meta data (alt text)...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $image_meta_alts = array(); if ($this->options['image_meta_alt']) { $image_meta_alts = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['image_meta_alt'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $image_meta_alts = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } // serialized images meta description $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing image meta data (description)...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $image_meta_descriptions = array(); if ($this->options['image_meta_description']) { $image_meta_descriptions = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['image_meta_description'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $image_meta_descriptions = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } } // Composing images suffix $chunk == 1 and $this->options['auto_rename_images'] and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing images suffix...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $auto_rename_images = array(); if ($this->options['auto_rename_images'] and !empty($this->options['auto_rename_images_suffix'])) { $auto_rename_images = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['auto_rename_images_suffix'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $auto_rename_images = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } // serialized attachments if (!(($uploads = wp_upload_dir()) && false === $uploads['error'])) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>', 'pmxi_plugin') . ': ' . $uploads['error']); $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>: No attachments will be created', 'pmxi_plugin')); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } else { $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing URLs for attachments files...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $attachments = array(); if ($this->options['attachments']) { // Detect if attachments is separated by comma $atchs = explode(',', $this->options['attachments']); if (!empty($atchs)) { $parse_multiple = true; foreach ($atchs as $atch) { if (!preg_match("/{.*}/", trim($atch))) { $parse_multiple = false; } } if ($parse_multiple) { foreach ($atchs as $atch) { $posts_attachments = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, trim($atch), $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; foreach ($posts_attachments as $i => $val) { $attachments[$i][] = $val; } } } else { $attachments = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['attachments'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } } } else { count($titles) and $attachments = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } } $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Composing unique keys...', 'pmxi_plugin')); $unique_keys = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['unique_key'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; $chunk == 1 and $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Processing posts...', 'pmxi_plugin')); if ('post' == $this->options['type'] and '' != $this->options['custom_type']) { $post_type = ($this->options['custom_type'] == 'product' and class_exists('PMWI_Plugin')) ? $this->options['custom_type'] : ($this->options['custom_type'] == 'page' ? 'page' : 'post'); } else { $post_type = $this->options['type']; } $addons = array(); $addons_data = array(); // data parsing for WP All Import add-ons $parsingData = array('import' => $this, 'count' => count($titles), 'xml' => $xml, 'logger' => $logger, 'chunk' => $chunk, 'xpath_prefix' => $xpath_prefix); foreach (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_active_addons() as $class) { $model_class = str_replace("_Plugin", "_Import_Record", $class); if (class_exists($model_class)) { $addons[$class] = new $model_class(); $addons_data[$class] = method_exists($addons[$class], 'parse') ? $addons[$class]->parse($parsingData) : false; } else { $parse_func = $class . '_parse'; if (function_exists($parse_func)) { $addons_data[$class] = call_user_func($parse_func, $parsingData); } } } // save current import state to variables before import $created = $this->created; $updated = $this->updated; $skipped = $this->skipped; $specified_records = array(); if ($this->options['is_import_specified']) { foreach (preg_split('% *, *%', $this->options['import_specified'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $chank) { if (preg_match('%^(\\d+)-(\\d+)$%', $chank, $mtch)) { $specified_records = array_merge($specified_records, range(intval($mtch[1]), intval($mtch[2]))); } else { $specified_records = array_merge($specified_records, array(intval($chank))); } } } foreach ($titles as $i => $void) { wp_cache_flush(); do_action('pmxi_before_post_import', $this->id); if (empty($titles[$i])) { if (!empty($addons_data['PMWI_Plugin']) and !empty($addons_data['PMWI_Plugin']['single_product_parent_ID'][$i])) { $titles[$i] = $addons_data['PMWI_Plugin']['single_product_parent_ID'][$i] . ' Product Variation'; } else { $skipped++; $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>SKIPPED</b>: by empty title', 'pmxi_plugin')); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['chunk_number'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['chunk_number']; $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; pmxi_session_commit(); continue; } } $articleData = array('post_type' => $post_type, 'post_status' => "xpath" == $this->options['status'] ? $post_status[$i] : $this->options['status'], 'comment_status' => $this->options['comment_status'], 'ping_status' => $this->options['ping_status'], 'post_title' => !empty($this->template['is_leave_html']) ? html_entity_decode($titles[$i]) : $titles[$i], 'post_excerpt' => apply_filters('pmxi_the_excerpt', !empty($this->template['is_leave_html']) ? html_entity_decode($post_excerpt[$i]) : $post_excerpt[$i], $this->id), 'post_name' => $post_slug[$i], 'post_content' => apply_filters('pmxi_the_content', !empty($this->template['is_leave_html']) ? html_entity_decode($contents[$i]) : $contents[$i], $this->id), 'post_date' => $dates[$i], 'post_date_gmt' => get_gmt_from_date($dates[$i]), 'post_author' => $post_author[$i], 'tags_input' => $tags[$i]); if ('post' != $articleData['post_type']) { $articleData += array('menu_order' => $this->options['order'], 'post_parent' => $this->options['parent']); } // Re-import Records Matching $post_to_update = false; $post_to_update_id = false; // if Auto Matching re-import option selected if ("manual" != $this->options['duplicate_matching']) { // find corresponding article among previously imported $postRecord->clear(); $postRecord->getBy(array('unique_key' => $unique_keys[$i], 'import_id' => $this->id)); if (!$postRecord->isEmpty()) { $post_to_update = get_post($post_to_update_id = $postRecord->post_id); } // if Manual Matching re-import option seleted } else { $postRecord->clear(); // find corresponding article among previously imported $postRecord->getBy(array('unique_key' => $unique_keys[$i], 'import_id' => $this->id)); if ('custom field' == $this->options['duplicate_indicator']) { $custom_duplicate_value = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['custom_duplicate_value'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; $custom_duplicate_name = XmlImportParser::factory($xml, $cxpath, $this->options['custom_duplicate_name'], $file)->parse($records); $tmp_files[] = $file; } else { count($titles) and $custom_duplicate_name = $custom_duplicate_value = array_fill(0, count($titles), ''); } // handle duplicates according to import settings if ($duplicates = pmxi_findDuplicates($articleData, $custom_duplicate_name[$i], $custom_duplicate_value[$i], $this->options['duplicate_indicator'])) { $duplicate_id = array_shift($duplicates); if ($duplicate_id) { $post_to_update = get_post($post_to_update_id = $duplicate_id); } } } if (!empty($specified_records)) { if (!in_array($created + $updated + $skipped + 1, $specified_records)) { if (!$postRecord->isEmpty()) { $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); } $skipped++; $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>SKIPPED</b>: by specified records option', 'pmxi_plugin')); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['chunk_number'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['chunk_number']; pmxi_session_commit(); continue; } } // Duplicate record is founded if ($post_to_update) { // Do not update already existing records option selected if ("yes" == $this->options['is_keep_former_posts']) { if (!$postRecord->isEmpty()) { $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); } do_action('pmxi_do_not_update_existing', $post_to_update_id, $this->id, $this->iteration); $skipped++; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>SKIPPED</b>: Previously imported record found for `%s`', 'pmxi_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['chunk_number'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['chunk_number']; pmxi_session_commit(); continue; } $articleData['ID'] = $post_to_update_id; // Choose which data to update if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == 'no') { // preserve date of already existing article when duplicate is found if (!$this->options['is_update_categories'] or $this->options['is_update_categories'] and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] != "full_update") { // preserve categories and tags of already existing article if corresponding setting is specified $cats_list = get_the_category($articleData['ID']); $existing_cats = array(); if (is_wp_error($cats_list)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: Unable to get current categories for article #%d, updating with those read from XML file', 'pmxi_plugin'), $articleData['ID'])); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } else { $cats_new = array(); foreach ($cats_list as $c) { $cats_new[] = $c->slug; } $existing_cats[$i] = $cats_new; } // Re-import Post Tags if (!$this->options['is_update_categories'] or $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == 'add_new' or $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == 'only' and empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']) or !empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and is_array($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and (in_array('post_tag', $this->options['taxonomies_list']) and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == 'all_except' or !in_array('post_tag', $this->options['taxonomies_list']) and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == 'only')) { $tags_list = get_the_tags($articleData['ID']); if (is_wp_error($tags_list)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: Unable to get current tags for article #%d, updating with those read from XML file', 'pmxi_plugin'), $articleData['ID'])); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } else { $tags_new = ($this->options['is_update_categories'] and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == 'add_new') ? array_filter(explode(",", $tags[$i])) : array(); if ($tags_list) { foreach ($tags_list as $t) { if (!in_array($t->name, $tags_new)) { $tags_new[] = $t->name; } } } $articleData['tags_input'] = implode(', ', $tags_new); } } $existing_taxonomies = array(); foreach (array_keys($taxonomies) as $tx_name) { $txes_list = get_the_terms($articleData['ID'], $tx_name); if (is_wp_error($txes_list)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: Unable to get current taxonomies for article #%d, updating with those read from XML file', 'pmxi_plugin'), $articleData['ID'])); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } else { $txes_new = array(); if (!empty($txes_list)) { foreach ($txes_list as $t) { $txes_new[] = $t->slug; } } $existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i] = $txes_new; } } } else { //Remove existing taxonomies foreach (array_keys($taxonomies) as $tx_name) { wp_set_object_terms($articleData['ID'], NULL, $tx_name); } } if (!$this->options['is_update_dates']) { // preserve date of already existing article when duplicate is found $articleData['post_date'] = $post_to_update->post_date; $articleData['post_date_gmt'] = $post_to_update->post_date_gmt; } if (!$this->options['is_update_status']) { // preserve status and trashed flag $articleData['post_status'] = $post_to_update->post_status; } if (!$this->options['is_update_content']) { $articleData['post_content'] = $post_to_update->post_content; } if (!$this->options['is_update_title']) { $articleData['post_title'] = $post_to_update->post_title; } if (!$this->options['is_update_slug']) { $articleData['post_name'] = $post_to_update->post_name; } if (!$this->options['is_update_excerpt']) { $articleData['post_excerpt'] = $post_to_update->post_excerpt; } if (!$this->options['is_update_menu_order']) { $articleData['menu_order'] = $post_to_update->menu_order; } if (!$this->options['is_update_parent']) { $articleData['post_parent'] = $post_to_update->post_parent; } } if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == 'yes' or $this->options['update_all_data'] == 'no' and $this->options['is_update_attachments']) { wp_delete_attachments($articleData['ID'], true, 'files'); } // handle obsolete attachments (i.e. delete or keep) according to import settings if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == 'yes' or $this->options['update_all_data'] == 'no' and $this->options['is_update_images'] and $this->options['update_images_logic'] == "full_update") { wp_delete_attachments($articleData['ID'], $this->options['download_images'], 'images'); } } elseif (!$postRecord->isEmpty()) { // existing post not found though it's track was found... clear the leftover, plugin will continue to treat record as new $postRecord->delete(); } // no new records are created. it will only update posts it finds matching duplicates for if (!$this->options['create_new_records'] and empty($articleData['ID'])) { if (!$postRecord->isEmpty()) { $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); } $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>SKIPPED</b>: by do not create new posts option.', 'pmxi_plugin')); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['chunk_number'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['chunk_number']; $skipped++; pmxi_session_commit(); continue; } // cloak urls with `WP Wizard Cloak` if corresponding option is set if (!empty($this->options['is_cloak']) and class_exists('PMLC_Plugin')) { if (preg_match_all('%<a\\s[^>]*href=(?(?=")"([^"]*)"|(?(?=\')\'([^\']*)\'|([^\\s>]*)))%is', $articleData['post_content'], $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) { $hrefs = array_unique(array_merge(array_filter($matches[1]), array_filter($matches[2]), array_filter($matches[3]))); foreach ($hrefs as $url) { if (preg_match('%^\\w+://%i', $url)) { // mask only links having protocol // try to find matching cloaked link among already registered ones $list = new PMLC_Link_List(); $linkTable = $list->getTable(); $rule = new PMLC_Rule_Record(); $ruleTable = $rule->getTable(); $dest = new PMLC_Destination_Record(); $destTable = $dest->getTable(); $list->join($ruleTable, "{$ruleTable}.link_id = {$linkTable}.id")->join($destTable, "{$destTable}.rule_id = {$ruleTable}.id")->setColumns("{$linkTable}.*")->getBy(array("{$linkTable}.destination_type =" => 'ONE_SET', "{$linkTable}.is_trashed =" => 0, "{$linkTable}.preset =" => '', "{$linkTable}.expire_on =" => '0000-00-00', "{$ruleTable}.type =" => 'ONE_SET', "{$destTable}.weight =" => 100, "{$destTable}.url LIKE" => $url), NULL, 1, 1)->convertRecords(); if ($list->count()) { // matching link found $link = $list[0]; } else { // register new cloaked link global $wpdb; $slug = max(intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(CONVERT(name, SIGNED)) FROM {$linkTable}")), intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(CONVERT(slug, SIGNED)) FROM {$linkTable}")), 0); $i = 0; do { is_int(++$slug) and $slug > 0 or $slug = 1; $is_slug_found = !intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$linkTable} WHERE name = '{$slug}' OR slug = '{$slug}'")); } while (!$is_slug_found and $i++ < 100000); if ($is_slug_found) { $link = new PMLC_Link_Record(array('name' => strval($slug), 'slug' => strval($slug), 'header_tracking_code' => '', 'footer_tracking_code' => '', 'redirect_type' => '301', 'destination_type' => 'ONE_SET', 'preset' => '', 'forward_url_params' => 1, 'no_global_tracking_code' => 0, 'expire_on' => '0000-00-00', 'created_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'is_trashed' => 0)); $link->insert(); $rule = new PMLC_Rule_Record(array('link_id' => $link->id, 'type' => 'ONE_SET', 'rule' => '')); $rule->insert(); $dest = new PMLC_Destination_Record(array('rule_id' => $rule->id, 'url' => $url, 'weight' => 100)); $dest->insert(); } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: Unable to create cloaked link for %s', 'pmxi_plugin'), $url)); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; $link = NULL; } } if ($link) { // cloaked link is found or created for url $articleData['post_content'] = preg_replace('%' . preg_quote($url, '%') . '(?=([\\s\'"]|$))%i', $link->getUrl(), $articleData['post_content']); } } } } } // insert article being imported $pid = $this->options['is_fast_mode'] ? pmxi_insert_post($articleData, true) : wp_insert_post($articleData, true); if (is_wp_error($pid)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ERROR</b>', 'pmxi_plugin') . ': ' . $pid->get_error_message()); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['errors'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['errors']; } else { if ("manual" != $this->options['duplicate_matching'] or empty($articleData['ID'])) { // associate post with import $postRecord->isEmpty() and $postRecord->set(array('post_id' => $pid, 'import_id' => $this->id, 'unique_key' => $unique_keys[$i], 'product_key' => ($post_type == "product" and PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_addon('PMWI_Plugin')) ? $addons_data['PMWI_Plugin']['single_product_ID'][$i] : ''))->insert(); $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); } // [post format] if (current_theme_supports('post-formats') && post_type_supports($post_type, 'post-formats')) { set_post_format($pid, $this->options['post_format']); } // [/post format] // [custom fields] if (empty($articleData['ID']) or $this->options['update_all_data'] == 'yes' or $this->options['update_all_data'] == 'no' and $this->options['is_update_custom_fields'] or $this->options['update_all_data'] == 'no' and $this->options['is_update_attributes']) { // Delete all meta keys if (!empty($articleData['ID'])) { // Get all existing meta keys $existing_meta_keys = array(); foreach (get_post_meta($pid, '') as $cur_meta_key => $cur_meta_val) { $existing_meta_keys[] = $cur_meta_key; } // delete keys which are no longer correspond to import settings foreach ($existing_meta_keys as $cur_meta_key) { // Do not delete post meta for features image if (in_array($cur_meta_key, array('_thumbnail_id', '_product_image_gallery'))) { continue; } $field_to_delete = true; // apply addons filters if (!apply_filters('pmxi_custom_field_to_delete', $field_to_delete, $pid, $post_type, $this->options, $cur_meta_key)) { continue; } // Update all Custom Fields is defined if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == 'yes' or $this->options['update_all_data'] == 'no' and $this->options['is_update_custom_fields'] and $this->options['update_custom_fields_logic'] == "full_update") { delete_post_meta($pid, $cur_meta_key); } elseif ($this->options['update_all_data'] == 'no' and $this->options['is_update_custom_fields'] and $this->options['update_custom_fields_logic'] == "only") { if (!empty($this->options['custom_fields_list']) and is_array($this->options['custom_fields_list']) and in_array($cur_meta_key, $this->options['custom_fields_list'])) { delete_post_meta($pid, $cur_meta_key); } } elseif ($this->options['update_all_data'] == 'no' and $this->options['is_update_custom_fields'] and $this->options['update_custom_fields_logic'] == "all_except") { if (empty($this->options['custom_fields_list']) or !in_array($cur_meta_key, $this->options['custom_fields_list'])) { delete_post_meta($pid, $cur_meta_key); } } } } $encoded_meta = array(); foreach ($serialized_meta as $m_key => $values) { if (!empty($articleData['ID'])) { if ($this->options['update_all_data'] != 'yes') { $field_to_update = false; if ($this->options['is_update_custom_fields'] and $this->options['update_custom_fields_logic'] == "only" and !empty($this->options['custom_fields_list']) and is_array($this->options['custom_fields_list']) and in_array($m_key, $this->options['custom_fields_list'])) { $field_to_update = true; } if ($this->options['is_update_custom_fields'] and $this->options['update_custom_fields_logic'] == "all_except" and (empty($this->options['custom_fields_list']) or !in_array($m_key, $this->options['custom_fields_list']))) { $field_to_update = true; } if ($this->options['update_custom_fields_logic'] == "full_update") { $field_to_update = true; } // apply addons filters $field_to_update = apply_filters('pmxi_custom_field_to_update', $field_to_update, $post_type, $this->options, $m_key); if (!$field_to_update) { continue; } } } update_post_meta($pid, $m_key, apply_filters('pmxi_custom_field', is_serialized($values[$i]) ? unserialize($values[$i]) : $values[$i], $this->id)); do_action('pmxi_update_post_meta', $pid, $m_key, is_serialized($values[$i]) ? unserialize($values[$i]) : $values[$i]); // hook that was triggered after post meta data updated } } // [/custom fields] // [addons import] // prepare data for import $importData = array('pid' => $pid, 'i' => $i, 'import' => $this, 'articleData' => $articleData, 'xml' => $xml, 'is_cron' => $is_cron, 'logger' => $logger, 'xpath_prefix' => $xpath_prefix); // deligate operation to addons foreach (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_active_addons() as $class) { if (class_exists($class)) { if (method_exists($addons[$class], 'import')) { $addons[$class]->import($importData); } } else { $import_func = $class . '_import'; if (function_exists($import_func)) { call_user_func($import_func, $importData, $addons_data[$class]); } } } // [/addons import] // Page Template if ('post' != $articleData['post_type'] and !empty($this->options['page_template'])) { update_post_meta($pid, '_wp_page_template', $this->options['page_template']); } // [featured image] if (!empty($uploads) and false === $uploads['error'] and !empty($featured_images[$i]) and (empty($articleData['ID']) or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "yes" or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['is_update_images'])) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'; $success_images = false; $gallery_attachment_ids = array(); $_pmxi_images = array(); $imgs = !empty($this->options['featured_delim']) ? str_getcsv($featured_images[$i], $this->options['featured_delim']) : explode("\n", $featured_images[$i]); if (!empty($imgs)) { if ($this->options['set_image_meta_data']) { $img_titles = !empty($this->options['image_meta_title_delim']) ? str_getcsv($image_meta_titles[$i], $this->options['image_meta_title_delim']) : explode("\n", $image_meta_titles[$i]); $img_captions = !empty($this->options['image_meta_caption_delim']) ? str_getcsv($image_meta_captions[$i], $this->options['image_meta_caption_delim']) : explode("\n", $image_meta_captions[$i]); $img_alts = !empty($this->options['image_meta_alt_delim']) ? str_getcsv($image_meta_alts[$i], $this->options['image_meta_alt_delim']) : explode("\n", $image_meta_alts[$i]); $img_descriptions = !empty($this->options['image_meta_description_delim']) ? str_getcsv($image_meta_descriptions[$i], $this->options['image_meta_description_delim']) : explode("\n", $image_meta_descriptions[$i]); } foreach ($imgs as $k => $img_url) { if (empty($img_url)) { continue; } $url = str_replace(" ", "%20", trim($img_url)); $bn = preg_replace('/[\\?|&].*/', '', basename($url)); $img_ext = pmxi_getExtensionFromStr($url); $default_extension = pmxi_getExtension($bn); if ($img_ext == "") { $img_ext = pmxi_get_remote_image_ext($url); } // generate local file name $image_name = urldecode(($this->options['auto_rename_images'] and "" != $auto_rename_images[$i]) ? sanitize_file_name($auto_rename_images[$i] . '_' . ($img_ext ? str_replace("." . $default_extension, "", $bn) : $bn)) : sanitize_file_name($img_ext ? str_replace("." . $default_extension, "", $bn) : $bn)) . ("" != $img_ext ? '.' . $img_ext : ''); // if wizard store image data to custom field $create_image = false; $download_image = true; if (base64_decode($url, true) !== false) { $img = @imagecreatefromstring(base64_decode($url)); if ($img) { $image_filename = md5(time()) . '.jpg'; $image_filepath = $uploads['path'] . '/' . $image_filename; imagejpeg($img, $image_filepath); if (!($image_info = @getimagesize($image_filepath)) or !in_array($image_info[2], array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: File %s is not a valid image and cannot be set as featured one', 'pmxi_plugin'), $image_filepath)); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } else { $create_image = true; } } } else { $image_filename = wp_unique_filename($uploads['path'], $image_name); $image_filepath = $uploads['path'] . '/' . $image_filename; // keep existing and add newest images if (!empty($articleData['ID']) and $this->options['is_update_images'] and $this->options['update_images_logic'] == "add_new" and $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no") { $attachment_imgs = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'attachment', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_parent' => $pid)); if ($attachment_imgs) { foreach ($attachment_imgs as $attachment_img) { if ($attachment_img->guid == $uploads['url'] . '/' . $image_name) { $download_image = false; $success_images = true; if (!has_post_thumbnail($pid)) { set_post_thumbnail($pid, $attachment_img->ID); } else { $gallery_attachment_ids[] = $attachment_img->ID; } $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>Image SKIPPED</b>: The image %s is always exists for the %s', 'pmxi_plugin'), basename($attachment_img->guid), $articleData['post_title'])); } } } } if ($download_image) { // do not download images if (!$this->options['download_images']) { $image_filename = $image_name; $image_filepath = $uploads['path'] . '/' . $image_filename; $existing_attachment = $this->wpdb->get_row($this->wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $this->wpdb->prefix . "posts WHERE guid = '%s'", $uploads['url'] . '/' . $image_filename)); if (!empty($existing_attachment->ID)) { $download_image = false; $create_image = false; if (!has_post_thumbnail($pid)) { set_post_thumbnail($pid, $existing_attachment->ID); } else { $gallery_attachment_ids[] = $existing_attachment->ID; } do_action('pmxi_gallery_image', $pid, $existing_attachment->ID, $image_filepath); } else { if (@file_exists($image_filepath)) { $download_image = false; if (!($image_info = @getimagesize($image_filepath)) or !in_array($image_info[2], array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: File %s is not a valid image and cannot be set as featured one', 'pmxi_plugin'), $image_filepath)); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; @unlink($image_filepath); } else { $create_image = true; } } } } if ($download_image) { $request = get_file_curl($url, $image_filepath); if ((is_wp_error($request) or $request === false) and !@file_put_contents($image_filepath, @file_get_contents($url))) { @unlink($image_filepath); // delete file since failed upload may result in empty file created } elseif ($image_info = @getimagesize($image_filepath) and in_array($image_info[2], array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG))) { $create_image = true; } if (!$create_image) { $url = str_replace(" ", "%20", trim(pmxi_convert_encoding($img_url))); $request = get_file_curl($url, $image_filepath); if ((is_wp_error($request) or $request === false) and !@file_put_contents($image_filepath, @file_get_contents($url))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: File %s cannot be saved locally as %s', 'pmxi_plugin'), $url, $image_filepath)); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; @unlink($image_filepath); // delete file since failed upload may result in empty file created } elseif (!($image_info = @getimagesize($image_filepath)) or !in_array($image_info[2], array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: File %s is not a valid image and cannot be set as featured one', 'pmxi_plugin'), $url)); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; @unlink($image_filepath); } else { $create_image = true; } } } } } if ($create_image) { $attachment = array('post_mime_type' => image_type_to_mime_type($image_info[2]), 'guid' => $uploads['url'] . '/' . $image_filename, 'post_title' => $image_filename, 'post_content' => '', 'post_author' => $post_author[$i]); if ($image_meta = wp_read_image_metadata($image_filepath)) { if (trim($image_meta['title']) && !is_numeric(sanitize_title($image_meta['title']))) { $attachment['post_title'] = $image_meta['title']; } if (trim($image_meta['caption'])) { $attachment['post_content'] = $image_meta['caption']; } } $attid = $this->options['is_fast_mode'] ? pmxi_insert_attachment($attachment, $image_filepath, $pid) : wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $image_filepath, $pid); if (is_wp_error($attid)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>', 'pmxi_plugin') . ': ' . $attid->get_error_message()); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } else { // you must first include the image.php file // for the function wp_generate_attachment_metadata() to work require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'; wp_update_attachment_metadata($attid, wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attid, $image_filepath)); if ($this->options['set_image_meta_data']) { $update_attachment_meta = array(); if (!empty($img_titles[$k])) { $update_attachment_meta['post_title'] = $img_titles[$k]; } if (!empty($img_captions[$k])) { $update_attachment_meta['post_excerpt'] = $img_captions[$k]; } if (!empty($img_descriptions[$k])) { $update_attachment_meta['post_content'] = $img_descriptions[$k]; } if (!empty($img_alts[$k])) { update_post_meta($attid, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', $img_alts[$k]); } if (!empty($update_attachment_meta)) { $this->wpdb->update($this->wpdb->posts, $update_attachment_meta, array('ID' => $attid)); } } do_action('pmxi_gallery_image', $pid, $attid, $image_filepath); $success_images = true; if (!has_post_thumbnail($pid)) { set_post_thumbnail($pid, $attid); } else { $gallery_attachment_ids[] = $attid; } } } } } // Set product gallery images if ($post_type == "product" and !empty($gallery_attachment_ids)) { update_post_meta($pid, '_product_image_gallery', implode(',', $gallery_attachment_ids)); } // Create entry as Draft if no images are downloaded successfully if (!$success_images and "yes" == $this->options['create_draft']) { $this->wpdb->update($this->wpdb->posts, array('post_status' => 'draft'), array('ID' => $pid)); } } // [/featured image] // [attachments] if (!empty($uploads) and false === $uploads['error'] and !empty($attachments[$i]) and (empty($articleData['ID']) or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "yes" or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['is_update_attachments'])) { // you must first include the image.php file // for the function wp_generate_attachment_metadata() to work require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'; if (!is_array($attachments[$i])) { $attachments[$i] = array($attachments[$i]); } foreach ($attachments[$i] as $attachment) { if ("" == $attachment) { continue; } $atchs = str_getcsv($attachment, $this->options['atch_delim']); if (!empty($atchs)) { foreach ($atchs as $atch_url) { if (empty($atch_url)) { continue; } $atch_url = str_replace(" ", "%20", trim($atch_url)); $attachment_filename = wp_unique_filename($uploads['path'], urldecode(basename(parse_url(trim($atch_url), PHP_URL_PATH)))); $attachment_filepath = $uploads['path'] . '/' . sanitize_file_name($attachment_filename); $request = get_file_curl(trim($atch_url), $attachment_filepath); if ((is_wp_error($request) or $request === false) and !@file_put_contents($attachment_filepath, @file_get_contents(trim($atch_url)))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: Attachment file %s cannot be saved locally as %s', 'pmxi_plugin'), trim($atch_url), $attachment_filepath)); is_wp_error($request) and $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WP Error</b>: %s', 'pmxi_plugin'), $request->get_error_message())); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; unlink($attachment_filepath); // delete file since failed upload may result in empty file created } elseif (!($wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype(basename($attachment_filename), null))) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: Can\'t detect attachment file type %s', 'pmxi_plugin'), trim($atch_url))); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } else { $attachment_data = array('guid' => $uploads['baseurl'] . '/' . _wp_relative_upload_path($attachment_filepath), 'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'], 'post_title' => preg_replace('/\\.[^.]+$/', '', basename($attachment_filepath)), 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_author' => $post_author[$i]); $attach_id = $this->options['is_fast_mode'] ? pmxi_insert_attachment($attachment_data, $attachment_filepath, $pid) : wp_insert_attachment($attachment_data, $attachment_filepath, $pid); if (is_wp_error($attach_id)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>', 'pmxi_plugin') . ': ' . $pid->get_error_message()); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } else { wp_update_attachment_metadata($attach_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $attachment_filepath)); do_action('pmxi_attachment_uploaded', $pid, $attid, $image_filepath); } } } } } } // [/attachments] // [custom taxonomies] if (!empty($taxonomies)) { foreach ($taxonomies as $tx_name => $txes) { // Skip updating product attributes if (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_addon('PMWI_Plugin') and strpos($tx_name, "pa_") === 0) { continue; } if (empty($articleData['ID']) or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "yes" or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['is_update_categories']) { if (!empty($articleData['ID'])) { if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == "all_except" and !empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and is_array($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and in_array($tx_name, $this->options['taxonomies_list'])) { continue; } if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == "only" and (!empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and is_array($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and !in_array($tx_name, $this->options['taxonomies_list']) or empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']))) { continue; } } $assign_taxes = array(); if ($this->options['update_categories_logic'] == "add_new" and !empty($existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i])) { $assign_taxes = $existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]; unset($existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]); } elseif (!empty($existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i])) { unset($existing_taxonomies[$tx_name][$i]); } // create term if not exists if (!empty($txes[$i])) { foreach ($txes[$i] as $key => $single_tax) { if (is_array($single_tax)) { $parent_id = !empty($single_tax['parent']) ? pmxi_recursion_taxes($single_tax['parent'], $tx_name, $txes[$i], $key) : ''; $term = is_exists_term($tx_name, $single_tax['name'], (int) $parent_id); if (empty($term) and !is_wp_error($term)) { $term_attr = array('parent' => !empty($parent_id) ? $parent_id : 0); $term = wp_insert_term($single_tax['name'], $tx_name, $term_attr); } if (is_wp_error($term)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: `%s`', 'pmxi_plugin'), $term->get_error_message())); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } elseif (!empty($term)) { $cat_id = $term['term_id']; if ($cat_id and $single_tax['assign']) { $term = get_term_by('id', $cat_id, $tx_name); if (!in_array($term->slug, $assign_taxes)) { $assign_taxes[] = $term->slug; } } } } } } if (!empty($assign_taxes)) { // associate taxes with post $term_ids = wp_set_object_terms($pid, $assign_taxes, $tx_name); if (is_wp_error($term_ids)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>', 'pmxi_plugin') . ': ' . $term_ids->get_error_message()); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } } } } if (!empty($existing_taxonomies) and $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['is_update_categories'] and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] != 'full_update') { foreach ($existing_taxonomies as $tx_name => $txes) { // Skip updating product attributes if (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_addon('PMWI_Plugin') and strpos($tx_name, "pa_") === 0) { continue; } if (!empty($txes[$i])) { $term_ids = wp_set_object_terms($pid, $txes[$i], $tx_name); if (is_wp_error($term_ids)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>', 'pmxi_plugin') . ': ' . $term_ids->get_error_message()); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } } } } } // [/custom taxonomies] // [categories] if (!empty($cats[$i])) { if (empty($articleData['ID']) or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "yes" or $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['is_update_categories']) { wp_set_object_terms($pid, NULL, 'category'); $is_update_cats = true; if (!empty($articleData['ID'])) { if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == "all_except" and !empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and is_array($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and in_array('category', $this->options['taxonomies_list'])) { $is_update_cats = false; } if ($this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] == "only" and (!empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and is_array($this->options['taxonomies_list']) and !in_array('category', $this->options['taxonomies_list']) or empty($this->options['taxonomies_list']))) { $is_update_cats = false; } } if ($is_update_cats) { $assign_cats = array(); if ($this->options['update_categories_logic'] == "add_new" and !empty($existing_cats[$i])) { $assign_cats = $existing_cats[$i]; unset($existing_cats[$i]); } elseif (!empty($existing_cats[$i])) { unset($existing_cats[$i]); } // create categories if it's doesn't exists foreach ($cats[$i] as $key => $single_cat) { if (is_array($single_cat)) { $parent_id = !empty($single_cat['parent']) ? pmxi_recursion_taxes($single_cat['parent'], 'category', $cats[$i], $key) : ''; $term = is_exists_term('category', $single_cat['name'], (int) $parent_id); if (empty($term) and !is_wp_error($term)) { $term = wp_insert_term($single_cat['name'], 'category', array('parent' => !empty($parent_id) ? (int) $parent_id : 0)); } if (is_wp_error($term)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: `%s`', 'pmxi_plugin'), $term->get_error_message())); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } elseif (!empty($term)) { $cat_id = $term['term_id']; if ($cat_id and $single_cat['assign']) { $term = get_term_by('id', $cat_id, 'category'); if (!in_array($term->slug, $assign_cats)) { $assign_cats[] = $term->slug; } } } } } // associate categories with post $cats_ids = wp_set_object_terms($pid, $assign_cats, 'category'); if (is_wp_error($cats_ids)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>', 'pmxi_plugin') . ': ' . $cats_ids->get_error_message()); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } } } } if (!empty($existing_cats[$i]) and $this->options['update_all_data'] == "no" and (!$this->options['is_update_categories'] or $this->options['is_update_categories'] and $this->options['update_categories_logic'] != 'full_update')) { $cats_ids = wp_set_object_terms($pid, $existing_cats[$i], 'category'); if (is_wp_error($cats_ids)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>WARNING</b>', 'pmxi_plugin') . ': ' . $cats_ids->get_error_message()); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['warnings'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['warnings']; } } // [/categories] if (empty($articleData['ID'])) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('`%s` post created successfully', 'pmxi_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } else { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('`%s` post updated successfully', 'pmxi_plugin'), $articleData['post_title'])); } // [addons import] // prepare data for import $importData = array('pid' => $pid, 'import' => $this, 'logger' => $logger); // deligate operation to addons foreach (PMXI_Admin_Addons::get_active_addons() as $class) { if (class_exists($class)) { if (method_exists($addons[$class], 'saved_post')) { $addons[$class]->saved_post($importData); } } else { $saved_func = $class . '_saved_post'; if (function_exists($saved_func)) { call_user_func($saved_func, $importData); } } } // [/addons import] do_action('pmxi_saved_post', $pid); // hook that was triggered immediately after post saved if (empty($articleData['ID'])) { $created++; } else { $updated++; } if (!$is_cron and "default" == $this->options['import_processing']) { $processed_records = $created + $updated + $skipped + PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['errors']; $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<span class="processing_info"><span class="created_count">%s</span><span class="updated_count">%s</span><span class="percents_count">%s</span></span>', 'pmxi_plugin'), $created, $updated, ceil($processed_records / $this->count * 100))); } } do_action('pmxi_after_post_import', $this->id); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['chunk_number'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['chunk_number']; } wp_cache_flush(); $this->set(array('imported' => $created + $updated, 'created' => $created, 'updated' => $updated, 'skipped' => $skipped, 'queue_chunk_number' => $created + $updated + $skipped))->update(); if (!$is_cron) { pmxi_session_commit(); $records_count = $this->created + $this->updated + $this->skipped + PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['errors']; $is_import_complete = $records_count == $this->count; // Delete posts that are no longer present in your file if ($is_import_complete and !empty($this->options['is_delete_missing']) and $this->options['duplicate_matching'] == 'auto') { $logger and call_user_func($logger, 'Removing previously imported posts which are no longer actual...'); $postList = new PMXI_Post_List(); $missing_ids = array(); $missingPosts = $postList->getBy(array('import_id' => $this->id, 'iteration !=' => $this->iteration)); if (!$missingPosts->isEmpty()) { foreach ($missingPosts as $missingPost) { $missing_ids[] = $missingPost['post_id']; // Instead of deletion, set Custom Field if ($this->options['is_update_missing_cf']) { update_post_meta($missingPost['post_id'], $this->options['update_missing_cf_name'], $this->options['update_missing_cf_value']); } // Instead of deletion, change post status to Draft if ($this->options['set_missing_to_draft']) { $this->wpdb->update($this->wpdb->posts, array('post_status' => 'draft'), array('ID' => $missingPost['post_id'])); } // Delete posts that are no longer present in your file if (!$this->options['is_update_missing_cf'] and !$this->options['set_missing_to_draft']) { // Remove attachments empty($this->options['is_keep_attachments']) and wp_delete_attachments($missingPost['post_id'], true, 'files'); // Remove images empty($this->options['is_keep_imgs']) and wp_delete_attachments($missingPost['post_id'], $this->options['download_images']); if (!empty($missingPost['id'])) { // Delete record form pmxi_posts $missingRecord = new PMXI_Post_Record(); $missingRecord->getById($missingPost['id'])->delete(); } else { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getTablePrefix() . "posts WHERE post_id = " . $missingPost['post_id'] . " AND import_id = " . $missingPost['import_id']; $this->wpdb->query($this->wpdb->prepare($sql, '')); } // Clear post's relationships wp_delete_object_term_relationships($missingPost['post_id'], get_object_taxonomies('' != $this->options['custom_type'] ? $this->options['custom_type'] : 'post')); } } } // Delete posts from database if (!empty($missing_ids) && is_array($missing_ids) and !$this->options['is_update_missing_cf'] and !$this->options['set_missing_to_draft']) { $sql = "delete a,b,c\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $this->wpdb->posts . " a\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . $this->wpdb->term_relationships . " b ON ( a.ID = b.object_id )\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . $this->wpdb->postmeta . " c ON ( a.ID = c.post_id )\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE a.ID IN (" . implode(',', $missing_ids) . ")"; $this->wpdb->query($this->wpdb->prepare($sql, '')); do_action('pmxi_delete_post', $missing_ids); } } // Set out of stock status for missing records [Woocommerce add-on option] if ($is_import_complete and empty($this->options['is_delete_missing']) and $post_type == "product" and class_exists('PMWI_Plugin') and !empty($this->options['missing_records_stock_status'])) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, 'Update stock status previously imported posts which are no longer actual...'); $postList = new PMXI_Post_List(); $missingPosts = $postList->getBy(array('import_id' => $this->id, 'iteration !=' => $this->iteration)); if (!$missingPosts->isEmpty()) { foreach ($missingPosts as $missingPost) { update_post_meta($missingPost['post_id'], '_stock_status', 'outofstock'); update_post_meta($missingPost['post_id'], '_stock', 0); } } } } } catch (XmlImportException $e) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('<b>ERROR</b>', 'pmxi_plugin') . ': ' . $e->getMessage()); $logger and PMXI_Plugin::$session['pmxi_import']['errors'] = ++PMXI_Plugin::$session->data['pmxi_import']['errors']; } $logger and $is_import_complete and call_user_func($logger, __('Cleaning temporary data...', 'pmxi_plugin')); foreach ($tmp_files as $file) { // remove all temporary files created @unlink($file); } if (($is_cron or $is_import_complete) and $this->options['is_delete_source']) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, __('Deleting source XML file...', 'pmxi_plugin')); // Delete chunks foreach (PMXI_Helper::safe_glob($uploads['path'] . '/pmxi_chunk_*', PMXI_Helper::GLOB_RECURSE | PMXI_Helper::GLOB_PATH) as $filePath) { @file_exists($filePath) and @unlink($filePath); } if ($this->type != "ftp") { if (!@unlink($this->path)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: Unable to remove %s', 'pmxi_plugin'), $this->path)); } } else { $file_path_array = PMXI_Helper::safe_glob($this->path, PMXI_Helper::GLOB_NODIR | PMXI_Helper::GLOB_PATH); if (!empty($file_path_array)) { foreach ($file_path_array as $path) { if (!@unlink($path)) { $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('<b>WARNING</b>: Unable to remove %s', 'pmxi_plugin'), $path)); } } } } } if (!$is_cron and $is_import_complete) { $this->set(array('processing' => 0, 'triggered' => 0, 'queue_chunk_number' => 0, 'registered_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'iteration' => ++$this->iteration))->update(); $logger and call_user_func($logger, 'Done'); } remove_filter('user_has_cap', array($this, '_filter_has_cap_unfiltered_html')); kses_init(); // return any filtering rules back if they has been disabled for import procedure return $this; }