예제 #1
 public function actionView()
     $id = Yii::app()->request->getParam('id');
     $order = Order::model()->with('company')->find('order_id=:id', array(':id' => $id));
     $siteNo = SiteNo::model()->findByPk($order->site_no_id);
     $orderProducts = OrderProduct::getOrderProducts($order->order_id);
     $productTotal = OrderProduct::getTotal($order->order_id);
     $total = Helper::calOrderConsume($order, $productTotal);
     $paymentMethod = PaymentMethod::model()->findByPk($order->payment_method_id);
     $this->render('view', array('model' => $order, 'orderProducts' => $orderProducts, 'productTotal' => $productTotal, 'total' => $total, 'paymentMethod' => $paymentMethod->name));
예제 #2
 public function actionOrderPartial()
     $sid = Yii::app()->request->getParam('sid', 0);
     $istemp = Yii::app()->request->getParam('istemp', 0);
     $companyId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('companyId', 0);
     $typeId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('typeId', 0);
     $orderId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('orderId', 0);
     $syscallId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('syscallId', 0);
     $autoaccount = Yii::app()->request->getParam('autoaccount', 0);
     $order = new Order();
     $siteNo = new SiteNo();
     $site = new Site();
     ///***********insert to order feedback
     if ($orderId != '0') {
         $order = Order::model()->find('lid=:lid and dpid=:dpid and order_status in("1","2","3")', array(':lid' => $orderId, ':dpid' => $companyId));
         if (empty($order)) {
             $title = yii::t('app', "该订单不存在,请输入合法订单!");
             $backurl = $this->createUrl('default/index', array('companyId' => $this->companyId));
             $this->render('error', array('backurl' => $backurl, 'title' => $title));
         $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
         $criteria->condition = 't.dpid=' . $companyId . ' and t.site_id=' . $order->site_id . ' and t.is_temp=' . $order->is_temp;
         $criteria->order = ' t.lid desc ';
         $siteNo = SiteNo::model()->find($criteria);
     } else {
         $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
         $criteria->condition = ' t.order_status in ("1","2","3") and  t.dpid=' . $companyId . ' and t.site_id=' . $sid . ' and t.is_temp=' . $istemp;
         $criteria->order = ' t.lid desc ';
         $order = Order::model()->find($criteria);
         $criteria->condition = ' t.status in ("1","2","3") and  t.dpid=' . $companyId . ' and t.site_id=' . $sid . ' and t.is_temp=' . $istemp;
         $criteria->order = ' t.lid desc ';
         $siteNo = SiteNo::model()->find($criteria);
     if (empty($order)) {
         Until::validOperate($companyId, $this);
         $order = new Order();
         $se = new Sequence("order");
         $order->lid = $se->nextval();
         $order->dpid = $companyId;
         $order->username = Yii::app()->user->name;
         $order->create_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
         $order->lock_status = '0';
         $order->order_status = '1';
         $order->site_id = $siteNo->site_id;
         $order->number = $siteNo->number;
         $order->is_temp = $siteNo->is_temp;
     $allOrderTastes = TasteClass::getOrderTasteKV($order->lid, '1', $companyId);
     //$orderProducts = OrderProduct::model()->findAll('dpid=:dpid and order_id=:orderid',array(':dpid'=>$companyId,':orderid'=>$order->order_id));
     $orderProducts = OrderProduct::getOrderProducts($order->lid, $order->dpid);
     $allOrderProductTastes = TasteClass::getOrderTasteKV($order->lid, '2', $companyId);
     //var_dump($orderProducts); exit;
     $tasteidsOrderProducts = array();
     foreach ($allOrderProductTastes as $orderProductTaste) {
         if (empty($tasteidsOrderProducts[$orderProductTaste['id']])) {
             $tasteidsOrderProducts[$orderProductTaste['id']] = $orderProductTaste['tasteid'] . "|";
         } else {
             $tasteidsOrderProducts[$orderProductTaste['id']] = $tasteidsOrderProducts[$orderProductTaste['id']] . $orderProductTaste['tasteid'] . "|";
     $productTotal = OrderProduct::getTotal($order->lid, $order->dpid);
     $productDisTotal = OrderProduct::getDisTotal($order->lid, $order->dpid);
     if ($siteNo->is_temp == '1') {
         $total = array('total' => $productTotal, 'remark' => yii::t('app', '临时座:') . $siteNo->site_id % 1000);
     } else {
         $total = Helper::calOrderConsume($order, $siteNo, $productTotal);
     $order->should_total = $total['total'];
     //$paymentMethods = $this->getPaymentMethodList();
     $tastegroups = TasteClass::getAllOrderTasteGroup($companyId, '1');
     $orderTastes = TasteClass::getOrderTaste($order->lid, '1', $companyId);
     $tasteMemo = TasteClass::getOrderTasteMemo($order->lid, '1', $companyId);
     //var_dump(array_column($allOrderProductTastes, "lid"));exit;
     $this->renderPartial('orderPartial', array('model' => $order, 'orderProducts' => $orderProducts, 'allOrderTastes' => $allOrderTastes, 'allOrderProductTastes' => $allOrderProductTastes, 'productTotal' => $productTotal, 'productDisTotal' => $productDisTotal, 'total' => $total, 'typeId' => $typeId, 'syscallId' => $syscallId, 'autoaccount' => $autoaccount, 'tastegroups' => $tastegroups, 'orderTastes' => $orderTastes, 'tasteMemo' => $tasteMemo, 'tasteidsOrderProducts' => $tasteidsOrderProducts));
예제 #3
  * 大pad下单并打印
 public static function createPadOrder($dpid, $goodsIds, $padId)
     $isTemp = $goodsIds['client_is_temp'];
     $site_id = $goodsIds['client_site_id'];
     $siteName = $goodsIds['client_site_name'];
     $reprint = $goodsIds['client_reprint'];
     $waitorname = $goodsIds['client_waitor_name'];
     $orderStatus = "2";
     $orderPorductStatus = "1";
     if ($isTemp == "1") {
         $orderStatus = "1";
         $orderPorductStatus = "0";
     $siteStatus = self::getSiteStatus($site_id, $dpid, $isTemp);
     if (empty($siteStatus)) {
         throw new Exception(json_encode(array('status' => false, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'jobid' => "0", 'type' => 'local', 'msg' => yii::t('app', '请先开台后下单!'))));
     $sellOff = array();
     $printOrderProducts = array();
     $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
     $db = Yii::app()->db;
     //return json_encode(array('status'=>false,'msg'=>$waitorname));
     $transaction = $db->beginTransaction();
     try {
         if ($site_id == 0) {
             $se = new Sequence("site_no");
             $lid = $se->nextval();
             $code = rand(1000, 9999);
             $se = new Sequence("temp_site");
             $site_id = $se->nextval();
             $data = array('lid' => $lid, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'create_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), 'update_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), 'is_temp' => $isTemp, 'site_id' => $site_id, 'status' => $orderStatus, 'code' => $code, 'number' => 1, 'delete_flag' => '0');
             $db->createCommand()->insert('nb_site_no', $data);
             $feedback_memo = '开台';
             $se = new Sequence("order");
             $orderId = $se->nextval();
             $data = array('lid' => $orderId, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'site_id' => $site_id, 'create_at' => $time, 'username' => $waitorname, 'is_temp' => $isTemp, 'order_status' => $orderStatus, 'number' => 1, 'update_at' => $time, 'remark' => yii::t('app', '无'), 'taste_memo' => "");
             $db->createCommand()->insert('nb_order', $data);
             $sef = new Sequence("order_feedback");
             $lidf = $sef->nextval();
             $dataf = array('lid' => $lidf, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'create_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), 'update_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), 'is_temp' => $isTemp, 'site_id' => $site_id, 'is_deal' => '0', 'feedback_id' => 0, 'order_id' => 0, 'is_order' => '1', 'feedback_memo' => $feedback_memo, 'delete_flag' => '0');
             $db->createCommand()->insert('nb_order_feedback', $dataf);
         } else {
             //$feedback_memo = yii::t('app','点单');
             // 				//查找site表
             // 				$sql = 'select * from nb_site_no where site_id='.$site_id.' and dpid='.$dpid.' order by lid desc';
             // 				$siteModel = $db->createCommand($sql)->queryRow();
             // 				if(!$siteModel){
             // 					throw new Exception(json_encode( array('status'=>false,'dpid'=>$dpid,'msg'=>yii::t('app','存在该座次号,请重新选座次下单!')),JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
             // 				}
             // 				 //如果该座位 状态开台未下单
             //	            if(0 < $siteModel['status'] && $siteModel['status'] < 4){
             //	            	//先查找是否已经存在订单
             //	            	$sql = 'select * from nb_order where site_id='.$site_id.' and dpid='.$dpid.' and is_temp='.$isTemp.' order by lid desc';
             $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
             $criteria->condition = ' t.order_status in ("1","2","3") and  t.dpid=' . $dpid . ' and t.site_id=' . $site_id . ' and t.is_temp=' . $isTemp;
             $criteria->order = ' t.lid desc ';
             $orderModel = Order::model()->find($criteria);
             $criteria->condition = ' t.status in ("1","2","3") and  t.dpid=' . $dpid . ' and t.site_id=' . $site_id . ' and t.is_temp=' . $isTemp;
             $criteria->order = ' t.lid desc ';
             $siteNo = SiteNo::model()->find($criteria);
             $siteNo->status = $orderStatus;
             $siteNo->update_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
             if ($isTemp == "0") {
                 $site = Site::model()->find(" t.dpid=:dpid and t.lid=:siteid", array(':dpid' => $siteNo->dpid, ':siteid' => $siteNo->site_id));
                 $site->status = $orderStatus;
                 $site->update_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
             if ($orderModel) {
                 $orderId = $orderModel['lid'];
             } else {
                 $se = new Sequence("order");
                 $orderId = $se->nextval();
                 $data = array('lid' => $orderId, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'site_id' => $site_id, 'create_at' => $time, 'username' => $waitorname, 'is_temp' => $isTemp, 'order_status' => $orderStatus, 'number' => $siteNo->number, 'update_at' => $time, 'remark' => yii::t('app', '无'), 'taste_memo' => "");
                 $db->createCommand()->insert('nb_order', $data);
                 //						$sql = 'update nb_site set status=1 where lid='.$site_id.' and dpid='.$dpid.' order by lid desc';
                 //					    $db->createCommand($sql)->execute();
                 //					    //更新site_no表状态
                 //					    $sql = 'update nb_site_no set status=1 where site_id='.$site_id.' and dpid='.$dpid.' and is_temp='.$isTemp.' order by lid desc';
                 //					    $db->createCommand($sql)->execute();
         //            return json_encode(array('status'=>false,'msg'=>"test"));
         //订单产品 $goodsIds = array('goods_id'=>goods_num,'set_id,1'=>set_num);
         $orderPrice = 0;
         foreach ($goodsIds as $key => $num) {
             $se = new Sequence("order_product");
             $orderProductId = $se->nextval();
             $goodsArr = explode(',', $key);
             if (count($goodsArr) > 1) {
                 // 套餐
                 $sql = 'select * from nb_product_set where dpid=' . $dpid . ' and lid=' . $goodsArr[0];
                 $result = $db->createCommand($sql)->queryRow();
                 if ($result) {
                     if ($result['store_number'] == 0 || $result['store_number'] > 0 && $result['store_number'] < 1) {
                         throw new Exception(json_encode(array('status' => false, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'jobid' => "0", 'type' => 'local', 'msg' => yii::t('app', $result['set_name'] . '库存不足!'))));
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception(json_encode(array('status' => false, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'jobid' => "0", 'type' => 'local', 'msg' => yii::t('app', '没有找到该产品请清空后重新下单!'))));
                 foreach ($num as $setDetail) {
                     $detailId = key($setDetail);
                     $productSet = self::getSetProductId($dpid, $detailId);
                     $orderProductData = array('lid' => $orderProductId, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'create_at' => $time, 'order_id' => $orderId, 'set_id' => $goodsArr[0], 'product_id' => $productSet['product_id'], 'price' => $productSet['price'], 'update_at' => $time, 'amount' => $productSet['number'], 'taste_memo' => "", 'product_order_status' => $orderPorductStatus);
                     $db->createCommand()->insert('nb_order_product', $orderProductData);
                     $se = new Sequence("order_product");
                     $orderProductId = $se->nextval();
                     $orderPrice += $productSet['price'] * $productSet['number'];
                     array_push($printOrderProducts, array('amount' => $productSet['number'], 'price' => $productSet['price'], 'product_name' => ProductClass::getProductName($productSet['product_id'], $dpid)));
                 if ($result['store_number'] > 0) {
                     $sql = 'update nb_product_set set store_number=store_number-1 where dpid=' . $dpid . ' and lid=' . $goodsArr[0];
                     array_push($sellOff, array("product_id" => sprintf("%010d", $goodsArr[0]), "type" => "set", "num" => $result['store_number'] - 1));
             } else {
                 //单品 如果有口味  num-eq =>array('taste_id1','taste_id2') num 是数量 eq是序号 $goodsArr[0] 产品id
                 if ($goodsArr[0] == 'quandan') {
                     foreach ($num as $tasteId => $taste) {
                         $se = new Sequence("order_taste");
                         $orderTasteId = $se->nextval();
                         $orderTasteData = array('lid' => $orderTasteId, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'create_at' => $time, 'order_id' => $orderId, 'taste_id' => $tasteId, 'is_order' => 1, 'update_at' => $time);
                         $db->createCommand()->insert('nb_order_taste', $orderTasteData);
                 } else {
                     $sql = 'select * from nb_product where dpid=' . $dpid . ' and lid=' . $goodsArr[0];
                     $result = $db->createCommand($sql)->queryRow();
                     $productPrice = self::getProductPrice($dpid, $key, 0);
                     if (is_array($num)) {
                         //有口味$num = num-eq 格式
                         foreach ($num as $k => $v) {
                             $numEq = explode('-', $k);
                             $amount = $numEq[0];
                             if ($result) {
                                 if ($result['store_number'] == 0 || $result['store_number'] > 0 && $result['store_number'] < $amount) {
                                     throw new Exception(json_encode(array('status' => false, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'jobid' => "0", 'type' => 'local', 'msg' => yii::t('app', $result['product_name'] . '库存不足!'))));
                             } else {
                                 throw new Exception(json_encode(array('status' => false, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'jobid' => "0", 'type' => 'local', 'msg' => yii::t('app', '没有找到该产品请清空后重新下单!'))));
                             //每一个eq 生成一个订单
                             $orderProductData = array('lid' => $orderProductId, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'create_at' => $time, 'order_id' => $orderId, 'set_id' => 0, 'product_id' => $goodsArr[0], 'price' => $productPrice, 'update_at' => $time, 'amount' => $amount, 'taste_memo' => "", 'product_order_status' => $orderPorductStatus);
                             $db->createCommand()->insert('nb_order_product', $orderProductData);
                             $orderPrice += $productPrice * $amount;
                             array_push($printOrderProducts, array('amount' => $amount, 'price' => $productPrice, 'product_name' => ProductClass::getProductName($goodsArr[0], $dpid)));
                             foreach ($v as $tasteId => $val) {
                                 if ($tasteId) {
                                     $orderTastSe = new Sequence("order_taste");
                                     $orderTasteId = $orderTastSe->nextval();
                                     $orderTasteData = array('lid' => $orderTasteId, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'create_at' => $time, 'update_at' => $time, 'taste_id' => $tasteId, 'order_id' => $orderProductId, 'is_order' => 0);
                                     $db->createCommand()->insert('nb_order_taste', $orderTasteData);
                             $se = new Sequence("order_product");
                             $orderProductId = $se->nextval();
                             if ($result['store_number'] > 0) {
                                 $sql = 'update nb_product set store_number=store_number-' . $amount . ' where dpid=' . $dpid . ' and lid=' . $goodsArr[0];
                                 array_push($sellOff, array("product_id" => sprintf("%010d", $goodsArr[0]), "type" => "product", "num" => $result['store_number'] - $amount));
                             $sqladd = 'update nb_product set order_number=order_number+' . $amount . ',favourite_number=favourite_number+' . $amount . ' where dpid=' . $dpid . ' and lid=' . $goodsArr[0];
                     } else {
                         if ($result) {
                             if ($result['store_number'] == 0 || $result['store_number'] > 0 && $result['store_number'] < $num) {
                                 throw new Exception(json_encode(array('status' => false, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'jobid' => "0", 'type' => 'local', 'msg' => yii::t('app', $result['product_name'] . '库存不足!'))));
                         } else {
                             throw new Exception(json_encode(array('status' => false, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'jobid' => "0", 'type' => 'local', 'msg' => yii::t('app', '没有找到该产品请清空后重新下单!'))));
                         $orderProductData = array('lid' => $orderProductId, 'dpid' => $dpid, 'create_at' => $time, 'order_id' => $orderId, 'set_id' => 0, 'product_id' => $goodsArr[0], 'price' => $productPrice, 'update_at' => $time, 'amount' => $num, 'taste_memo' => "", 'product_order_status' => $orderPorductStatus);
                         $db->createCommand()->insert('nb_order_product', $orderProductData);
                         $orderPrice += $productPrice * $num;
                         array_push($printOrderProducts, array('amount' => $num, 'price' => $productPrice, 'product_name' => ProductClass::getProductName($goodsArr[0], $dpid)));
                         if ($result['store_number'] > 0) {
                             $sql = 'update nb_product set store_number=store_number-' . $num . ' where dpid=' . $dpid . ' and lid=' . $goodsArr[0];
                             array_push($sellOff, array("product_id" => sprintf("%010d", $goodsArr[0]), "type" => "product", "num" => $result['store_number'] - $num));
                         $sqladd = 'update nb_product set order_number=order_number+' . $num . ',favourite_number=favourite_number+' . $num . ' where dpid=' . $dpid . ' and lid=' . $goodsArr[0];
         $sql = 'update nb_order set should_total=' . $orderPrice . ' where lid=' . $orderId . ' and dpid=' . $dpid;
         //                        $sql = 'update nb_site_no set status='.$orderPrice.' where lid='.$orderId.' and dpid='.$dpid;
         //			$db->createCommand($sql)->execute();
         //			return json_encode(array('status'=>false,'msg'=>"test22"));
         if ($orderId != '0') {
             $order = Order::model()->with('company')->find(' t.lid=:lid and t.dpid=:dpid and t.order_status in(1,2,3)', array(':lid' => $orderId, ':dpid' => $dpid));
             if (empty($order)) {
                 return json_encode(array('status' => false, 'msg' => "该订单不存在"));
         //           return json_encode(array('status'=>false,'msg'=>"test2236"));
         if ($order->is_temp == "0") {
             //               return json_encode(array('status'=>false,'msg'=>"test2235"));
             $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
             $criteria->condition = 't.dpid=' . $dpid . ' and t.site_id=' . $order->site_id . ' and t.is_temp=' . $order->is_temp;
             $criteria->order = ' t.lid desc ';
             $siteNo = SiteNo::model()->find($criteria);
             //order site 和 siteno都需要更新状态 所以要取出来
             $criteria2 = new CDbCriteria();
             $criteria2->condition = 't.dpid=' . $dpid . ' and t.lid=' . $order->site_id;
             $criteria2->order = ' t.lid desc ';
             $site = Site::model()->with("siteType")->find($criteria2);
             //            return json_encode(array('status'=>false,'msg'=>"test8"));
             $printList = Helper::printKitchenAll3($order, $site, $siteNo, false);
         } else {
             //                return json_encode(array('status'=>false,'msg'=>"test223"));
             $pad = Pad::model()->with('printer')->find(' t.dpid=:dpid and t.lid=:lid', array(':dpid' => $order->dpid, 'lid' => $padId));
             //前面加 barcode
             $precode = "1D6B450B" . strtoupper(implode('', unpack('H*', 'A' . $order->lid))) . "0A" . strtoupper(implode('', unpack('H*', 'A' . $order->lid))) . "0A";
             $orderProducts = OrderProduct::getOrderProducts($order->lid, $order->dpid);
             //return json_encode(array('status'=>false,'msg'=>"test2234"));
             $memo = "清单";
             $printList = Helper::printList($order, $orderProducts, $pad, $precode, "0", $memo);
         if (!$printList['status']) {
             throw new Exception(json_encode($printList));
         //$printList2=array_merge($printList,array('sitenoid'=> $lid));
         //            }
         if (!empty($sellOff)) {
             $store = Store::instance('wymenu');
             $pads = Pad::model()->findAll(" dpid = :dpid and delete_flag='0' and pad_type in ('0','1','2')", array(":dpid" => $dpid));
             $sendjsondata = json_encode(array("company_id" => $dpid, "do_id" => "sell_off", "do_data" => $sellOff));
             foreach ($pads as $pad) {
                 $clientId = $store->get("padclient_" . $dpid . $pad->lid);
                 if (!empty($clientId)) {
                     Gateway::sendToClient($clientId, $sendjsondata);
         return json_encode($printList);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //如果操作失败, 数据回滚
         throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
         //return $e->getMessage();
예제 #4
 public function actionOrderList()
     $isCode = 0;
     $orderId = 0;
     $seatnum = Yii::app()->request->getParam('code');
     if ($seatnum != $this->seatNum) {
         $isCodeModel = SiteNo::model()->find('code=:code and delete_flag=0', array(':code' => $seatnum));
         if ($isCodeModel) {
             $isCode = 1;
             $this->seatNum = $seatnum;
     } else {
         //输入的和开台号相等  判断是否是真的座次号(可能输入临时的座次号)
         $isCodeModel = SiteNo::model()->find('code=:code and delete_flag=0', array(':code' => $seatnum));
         if ($isCodeModel) {
             $isCode = 1;
             $this->seatNum = $seatnum;
     $model = Order::model()->with('siteNo')->find('t.order_status=0 and t.company_id=:companyId and code=:code and delete_flag=0', array(':code' => $this->seatNum, ':companyId' => $this->companyId));
     if ($model) {
         $orderId = $model->order_id;
     $time = $model ? $model->create_time : 0;
     $orderProducts = OrderProduct::getOrderProducts($orderId);
     $totalPrice = OrderProduct::getTotal($orderId);
     if ($model) {
         $priceInfo = Helper::calOrderConsume($model, $totalPrice);
     } else {
         if ($isCodeModel) {
             $priceInfo = Helper::lowConsumeInfo($isCodeModel->site_id);
     $this->render('orderlist', array('id' => $orderId, 'orderProducts' => $orderProducts, 'totalPrice' => $priceInfo, 'time' => $time, 'seatNum' => $this->seatNum, 'cid' => $this->companyId));
예제 #5
 public static function printPadList(Order $order, $padid)
     $pad = Pad::model()->find(' dpid=:dpid and lid=:lid', array(':dpid' => $order->dpid, 'lid' => $padid));
     $printer = Printer::model()->find('lid=:printerId and dpid=:dpid', array(':printerId' => $pad->printer_id, ':dpid' => $order->dpid));
     if (empty($printer)) {
         return array('status' => false, 'dpid' => $order->dpid, 'jobid' => "0", 'type' => 'none', 'msg' => yii::t('app', 'PAD还没有设置默认打印机'));
     $hasData = false;
     $orderProducts = OrderProduct::getOrderProducts($order->lid, $order->dpid);
     ///site error because tempsite and reserve**************
     if ($order->is_temp == 0) {
         $site = Site::model()->find('lid=:lid and dpid=:dpid', array(':lid' => $order->site_id, ':dpid' => $order->dpid));
         $siteType = SiteType::model()->find('lid=:lid and dpid=:dpid', array(':lid' => $site->type_id, ':dpid' => $order->dpid));
         $strSite = Helper::getPlaceholderLen(yii::t('app', '座号:') . $siteType->name . ' ' . $site->serial, 48);
     } else {
         $strSite = Helper::getPlaceholderLen(yii::t('app', '座号:临时座') . $order->site_id % 1000, 48);
     ///////$listKey = $order->dpid.'_'.$printer->ip_address;
     //$listData = array(Helper::getPlaceholderLenBoth($order->company->company_name, 48));
     $listData = array("22" . Helper::setPrinterTitle($order->company->company_name, 8));
     array_push($listData, $strSite);
     array_push($listData, str_pad('', 48, '-'));
     foreach ($orderProducts as $product) {
         $hasData = true;
         if (Yii::app()->language == 'jp') {
             array_push($listData, Helper::getPlaceholderLen($product['product_name'], 36) . Helper::getPlaceholderLen($product['amount'] . " X " . number_format($product['price'], 0), 12));
         } else {
             array_push($listData, Helper::getPlaceholderLen($product['product_name'], 24) . Helper::getPlaceholderLen($product['amount'] . $product['product_unit'], 12) . Helper::getPlaceholderLen(number_format($product['price'], 2), 12));
     array_push($listData, str_pad('', 48, '-'));
     array_push($listData, str_pad(yii::t('app', '合计:') . $order->reality_total, 24, ' ') . str_pad(yii::t('app', '时间:') . time(), 24, ' '));
     array_push($listData, str_pad(yii::t('app', '服务员:') . $order->username, 48, ' '));
     //前面加 barcode
     $precode = "1D6B450B" . strtoupper(implode('', unpack('H*', 'A' . $order->lid))) . "0A" . strtoupper(implode('', unpack('H*', 'A' . $order->lid))) . "0A";
     $sufcode = "0A0A0A0A0A0A1D5601";
     if ($hasData) {
         return Helper::printConetent($printer, $listData, $precode, $sufcode);
     } else {
         return array('status' => false, 'dpid' => $printer->dpid, 'jobid' => "0", 'type' => 'none', 'msg' => yii::t('app', '没有要打印的菜品'));