</div></td> <td><div align="center"><?php echo $objResult1["LOCATION"]; ?> <div></td> <td><div align="center"><?php echo $objResult1["DESCRIPTION"]; ?> </div></td> <?php echo "<td><div align='center'><input class='downloadbutton' type='submit' name='UnSubscribe{$cnt}' value='UnSubscribe' style='horizontal-align: middle;'/></div></td>"; if (isset($_POST["UnSubscribe{$cnt}"])) { OceanDB::getInstance()->delete_subscription($objResult1["SENSOR_ID"], $user); header("Refresh:0"); } $cnt++; ?> </tr> <!-- Display message if the user has no subscriptions --> <?php } } } else { echo "<p style='color:red;'>CURENTLY NOT SUBSCRIBED TO ANY SENSOR<p>"; } ?>
<!-- Navigation Panel --> <form name="logon" method="post"> <input class="logoutButton" type="submit" value="Help" name="Help"> <?php if (isset($_POST['Help'])) { header('Location: userDocumentation.php'); } ?> </form> <!--check the role of the user - only administrators are allowed to access this section--> <?php require_once 'Includes/db.php'; session_start(); $user = $_SESSION['user']; $role = OceanDB::getInstance()->get_user_role($user); ?> <!--Bring up Management screen if administrator else deny access and display message--> <?php if ($role == 's') { ?> <?php $allow = true; ?> <?php } else { ?> <h1 align="left" style="font-size: 175%; color: red">Access denied: Not a Scientist</h1> <?php
<!--return to home screen when "home" button is pressed--> <?php if (isset($_POST['home'])) { header('Location: homeScreen.php'); } ?> <?php if ($allow) { ?> <!--get all scalar sensors that the current user is subscribed to and display in drop down --> <?php $sensors = OceanDB::getInstance()->get_subscribed_sensors($user); ?> <table width="250" align="center"> <tr> <td><div align="left" style="font-size: 125%">Select Sensor:</div></td> <td><div align="left"><select name="sensor"><option value=""></option> <?php while ($sen = oci_fetch_array($sensors, OCI_ASSOC)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $sen['SENSOR_ID']; ?> "<?php if (isset($_POST['show']) && $_POST['sensor'] == $sen["SENSOR_ID"]) { ?> selected<?php
?> <!--user action - "log on" to the system, "account" to edit the users personal/user account information--> <input class="logoutButton" type="submit" value="Log On" name="logon"> <input class="logoutButton" type="submit" value="Account" name="person"> <?php //access to OceanDB class to connect and query the database require_once "Includes/db.php"; //check that username and password are entered if (isset($_REQUEST['logon']) or isset($_REQUEST['person'])) { if ($_POST["user"] != "" && $_POST["userpassword"] != "") { //check if the username are password are vaild //if valid allow the user action to the system or edit account $valid = OceanDB::getInstance()->is_valid_login($_POST["user"], $_POST["userpassword"]); if ($valid) { session_start(); $_SESSION['user'] = $_POST["user"]; $_SESSION['screen'] = "Logon"; if (isset($_REQUEST['logon'])) { header('Location: homeScreen.php'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['person'])) { header('Location: personalAccount.php'); } exit; } else { echo "<br><p style='color:red;'>Incorrect username and/or password<p>"; } }
<td> <div align="center">Role</div></td> </tr> <?php while ($users1 = oci_fetch_array($usersAll, OCI_BOTH)) { ?> <tr> <td><div align="center"><input type="radio" name="userSelected" value="<?php echo $users1["USER_NAME"]; ?> "></div></td> <td><div align="center"><?php echo $users1["USER_NAME"]; ?> </td> <td><div align="center"><?php echo OceanDB::getInstance()->get_role($users1["ROLE"]); ?> </div></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <!--"edit user" button to edit user--> <div align="center"> <input class="logoutButton" type="submit" value="Edit User" name="userEdit" style="margin-top:15;margin-bottom:15"> <p style="color:red;display:<?php if (isset($_POST['userEdit']) && $_POST['userSelected'] == '') { ?> inline <?php
<?php } ?> </table> <!--"create new person" button is selected - user is taken to a different page to create --> <?php if (isset($_POST['newPerson'])) { header('Location: createNewPersonProfile.php'); } ?> <!--"delete person" if a person is selected the person is deleted--> <?php if (isset($_POST['deletePerson']) && $_POST['personSelected'] != $personID) { OceanDB::getInstance()->delete_person($_POST['personSelected']); header('Location: managementUserScreen.php'); } ?> <!--"edit person" if a person is selected the user is taken to a different page to edit the person--> <?php if (isset($_POST['editPerson']) && $_POST['personSelected'] != '') { $_SESSION['personToEdit'] = $_POST['personSelected']; header('Location: editPersonScreen.php'); } ?> </form> </body>
if ($_POST['location'] == '') { $isEmpty = true; } if ($_POST['description'] == '') { $isEmpty = true; } if ($_POST['type'] == '') { $isEmpty = true; } } ?> <!--if "save" button is selected and fields are not empty, save the sensor to the database and return to the previous screen--> <?php if (isset($_POST['save']) && !$isEmpty) { $success = OceanDB::getInstance()->add_new_sensor($_POST['sensorID'], $_POST['location'], $_POST['type'], $_POST['description']); if (!$success) { ?> <p style="color:red;" align="center">Error! Sensor was not saved<p> <?php } else { header('Location: managementSensorScreen.php'); } } ?> <!--"cancel" clicked - return the the previous page--> <?php if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { header('Location: managementSensorScreen.php');
<h1 style="font-size: 115%; color:green">Upload Successful</h1> <p> <!--Upload another file --> <form name="uploadAnother" method="post"> <input class="logoutButton" type="submit" value="Upload Another File" style="font-size:100%; width:200px; margin:10" name="uploadAnother"> <!--return to home screen when "home" button is pressed--> <?php if (isset($_POST['uploadAnother'])) { header('Location: uploadScreen.php'); } ?> </form> <?php } elseif ($ext == 'csv') { //Call to funciton for uploading scalar data in batches form csv file, scalar data is inserted in this funtion $result = OceanDB::getInstance()->upload_csv($_FILES); ?> <!-- Scalar data is uploaded --> <h1 style="font-size: 115%; color:green">Upload Successful</h1> <!--Display uploaded data --> <p>Scalar Data Uploaded:</p> <?php foreach ($result as $key => $value) { echo "Sensor_Id: " . $value[0] . ", "; echo "Date_Created: " . $value[1] . ", "; echo "Value: " . $value[2]; ?> <br> <?php } ?>
<!--"save" button is clicked - must do checks on the entered information before saving to the database--> <!--check: all fields are filled in, none can be left empty--> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['save'])) { $empty = false; if ($_POST['firstName'] == '' or $_POST['lastName'] == '' or $_POST['address'] == '' or $_POST['email'] == '' or $_POST['phone'] == '') { $empty = true; } } ?> <!--if "save" save button is clicked and the fields are not empty, save the person to the database and return to the previous page--> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['save']) && !$empty) { $success = OceanDB::getInstance()->add_new_person($personID, $_POST['firstName'], $_POST['lastName'], $_POST['address'], $_POST['email'], str_replace("-", "", $_POST['phone'])); if ($success) { if ($screen == "createUser") { header('Location: createNewUser.php'); } if ($screen == "editUser") { header('Location: editUserScreen.php'); } if ($screen == "userManagement") { header('Location: managementUserScreen.php'); } } } ?>
</div></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <!--"create new sensor" button is selected - user is taken to a different page to create --> <?php if (isset($_POST['newSensor'])) { header('Location: createNewSensor.php'); } ?> <!--"delete sensor" if a sensor is selected the sensor is deleted--> <?php if (isset($_POST['deleteSensor']) && $_POST['sensorSelected'] != '') { OceanDB::getInstance()->delete_sensor($_POST['sensorSelected']); header('Location: managementSensorScreen.php'); } ?> </form> </body> <!--used for graphical interface--> <?php require_once "Includes/css.php"; ?> </html>
<!--"save" clicked - do checks on fields--> <!--check: fields cannot be empty--> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['save'])) { $empty = false; if ($_POST['firstName'] == '' or $_POST['lastName'] == '' or $_POST['address'] == '' or $_POST['email'] == '' or $_POST['phone'] == '') { $empty = true; } } ?> <!--update the person if all fields are filled out and return to previous page--> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['save']) && !$empty) { $success = OceanDB::getInstance()->update_person($person["PERSON_ID"], $_POST['firstName'], $_POST['lastName'], $_POST['address'], $_POST['email'], str_replace("-", "", $_POST['phone'])); if ($success) { if ($screen == "createUser") { header('Location: createNewUser.php'); } if ($screen == "userManagement") { header('Location: managementUserScreen.php'); } } } ?> </form> </body> <!--used for graphical interface--> <?php
<!--if week button clicked - if week is in weekR array remove it (roll up), in not in weekR array add week (drill down)--> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST["weeks"])) { if (($key = array_search($_POST["weeks"], $weeksR)) !== false) { unset($weeksR[$key]); } else { array_push($weeksR, $_POST["weeks"]); } $_SESSION["weeks"] = $weeksR; header('Location: reportScreen.php'); } ?> <!--drop view from the database--> <?php OceanDB::getInstance()->drop_view_data(); ?> </form> </body> <!--used for graphical interface--> <?php require_once "Includes/css.php"; ?> </html> <?php //gets the label depending with time level function get_time_label($date) {
" download="recording<?php echo $afilename; ?> "><input class=downloadbutton type="button" value="Download"/><a/> <?php } } ?> </div> </td> </tr> <?php //Scalar Row if (count($scalarData_content) != 0) { $scalarData = OceanDB::getInstance()->get_scalar_data_values($sensorID, $_POST["startDate"], $_POST["endDate"], $_POST["startTime"], $_POST["endTime"]); while ($sensorResult = oci_fetch_array($scalarData, OCI_BOTH)) { ?> <tr> <td><div align="center"><?php echo $sensors_content[$k]["SENSOR_ID"]; ?> </div></td> <td><div align="center"><?php echo $sensorResult["DATE_CREATED"]; ?> </div></td> <td><div align="center"></div></td>
if (isset($_POST['saveNewUser']) && !$validPassword && !$isEmpty) { echo "<p style='color:red;'>Passwords do not match.<p>"; } ?> <!--if username already exists display message--> <?php if (isset($_POST['saveNewUser']) && !$validUser && !$isEmpty) { echo "<p style='color:red;'>Username " . $_POST['username'] . " already exists<p>"; } ?> </div> <!--if all checks pass: not empty, unique username, matching passwords - can save the user--> <?php if (isset($_POST['saveNewUser']) && !$isEmpty && $validPassword && $validUser) { $success = OceanDB::getInstance()->add_new_user($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['role'], $_POST['personProfile']); if ($success) { header('Location: managementUserScreen.php'); } } ?> <!--"add new profile" button clicked - go to page to create--> <?php if (isset($_POST['newProfile'])) { header('Location: createNewPersonProfile.php'); } ?> <!--"cancel" clicked - discard form and return to previous page--> <?php
if ($changePassword && $saveInfo) { $success = OceanDB::getInstance()->update_user($userEdit, $_POST['role'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['newPassword'], $_POST['personProfile']); if ($success) { if ($user == $userEdit) { $_SESSION['user'] = $_POST['username']; } $_SESSION['userToEdit'] = $_POST['username']; if ($previousScreen == 'personalAccount') { header('Location: personalAccount.php'); } if ($previousScreen == 'userManagement') { header('Location: managementUserScreen.php'); } } } elseif ($keepPassword && $saveInfo) { $success = OceanDB::getInstance()->update_user($userEdit, $_POST['role'], $_POST['username'], $userInfo['PASSWORD'], $_POST['personProfile']); if ($success) { if ($user == $userEdit) { $_SESSION['user'] = $_POST['username']; } $_SESSION['userToEdit'] = $_POST['username']; if ($previousScreen == 'personalAccount') { header('Location: personalAccount.php'); } if ($previousScreen == 'userManagement') { header('Location: managementUserScreen.php'); } } } ?>
public function delete_subscription($sensorID, $user) { $person_id = OceanDB::getInstance()->get_person_id_by_name($user); $person_id_parse = oci_fetch_array($person_id, OCI_BOTH); $person_id = $person_id_parse["PERSON_ID"]; $sql = "DELETE FROM sjpartri.SUBSCRIPTIONS WHERE " . "SENSOR_ID = {$sensorID} " . "AND PERSON_ID = {$person_id} "; $objParse = oci_parse($this->con, $sql); oci_execute($objParse); return $objParse; }