# Initial plot object setup: $plot = new PHPlot_pv(640, 480); $plot->SetDataType('text-data'); $plot->SetPlotType('lines'); $plot->SetFileFormat('jpg'); $plot->SetXTickLabelPos('none'); $plot->SetXTickPos('none'); $plot->SetXDataLabelPos('none'); $plot->SetPlotAreaWorld(NULL, 0, NULL, 10); $plot->SetPrintImage(False); # StartStream does no output, only headers (which we cannot catch using the # CLI), so just check the variables it sets: $plot->StartStream(); $boundary = $plot->GET_stream_boundary(); # Check: Stream frame header includes content-type with expected MIME type $sfh = $plot->GET_stream_frame_header(); if (!preg_match("Content-Type: {$mime_type}", $sfh)) { fwrite(STDERR, "Error: Did not match Content type in header:\n{$sfh}\n"); $errors++; } $plot->SetDataValues($data1); $plot->DrawGraph(); ob_start(); $plot->PrintImageFrame(); $frame1 = ob_get_clean(); $plot->SetDataValues($data2); $plot->DrawGraph(); ob_start(); $plot->PrintImageFrame(); $frame2 = ob_get_clean(); if (!check_frame($frame1, $boundary) || !check_frame($frame2, $boundary)) {