/** Populate the form with the array of data * @access public * @param array $data */ public function populate(array $data) { $this->_view->form->populate($data); if (array_key_exists('countyID', $data)) { $districts = new OsDistricts(); $district = $districts->getDistrictsToCountyList($data['countyID']); if ($district) { $this->_view->form->districtID->addMultiOptions(array(null => 'Choose a district', 'Available districts' => $district)); } if (array_key_exists('districtID', $data)) { $parishModel = new OsParishes(); $parishes = $parishModel->getParishesToDistrictList($data['districtID']); $this->_view->form->parishID->addMultiOptions(array(null => 'Choose a parish', 'Available parishes' => $parishes)); } if (array_key_exists('countyID', $data)) { $countyModel = new OsCounties(); $regions = $countyModel->getCountyToRegionList($data['countyID']); $this->_view->form->regionID->addMultiOptions(array(null => 'Choose a region', 'Available regions' => $regions)); } } if (array_key_exists('landusevalue', $data)) { $landcodes = new Landuses(); $landusecode_options = $landcodes->getLandusesChildList($data['landusevalue']); $this->_view->form->landusecode->addMultiOptions(array(null => 'Choose code', 'Available landuses' => $landusecode_options)); } if (array_key_exists('landowner', $data)) { $finders = new People(); $finders = $finders->getName($data['landowner']); foreach ($finders as $finder) { $this->_view->form->landownername->setValue($finder['term']); } } }
/** Get whether the district exists in the OS system * @access protected * @param string $value * @return string */ protected function _getDistrict($value) { $districts = new OsDistricts(); $where[] = $districts->getAdapter()->quoteInto('osID = ?', $value); $district = $districts->fetchRow($where); return $district; }
/** Clone the options and add to form * @access public * @return \Pas_Controller_Action_Helper_FindspotFormOptions */ public function optionsAddClone($data) { $this->_view->form->populate($data); Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('FlashMessenger')->addMessage('Your last record data has been cloned'); if (array_key_exists('countyID', $data) && !is_null($data['countyID'])) { $districts = new OsDistricts(); $district = $districts->getDistrictsToCountyList($data['countyID']); if ($district) { $this->_view->form->districtID->addMultiOptions(array(null => 'Choose district', 'Available districts' => $district)); } if (array_key_exists('districtID', $data) && !is_null($data['districtID'])) { $parishes = new OsParishes(); $parishes = $parishes->getParishesToDistrictList($data['districtID']); $this->_view->form->parishID->addMultiOptions(array(null => 'Choose parish', 'Available parishes' => $parishes)); } if (array_key_exists('countyID', $data) && !is_null($data['countyID'])) { $cnts = new OsCounties(); $region_list = $cnts->getCountyToRegionList($data['countyID']); $this->_view->form->regionID->addMultiOptions(array(null => 'Choose region', 'Available regions' => $region_list)); } } if (array_key_exists('landusevalue', $data)) { $landcodes = new Landuses(); $landusecode_options = $landcodes->getLandusesChildList($data['landusevalue']); $this->_view->form->landusecode->addMultiOptions(array(null => 'Choose code', 'Available landuses' => $landusecode_options)); } return $this; }
/** Edit individual rally details * @access public * @return void * @todo DRY this * @throws Pas_Exception_Param */ public function editAction() { if ($this->getParam('id', false)) { $form = new RallyForm(); $form->submit->setLabel('Update details'); $this->view->form = $form; if ($this->_request->isPost()) { if ($form->isValid($this->_request->getPost())) { $updateData = $this->getRallies()->updateAndProcess($form->getValues()); $where = array(); $where[] = $this->getRallies()->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $this->getParam('id')); unset($updateData['created']); $this->getRallies()->update($updateData, $where); $this->getCache()->remove('rallydds'); $this->getFlash()->addMessage('Rally information updated!'); $this->redirect(self::URL . 'rally/id/' . $this->getParam('id')); } else { if (!is_null($formData['districtID'])) { $district_list = $this->_districts->getDistrictsToCountyList($formData['countyID']); $form->districtID->addMultiOptions(array(null => 'Choose a district', 'Available districts' => $district_list)); $parish_list = $this->_parishes->getParishesToDistrictList($formData['districtID']); $form->parishID->addMultiOptions(array(null => 'Choose a parish', 'Available parishes' => $parish_list)); } $form->populate($this->_request->getPost()); } } else { // find id is expected in $params['id'] $id = (int) $this->_request->getParam('id', 0); if ($id > 0) { $rally = $this->getRallies()->fetchRow('id=' . $id); if ($rally) { $form->populate($rally->toArray()); } else { throw new Pas_Exception_Param($this->_nothingFound, 404); } $district_list = $this->getDistricts()->getDistrictsToCountyList($rally['countyID']); $form->districtID->addMultiOptions(array(null => 'Choose a district', 'Available districts' => $district_list)); $parish_list = $this->getParishes()->getParishesToDistrictList($rally['districtID']); $form->parishID->addMultiOptions(array(null => 'Choose a parish', 'Available parishes' => $parish_list)); if (!is_null($rally['organiser'])) { $organisers = $this->getPeople()->getName($rally['organiser']); foreach ($organisers as $organiser) { $form->organisername->setValue($organiser['term']); } } } } } else { throw new Pas_Exception_Param($this->_missingParameter, 404); } }
/** Function for updating findspots with processing of geodata * @access public * @param array $data * @return array */ public function updateAndProcess(array $data) { if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if ($v == "") { $data[$k] = null; } } if (!is_null($data['gridref'])) { $data = $this->_processFindspot($data); } } if (array_key_exists('csrf', $data)) { unset($data['csrf']); } if (array_key_exists('submit', $data)) { unset($data['submit']); } if (array_key_exists('organisername', $data)) { unset($data['organisername']); } if (array_key_exists('parishID', $data) && !is_null($data['parishID'])) { $parishes = new OsParishes(); $data['parish'] = $parishes->fetchRow($parishes->select()->where('osID = ?', $data['parishID']))->label; } if (array_key_exists('countyID', $data) && !is_null($data['countyID'])) { $counties = new OsCounties(); $data['county'] = $counties->fetchRow($counties->select()->where('osID = ?', $data['countyID']))->label; } if (array_key_exists('districtID', $data) && !is_null($data['districtID'])) { $district = new OsDistricts(); $data['district'] = $district->fetchRow($district->select()->where('osID = ?', $data['districtID']))->label; } return $data; }
/** Get the os districts by county json * @access public */ public function osdistrictsbycountyAction() { if ($this->getParam('term', false)) { $districts = new OsDistricts(); $json = $districts->getDistrictsToCounty($this->getParam('term')); } else { $json = array(null => 'You must choose a county first'); } echo Zend_Json::encode($json); }