예제 #1
// prints($assarr);exit;
// prints($_POST);exit;
// echo $view; exit;
if ($view == 'reject') {
    $reasonToReject = $_POST['tReasonToReject'];
    $dt['eNeedToVerify'] = $dts['eNeedToVerify'] = 'No';
    $dt['eStatus'] = $dts['eStatus'] = "Active";
    $asorgdtls = $orgAssocObj->getDetails('*', " AND iAsociationID={$iAsociationID} ");
    $where = " AND vAssociationCode='" . $asorgdtls[0]['vAssociationCode'] . "'";
    $updt = $orgAssocObj->getDetails('*', $where);
    $aAssocArr = $_POST['vSupplierOrg'];
    //	prints($updt); exit;
    if (is_array($aAssocArr)) {
        for ($ln = 0; $ln < count($updt); $ln++) {
            $avrdt = $orgAssocVerifyObj->getDetails("*", " AND iAsociationID=" . $updt[$ln]['iAsociationID'] . "", " iVerifiedID DESC ");
            if (in_array($updt[$ln]['iAsociationID'], $aAssocArr)) {
                if ($updt[$ln]['eStatus'] == 'Need to Verify') {
                    $dt['eStatus'] = $dts['eStatus'] = "Delete";
                } else {
                    if ($avrdt[0]['eStatus'] == 'Inactive' && $avrdt[0]['eNeedToVerify'] == 'Yes') {
                        $dt['eNeedToVerify'] = $dts['eNeedToVerify'] = "No";
                        $dt['eStatus'] = $dts['eStatus'] = "Active";
                    } else {
                        if ($avrdt[0]['eStatus'] == 'Active' && $avrdt[0]['eNeedToVerify'] == 'Yes') {
                            $dt['eNeedToVerify'] = $dts['eNeedToVerify'] = "No";
                            $dt['eStatus'] = $dts['eStatus'] = "Inactive";
                        } else {
                            if ($updt[$ln]['eStatus'] == 'Modified') {
                                $dt['eStatus'] = $dts['eStatus'] = "Active";
                                $dts['iModifiedByID'] = "";
예제 #2
        $verifyreq = 'Yes';
    /*if($assorgdt[$l]['eStatus'] == 'Modified' || (($assorgdt[$l]['eStatus'] == 'Active' || $assorgdt[$l]['eStatus'] == 'Inactive') && $assorgdt[$l]['eNeedToVerify'] == 'Yes'))
//print "a".$verifyreq;
//   prints($Oassorgdt);
$verifyreq = isset($verifyreq) ? $verifyreq : '';
if ($verifyreq == 'Yes') {
    $asocdt = $orgAssocObj->select();
    $vAsocode = $asocdt[0]['vAssociationCode'];
    $fields = " *, SUBSTRING_INDEX(group_concat(vsuppliercode order by iverifiedid desc),',',1) AS vSupplierCode, (Select vCompanyName from b2b_organization_master where iOrganizationID=iBuyerOrganizationID) as vBuyerOrg,\r\n                              (Select vCompanyName from b2b_organization_master where iOrganizationID=iSupplierAssocationID) as vSupplierOrg ";
    $assorgdt = $orgAssocVerifyObj->getDetails($fields, " AND vAssociationCode='{$vAsocode}' and  (eStatus='Need to Verify' OR eStatus='Modified' OR eStatus='Delete' OR eNeedToVerify='Yes') AND eStatus!='' ", 'iVerifiedID Desc', ' vSupplierOrg ', '');
    /* SELECT *,SUBSTRING_INDEX(group_concat(vsuppliercode order by iverifiedid desc),",",1) AS vSupplierCode, (Select vCompanyName from b2b_organization_master where iOrganizationID=iBuyerOrganizationID) as vBuyerOrg, (Select vCompanyName from b2b_organization_master where iOrganizationID=iSupplierAssocationID) as vSupplierOrg FROM b2b_organization_association_toverify
    Where 1 AND
    Group By vsupplierorg order by iverifiedid desc
    //  print "ab";
// prints($assorgdt); exit;
if ($assorgdt[0]['eStatus'] == 'Need to Verify') {
    switch ($sess_usertype) {
        case 'securitymanager':
            if ($assorgdt[0]['eCreatedBy'] == 'SM') {
                if ($assorgdt[0]['iCreatedBy'] != $sess_id) {
                    $verify = 'yes';
                } else {
예제 #3
     //$res = $assObj->updateData($data, $where);
                         $res = $assvrfObj->updateData($data, $where);
                         $assObj->updateData(array("eNeedToVerify"=>'Yes'), $where);
 } elseif ($v['eStatus'] == 'Modified' || $v['eStatus'] == 'Need to Verify') {
     $var_msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_VERIFY_NEED_TO_VERIFY_OR_MODIFIED');
     echo $var_msg;
 $where = 'AND iAsociationID = ' . $v['iAsociationID'] . '';
 $orderby = ' iVerifiedID Desc';
 $vrfid = $assvrfObj->getDetails('iVerifiedID', $where, $orderby);
 // ---------------------  ORGANIZATION DATA FETCHED ------------------------------------------//
 $orgdata = $orgObj->select($v['iBuyerOrganizationID']);
 $ORGNAME = $orgdata[0]['vCompanyName'];
 $CODE = $orgdata[0]['vOrganizationCode'];
 $where = 'AND iSMID != ' . $_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_ID'] . ' AND eStatus = "Active"';
 $smdtls = $secManObj->getDetails('*', $where);
 // ---------------------
 $where = 'AND vType="Association Status Changed" AND eSection = "Member"';
 $db_email = $emailObj->getDetails('*', $where);
 $link = SITE_URL_DUM . "associationview/" . $v['iAsociationID'];
 $body = array("#ORGNAME#", "#ACODE#", "#LINK#", "#MODIFIED_BY#");
 $post = array($ORGNAME, $CODE, $link, $sess_user_name . "({$sess_usertype_short})");
 $rplarr = array("Hello #SMNAME#,", "background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);", "Regards,", "#MAIL_FOOTER#", "#SITE_URL#");
 $tbody_en = str_replace($rplarr, " ", $db_email[0]['tBody_en']);
 $emailContent_en = trim(str_replace($body, $post, $tbody_en));