예제 #1
  * @return FieldList
 public function getCMSFields()
     if (!$this->exists()) {
         // The new module state
         Requirements::css(MODULATOR_PATH . '/css/PageModule.css');
         Requirements::javascript(MODULATOR_PATH . '/javascript/PageModule.js');
         $allowedModules = array();
         // Determine the type of the parent page
         $currentPageID = Session::get('CMSMain.currentPage');
         if ($currentPageID) {
             $currentPage = SiteTree::get_by_id('SiteTree', $currentPageID);
             if ($currentPage) {
                 $currentPageClass = $currentPage->ClassName;
                 // Get the list of allowed modules for this page type
                 if (class_exists($currentPageClass) && method_exists($currentPageClass, 'getAllowedModules')) {
                     $allowedModules = $currentPageClass::getAllowedModules();
         $classList = array();
         foreach ($allowedModules as $class) {
             $instance = new $class();
             $classList[$class] = '<img src="' . $instance::$icon . '"><strong>' . $class::$label . '</strong><p>' . $class::$description . '</p>';
         $fields = new FieldList();
         if (!count($allowedModules)) {
             $typeField = new LiteralField('Type', '<span class="message required">There are no module types defined, please create some.</span>');
         } else {
             $labelField = new TextField('Title', 'Label');
             $labelField->setDescription('A reference name for this block, not displayed on the website');
             $typeField = new OptionSetField('NewClassName', 'Type', $classList);
             $typeField->setDescription('The type of module determines what content and functionality it will provide');
         $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
     } else {
         // Existing module state
         $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
         // Don't expose Order to the CMS
         $fields->removeFieldFromTab('Root.Main', 'Order');
         $fields->removeFieldFromTab('Root.Main', 'PageID');
         // Helps us keep track of preview focus
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new HiddenField('ModulatorID', 'ModulatorID', $this->ID));
     return $fields;
  * Method that turns this object into a field type, to be loaded into a form
  * @return FormField
 public function Field()
     if ($this->Title && $this->DisplayAs) {
         $name = "customise_{$this->ID}_" . Convert::raw2url($this->Title);
         $title = $this->Required ? $this->Title . ' *' : $this->Title;
         $options = $this->Options()->map('Title', 'ItemSummary');
         $defaults = $this->DefaultOptions();
         $default = $defaults->exists() ? $defaults->first()->Title : null;
         switch ($this->DisplayAs) {
             case 'Dropdown':
                 $field = DropdownField::create($name, $title, $options, $default)->setEmptyString(_t('Commerce.PleaseSelect', 'Please Select'))->setAttribute("class", "dropdown btn");
             case 'Radio':
                 $field = OptionSetField::create($name, $title, $options, $default);
             case 'Checkboxes':
                 $field = CheckboxSetField::create($name, $title, $options, $defaults->column('ID'));
             case 'TextEntry':
                 $field = TextField::create($name, $title);
                 if ($this->MaxLength) {
         $this->extend('updateField', $field);
         return $field;
     } else {
         return false;
 public function getCMSFields($params = null)
     //fields that shouldn't be changed once coupon is used
     $fields = new FieldList(array($tabset = new TabSet("Root", $maintab = new Tab("Main", TextField::create("Title"), CheckboxField::create("Active", "Active")->setDescription("Enable/disable all use of this discount."), HeaderField::create("ActionTitle", "Action", 3), $typefield = SelectionGroup::create("Type", array(new SelectionGroup_Item("Percent", $percentgroup = FieldGroup::create($percentfield = NumericField::create("Percent", "Percentage", "0.00")->setDescription("e.g. 0.05 = 5%, 0.5 = 50%, and 5 = 500%"), $maxamountfield = CurrencyField::create("MaxAmount", _t("MaxAmount", "Maximum Amount"))->setDescription("The total allowable discount. 0 means unlimited.")), "Discount by percentage"), new SelectionGroup_Item("Amount", $amountfield = CurrencyField::create("Amount", "Amount", "\$0.00"), "Discount by fixed amount")))->setTitle("Type"), OptionSetField::create("For", "Applies to", array("Order" => "Entire Order", "Cart" => "Cart Subtotal", "Shipping" => "Shipping Subtotal", "Items" => "Each Individual Item")), new Tab("Main", HeaderField::create("ConstraintsTitle", "Constraints", 3), LabelField::create("ConstraintsDescription", "Configure the requirements an order must meet for this discount to be valid:")), new TabSet("Constraints")))));
     if (!$this->isInDB()) {
         $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", LiteralField::create("SaveNote", "<p class=\"message good\">More constraints will show up after you save for the first time.</p>"), "Constraints");
     $this->extend("updateCMSFields", $fields, $params);
     if ($count = $this->getUseCount()) {
         $fields->addFieldsToTab("Root.Usage", array(HeaderField::create("UseCount", sprintf("This discount has been used {$count} time%s.", $count > 1 ? "s" : "")), HeaderField::create("TotalSavings", sprintf("A total of %s has been saved by customers using this discount.", $this->SavingsTotal), "3"), GridField::create("Orders", "Orders", $this->getAppliedOrders(), GridFieldConfig_RecordViewer::create()->removeComponentsByType("GridFieldViewButton"))));
     if ($params && isset($params['forcetype'])) {
         $valuefield = $params['forcetype'] == "Percent" ? $percentfield : $amountfield;
         $fields->insertAfter($valuefield, "Type");
     } elseif ($this->Type && (double) $this->{$this->Type}) {
         $valuefield = $this->Type == "Percent" ? $percentfield : $amountfield;
         $fields->insertAfter($valuefield, "ActionTitle");
         $fields->replaceField($this->Type, $valuefield->performReadonlyTransformation());
         if ($this->Type == "Percent") {
             $fields->insertAfter($maxamountfield, "Percent");
     return $fields;
 public function getCMSFields()
     if ($this->ID == 0) {
         $categorydropdown = TextField::create('CategoryDisclaimer')->setTitle('Category')->setDisabled(true)->setValue('You can assign a category once you have saved the record for the first time.');
     } else {
         $categories = ListCategory::get()->filter("ListPageID", "{$this->ListPageID}")->sort("Category ASC");
         $map = $categories ? $categories->map('ID', 'Category', 'Please Select') : array();
         if ($map) {
             $categorydropdown = new DropdownField('ListCategoryID', 'Category', $map);
             $categorydropdown->setEmptyString("-- Please Select --");
         } else {
             $categorydropdown = new DropdownField('ListCategoryID', 'Category', $map);
             $categorydropdown->setEmptyString("There are no categories created yet");
     $ImageField = UploadField::create('Photo')->setDescription('(Allowed filetypes: jpg, jpeg, png, gif)');
     $ImageField->folderName = 'ListPage';
     $ImageField->getValidator()->allowedExtensions = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png');
     $DocumentField = UploadField::create('Resource')->setTitle('Resource/Document')->setDescription('(Allowed filetypes: pdf, doc, docx, txt, ppt, or pptx)');
     $DocumentField->folderName = "ListPage";
     $DocumentField->getValidator()->allowedExtensions = array('pdf', 'doc', 'docx', 'txt', 'ppt', 'pptx');
     $LinkField = TextField::create('Link')->setTitle('Link URL');
     $fields = FieldList::create(TabSet::create('Root'));
     $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Main', array($categorydropdown, TextField::create('Title'), OptionSetField::create('LinkType')->setTitle('')->setSource($this->dbObject('LinkType')->enumValues()), TextField::create('Link')->setTitle('Link URL')->displayIf('LinkType')->isEqualTo('Link')->andIf('LinkType')->isNotEqualTo('Resource')->end(), DisplayLogicWrapper::create($DocumentField)->displayIf('LinkType')->isEqualTo('Resource')->andIf('LinkType')->isNotEqualTo('Link')->end(), $ImageField, HTMLEditorField::create('Content')));
     return $fields;
예제 #5
  * Returns a FieldList of cms form fields
  * @return FieldList
 public function getCMSFields()
     $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
     // Hide these from editing
     //Remove to re-add
     $content = $fields->dataFieldByName('Content');
     $numberToDisplay = $fields->dataFieldByName('NumberToDisplay');
     $projectPage = $fields->dataFieldByName('ProjectPageID');
     $html = $fields->dataFieldByName('HTML');
     $subtitle = $fields->dataFieldByName('SubTitle');
     $link = $fields->dataFieldByName('LinkID');
     $image = $fields->dataFieldByName('Image');
     $fields->insertBefore($projectPage, 'Content');
     $fields->insertAfter($type = OptionSetField::create("Type", "Type", $this->dbObject('Type')->enumValues()), "Colour");
     $fields->insertAfter(ColorPaletteField::create("Colour", "Colour", array('night' => '#333333', 'air' => '#009EE2', 'earth' => ' #79c608', 'passion' => '#b02635', 'people' => '#de347f', 'inspiration' => '#783980')), "Title");
     $fields->insertAfter($linkLabel = new TextField("LinkLabel", "Link Label"), "LinkID");
     $fields->insertAfter($imageLogin = DisplayLogicWrapper::create($image), 'LinkLabel');
     // Archived
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', $group = new CompositeField($label = new LabelField("LabelArchive", "Archive this feature?"), new CheckboxField('Archived', '')));
     $group->addExtraClass("special field");
     return $fields;
  * @param ISurveyStep $current_step
  * @param ISurveyQuestionTemplate $question
  * @param ISurveyAnswer $answer
  * @return FormField
 public function build(ISurveyStep $current_step, ISurveyQuestionTemplate $question, ISurveyAnswer $answer)
     $options = array();
     foreach ($question->Values()->sort('Order') as $val) {
         $options[$val->ID] = empty($val->Label) ? $val->Value : $val->Label;
     $field = new OptionSetField($question->name(), $question->label(), $options);
     $default_value = $question->getDefaultValue();
     if (!is_null($default_value) && $default_value->ID > 0) {
     if ($question->isReadOnly()) {
     if ($question->isMandatory()) {
         $field->setAttribute('data-rule-required', 'true');
     if (!is_null($answer)) {
     $this->buildDependantRules($current_step, $question, $field);
     return $field;
  * Retrieve the {@link OptionsetField} for stock choice for display in CMS.
  * @return String
 function StockChoiceField()
     $stockChoiceValue = $this->value == -1 ? 0 : 1;
     return $this->stockChoiceField->SmallFieldHolder();
 function __construct($controller, $name, $speaker = null, $member = null, $email = null)
     // Get the city for the current member
     if ($member) {
         $country = $member->Country;
     } else {
         $country = '';
     // Fields
     $FirstNameField = new TextField('FirstName', "First Name");
     $LastNameField = new TextField('LastName', "Last Name");
     $TitleField = new TextField('Title', "Title");
     $BioField = new TinyMCEEditorField('Bio', "Bio");
     // Country Field
     $CountryCodes = CountryCodes::$iso_3166_countryCodes;
     $CountryField = new DropdownField('Country', 'Country of Residence', $CountryCodes);
     $CountryField->setEmptyString('-- Select One --');
     // ID Fields
     $SpeakerIDField = new HiddenField('SpeakerID', 'SpeakerID', "");
     $MemberIDField = new HiddenField('MemberID', 'MemberID');
     // Replace Fields
     $ReplaceBioField = new HiddenField('ReplaceBio', 'ReplaceBio', 0);
     $ReplaceNameField = new HiddenField('ReplaceName', 'ReplaceName', 0);
     $ReplaceSurnameField = new HiddenField('ReplaceSurname', 'ReplaceSurname', 0);
     // IRC and Twitter
     $IRCHandleField = new TextField('IRCHandle', 'IRC Handle <em>(Optional)</em>');
     $TwiiterNameField = new TextField('TwitterName', 'Twitter Name <em>(Optional)</em>');
     // Upload Speaker Photo
     $PhotoField = new CustomUploadField('Photo', 'Upload a speaker photo');
     $sizeMB = 2;
     // 1 MB
     $size = $sizeMB * 1024 * 1024;
     // 1 MB in bytes
     // Don't show target filesystem folder on upload field
     // Opt In Field
     $OptInField = new CheckboxField('AvailableForBureau', "I'd like to be in the speaker bureau.");
     $WillingVideoField = new CheckboxField('WillingToPresentVideo', "Willing to present via video conference.");
     // Funded Travel
     $FundedTravelField = new CheckboxField('FundedTravel', "My Company would be willing to fund my travel to events.");
     // Willing to travel
     $WillingToTravel = new OptionSetField('WillingToTravel', 'I am willing to travel to events:', array(1 => 'Yes', 0 => 'No'));
     // Countries to travel
     $CountriesToTravelField = new MultiDropdownField('CountriesToTravel', 'Countries willing to travel to:', $CountryCodes);
     // Spoken Languages
     $LanguageField1 = new TextField('Language[1]', '#1');
     $LanguageField2 = new TextField('Language[2]', '#2');
     $LanguageField3 = new TextField('Language[3]', '#3');
     $LanguageField4 = new TextField('Language[4]', '#4');
     $LanguageField5 = new TextField('Language[5]', '#5');
     // Area of Expertise
     $ExpertiseField1 = new TextField('Expertise[1]', '#1');
     $ExpertiseField2 = new TextField('Expertise[2]', '#2');
     $ExpertiseField3 = new TextField('Expertise[3]', '#3');
     $ExpertiseField4 = new TextField('Expertise[4]', '#4');
     $ExpertiseField5 = new TextField('Expertise[5]', '#5');
     // Links To Presentations
     $PresentationLinkField1 = new TextField('PresentationLink[1]', '#1');
     $PresentationTitleField1 = new TextField('PresentationTitle[1]', '');
     $PresentationLinkField2 = new TextField('PresentationLink[2]', '#2');
     $PresentationTitleField2 = new TextField('PresentationTitle[2]', '');
     $PresentationLinkField3 = new TextField('PresentationLink[3]', '#3');
     $PresentationTitleField3 = new TextField('PresentationTitle[3]', '');
     $PresentationLinkField4 = new TextField('PresentationLink[4]', '#4');
     $PresentationTitleField4 = new TextField('PresentationTitle[4]', '');
     $PresentationLinkField5 = new TextField('PresentationLink[5]', '#5');
     $PresentationTitleField5 = new TextField('PresentationTitle[5]', '');
     $NotesField = new TinyMCEEditorField('Notes', "Notes");
     // Load Existing Data if present
     if ($speaker) {
         $this->record = $speaker;
         $PhotoField->setValue(null, $speaker);
         foreach ($speaker->AreasOfExpertise() as $key => $expertise) {
             if ($key > 4) {
             ${'ExpertiseField' . ($key + 1)}->setValue($expertise->Expertise);
         foreach ($speaker->Languages() as $key => $language) {
             if ($key > 4) {
             ${'LanguageField' . ($key + 1)}->setValue($language->Language);
         $country_array = array();
         foreach ($speaker->TravelPreferences() as $pref_country) {
             $country_array[] = $pref_country->Country;
         $CountriesToTravelField->setValue(implode(',', $country_array));
         foreach ($speaker->OtherPresentationLinks() as $key => $presentation) {
             ${'PresentationLinkField' . ($key + 1)}->setValue($presentation->LinkUrl);
             ${'PresentationTitleField' . ($key + 1)}->setValue($presentation->Title);
     } elseif ($member) {
     $fields = new FieldList($FirstNameField, $LastNameField, $TitleField, $CountryField, $BioField, $SpeakerIDField, $MemberIDField, $ReplaceBioField, $ReplaceNameField, $ReplaceSurnameField, $IRCHandleField, $TwiiterNameField, $PhotoField, $OptInField, $WillingVideoField, $FundedTravelField, $WillingToTravel, $CountriesToTravelField, $LanguageField1, $LanguageField2, $LanguageField3, $LanguageField4, $LanguageField5, $ExpertiseField1, $ExpertiseField2, $ExpertiseField3, $ExpertiseField4, $ExpertiseField5, $PresentationLinkField1, $PresentationTitleField1, $PresentationLinkField2, $PresentationTitleField2, $PresentationLinkField3, $PresentationTitleField3, $PresentationLinkField4, $PresentationTitleField4, $PresentationLinkField5, $PresentationTitleField5, $NotesField);
     $save_action = new FormAction('addAction', 'Save Speaker Details');
     $save_action->addExtraClass('btn btn-primary');
     $actions = new FieldList($save_action);
     $validator = new RequiredFields('FirstName', 'LastName', 'Title');
     parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions, $validator);