예제 #1

include_once '../../../config/symbini.php';
include_once $SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/OccurrenceEditorManager.php';
include_once $SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/OccurrenceDuplicate.php';
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . $CHARSET);
$occid = $_GET['occid'];
$occIndex = $_GET['occindex'];
$crowdSourceMode = $_GET['csmode'];
$occManager = new OccurrenceEditorManager();
$oArr = $occManager->getOccurMap();
$occArr = $oArr[$occid];
$genticArr = $occManager->getGeneticArr();
$dupManager = new OccurrenceDuplicate();
$dupClusterArr = $dupManager->getClusterArr($occid);
$lastName = $dupManager->parseLastName($occArr['recordedby']);
<script type="text/javascript">

	$(function() {
		var dialog;

		dialog = $( "#dialog-dupelist" ).dialog({
			autoOpen: false,
			height: 300,
			width: 350,
			modal: true,
			close: function() {
예제 #2
$isEditor = 0;
//If not editor, edits will be submitted to omoccuredits table but not applied to omoccurrences
$displayQuery = 0;
$isGenObs = 0;
$collMap = array();
$occArr = array();
$imgArr = array();
$specImgArr = array();
$fragArr = array();
$qryCnt = false;
$statusStr = '';
$navStr = '';
if ($symbUid) {
    //Set variables
    $collMap = $occManager->getCollMap();
    if ($occId && !$collId && !$crowdSourceMode) {
        $collId = $collMap['collid'];
    if ($collMap && $collMap['colltype'] == 'General Observations') {
        $isGenObs = 1;
    //Bring in config variables
    if ($isGenObs) {
        if (file_exists('includes/config/occurVarGenObs' . $symbUid . '.php')) {
            //Specific to particular collection
            include 'includes/config/occurVarGenObs' . $symbUid . '.php';
        } elseif (file_exists('includes/config/occurVarGenObsDefault.php')) {
            //Specific to Default values for portal