include_once '../includes/functions/database.php'; if (postOK('organisation_id') && !verifyExistence(TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK, 'address_book_id', $_POST['organisation_id'])) { header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo '<xml></xml>'; die; } $query = 'select ab.address_book_id as id, ab.entry_country_id as country_id, ab.entry_company as title, c.customers_email_address as email, c.customers_telephone as phone, c.customers_fax as fax, ctr.countries_name as country ' . 'from ' . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . ' as ab, ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' as c, ' . TABLE_COUNTRIES . ' as ctr ' . 'where ab.customers_id = c.customers_id and ab.entry_company != "" and ctr.countries_id = ab.entry_country_id'; if (postOK('organisation_id')) { $query .= ' and ab.address_book_id = ' . $_POST['organisation_id']; } include_once 'object_query.php'; $query = new Object_query($query); if ($query->isRequestOk()) { $xml = '<xml>'; $organisations = array(); foreach ($query->getCollection() as $organisation) { if (!isKnownOrganisation($organisations, $organisation['title'])) { $organisations[$organisation['title']] = array(); } else { if (isKnownCountryForOrg($organisations, $organisation['title'], $organisation['country_id'])) { continue; } } $organisations[$organisation['title']][] = $organisation['country_id']; $xml .= '<object>'; foreach ($organisation as $key => $value) { $xml .= "<{$key}>{$value}</{$key}>"; } $xml .= '</object>'; } $xml .= '</xml>';
if ( postOK('person_id') && !verifyExistence(TABLE_CUSTOMERS, 'customers_id', $_POST['person_id'])) { header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo '<xml></xml>'; die(); } */ tep_db_connect() or die('Unable to connect to database'); $query = 'select c.customers_id as id, c.customers_firstname as firstname, c.customers_lastname as lastname, c.customers_email_address as email, c.customers_dob as birthday, c.customers_telephone as telephone, c.customers_fax as fax, concat_ws(" ", "", ab.entry_company, ctr.countries_name) as relation ' . 'from ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' as c , ' . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . ' as ab, ' . TABLE_COUNTRIES . ' as ctr ' . 'where c.customers_default_address_id = ab.address_book_id and ab.entry_country_id = ctr.countries_id'; if (postOK('person_id')) { $query .= ' and c.customers_id = ' . $_POST['person_id']; } include_once 'object_query.php'; $query = new Object_query($query); if ($query->isRequestOk()) { $xml = '<xml>'; foreach ($query->getCollection() as $person) { $xml .= '<object>'; foreach ($person as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'relation') { if ($value != '' and isValidRelation($person['id'])) { $xml .= "<nb_rel>" . count(explode(" ", $value)) . "</nb_rel>"; $xml .= "<{$key}>{$value}</{$key}>"; } continue; } $xml .= "<{$key}>{$value}</{$key}>"; } $xml .= '</object>'; } $xml .= '</xml>'; header('Content-type: text/xml');