예제 #1
 protected function getDescription(PHP_UML_Metamodel_Stereotype $s, $annotatedElement = '')
     $tag = PHP_UML_Metamodel_Helper::getStereotypeTag($s, 'description');
     if (!is_null($tag)) {
         return nl2br(htmlspecialchars($tag->value));
     } else {
         return '';
예제 #2
  * Retrieve the PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package object related to a package path
  * (ie, to a qualified name, like A\B\C). 
  * Relies on the model->$packages, when references are still named
  * (= before their resolution)
  * @param string $path The path to find
  * @return PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package The package to find. Null if not found.
 protected function getPackageByPath($path)
     $pkg = $this->topPackage;
     do {
         list($pos, $first, $path) = PHP_UML_Metamodel_Helper::getPackagePathParts($path);
         if ($first != '') {
             $pkg = PHP_UML_Metamodel_Helper::findSubpackageByName($pkg, $first);
         if ($pkg === false) {
             return false;
     } while (!($pos === false));
     return $pkg;
예제 #3
  * Parse the directories and the files (depending on what the $directories
  * and $files properties have been set to with setInput()) and return a
  * UML model.
  * @param string $modelName A model name (e.g., the name of your application)
  * @return PHP_UML_Metamodel_Superstructure The resulting UML model
 public function parse($modelName = 'default')
     if ($this->importer instanceof PHP_UML_Input_PHP_FileScanner) {
     if ($this->removeEmptyNamespaces) {
     return $this->model;
예제 #4
  * Finalizes the main object structure that the Parser has built.
  * Launches the resolution of the references for all stacks from the root pkg
  * Every reference (a temporary string) is replaced by a PHP reference
  * to the corresponding type (that is, a class or a datatype)
  * Must be run once the model is complete (= once PHP parsing is done)
  * @param bool  $noEmptyPkg True to force removal of empty packages
  * @param array $defPkg     Array of PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package where to look into,
  *                          in order to resolve the orphaned elements.
  *                          By default, it will look in the root package. This is,
  *                          by the way, where the PHP datatypes are.
 public function finalizeAll($noEmptyPkg = true, $defPkg = array())
     if ($noEmptyPkg) {
     $resolver = new PHP_UML_Metamodel_TypeResolverByName();
     $resolver->package = $this->packages;
     if (empty($defPkg)) {
         $defPkg = array($this->packages);
     } else {
         $defPkg[] =& $this->packages;
     $resolver->resolveReferences($this->packages, $defPkg);
예제 #5
  * Does the type resolution for a given element in a given package
  * @param PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package $pkg      The nesting package
  * @param string                    &$element The element to resolve, provided as a name
  * @param PHP_UML_Metamodel_Type    $context  The context (the nesting class/interface, which 
  *                                            is the only element to know the nesting file)
 private function resolveType(PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package $pkg, &$element, PHP_UML_Metamodel_NamedElement $context)
     if (empty($element)) {
         $targetElement = PHP_UML_Metamodel_Helper::searchTypeIntoPackage($this->topPackage, 'mixed');
     } else {
         $targetElement = PHP_UML_Metamodel_Helper::findTypeById($this->topPackage, $element);
     if ($targetElement === false) {
         $targetElement = $this->resolveTypeByUri($element);
     if ($targetElement === false) {
         self::resolutionWarning($element, $context);
     } else {
         $element = $targetElement;
예제 #6
 public function getComment(PHP_UML_Metamodel_Stereotype $s, $annotatedElement = '')
     $tag = PHP_UML_Metamodel_Helper::getStereotypeTag($s, 'description');
     if (!is_null($tag)) {
         return $this->getTaggedValue($tag->value, self::getUID('Tag_documentation'));
     } else {
         return '';
예제 #7
  * Sets the nesting package of an isolated attribute (the PHP "const")
  * @param PHP_UML_Metamodel_Property &$a         A property
  * @param PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package  $nestingPkg The enclosing package
 private function setNestingPackageOfAttribute(PHP_UML_Metamodel_Property &$a, PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package $nestingPkg)
     $a->package = $nestingPkg;
     if (PHP_UML_Metamodel_Helper::searchAttributeIntoPackage($a->package, $a->name) === false) {
         $nestingPkg->ownedAttribute[] =& $a;
         $this->file->manifested[] =& $a;
     } else {
         PHP_UML_Warning::add('Constant ' . $a->name . ' already defined, in ' . $this->file->name);
예제 #8
  * Does the type resolution for a given element in a given package
  * @param PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package $pkg      The nesting package
  * @param string                    &$element The element to resolve, provided as a name
  * @param PHP_UML_Metamodel_Type    $context  The context (the nesting class/interface, which 
  *                                            is the only element to know the nesting file)
 private function resolveType(PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package $pkg, &$element, PHP_UML_Metamodel_NamedElement $context)
     // Is there a ns separator (\) in it ?
     list($pos, $first, $last) = PHP_UML_Metamodel_Helper::getPackagePathParts($element, false);
     if (!($pos === false)) {
         $tmpPkg = $this->getPackageByPath($first);
         if ($tmpPkg === false) {
             self::resolutionWarning($element, $context);
             $element = null;
         } else {
             // Do we know that type?
             $_o = PHP_UML_Metamodel_Helper::searchTypeIntoPackage($tmpPkg, $last);
             if (!($_o === false)) {
                 $element = $_o;
             } else {
                 self::resolutionWarning($element, $context);
                 //$element = null;
     } else {
         // Is it in the current package?
         $_o = PHP_UML_Metamodel_Helper::searchTypeIntoPackage($pkg, $element);
         if (!($_o === false)) {
             $element = $_o;
         } else {
             // Is it in one of the "default" packages?
             $found = false;
             foreach ($this->defaultRepo as $itemPkg) {
                 $_o = PHP_UML_Metamodel_Helper::searchTypeIntoPackage($itemPkg, $element);
                 if (!($_o === false)) {
                     $element = $_o;
                     $found = true;
             if (!$found) {
                 self::resolutionWarning($element, $context);
                 //$element = null;
예제 #9
 public function getComment(PHP_UML_Metamodel_Stereotype $s, $annotatedElement = '')
     $tag = PHP_UML_Metamodel_Helper::getStereotypeTag($s, 'description');
     if (!is_null($tag)) {
         return '<ownedComment xmi:type="uml:Comment"
             xmi:id="' . self::getUID() . '" annotatedElement="' . $annotatedElement . '"><body>' . htmlspecialchars($tag->value) . '</body></ownedComment>';
     } else {
         return '';