$table_search = new PMA_TableSearch($db, $table, "zoom");
 * Handle AJAX request for data row on point select
 * @var post_params Object containing parameters for the POST request
if (isset($_REQUEST['get_data_row']) && $_REQUEST['get_data_row'] == true) {
    $extra_data = array();
    $row_info_query = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $_REQUEST['db'] . '`.`' . $_REQUEST['table'] . '` WHERE ' . $_REQUEST['where_clause'];
    $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($row_info_query . ";", null, PMA_DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE);
    $fields_meta = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getFieldsMeta($result);
    while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result)) {
        // for bit fields we need to convert them to printable form
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($row as $col => $val) {
            if ($fields_meta[$i]->type == 'bit') {
                $row[$col] = PMA_Util::printableBitValue($val, $fields_meta[$i]->length);
        $extra_data['row_info'] = $row;
 * Handle AJAX request for changing field information
 * (value,collation,operators,field values) in input form
 * @var post_params Object containing parameters for the POST request
if (isset($_REQUEST['change_tbl_info']) && $_REQUEST['change_tbl_info'] == true) {
    $response = PMA_Response::getInstance();
예제 #2
  * Get data cell for non numeric type fields
  * @param string        $column                the relevant column in data row
  * @param string        $class                 the html class for column
  * @param object        $meta                  the meta-information about
  *                                             the field
  * @param array         $map                   the list of relations
  * @param array         $_url_params           the parameters for generate
  *                                             url
  * @param boolean       $condition_field       the column should highlighted
  *                                             or not
  * @param object|string $transformation_plugin the name of transformation
  *                                             function
  * @param string        $default_function      the default transformation
  *                                             function
  * @param string        $transform_options     the transformation parameters
  * @param boolean       $is_field_truncated    is data truncated due to
  *                                             LimitChars
  * @param array         $analyzed_sql          the analyzed query
  * @param integer       &$dt_result            the link id associated to
  *                                             the query which results
  *                                             have to be displayed
  * @param integer       $col_index             the column index
  * @return  string  $cell the prepared data cell, html content
  * @access  private
  * @see     _getTableBody()
 private function _getDataCellForNonNumericColumns($column, $class, $meta, $map, $_url_params, $condition_field, $transformation_plugin, $default_function, $transform_options, $is_field_truncated, $analyzed_sql, &$dt_result, $col_index)
     $is_analyse = $this->__get('is_analyse');
     $field_flags = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fieldFlags($dt_result, $col_index);
     $bIsText = gettype($transformation_plugin) === 'object' && strpos($transformation_plugin->getMIMEtype(), 'Text') === false;
     // disable inline grid editing
     // if binary fields are protected
     // or transformation plugin is of non text type
     // such as image
     if (stristr($field_flags, self::BINARY_FIELD) && ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'all' || $GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'noblob' && !stristr($meta->type, self::BLOB_FIELD) || $GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'blob' && stristr($meta->type, self::BLOB_FIELD)) || $bIsText) {
         $class = str_replace('grid_edit', '', $class);
     if (!isset($column) || is_null($column)) {
         $cell = $this->_buildNullDisplay($class, $condition_field, $meta);
         return $cell;
     if ($column == '') {
         $cell = $this->_buildEmptyDisplay($class, $condition_field, $meta);
         return $cell;
     // Cut all fields to $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']
     // (unless it's a link-type transformation or binary)
     if (!(gettype($transformation_plugin) === "object" && strpos($transformation_plugin->getName(), 'Link') !== false) && !stristr($field_flags, self::BINARY_FIELD)) {
         $is_field_truncated = $this->_getPartialText($column);
     $formatted = false;
     if (isset($meta->_type) && $meta->_type === MYSQLI_TYPE_BIT) {
         $column = PMA_Util::printableBitValue($column, $meta->length);
         // some results of PROCEDURE ANALYSE() are reported as
         // being BINARY but they are quite readable,
         // so don't treat them as BINARY
     } elseif (stristr($field_flags, self::BINARY_FIELD) && !(isset($is_analyse) && $is_analyse)) {
         // we show the BINARY or BLOB message and field's size
         // (or maybe use a transformation)
         $binary_or_blob = self::BLOB_FIELD;
         if ($meta->type === self::STRING_FIELD) {
             $binary_or_blob = self::BINARY_FIELD;
         $column = $this->_handleNonPrintableContents($binary_or_blob, $column, $transformation_plugin, $transform_options, $default_function, $meta, $_url_params, $is_field_truncated);
         $class = $this->_addClass($class, $condition_field, $meta, '', $is_field_truncated, $transformation_plugin, $default_function);
         $result = strip_tags($column);
         // disable inline grid editing
         // if binary or blob data is not shown
         if (stristr($result, $binary_or_blob)) {
             $class = str_replace('grid_edit', '', $class);
         $formatted = true;
     if ($formatted) {
         $cell = $this->_buildValueDisplay($class, $condition_field, $column);
         return $cell;
     // transform functions may enable no-wrapping:
     $function_nowrap = 'applyTransformationNoWrap';
     $bool_nowrap = $default_function != $transformation_plugin && function_exists($transformation_plugin->{$function_nowrap}()) ? $transformation_plugin->{$function_nowrap}($transform_options) : false;
     // do not wrap if date field type
     $nowrap = preg_match('@DATE|TIME@i', $meta->type) || $bool_nowrap ? ' nowrap' : '';
     $where_comparison = ' = \'' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($column) . '\'';
     $cell = $this->_getRowData($class, $condition_field, $analyzed_sql, $meta, $map, $column, $transformation_plugin, $default_function, $nowrap, $where_comparison, $transform_options, $is_field_truncated);
     return $cell;
예제 #3
  * Outputs the content of a table in SQL format
  * @param string $db        database name
  * @param string $table     table name
  * @param string $crlf      the end of line sequence
  * @param string $error_url the url to go back in case of error
  * @param string $sql_query SQL query for obtaining data
  * @return bool Whether it succeeded
 public function exportData($db, $table, $crlf, $error_url, $sql_query)
     global $current_row, $sql_backquotes;
     if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'])) {
         $compat = $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'];
     } else {
         $compat = 'NONE';
     $formatted_table_name = isset($GLOBALS['sql_backquotes']) ? PMA_Util::backquoteCompat($table, $compat) : '\'' . $table . '\'';
     // Do not export data for a VIEW
     // (For a VIEW, this is called only when exporting a single VIEW)
     if (PMA_Table::isView($db, $table)) {
         $head = $this->_possibleCRLF() . $this->_exportComment() . $this->_exportComment('VIEW ' . ' ' . $formatted_table_name) . $this->_exportComment(__('Data') . ': ' . __('None')) . $this->_exportComment() . $this->_possibleCRLF();
         if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($head)) {
             return false;
         return true;
     // analyze the query to get the true column names, not the aliases
     // (this fixes an undefined index, also if Complete inserts
     //  are used, we did not get the true column name in case of aliases)
     $analyzed_sql = PMA_SQP_analyze(PMA_SQP_parse($sql_query));
     $result = PMA_DBI_try_query($sql_query, null, PMA_DBI_QUERY_UNBUFFERED);
     // a possible error: the table has crashed
     $tmp_error = PMA_DBI_getError();
     if ($tmp_error) {
         return PMA_exportOutputHandler($this->_exportComment(__('Error reading data:') . ' (' . $tmp_error . ')'));
     if ($result != false) {
         $fields_cnt = PMA_DBI_num_fields($result);
         // Get field information
         $fields_meta = PMA_DBI_get_fields_meta($result);
         $field_flags = array();
         for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
             $field_flags[$j] = PMA_DBI_field_flags($result, $j);
         for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
             if (isset($analyzed_sql[0]['select_expr'][$j]['column'])) {
                 $field_set[$j] = PMA_Util::backquoteCompat($analyzed_sql[0]['select_expr'][$j]['column'], $compat, $sql_backquotes);
             } else {
                 $field_set[$j] = PMA_Util::backquoteCompat($fields_meta[$j]->name, $compat, $sql_backquotes);
         if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_type']) && $GLOBALS['sql_type'] == 'UPDATE') {
             // update
             $schema_insert = 'UPDATE ';
             if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_ignore'])) {
                 $schema_insert .= 'IGNORE ';
             // avoid EOL blank
             $schema_insert .= PMA_Util::backquoteCompat($table, $compat, $sql_backquotes) . ' SET';
         } else {
             // insert or replace
             if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_type']) && $GLOBALS['sql_type'] == 'REPLACE') {
                 $sql_command = 'REPLACE';
             } else {
                 $sql_command = 'INSERT';
             // delayed inserts?
             if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_delayed'])) {
                 $insert_delayed = ' DELAYED';
             } else {
                 $insert_delayed = '';
             // insert ignore?
             if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_type']) && $GLOBALS['sql_type'] == 'INSERT' && isset($GLOBALS['sql_ignore'])) {
                 $insert_delayed .= ' IGNORE';
             //truncate table before insert
             if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_truncate']) && $GLOBALS['sql_truncate'] && $sql_command == 'INSERT') {
                 $truncate = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquoteCompat($table, $compat, $sql_backquotes) . ";";
                 $truncatehead = $this->_possibleCRLF() . $this->_exportComment() . $this->_exportComment(__('Truncate table before insert') . ' ' . $formatted_table_name) . $this->_exportComment() . $crlf;
             } else {
                 $truncate = '';
             // scheme for inserting fields
             if ($GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'complete' || $GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'both') {
                 $fields = implode(', ', $field_set);
                 $schema_insert = $sql_command . $insert_delayed . ' INTO ' . PMA_Util::backquoteCompat($table, $compat, $sql_backquotes) . ' (' . $fields . ') VALUES';
             } else {
                 $schema_insert = $sql_command . $insert_delayed . ' INTO ' . PMA_Util::backquoteCompat($table, $compat, $sql_backquotes) . ' VALUES';
         //\x08\\x09, not required
         $search = array("", "\n", "\r", "");
         $replace = array('\\0', '\\n', '\\r', '\\Z');
         $current_row = 0;
         $query_size = 0;
         if (($GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'extended' || $GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'both') && (!isset($GLOBALS['sql_type']) || $GLOBALS['sql_type'] != 'UPDATE')) {
             $separator = ',';
             $schema_insert .= $crlf;
         } else {
             $separator = ';';
         while ($row = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($result)) {
             if ($current_row == 0) {
                 $head = $this->_possibleCRLF() . $this->_exportComment() . $this->_exportComment(__('Dumping data for table') . ' ' . $formatted_table_name) . $this->_exportComment() . $crlf;
                 if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($head)) {
                     return false;
             // We need to SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON for MSSQL
             if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility']) && $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'] == 'MSSQL' && $current_row == 0) {
                 if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler('SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' . PMA_Util::backquoteCompat($table, $compat) . ' ON ;' . $crlf)) {
                     return false;
             for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
                 // NULL
                 if (!isset($row[$j]) || is_null($row[$j])) {
                     $values[] = 'NULL';
                 } elseif ($fields_meta[$j]->numeric && $fields_meta[$j]->type != 'timestamp' && !$fields_meta[$j]->blob) {
                     // a number
                     // timestamp is numeric on some MySQL 4.1, BLOBs are
                     // sometimes numeric
                     $values[] = $row[$j];
                 } elseif (stristr($field_flags[$j], 'BINARY') && $fields_meta[$j]->blob && isset($GLOBALS['sql_hex_for_blob'])) {
                     // a true BLOB
                     // - mysqldump only generates hex data when the --hex-blob
                     //   option is used, for fields having the binary attribute
                     //   no hex is generated
                     // - a TEXT field returns type blob but a real blob
                     //   returns also the 'binary' flag
                     // empty blobs need to be different, but '0' is also empty
                     // :-(
                     if (empty($row[$j]) && $row[$j] != '0') {
                         $values[] = '\'\'';
                     } else {
                         $values[] = '0x' . bin2hex($row[$j]);
                 } elseif ($fields_meta[$j]->type == 'bit') {
                     // detection of 'bit' works only on mysqli extension
                     $values[] = "b'" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes(PMA_Util::printableBitValue($row[$j], $fields_meta[$j]->length)) . "'";
                 } else {
                     // something else -> treat as a string
                     $values[] = '\'' . str_replace($search, $replace, PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($row[$j])) . '\'';
                 // end if
             // end for
             // should we make update?
             if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_type']) && $GLOBALS['sql_type'] == 'UPDATE') {
                 $insert_line = $schema_insert;
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $fields_cnt; $i++) {
                     if (0 == $i) {
                         $insert_line .= ' ';
                     if ($i > 0) {
                         // avoid EOL blank
                         $insert_line .= ',';
                     $insert_line .= $field_set[$i] . ' = ' . $values[$i];
                 list($tmp_unique_condition, $tmp_clause_is_unique) = PMA_Util::getUniqueCondition($result, $fields_cnt, $fields_meta, $row);
                 $insert_line .= ' WHERE ' . $tmp_unique_condition;
                 unset($tmp_unique_condition, $tmp_clause_is_unique);
             } else {
                 // Extended inserts case
                 if ($GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'extended' || $GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'both') {
                     if ($current_row == 1) {
                         $insert_line = $schema_insert . '(' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
                     } else {
                         $insert_line = '(' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
                         $sql_max_size = $GLOBALS['sql_max_query_size'];
                         if (isset($sql_max_size) && $sql_max_size > 0 && $query_size + strlen($insert_line) > $sql_max_size) {
                             if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler(';' . $crlf)) {
                                 return false;
                             $query_size = 0;
                             $current_row = 1;
                             $insert_line = $schema_insert . $insert_line;
                     $query_size += strlen($insert_line);
                     // Other inserts case
                 } else {
                     $insert_line = $schema_insert . '(' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
             if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler(($current_row == 1 ? '' : $separator . $crlf) . $insert_line)) {
                 return false;
         // end while
         if ($current_row > 0) {
             if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler(';' . $crlf)) {
                 return false;
         // We need to SET IDENTITY_INSERT OFF for MSSQL
         if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility']) && $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'] == 'MSSQL' && $current_row > 0) {
             $outputSucceeded = PMA_exportOutputHandler($crlf . 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' . PMA_Util::backquoteCompat($table, $compat) . ' OFF;' . $crlf);
             if (!$outputSucceeded) {
                 return false;
     // end if ($result != false)
     return true;
예제 #4
  * Get data cell for non numeric and non blob type fields
  * @param string  $column                the relevant column in data row
  * @param string  $class                 the html class for column
  * @param object  $meta                  the meta-information about the field
  * @param array   $map                   the list of relations
  * @param array   $_url_params           the parameters for generate url
  * @param boolean $condition_field       the column should highlighted
  *                                       or not
  * @param string  $transformation_plugin the name of transformation function
  * @param string  $default_function      the default transformation function
  * @param string  $transform_options     the transformation parameters
  * @param boolean $is_field_truncated    the condition for blob data
  *                                       replacements
  * @param array   $analyzed_sql          the analyzed query
  * @param integer &$dt_result            the link id associated to the query
  *                                        which results have to be displayed
  * @param integer $col_index             the column index
  * @return  string  $cell               the prepared data cell, html content
  * @access  private
  * @see     _getTableBody()
 private function _getDataCellForNonNumericAndNonBlobColumns($column, $class, $meta, $map, $_url_params, $condition_field, $transformation_plugin, $default_function, $transform_options, $is_field_truncated, $analyzed_sql, &$dt_result, $col_index)
     $limitChars = $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars'];
     $is_analyse = $this->__get('is_analyse');
     $field_flags = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fieldFlags($dt_result, $col_index);
     if (stristr($field_flags, self::BINARY_FIELD) && ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] == 'all' || $GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] == 'noblob')) {
         $class = str_replace('grid_edit', '', $class);
     if (!isset($column) || is_null($column)) {
         $cell = $this->_buildNullDisplay($class, $condition_field, $meta);
     } elseif ($column != '') {
         // Cut all fields to $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']
         // (unless it's a link-type transformation)
         if ($GLOBALS['PMA_String']->strlen($column) > $limitChars && $_SESSION['tmpval']['pftext'] == self::DISPLAY_PARTIAL_TEXT && !(gettype($transformation_plugin) == "object" && strpos($transformation_plugin->getName(), 'Link') !== false)) {
             $column = $GLOBALS['PMA_String']->substr($column, 0, $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']) . '...';
             $is_field_truncated = true;
         $formatted = false;
         if (isset($meta->_type) && $meta->_type === MYSQLI_TYPE_BIT) {
             $column = PMA_Util::printableBitValue($column, $meta->length);
             // some results of PROCEDURE ANALYSE() are reported as
             // being BINARY but they are quite readable,
             // so don't treat them as BINARY
         } elseif (stristr($field_flags, self::BINARY_FIELD) && $meta->type == self::STRING_FIELD && !(isset($is_analyse) && $is_analyse)) {
             if ($_SESSION['tmpval']['display_binary']) {
                 // user asked to see the real contents of BINARY
                 // fields
                 $column = $this->_displayBinaryAsPrintable($column, 'binary');
             } else {
                 // we show the BINARY message and field's size
                 // (or maybe use a transformation)
                 $column = $this->_handleNonPrintableContents(self::BINARY_FIELD, $column, $transformation_plugin, $transform_options, $default_function, $meta, $_url_params);
                 $formatted = true;
         } elseif ((substr($meta->type, 0, 9) == self::TIMESTAMP_FIELD || $meta->type == self::DATETIME_FIELD || $meta->type == self::TIME_FIELD || $meta->type == self::TIME_FIELD) && strpos($column, ".") === true) {
             $column = PMA_Util::addMicroseconds($column);
         if ($formatted) {
             $cell = $this->_buildValueDisplay($class, $condition_field, $column);
         } else {
             // transform functions may enable no-wrapping:
             $function_nowrap = 'applyTransformationNoWrap';
             $bool_nowrap = $default_function != $transformation_plugin && function_exists($transformation_plugin->{$function_nowrap}()) ? $transformation_plugin->{$function_nowrap}($transform_options) : false;
             // do not wrap if date field type
             $nowrap = preg_match('@DATE|TIME@i', $meta->type) || $bool_nowrap ? ' nowrap' : '';
             $where_comparison = ' = \'' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($column) . '\'';
             $cell = $this->_getRowData($class, $condition_field, $analyzed_sql, $meta, $map, $column, $transformation_plugin, $default_function, $nowrap, $where_comparison, $transform_options, $is_field_truncated);
     } else {
         $cell = $this->_buildEmptyDisplay($class, $condition_field, $meta);
     return $cell;
예제 #5
 * Prepares the field value and retrieve special chars, backup field and data array
 * @param array   $current_row          a row of the table
 * @param array   $column               description of column in given table
 * @param array   $extracted_columnspec associative array containing type,
 *                                      spec_in_brackets and possibly
 *                                      enum_set_values (another array)
 * @param boolean $real_null_value      whether column value null or not null
 * @param array   $gis_data_types       list of GIS data types
 * @param string  $column_name_appendix string to append to column name in input
 * @param bool    $as_is                use the data as is, used in repopulating
 * @return array $real_null_value, $data, $special_chars, $backup_field,
 *               $special_chars_encoded
function PMA_getSpecialCharsAndBackupFieldForExistingRow($current_row, $column, $extracted_columnspec, $real_null_value, $gis_data_types, $column_name_appendix, $as_is)
    $special_chars_encoded = '';
    $data = null;
    // (we are editing)
    if (!isset($current_row[$column['Field']])) {
        $real_null_value = true;
        $current_row[$column['Field']] = '';
        $special_chars = '';
        $data = $current_row[$column['Field']];
    } elseif ($column['True_Type'] == 'bit') {
        $special_chars = $as_is ? $current_row[$column['Field']] : PMA_Util::printableBitValue($current_row[$column['Field']], $extracted_columnspec['spec_in_brackets']);
    } elseif ((substr($column['True_Type'], 0, 9) == 'timestamp' || $column['True_Type'] == 'datetime' || $column['True_Type'] == 'time') && mb_strpos($current_row[$column['Field']], ".") !== false) {
        $current_row[$column['Field']] = $as_is ? $current_row[$column['Field']] : PMA_Util::addMicroseconds($current_row[$column['Field']]);
        $special_chars = htmlspecialchars($current_row[$column['Field']]);
    } elseif (in_array($column['True_Type'], $gis_data_types)) {
        // Convert gis data to Well Know Text format
        $current_row[$column['Field']] = $as_is ? $current_row[$column['Field']] : PMA_Util::asWKT($current_row[$column['Field']], true);
        $special_chars = htmlspecialchars($current_row[$column['Field']]);
    } else {
        // special binary "characters"
        if ($column['is_binary'] || $column['is_blob'] && $GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] !== 'all') {
            $current_row[$column['Field']] = $as_is ? $current_row[$column['Field']] : bin2hex($current_row[$column['Field']]);
        // end if
        $special_chars = htmlspecialchars($current_row[$column['Field']]);
        //We need to duplicate the first \n or otherwise we will lose
        //the first newline entered in a VARCHAR or TEXT column
        $special_chars_encoded = PMA_Util::duplicateFirstNewline($special_chars);
        $data = $current_row[$column['Field']];
    // end if... else...
    //when copying row, it is useful to empty auto-increment column
    // to prevent duplicate key error
    if (isset($_REQUEST['default_action']) && $_REQUEST['default_action'] === 'insert') {
        if ($column['Key'] === 'PRI' && mb_strpos($column['Extra'], 'auto_increment') !== false) {
            $data = $special_chars_encoded = $special_chars = null;
    // If a timestamp field value is not included in an update
    // statement MySQL auto-update it to the current timestamp;
    // however, things have changed since MySQL 4.1, so
    // it's better to set a fields_prev in this situation
    $backup_field = '<input type="hidden" name="fields_prev' . $column_name_appendix . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($current_row[$column['Field']]) . '" />';
    return array($real_null_value, $special_chars_encoded, $special_chars, $data, $backup_field);
  * test for generating string contains printable bit value of selected data
  * @param number $a Value
  * @param int    $b Length
  * @param string $e Expected output
  * @return void
  * @dataProvider printableBitValueDataProvider
 public function testPrintableBitValue($a, $b, $e)
     $this->assertEquals($e, PMA_Util::printableBitValue($a, $b));