/** * Bulk loading vars * * @return void * @author Dan Cox */ public function test_bulkLoad() { $this->params->load(array('bar' => 'foo', 'test' => 'value')); $this->assertTrue(isset($this->params->bar)); $this->assertTrue(isset($this->params->test)); $this->assertEquals('foo', $this->params->bar); $this->assertEquals('value', $this->params->test); $this->assertEquals(array('bar' => 'foo', 'test' => 'value'), $this->params->all()); }
public function label() { $charactor = Charactor::all(); $scene = Scene::all(); $object = Object::all(); // dd('man'); $price = Price::all(); return View::make('pc.search')->with(array('errCode' => 0, 'message' => '返回标签', '_char' => $charactor, 'scene' => $scene, 'object' => $object, 'price' => $price)); }
public function label() { $charactor = Charactor::all(); $scene = Scene::all(); $object = Object::all(); // dd('man'); $price = Price::all(); return Response::json(array('errCode' => 0, 'message' => '返回标签', '_char' => $charactor, 'scene' => $scene, 'object' => $object, 'price' => $price)); }
public function run() { DB::table('object_images')->delete(); $objects = Object::all(); foreach ($objects as $object) { ObjectImage::create(['object_id' => $object->id, 'image_name' => $this->copyImage(public_path() . '/backup_images/availability/first.png')]); ObjectImage::create(['object_id' => $object->id, 'image_name' => $this->copyImage(public_path() . '/backup_images/availability/second.png')]); } }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { try { //$res = DB::connection('rmmysql')->select('select id, name, year from budgets'); $res = Object::all(); return Response::json($res); } catch (Exception $e) { return Response::json(array("status" => "ERROR", "data" => $e->getMessage())); } }
/** * @brief exports a calendar and convert all times to UTC * @param integer $id id of the calendar * @return string */ private static function calendar($id) { $events = Object::all($id); $calendar = Calendar::find($id); $return = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nVERSION:2.0\nPRODID:ownCloud Calendar " . \OCP\App::getAppVersion(App::$appname) . "\nX-WR-CALNAME:" . $calendar['displayname'] . "\n"; $return .= self::addVtimezone(); foreach ($events as $event) { $return .= self::generateEvent($event); } $return .= "END:VCALENDAR"; return $return; }
public function set_location_id_phone() { $input = $this->request->all(); $userEmail = DB::table('user_devices')->leftJoin('users', 'user_devices.user_id', '=', 'users.id')->where('access_token', $input['access_token'])->select('users.email')->first(); if (!isset($input['location_id']) && !isset($input['phone_number'])) { response()->json(['action' => 'Check for the phone number and the location input', 'message' => 'Check for validation errors in the input'], 422); } else { $updateUser = $this->user->updateLocationAndPhone($input['user']->user_id, ['phone_number' => $input['phone_number'], 'location_id' => $input['location_id']]); $city_name = Location::where(['Type' => 'City', 'id' => $input['location_id']])->pluck('name'); if (empty($city_name)) { $city_name = 'mumbai'; } $city = ucfirst($city_name); $merge_vars = array('MERGE1' => $input['user']->full_name, 'GROUPINGS' => array(array('id' => 9713, 'groups' => [$city]), array('id' => 9705, 'groups' => [$city])), 'SIGNUPTP' => 'Facebook'); $this->mailchimp->lists->subscribe($this->listId, ["email" => $userEmail->email], $merge_vars, "html", false, true); return response()->json($updateUser['data'], $updateUser['code']); } }
/** * Grabs the current library definitions * * @return Array * @author Dan Cox */ public function getLibraryDefinitions() { $this->library = new ServiceMockeryLibrary(); return $this->library->all(); }
public function import() { if (!$this->isValid()) { return false; } $this->numofcomponents = count($this->calobject->getComponents()); if ($this->overwrite === true) { foreach (Object::all($this->id) as $obj) { Object::delete($obj['id']); } //\OCP\Util::writeLog('calendarplus','DELETE MOD WUPPS FOUND: ', \OCP\Util::DEBUG); } //Check if a subscribed event is deleted $existObjects = []; foreach ($this->calobject->getComponents() as $object) { if (!$object instanceof \Sabre\VObject\Component\VEvent && !$object instanceof \Sabre\VObject\Component\VJournal && !$object instanceof \Sabre\VObject\Component\VTodo) { continue; } if ($this->bImportUri === true && $object instanceof \Sabre\VObject\Component\VTodo) { continue; } //refresh subscribed calendar check if ($this->bModified === true && !is_null($object->{'UID'})) { $testObject = Object::findByUID($object->{'UID'}); $existObjects[$testObject['id']] = 1; if (isset($testObject['lastmodified']) && !is_null($object->{'LAST-MODIFIED'})) { $importLastModified = strtotime($object->{'LAST-MODIFIED'}); if ($importLastModified > $testObject['lastmodified']) { //Object::delete($testObject['id']); $vcalendar = $this->createVCalendar($object->serialize(), $bAddtz); Object::edit($testObject['id'], $vcalendar, true); $this->abscount++; continue; } if ($importLastModified == $testObject['lastmodified']) { continue; } } } if (!is_null($object->DTSTART)) { $dtend = Object::getDTEndFromVEvent($object); if ($object->DTEND) { //$object->DTEND->setDateTime($dtend->getDateTime()); $dtend = $dtend->getDateTime(); $dtend->setTimeZone($object->DTSTART->getDateTime()->getTimeZone()); $object->DTEND->setDateTime($dtend); } } $bAddtz = false; if (!is_null($object->RRULE)) { $bAddtz = true; } if (is_null($object->CLASS)) { $object->CLASS = 'PUBLIC'; } if (!is_null($object->SUMMARY)) { $this->currentSummary = 'Event ' . $object->SUMMARY; } $vcalendar = $this->createVCalendar($object->serialize(), $bAddtz); $insertid = Object::add($this->id, $vcalendar); $existObjects[$insertid] = 1; $this->abscount++; if ($this->bModified === false && $this->isDuplicate($insertid)) { Object::delete($insertid); } else { $this->count++; } $this->updateProgress(intval($this->abscount / $this->numofcomponents * 100)); } $this->cache->remove($this->progresskey); if ($this->bModified === true) { foreach (Object::all($this->id) as $obj) { if (isset($existObjects[$obj['id']])) { } else { Object::delete($obj['id']); $this->abscount = 1; } } } return true; }
/** * Add/Update a notification id for the device * * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response */ public function notification() { $input = $this->request->all(); $userDeviceNotification = $this->userDevices->addNotificationId($input); return response()->json($userDeviceNotification['data'], $userDeviceNotification['code']); }
/** * @brief checks if a whole calendar is already cached * @param (int) id - id of the calendar * @return (bool) */ public static function is_calendar_cached($id) { $cachedevents = count(self::getCalendar($id)); $repeatingevents = 0; $allevents = Object::all($id); foreach ($allevents as $event) { if ($event['repeating'] === 1) { $repeatingevents++; } } if ($cachedevents < $repeatingevents) { return false; } else { return true; } }
public function getAvailabilityEditPage($id = null) { $objects = Object::all(); $availabilityPage = AvailabilityPage::first(); $data = array('objects' => $objects, 'availabilityPage' => $availabilityPage); return View::make('admin.availability-default', $data); }
public function import() { if (!$this->isValid()) { return false; } $numofcomponents = count($this->calobject->getComponents()); if ($this->overwrite) { foreach (Object::all($this->id) as $obj) { Object::delete($obj['id']); } } foreach ($this->calobject->getComponents() as $object) { if (!$object instanceof \Sabre\VObject\Component\VEvent && !$object instanceof \Sabre\VObject\Component\VJournal && !$object instanceof \Sabre\VObject\Component\VTodo) { continue; } if (!is_null($object->DTSTART)) { $dtend = Object::getDTEndFromVEvent($object); if ($object->DTEND) { //$object->DTEND->setDateTime($dtend->getDateTime()); $dtend = $dtend->getDateTime(); $dtend->setTimeZone($object->DTSTART->getDateTime()->getTimeZone()); $object->DTEND->setDateTime($dtend); } } $bAddtz = false; if (!is_null($object->RRULE)) { $bAddtz = true; } if (is_null($object->CLASS)) { $object->CLASS = 'PUBLIC'; } $vcalendar = $this->createVCalendar($object->serialize(), $bAddtz); $insertid = Object::add($this->id, $vcalendar); $this->abscount++; if ($this->isDuplicate($insertid)) { Object::delete($insertid); } else { $this->count++; } $this->updateProgress(intval($this->abscount / $numofcomponents * 100)); } $this->cache->remove($this->progresskey); return true; }