예제 #1
// include chris user_data models
require_once joinPaths(CHRIS_MODEL_FOLDER, 'data_patient.model.php');
// main function
$shortopts = "d:l:";
$options = getopt($shortopts);
// local vars
$output_directory = $options['d'];
$study_directory = $options['d'] . '/' . $options['l'];
// parse files in directory to know who we should email
if ($handle2 = opendir($study_directory)) {
    /* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */
    // make an array from scanners name/conact
    while (false !== ($entry2 = readdir($handle2))) {
        if ($entry2 != "." && $entry2 != "..") {
            // get DCM file information
            $process_file = PACS::process($study_directory . '/' . $entry2);
            // find location in DB
            // process series (data)
            // wait for all files to be received
            $waiting = true;
            $counter = 0;
            $timeout = 10;
            $maxtimeout = 3600;
            echo "file: " . $study_directory . '/' . $entry2 . PHP_EOL;
            echo "series uid: " . $process_file['SeriesInstanceUID'][0] . PHP_EOL;
            if ($process_file['SeriesInstanceUID'][0] == '') {
                echo "no series uid - skipping file" . PHP_EOL;
                $counter = $maxtimeout;