예제 #1

 * @author hidden
 * @copyright 2010
include S_SECTIONS . "/member/memberaccess.php";
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($orgAssocObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociation.php";
    $orgAssocObj = new OrganizationAssociation();
$view = isset($_GET['view']) ? $_GET['view'] : '';
$iAsociationID = $_GET['iAsociationID'];
$iBuyerOrganizationID = $_GET['iBuyerOrganizationID'];
$asocCode = '';
if ($view == 'edit' || trim($iAsociationID) != '' && is_numeric($iAsociationID)) {
    $asocdtls = $orgAssocObj->select($iAsociationID);
    $asocCode = $asocdtls[0]['vAssociationCode'];
} else {
    $regno = $_GET['regno'];
    $orgcode = $_GET['orgcode'];
    $orgname = $_GET['orgname'];
// prints($_GET);exit;
$regno = isset($regno) ? $regno : '';
if (trim($regno) != '') {
예제 #2

include S_SECTIONS . "/member/memberaccess.php";
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($orgAssocObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociation.php";
    $orgAssocObj = new OrganizationAssociation();
if (!isset($orgAssocVerifyObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociationToVerify.php";
    $orgAssocVerifyObj = new OrganizationAssociationToVerify();
$OiAsociationID = $iAsociationID = $_GET['id'];
$view = 'verify';
$msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_NEED_VERIFY');
$asocdt = $orgAssocObj->select();
// prints($asocdt); exit;
if ($sess_usertype_short == 'OA' && $asocdt[0]['iBuyerOrganizationID'] != $curORGID) {
    header("Location: " . SITE_URL_DUM . "associationlist");
$vAsocode = $asocdt[0]['vAssociationCode'];
$fields = " *, (Select vCompanyName from b2b_organization_master where iOrganizationID=iBuyerOrganizationID) as vBuyerOrg,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t(Select vCompanyName from b2b_organization_master where iOrganizationID=iSupplierAssocationID) as vSupplierOrg ";
//$Oassorgdt = $assorgdt = $orgAssocObj->getDetails($fields," AND iAsociationID=$iAsociationID",'','','');
$Oassorgdt = $assorgdt = $orgAssocObj->getDetails($fields, " AND vAssociationCode='{$vAsocode}'", '', '', '');
// prints($assorgdt); exit;
예제 #3
if (!isset($cntstObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_GEN . "class.countrystate.php";
    $cntstObj = new CountryState();
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($pohObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.PurchaseOrderHeading.php";
    $pohObj = new PurchaseOrderHeading();
if (!isset($asocObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociation.php";
    $asocObj = new OrganizationAssociation();
if (!isset($statusmasterObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "class.StatusMaster.php";
    $statusmasterObj = new StatusMaster();
if (!isset($orgUserPermObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.OrganizationUserPermission.php";
    $orgUserPermObj = new OrganizationUserPermission();
if (!isset($orgprefObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationPreference.php";
    $orgprefObj = new OrganizationPreference();
if (!isset($poAttachmentObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.PurchaseOrderAttachment.php";
예제 #4

include S_SECTIONS . "/member/memberaccess.php";
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($orgAssocObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociation.php";
    $orgAssocObj = new OrganizationAssociation();
$view = isset($_GET['view']) ? $_GET['view'] : '';
$iUserID = $_GET['iUserID'];
$regno = $_GET['regno'];
$orgcode = $_GET['orgcode'];
$orgname = $_GET['orgname'];
if (trim($regno) != '') {
    $where = " AND vCompanyRegNo REGEXP '^" . $regno . "'";
    $ISSEARCHED = 'Yes';
if (trim($orgcode) != '') {
    $where .= " AND vOrganizationCode LIKE '{$orgcode}%'";
    $ISSEARCHED = 'Yes';
if (trim($orgname) != '') {
    $where .= " AND vCompanyName LIKE '%{$orgname}%'";
    $ISSEARCHED = 'Yes';
예제 #5

include S_SECTIONS . "/member/memberaccess.php";
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($orgAssocObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociation.php";
    $orgAssocObj = new OrganizationAssociation();
if (!isset($orgAssocVerifyObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociationToVerify.php";
    $orgAssocVerifyObj = new OrganizationAssociationToVerify();
if (!isset($secManObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "{$usersec}/class.SecurityManager.php";
    $secManObj = new SecurityManager();
if (!isset($userActionObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . 'user/class.UserActionVerification.php';
    $userActionObj = new UserActionVerification();
if (!isset($emailObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . 'class.EmailTemplate.php';
    $emailObj = new EmailTemplate();
if (!isset($sendMail)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_GEN . "class.sendmail.php";
    $sendMail = new SendPHPMail();
예제 #6
$msg = isset($_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_MSG']) ? $_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_MSG'] : '';
if ($msg == 'ras') {
    $msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_ADD_SUCC');
} elseif ($msg == 'raserr') {
    $msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_ADD_ERR');
} elseif ($msg == 'rus') {
    $msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_UPDATE_SUCC');
} elseif ($msg == 'ruserr') {
    $msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_UPDATE_ERR');
} else {
    $msg = '';
if (!isset($orgAssocObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociation.php";
    $orgAssocObj = new OrganizationAssociation();
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
    include SITE_CLASS_GEN . "class.validation.php";
    $validation = new Validation();
    $msg = $validation->CreateHtmlMsg($_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_VALIDATION']);
$assorgdt = array();
$res = array();
$sellerorgs = array();
$newarr = array();
예제 #7

include S_SECTIONS . "/member/memberaccess.php";
if (!isset($orgAssocObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociation.php";
    $orgAssocObj = new OrganizationAssociation();
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($orgGroupObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationGroup.php";
    $orgGroupObj = new OrganizationGroup();
if (!isset($orgUserObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.OrganizationUser.php";
    $orgUserObj = new OrganizationUser();
if (!isset($poheadingObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.PurchaseOrderHeading.php";
    $poheadingObj = new PurchaseOrderHeading();
if (!isset($invordheadingObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.InvoiceOrderHeading.php";
    $invordheadingObj = new InvoiceOrderHeading();
if (!isset($r2bdobj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.Rfq2Bids.php";
    $r2bdobj = new Rfq2Bids();
예제 #8

include S_SECTIONS . "/member/memberaccess.php";
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($orgAssocObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociation.php";
    $orgAssocObj = new OrganizationAssociation();
if (!isset($orgAssocVerifyObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociationToVerify.php";
    $orgAssocVerifyObj = new OrganizationAssociationToVerify();
$iAsociationID = $_GET['id'];
$asocdt = $orgAssocObj->select($iAsociationID);
$vAsocode = $asocdt[0]['vAssociationCode'];
$asochistory = $orgAssocVerifyObj->getHistory($vAsocode);
// prints($asochistory); exit;
$smarty->assign('vAsocode', $vAsocode);
$smarty->assign('asochistory', $asochistory);
예제 #9

include S_SECTIONS . "/member/memberaccess.php";
$mode = $_POST['mode'];
$val = $_POST['val'];
//prints($_POST); exit;
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($assObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociation.php";
    $assObj = new OrganizationAssociation();
if (!isset($assvrfObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociationToVerify.php";
    $assvrfObj = new OrganizationAssociationToVerify();
if (!isset($userActionObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . 'user/class.UserActionVerification.php';
    $userActionObj = new UserActionVerification();
if (!isset($emailObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . 'class.EmailTemplate.php';
    $emailObj = new EmailTemplate();
if (!isset($sendMail)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_GEN . "class.sendmail.php";
    $sendMail = new SendPHPMail();
예제 #10
파일: delasso.php 프로젝트: nstungxd/F2CA5

include S_SECTIONS . "/member/memberaccess.php";
$val = $str;
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($assObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociation.php";
    $assObj = new OrganizationAssociation();
if (!isset($assvrfObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociationToVerify.php";
    $assvrfObj = new OrganizationAssociationToVerify();
if (!isset($userActionObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . 'user/class.UserActionVerification.php';
    $userActionObj = new UserActionVerification();
if (!isset($emailObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . 'class.EmailTemplate.php';
    $emailObj = new EmailTemplate();
if (!isset($sendMail)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_GEN . "class.sendmail.php";
    $sendMail = new SendPHPMail();
$where = " AND iAsociationID IN ({$val}) ";
$arr = $orgAssocObj->getDetails('*', $where);
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
예제 #11
//	$orgstoverify = $orgObj->getDetails("*"," AND (eStatus='Need to Verify' OR eStatus='Modified')"," dVerifiedDate DESC ",''," LIMIT 0,3");
$jtbl = " LEFT JOIN " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_country_master cm on org.vCountry=cm.vCountryCode ";
$orgstoverify = $orgObj->getJoinTableInfo($jtbl, "org.*,cm.vCountry as vCountryName", " AND (org.eStatus='Need to Verify' OR org.eStatus='Modified')", " org.dCreatedDate DESC ", ' org.iOrganizationID ', " LIMIT 0,3", 'yes');
$tot_orgstoverify = $orgstoverify['tot'];
// prints($activeorgs); exit;
$smarty->assign("activeorgs", $activeorgs);
$smarty->assign("tot_activeorgs", $tot_activeorgs);
$smarty->assign("orgstoverify", $orgstoverify);
$smarty->assign("tot_orgstoverify", $tot_orgstoverify);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Organization Associations -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!isset($orgAssocObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociation.php";
    $orgAssocObj = new OrganizationAssociation();
$jtbl = " LEFT JOIN " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_security_manager sm on oa.iVerifiedSMID=sm.iSMID ";
$groupby = " oa.iBuyerOrganizationID ";
$fields = " oa.*,CONCAT(sm.vFirstName,' ',sm.vLastName) as vVerifiedBy,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t(Select vCompanyName from b2b_organization_master where iOrganizationID=oa.iBuyerOrganizationID) as vBuyerOrg ";
$activeassocs = $orgAssocObj->getJoinTableInfo($jtbl, $fields, " AND oa.eStatus!='Inactive'", " oa.dCreatedDate DESC ", '', " LIMIT 0,2");
if (isset($activeassocs['tot'])) {
    $tot_activeassocs = $activeassocs['tot'];
} else {
    $tot_activeassocs = "";
$smarty->assign("activeassocs", $activeassocs);
$smarty->assign("tot_activeassocs", $tot_activeassocs);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$secDetail = $secManObj->getDetails('tDashboard', ' AND iSMID = "' . $_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_ID'] . '" ', '', '', '');
예제 #12
$vBuyerCode = isset($_POST['buy_code']) ? $_POST['buy_code'] : '';
$vSellerName = isset($_POST['sell_name']) ? $_POST['sell_name'] : '';
$vSellerCode = isset($_POST['sell_code']) ? $_POST['sell_code'] : '';
$stype = isset($_POST['styp']) ? $_POST['styp'] : '';
$page = $_POST['page'];
if (trim($page) == '' || trim($page) < 1) {
    $page = 1;
// prints($_POST); exit;
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($assObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociation.php";
    $assObj = new OrganizationAssociation();
$where = "";
$_POST['srchval'] = isset($_POST['srchval']) ? $_POST['srchval'] : '';
if ($_POST['srchval'] == 'act') {
    $where .= " AND oa.eStatus='Active' ";
} else {
    if ($_POST['srchval'] == 'inact') {
        $where .= " AND oa.eStatus='Inactive' ";
if ($mode == 'all') {
    //          if($val != '')
    $where = " AND ((Select vCompanyName from b2b_organization_master where iOrganizationID=iBuyerOrganizationID) LIKE '%{$val}%' OR oa.vBuyerCode LIKE '%{$val}%' OR\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(Select vCompanyName from b2b_organization_master where iOrganizationID=iSupplierAssocationID) LIKE '%{$val}%' OR oa.vSupplierCode LIKE '%{$val}%')";
    // echo $where; exit;
} else {
예제 #13

 * @author hidden
 * @copyright 2010
include S_SECTIONS . "/member/memberaccess.php";
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($asocObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociation.php";
    $asocObj = new OrganizationAssociation();
$vl = $_GET['q'];
$orgid = $_GET['orgid'];
// $type = $_GET['type'];
// $orgtype = $_GET['orgtype'];
// $iId = $_GET['iId'];
// prints($_GET); exit;
$res = array();
if ($orgid != 'undefined' && trim($orgid) != '' && $orgid > 0 && $vl != 'undefined' && trim($vl) != '') {
    $where = " AND vAssociationCode LIKE '%" . $vl . "%' AND iBuyerOrganizationID={$orgid}";
    $res = $asocObj->getDetails(' DISTINCT vAssociationCode as vTitle,vAssociationCode as Id', $where);
/*else if($vl != 'undefined' && trim($vl) != '') {
   $where = " AND vAssociationCode REGEXP '^".$vl."'";
// echo $where; exit;
예제 #14

include S_SECTIONS . "/member/memberaccess.php";
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($orgAssocObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationAssociation.php";
    $orgAssocObj = new OrganizationAssociation();
$iAsociationID = $_GET['id'];
$view = 'verify';
$msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_NEED_VERIFY');
$asocdtls = $orgAssocObj->select($iAsociationID);
$asocCode = $asocdtls[0]['vAssociationCode'];
$fields = " *, (Select vCompanyName from b2b_organization_master where iOrganizationID=iBuyerOrganizationID) as vBuyerOrg,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t(Select vCompanyName from b2b_organization_master where iOrganizationID=iSupplierAssocationID) as vSupplierOrg ";
$assorgdt = $orgAssocObj->getDetails($fields, " AND vAssociationCode='{$asocCode}' ", '', '', '');
// prints($assorgdt); exit;
$smarty->assign('iAsociationID', $iAsociationID);
$smarty->assign('assorgdt', $assorgdt);
$smarty->assign('view', $view);
$smarty->assign('msg', $msg);