  * Action that gets called before we interface with our payment
  * method.
  * This action is responsible for setting up an order and
  * saving it into the database (as well as a session) and also then
  * generating an order summary before the user performs any final
  * actions needed.
  * This action is then mapped directly to the index action of the
  * Handler for the payment method that was selected by the user
  * in the "Postage and Payment" form.
 public function index()
     $cart = ShoppingCart::get();
     // If shopping cart doesn't exist, redirect to base
     if (!$cart->getItems()->exists() || $this->getPaymentHandler() === null) {
         return $this->redirect(Director::BaseURL());
     // Get billing and delivery details and merge into an array
     $billing_data = Session::get("Commerce.BillingDetailsForm.data");
     $delivery_data = Session::get("Commerce.DeliveryDetailsForm.data");
     $postage = PostageArea::get()->byID(Session::get('Commerce.PostageID'));
     if (!$postage || !$billing_data || !$delivery_data) {
         return $this->redirect(Checkout_Controller::create()->Link());
     // Work out if an order prefix string has been set in siteconfig
     $config = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
     $order_prefix = $config->OrderPrefix ? $config->OrderPrefix . '-' : '';
     // Merge billand and delivery data into an array
     $data = array_merge((array) $billing_data, (array) $delivery_data);
     // Set discount info
     $data['DiscountAmount'] = $cart->DiscountAmount();
     // Get postage data
     $data['PostageType'] = $postage->Title;
     $data['PostageCost'] = $postage->Cost;
     $data['PostageTax'] = $config->TaxRate > 0 && $postage->Cost > 0 ? (double) $postage->Cost / 100 * $config->TaxRate : 0;
     // Set status
     $data['Status'] = 'incomplete';
     // Setup an order based on the data from the shopping cart and load data
     $order = new Order();
     // If user logged in, track it against an order
     if (Member::currentUserID()) {
         $order->CustomerID = Member::currentUserID();
     // Write so we can setup our foreign keys
     // Loop through each session cart item and add that item to the order
     foreach ($cart->getItems() as $cart_item) {
         $order_item = new OrderItem();
         $order_item->Title = $cart_item->Title;
         $order_item->SKU = $cart_item->SKU;
         $order_item->Price = $cart_item->Price;
         $order_item->Tax = $cart_item->Tax;
         $order_item->Customisation = serialize($cart_item->Customised);
         $order_item->Quantity = $cart_item->Quantity;
     // Add order to session so our payment handler can process it
     Session::set("Commerce.Order", $order);
     // Get gateway data
     $return = $this->payment_handler->index();
     return $this->customise($return)->renderWith(array("Payment", "Commerce", "Page"));
  * Either update or create OrderItem in ShoppingCart.
 static function add_new_item(OrderItem $item)