예제 #1
파일: Utils.php 프로젝트: bhirsch/voipdev
 static function &pdflib($fileName, $searchPath, &$values, $numPages = 1, $echo = true, $output = 'College_Match_App', $creator = 'CiviCRM', $author = 'http://www.civicrm.org/', $title = '2006 College Match Scholarship Application')
     try {
         $pdf = new PDFlib();
         $pdf->set_parameter("compatibility", "1.6");
         $pdf->set_parameter("licensefile", "/home/paras/bin/license/pdflib.txt");
         if ($pdf->begin_document('', '') == 0) {
             CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce("PDFlib Error: " . $pdf->get_errmsg());
         $config =& CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
         $pdf->set_parameter('resourcefile', $config->templateDir . '/Quest/pdf/pdflib.upr');
         $pdf->set_parameter('textformat', 'utf8');
         /* Set the search path for fonts and PDF files */
         $pdf->set_parameter('SearchPath', $searchPath);
         /* This line is required to avoid problems on Japanese systems */
         $pdf->set_parameter('hypertextencoding', 'winansi');
         $pdf->set_info('Creator', $creator);
         $pdf->set_info('Author', $author);
         $pdf->set_info('Title', $title);
         $blockContainer = $pdf->open_pdi($fileName, '', 0);
         if ($blockContainer == 0) {
             CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce('PDFlib Error: ' . $pdf->get_errmsg());
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $numPages; $i++) {
             $page = $pdf->open_pdi_page($blockContainer, $i, '');
             if ($page == 0) {
                 CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce('PDFlib Error: ' . $pdf->get_errmsg());
             $pdf->begin_page_ext(20, 20, '');
             /* dummy page size */
             /* This will adjust the page size to the block container's size. */
             $pdf->fit_pdi_page($page, 0, 0, 'adjustpage');
             $status = array();
             /* Fill all text blocks with dynamic data */
             foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
                 if (is_array($value)) {
                 // pdflib does like the forward slash character, hence convert
                 $value = str_replace('/', '_', $value);
                 $res = $pdf->fill_textblock($page, $key, $value, 'embedding encoding=winansi');
                                     if ( $res == 0 ) {
                                         CRM_Core_Error::debug( "$key, $value: $res", $pdf->get_errmsg( ) );
                                     } else {
                                         CRM_Core_Error::debug( "SUCCESS: $key, $value", null );
         $buf = $pdf->get_buffer();
         $len = strlen($buf);
         if ($echo) {
             header('Content-type: application/pdf');
             header("Content-Length: {$len}");
             header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename={$output}.pdf");
             echo $buf;
         } else {
             return $buf;
     } catch (PDFlibException $excp) {
         CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce('PDFlib Error: Exception' . "[" . $excp->get_errnum() . "] " . $excp->get_apiname() . ": " . $excp->get_errmsg());
     } catch (Exception $excp) {
         CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce("PDFlib Error: " . $excp->get_errmsg());
  * Class constructor
  * @param string $paper The size of paper to use ({@link PDFLib_Adapter::$PAPER_SIZES})
  * @param string $orientation The orientation of the document (either 'landscape' or 'portrait')
 function __construct($paper = "letter", $orientation = "portrait")
     if (is_array($paper)) {
         $size = $paper;
     } else {
         if (array_key_exists(strtolower($paper), self::$PAPER_SIZES)) {
             $size = self::$PAPER_SIZES[$paper];
         } else {
             $size = self::$PAPER_SIZES["letter"];
     if (strtolower($orientation) == "landscape") {
         $a = $size[3];
         $size[3] = $size[2];
         $size[2] = $a;
     $this->_width = $size[2];
     $this->_height = $size[3];
     $this->_pdf = new PDFLib();
     $this->_pdf->set_info("Creator", "DOMPDF Converter");
     $this->_pdf->set_info("Date", date("Y-m-d"));
     if (self::$IN_MEMORY) {
         $this->_pdf->begin_document("", "");
     } else {
         $this->_file = tempnam(DOMPDF_TEMP_DIR, "dompdf_tmp_");
         $this->_pdf->begin_document($this->_file, "");
     $this->_pdf->set_parameter("topdown", "true");
     $this->_pdf->begin_page_ext($this->_width, $this->_height, "");
     $this->_page_number = $this->_page_count = 1;
     $this->_page_text = null;
     $this->_imgs = array();
     $this->_fonts = array();
     $this->_objs = array();
     // Set up font paths
     $families = Font_Metrics::get_font_families();
     foreach ($families as $family => $files) {
         foreach ($files as $style => $file) {
             $face = basename($file);
             // Prefer ttfs to afms
             if (file_exists($file . ".ttf")) {
                 $file .= ".ttf";
             } else {
                 if (file_exists($file . ".TTF")) {
                     $file .= ".TTF";
                 } else {
                     if (file_exists($file . ".pfb")) {
                         $file .= ".pfb";
                     } else {
                         if (file_exists($file . ".PFB")) {
                             $file .= ".PFB";
                         } else {
             $this->_pdf->set_parameter("FontOutline", "\\{{$face}\\}=\\{{$file}\\}");
예제 #3
  * Class constructor
  * @param mixed $paper The size of paper to use either a string (see {@link CPDF_Adapter::$PAPER_SIZES}) or
  *                     an array(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)
  * @param string $orientation The orientation of the document (either 'landscape' or 'portrait')
 function __construct($paper = "letter", $orientation = "portrait")
     if (is_array($paper)) {
         $size = $paper;
     } else {
         if (isset(self::$PAPER_SIZES[mb_strtolower($paper)])) {
             $size = self::$PAPER_SIZES[$paper];
         } else {
             $size = self::$PAPER_SIZES["letter"];
     if (mb_strtolower($orientation) == "landscape") {
         $a = $size[3];
         $size[3] = $size[2];
         $size[2] = $a;
     $this->_width = $size[2] - $size[0];
     $this->_height = $size[3] - $size[1];
     $this->_pdf = new PDFLib();
     if (defined("DOMPDF_PDFLIB_LICENSE")) {
         $this->_pdf->set_parameter("license", DOMPDF_PDFLIB_LICENSE);
     $this->_pdf->set_parameter("textformat", "utf8");
     $this->_pdf->set_parameter("fontwarning", "false");
     $this->_pdf->set_info("Creator", "DOMPDF Converter");
     // Silence pedantic warnings about missing TZ settings
     if (function_exists("date_default_timezone_get")) {
         $tz = @date_default_timezone_get();
         $this->_pdf->set_info("Date", date("Y-m-d"));
     } else {
         $this->_pdf->set_info("Date", date("Y-m-d"));
     if (self::$IN_MEMORY) {
         $this->_pdf->begin_document("", "");
     } else {
         $this->_file = tempnam(DOMPDF_TEMP_DIR, "dompdf_tmp_");
         $this->_pdf->begin_document($this->_file, "");
     $this->_pdf->begin_page_ext($this->_width, $this->_height, "");
     $this->_page_number = $this->_page_count = 1;
     $this->_page_text = array();
     $this->_imgs = array();
     $this->_fonts = array();
     $this->_objs = array();
     // Set up font paths
     $families = Font_Metrics::get_font_families();
     foreach ($families as $family => $files) {
         foreach ($files as $style => $file) {
             $face = basename($file);
             // Prefer ttfs to afms
             if (file_exists($file . ".ttf")) {
                 $file .= ".ttf";
             } else {
                 if (file_exists($file . ".TTF")) {
                     $file .= ".TTF";
                 } else {
                     if (file_exists($file . ".pfb")) {
                         $file .= ".pfb";
                     } else {
                         if (file_exists($file . ".PFB")) {
                             $file .= ".PFB";
                         } else {
             $this->_pdf->set_parameter("FontOutline", "\\{{$face}\\}=\\{{$file}\\}");
예제 #4
 public function generateTanPdf(Customer $customer, $password)
     $tanRepository = $this->getTanRepository();
     $tans = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < self::NUMBER_OF_INIT_TANS; $i++) {
         $tan = Tan::generate($customer->id);
         if ($tanRepository->saveTan($tan)) {
             $tans[] = $tan;
     $tans = array_map(function ($tan) {
         return $tan->value;
     }, $tans);
     function wrapWithWhitespace($str, $length)
         $neededPadding = $length - strlen($str);
         $front = floor($neededPadding / 2) > 0 ? floor($neededPadding / 2) : 0;
         $back = ceil($neededPadding / 2) > 0 ? ceil($neededPadding / 2) : 0;
         $str = str_repeat(" ", $front) . $str . str_repeat(" ", $back);
         return substr($str, 0, $length);
     try {
         $p = new \PDFlib();
         if ($p->begin_document("", "") == 0) {
             die("Error: " . $p->get_errmsg());
         $p->set_info("Creator", "SitzBank");
         $p->set_info("Author", "SitzBank App");
         $p->set_info("Title", "Tans for {$customer->firstname} {$customer->lastname}");
         $p->set_parameter("textformat", "utf8");
         $p->begin_page_ext(595, 842, "");
         $font = $p->load_font("Helvetica-Bold", "winansi", "");
         $p->setfont($font, 18.0);
         $p->set_text_pos(25, 780);
         $p->show("Tans for {$customer->firstname} {$customer->lastname}");
         $font = $p->load_font("Courier", "winansi", "");
         $p->setfont($font, 9.0);
         $p->set_text_pos(20, 750);
         $p->show(str_repeat("-", 100));
         $tansPerRow = 4;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($tans); $i += $tansPerRow) {
             $limit = min($i + $tansPerRow, count($tans));
             $row = array_slice($tans, $i, $limit);
             $row = array_map(function ($str) {
                 return wrapWithWhitespace($str, 25);
             }, $row);
             $p->continue_text(implode('|', $row));
         $p->continue_text(str_repeat("-", 100));
         $buf = $p->get_buffer();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return JsonErrorResponse::fromKey(JsonErrorResponse::UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
     $temp_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'SBTanPdf');
     file_put_contents($temp_file, $buf);
     $temp_file_output = $temp_file . "-pw";
     if (in_array(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)), array('DAR', 'WIN'))) {
         shell_exec("cp {$temp_file} {$temp_file_output}");
     } else {
         shell_exec("/usr/bin/pdftk {$temp_file} output {$temp_file_output} user_pw {$password}");
     return $temp_file_output;
   * Class constructor
   * @param mixed  $paper       The size of paper to use either a string (see {@link CPDF_Adapter::$PAPER_SIZES}) or
   *                            an array(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)
   * @param string $orientation The orientation of the document (either 'landscape' or 'portrait')
   * @param DOMPDF $dompdf
  function __construct($paper = "letter", $orientation = "portrait", DOMPDF $dompdf) {
    if ( is_array($paper) ) {
      $size = $paper;
    else if ( isset(self::$PAPER_SIZES[mb_strtolower($paper)]) ) {
      $size = self::$PAPER_SIZES[mb_strtolower($paper)];
    else {
      $size = self::$PAPER_SIZES["letter"];

    if ( mb_strtolower($orientation) === "landscape" ) {
      list($size[2], $size[3]) = array($size[3], $size[2]);

    $this->_width = $size[2] - $size[0];
    $this->_height= $size[3] - $size[1];

    $this->_dompdf = $dompdf;

    $this->_pdf = new PDFLib();

    if ( defined("DOMPDF_PDFLIB_LICENSE") )
      $this->_pdf->set_parameter( "license", DOMPDF_PDFLIB_LICENSE);

    $this->_pdf->set_parameter("textformat", "utf8");
    $this->_pdf->set_parameter("fontwarning", "false");

    $this->_pdf->set_info("Creator", "DOMPDF");

    // Silence pedantic warnings about missing TZ settings
    $tz = @date_default_timezone_get();
    $this->_pdf->set_info("Date", date("Y-m-d"));

    if ( self::$IN_MEMORY )
    else {
      $tmp_dir = $this->_dompdf->get_options("temp_dir");
      $tmp_name = tempnam($tmp_dir, "libdompdf_pdf_");
      $this->_file = "$tmp_name.pdf";

    $this->_pdf->begin_page_ext($this->_width, $this->_height, "");

    $this->_page_number = $this->_page_count = 1;
    $this->_page_text = array();

    $this->_imgs = array();
    $this->_fonts = array();
    $this->_objs = array();

    // Set up font paths
    $families = Font_Metrics::get_font_families();
    foreach ($families as $files) {
      foreach ($files as $file) {
        $face = basename($file);
        $afm = null;

        // Prefer ttfs to afms
        if ( file_exists("$file.ttf") ) {
          $outline = "$file.ttf";

        } else if ( file_exists("$file.TTF") ) {
          $outline = "$file.TTF";

        } else if ( file_exists("$file.pfb") ) {
          $outline = "$file.pfb";

          if ( file_exists("$file.afm") ) {
            $afm = "$file.afm";

        } else if ( file_exists("$file.PFB") ) {
          $outline = "$file.PFB";
          if ( file_exists("$file.AFM") ) {
            $afm = "$file.AFM";
        } else {

        $this->_pdf->set_parameter("FontOutline", "\{$face\}=\{$outline\}");

        if ( !is_null($afm) ) {
          $this->_pdf->set_parameter("FontAFM", "\{$face\}=\{$afm\}");
 $sql = "SELECT content FROM site_text WHERE tname = '" . eCRC(dirname($environment["ebene"])) . "." . basename($environment["ebene"]) . "' AND status = '1'";
 if ($debugging["sql_enable"]) {
     $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "sql: " . $sql . $debugging["char"];
 $result = $db->query($sql);
 $data = $db->fetch_array($result, 1);
 $test = content_split_all($data["content"]);
 $mutate["H"] = array("H");
 #$mutate["B"] = array("");
 $mutate["P"] = array("P");
 $pdf = new PDFlib();
 $pdf->begin_document("", "lang=de tagged=true");
 $pdf->set_info("Creator", "hello.php");
 $pdf->set_info("Author", "STI");
 $pdf->set_info("Title", "Hello world (PHP)!");
 $pdf->set_parameter("autospace", "true");
 $doc = $pdf->begin_item("Document", "Title=Buffy");
 $pdf->begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");
 $font = $pdf->load_font("Helvetica", "unicode", "");
 $pdf->setfont($font, 10);
 $fontname = $pdf->get_parameter("fontname", 0);
 $count = 0;
 $i = 0;
 foreach ($tag_sort as $key => $value) {
     if (array_key_exists($value["para"][0], $mutate)) {
         if ($value["start"] > $count) {
             $out[$i] = substr($data["content"], $value["start"], $value["end"] - $value["start"]);
             $count = $value["end"];
             $buffy = 0;
         } else {
             if ($buffy == -1) {
예제 #7
 public function customerTransactionsPdf(Request $request, $id)
     $transactionRepository = $this->getTransactionRepository();
     $customerRepository = $this->getCustomerRepository();
     $transactions = $transactionRepository->getCustomerTransactions($id);
     $customer = $customerRepository->getCustomerById($id);
     if (is_null($customer)) {
         return JsonErrorResponse::fromKey(JsonErrorResponse::INVALID_CUSTOMER_ID);
     //add customer data
     foreach ($transactions as $trans) {
         $trans->from_customer = $customerRepository->getCustomerById($trans->from_id);
         $trans->to_customer = $customerRepository->getCustomerById($trans->to_id);
     function wrapWithWhitespace($str, $length)
         $neededPadding = $length - strlen($str);
         $front = floor($neededPadding / 2) > 0 ? floor($neededPadding / 2) : 0;
         $back = ceil($neededPadding / 2) > 0 ? ceil($neededPadding / 2) : 0;
         $str = str_repeat(" ", $front) . $str . str_repeat(" ", $back);
         return substr($str, 0, $length);
     try {
         $p = new \PDFlib();
         if ($p->begin_document("", "") == 0) {
             die("Error: " . $p->get_errmsg());
         $p->set_info("Creator", "SitzBank");
         $p->set_info("Author", "SitzBank App");
         $p->set_info("Title", "Transactions for {$customer->firstname} {$customer->lastname}");
         $p->set_parameter("textformat", "utf8");
         $p->begin_page_ext(595, 842, "");
         $font = $p->load_font("Helvetica-Bold", "winansi", "");
         $p->setfont($font, 18.0);
         $p->set_text_pos(25, 780);
         $p->show("Transactions for {$customer->firstname} {$customer->lastname}");
         $font = $p->load_font("Courier", "winansi", "");
         $p->setfont($font, 9.0);
         $p->set_text_pos(20, 750);
         $p->show(str_repeat("-", 100));
         $header = array('Time', 'From', 'To', 'Amount', 'Status');
         $header = array_map(function ($str) {
             return wrapWithWhitespace($str, 19);
         }, $header);
         $p->continue_text(implode('|', $header));
         foreach ($transactions as $trans) {
             $p->continue_text(str_repeat("-", 100));
             $row = array($trans->timestamp, $trans->from_customer->firstname . ' ' . $trans->from_customer->lastname, $trans->to_customer->firstname . ' ' . $trans->to_customer->lastname, $trans->amount, $trans->status);
             $row = array_map(function ($str) {
                 return wrapWithWhitespace($str, 19);
             }, $row);
             $p->continue_text(implode('|', $row));
             $p->continue_text("Description: {$trans->description}");
         $p->continue_text(str_repeat("=", 100));
         $p->continue_text(str_repeat(" ", 100));
         $p->setfont($font, 12.0);
         $p->continue_text("Balance: " . $customerRepository->getCustomerBalance($customer->id));
         $buf = $p->get_buffer();
         $len = strlen($buf);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return JsonErrorResponse::fromKey(JsonErrorResponse::UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
     header("Content-type: application/pdf");
     header("Content-Length: {$len}");
     header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=transactions.pdf");
     return $buf;
예제 #8
 public function render()
     if (!$this->ops_form) {
         return "No form to render";
     $vn_margin_left_px = $this->getFormSetting('marginLeft');
     $vn_margin_top_px = $this->getFormSetting('marginTop');
     $vn_margin_right_px = $this->getFormSetting('marginRight');
     $vn_margin_bottom_px = $this->getFormSetting('marginBottom');
     $vn_page_width_px = $this->getFormSetting('pageWidth');
     $vn_page_height_px = $this->getFormSetting('pageHeight');
     $vn_subform_width_px = $this->getFormSetting('subFormWidth');
     $vn_subform_height_px = $this->getFormSetting('subFormHeight');
     $vn_subform_hgutter_px = $this->getFormSetting('horizontalGutter');
     $vn_subform_vgutter_px = $this->getFormSetting('verticalGutter');
     $vb_subform_use_border = (bool) $this->getFormSetting('useBorder');
     $vn_subform_border_dash = (int) $this->getFormSetting('borderDash');
     $this->opa_images = array();
     // cache of images loaded into new PDF
     $this->opa_fonts = array();
     // cache of fonts used in new PDF
     if ($this->getPDFLibrary() == __PDF_LIBRARY_ZEND__) {
         $o_pdf = new Zend_Pdf();
         $o_pdf->pages[] = $o_pdf->newPage($vn_page_width_px, $vn_page_height_px);
     } else {
         $o_pdf = new PDFlib();
         $o_pdf->set_parameter("errorpolicy", "return");
         $o_pdf->begin_document("", "openmode=none");
         $o_pdf->begin_page_ext($vn_page_width_px, $vn_page_height_px, "");
     $this->setFont($o_pdf, "Helvetica", 12);
     // default
     // Render page elements
     foreach ($this->opa_form_page_elements as $vs_name => $vo_element) {
     // Render sub-forms
     $this->renderPageElements($o_pdf, 0);
     $vn_x = $vn_margin_left_px;
     $vn_y = $vn_page_height_px - $vn_margin_top_px;
     $vn_num_subforms = sizeof($this->opo_subforms);
     if ($this->opa_starting_subform > 0) {
         for ($vn_i = 0; $vn_i < $this->opa_starting_subform; $vn_i++) {
             $vn_x += $vn_subform_vgutter_px + $vn_subform_width_px;
             if ($vn_x + $vn_subform_width_px > $vn_page_width_px) {
                 $vn_x = $vn_margin_left_px;
                 $vn_y -= $vn_subform_hgutter_px + $vn_subform_height_px;
                 if ($vn_y - $vn_subform_height_px < $vn_margin_bottom_px && $vn_i < $vn_num_subforms - 1) {
                     # need new page!
                     $vn_x = $vn_margin_left_px;
                     $vn_y = $vn_page_height_px - $vn_margin_top_px;
     $vn_cur_page = 0;
     for ($vn_i = 0; $vn_i < $vn_num_subforms; $vn_i++) {
         $o_subform = $this->opo_subforms[$vn_i];
         $o_subform->setOutline($vb_subform_use_border ? 1 : 0, $vn_subform_border_dash);
         $o_subform->render($o_pdf, $vn_x, $vn_y);
         $vn_x += $vn_subform_vgutter_px + $vn_subform_width_px;
         if ($vn_x + $vn_subform_width_px > $vn_page_width_px) {
             $vn_x = $vn_margin_left_px;
             $vn_y -= $vn_subform_hgutter_px + $vn_subform_height_px;
             if ($vn_y - $vn_subform_height_px < $vn_margin_bottom_px && $vn_i < $vn_num_subforms - 1) {
                 # need new page!
                 if ($this->getPDFLibrary() == __PDF_LIBRARY_ZEND__) {
                     $o_pdf->pages[] = $o_pdf->newPage($vn_page_width_px, $vn_page_height_px);
                 } else {
                     $o_pdf->begin_page_ext($vn_page_width_px, $vn_page_height_px, "");
                 $this->setFont($o_pdf, "Helvetica", 12);
                 // default
                 $this->renderPageElements($o_pdf, $vn_cur_page);
                 $vn_x = $vn_margin_left_px;
                 $vn_y = $vn_page_height_px - $vn_margin_top_px;
     if ($this->getPDFLibrary() == __PDF_LIBRARY_ZEND__) {
         return $o_pdf->render();
     } else {
         foreach ($this->opa_images as $vs_path => $vn_image_ref) {
         return $o_pdf->get_buffer();
예제 #9
  * Returns the CFD as PDF
  * @param array $data the CFD array
  * @param boolean $print_headers if set true, it prints the PDF directly
  * @return mixed
 public static function getPDF(array &$data, $print_headers = false)
     try {
         $p = new PDFlib();
         $p->set_parameter("errorpolicy", "return");
         if ($p->begin_document("", "") == 0) {
             die("Error: " . $p->get_errmsg());
         $p->set_info("Creator", "SimpleCFD.php");
         $p->set_info("Author", self::encText($data['Emisor']['nombre']));
         $p->set_info("Title", "Factura No. " . $data['folio']);
         $p->set_info("Subject", "Factura emitada a " . self::encText($data['Receptor']['nombre']) . " el " . $data['fecha']);
         // set letter size
         $p->begin_page_ext(612, 792, "");
         $font = $p->load_font("Helvetica-Bold", "iso8859-1", "");
         $p->setfont($font, 12);
         $p->fit_textline("Factura", 30, 750, "fontsize=16 position=left");
         // Serie
         if (isset($data['serie'])) {
             $p->fit_textline("Serie: ", 120, 765, "fontsize=8 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={25 10}");
             $p->fit_textline($data['serie'], 145, 765, "fontsize=8 " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={60 10}");
         // Folio
         $p->fit_textline("Folio: ", 120, 750, "fontsize=8 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={25 10}");
         $p->fit_textline($data['folio'], 145, 750, "fontsize=8 " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={90 10}");
         // AnoAprobacion
         $p->fit_textline(self::encText("Año de Aprobación: "), 250, 765, "fontsize=8 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={80 10}");
         $p->fit_textline($data['anoAprobacion'], 330, 765, "fontsize=8 " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={20 10}");
         // NoAprobacion
         $p->fit_textline(self::encText("Número de Aprobación: "), 250, 750, "fontsize=8 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={95 10}");
         $p->fit_textline($data['noAprobacion'], 345, 750, "fontsize=8 " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={65 10}");
         // Fecha
         $p->fit_textline("Fecha:", 425, 750, "fontsize=8 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={30 10}");
         $p->fit_textline($data['fecha'], 455, 750, "fontsize=8 " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={80 10}");
         // line
         $p->moveto(30, 740);
         $p->lineto(580, 740);
         // Emisor
         $p->fit_textline("Emisor", 30, 720, "fontsize=10 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={200 20}");
         $p->fit_textline(self::encText($data['Emisor']['nombre']), 30, 695, "fontsize=18 " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={270 20}");
         $p->fit_textline("RFC: " . $data['Emisor']['rfc'], 30, 675, "fontsize=14 " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={270 15}");
         $domicilio = self::encText($data['DomicilioFiscal']['calle']) . " No. " . $data['DomicilioFiscal']['noExterior'];
         $domicilio .= isset($data['DomicilioFiscal']['noInterior']) ? " - " . $data['DomicilioFiscal']['noInterior'] : '';
         $p->fit_textline(self::encText($domicilio), 30, 660, "fontsize=12 " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={270 10}");
         $p->fit_textline(self::encText($data['DomicilioFiscal']['colonia']), 30, 645, "fontsize=12 " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={270 10}");
         $p->fit_textline(self::encText($data['DomicilioFiscal']['municipio']), 30, 630, "fontsize=12 " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={270 10}");
         $p->fit_textline("C.P. " . $data['DomicilioFiscal']['codigoPostal'], 30, 615, "fontsize=12 " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={270 10}");
         $p->fit_textline(self::encText($data['DomicilioFiscal']['estado']), 30, 600, "fontsize=12 " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={270 10}");
         // Receptor
         $p->fit_textline("Receptor", 380, 720, "fontsize=10 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={200 20}");
         $p->fit_textline(self::encText($data['Receptor']['nombre']), 310, 695, "fontsize=18 " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={270 20}");
         $p->fit_textline("RFC: " . $data['Receptor']['rfc'], 310, 675, "fontsize=14 " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={270 15}");
         $domicilio = self::encText($data['Domicilio']['calle']) . " No. " . $data['Domicilio']['noExterior'];
         $domicilio .= isset($data['Domicilio']['noInterior']) ? " - " . $data['Domicilio']['noInterior'] : '';
         $p->fit_textline($domicilio, 310, 660, "fontsize=12 " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={270 10}");
         $p->fit_textline(self::encText($data['Domicilio']['colonia']), 310, 645, "fontsize=12 " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={270 10}");
         $p->fit_textline(self::encText($data['Domicilio']['municipio']), 310, 630, "fontsize=12 " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={270 10}");
         $p->fit_textline("C.P. " . $data['Domicilio']['codigoPostal'], 310, 615, "fontsize=12 " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={270 10}");
         $p->fit_textline(self::encText($data['Domicilio']['estado']), 310, 600, "fontsize=12 " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={270 10}");
         // line
         $p->moveto(30, 585);
         $p->lineto(580, 585);
         // Concepto
         // Cantidad
         $p->fit_textline("Cantidad", 30, 565, "fontsize=11 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={50 10}");
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         $p->fit_textline(self::encText("Descripción"), 100, 565, "fontsize=11 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={65 10}");
         // Precio
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         // Importe
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         // line
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         $p->lineto(580, 555);
         $count = count($data['Concepto']);
         static $pos = 552;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
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             // Cantidad
             $p->fit_textline($data['Concepto'][$i]['cantidad'], 30, $pos, "fontsize=9 " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={145 10}");
             // Descripcion
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             // Valor unitario
             $p->fit_textline($data['Concepto'][$i]['valorUnitario'], 483, $pos, "fontsize=9 " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={145 10}");
             // Importe
             $p->fit_textline($data['Concepto'][$i]['importe'], 435, $pos, "fontsize=9 " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={145 10}");
         // line cantidad
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         $p->lineto(90, $pos - 10);
         // line descripcion
         $p->moveto(470, 580);
         $p->lineto(470, $pos - 10);
         // line
         $p->moveto(30, $pos - 20);
         $p->lineto(580, $pos - 20);
         // Subtotal
         $pos -= 40;
         $p->fit_textline("SubTotal", 375, $pos, "fontsize=9 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={145 10}");
         $p->fit_textline($data['subTotal'], 435, $pos, "fontsize=9 " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={145 10}");
         // Traslado
         if (isset($data['Traslado'])) {
             $count = count($data['Traslado']);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
                 $pos -= 20;
                 $p->fit_textline($data['Traslado'][$i]['impuesto'], 375, $pos, "fontsize=9 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={145 10}");
                 $p->fit_textline(" (Tasa: " . $data['Traslado'][$i]['tasa'] . "%)", 357, $pos + 1, "fontsize=6 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={145 10}");
                 $p->fit_textline($data['Traslado'][$i]['importe'], 435, $pos, "fontsize=9 " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={145 10}");
         // Retencion
         if (isset($data['Retencion'])) {
             $count = count($data['Retencion']);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
                 $pos -= 20;
                 $p->fit_textline(self::encText("Retención ") . $data['Retencion'][$i]['impuesto'], 375, $pos, "fontsize=9 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={145 10}");
                 $p->fit_textline($data['Retencion'][$i]['importe'], 435, $pos, "fontsize=9 " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={145 10}");
         // Total
         $pos -= 20;
         $p->fit_textline("Total", 375, $pos, "fontsize=9 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={145 10}");
         $p->fit_textline($data['total'], 435, $pos, "fontsize=9 " . "position={bottom right} boxsize={145 10}");
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         $pos -= 10;
         $p->moveto(530, 580);
         $p->lineto(530, $pos);
         // line
         $pos -= 10;
         $p->moveto(30, $pos);
         $p->lineto(580, $pos);
         // noCertificado
         $pos -= 20;
         $p->fit_textline(self::encText("Número de Serie del Certificado:"), 30, $pos, "fontsize=9 fillcolor={rgb 0.6 0.3 0.6} " . "position={bottom left} boxsize={145 10}");
         $p->fit_textline(self::encText($data['noCertificado']), 175, $pos, "fontsize=9 position={bottom left} boxsize={100 10}");
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             $position_cad -= 10;
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         // note CFD
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         die("PDFlib exception occurred in Factura:\n" . "[" . $e->get_errnum() . "] " . $e->get_apiname() . ": " . $e->get_errmsg() . "\n");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
예제 #10
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