예제 #1
 private function _genLicense($expires)
     $l = new OSS_License_MD5();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $l->setParam("P{$i}", OSS_String::random(20));
     $l->setParam("Expires", $expires);
     return new OSS_License_MD5(parse_ini_string($l->generate()));
  * Test that decryption with a bad password returns false
 public function testsFailedEncryptDecrypt()
     $plain = OSS_String::random(64);
     $password = OSS_String::random(12);
     while (($password2 = OSS_String::random(12)) == $password) {
     $encrypted = OSS_Crypt_GibberishAES::encrypt($plain, $password);
     $decrypted = OSS_Crypt_GibberishAES::decrypt($encrypted, $password2);
  * Fix the formatting of an address line.
  * @param string $value The value to filter
  * @return string
 public function filter($value)
     if ($value == '') {
         return $value;
     foreach (preg_split("/[ \\-\\']/", mb_strtolower($value)) as $vOneValue) {
         $value = OSS_String::mb_str_replace($vOneValue, OSS_String::mb_ucfirst($vOneValue), $value);
     return $value;
예제 #4
  * Fix the formatting of a person's lastname.
  * @param string $value The value to filter
  * @return string
 public function filter($value)
     if ($value == '') {
         return $value;
     foreach (preg_split("/[ \\-]/", mb_strtolower($value)) as $vOneName) {
         $value = OSS_String::mb_str_replace($vOneName, OSS_String::mb_ucfirst($vOneName), $value);
     if (mb_strpos(mb_strtoupper($value), "O'") !== false) {
         preg_match("/O\\'./", $value, $vMatches);
         $value = OSS_String::mb_str_replace($vMatches[0], mb_strtoupper($vMatches[0]), $value);
     return $value;
예제 #5
  * Creates PDF and returns path.
  * First it renders and creates HTML file and then it creates pdf file.
  * It removes new HTML file and returns path to new pdf file.
  * PDF file removing is added in all other methods where _processPDF are called.
  * @return string
 private function _processPDF()
     $ts = date('YmdHis');
     $tn = APPLICATION_PATH . "/../var/tmp/OSS_PDF_" . $ts . '_' . OSS_String::random(8, true, true, true, '', '');
     $fhtml = "{$tn}.html";
     $fpdf = "{$tn}.pdf";
     if (@file_put_contents($fhtml, $this->_html->render()) === false) {
         return false;
     $path = Zend_Registry::get('options')['includePaths']['osslibrary'] . "/bin";
     @exec(escapeshellcmd($path . "/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 -q '{$fhtml}' '{$fpdf}'"));
     if (!file_exists($fpdf) || !filesize($fpdf)) {
         return false;
     return $fpdf;
예제 #6
 public function addAction()
     if (count($this->getUser()->getApiKeys()) >= 10) {
         $this->addMessage('We currently have a limit of 10 API keys per user. Please contact us if you require more.', OSS_Message::ERROR);
     $key = new \Entities\ApiKey();
     $key->setCreated(new DateTime());
     $key->setApiKey(OSS_String::random(48, true, true, true, '', ''));
     $this->addMessage('Your new API key has been created - <code>' . $key->getApiKey() . '</code>', OSS_Message::SUCCESS);
예제 #7
  * Instantiates a new DBAL connection (or returns an existing one.
  * @param array|Zend_Config $params The Doctrine2 DBAL params (@see http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-dbal/en/latest/reference/configuration.html)
  * @param string $name The name of the connection (used especially when managing multiple connections). Default: ''default''
  * @returns \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection
  * @throws OSS_Doctrine2_Exception
 protected function getDBAL($params = null, $name = null)
     // resolve name
     if ($name === null) {
         if ($this->_dbalAltDefaultName === null) {
             $this->_dbalAltDefaultName = '__OSS_FW_' . OSS_String::random(32, true, true, true, '', '');
         $name = $this->_dbalAltDefaultName;
     if (!isset($this->_dbalConnections[$name])) {
         if ($params === null) {
             throw new OSS_Doctrine2_Exception("No parameters for new DBAL connection");
         if ($params instanceof Zend_Config) {
             $params = $params->toArray();
         $config = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration();
         $this->_dbalConnections[$name] = \Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection($params, $config);
     return $this->_dbalConnections[$name];
예제 #8
  * Attaches or embeds a file to/into an email. Embedding the images into an HTML letter happens automatically.
  * @param string $filePath the path to the file to attach
  * @param boolean $embed default false if true then the file will be embedded instead of attached
  * @return boolean
 public function attachFile($filePath, $embed = false)
     if ($filePath == '' || $filePath == array()) {
         return true;
     //[FIXME] I thing here should be false
     if (!@is_readable($filePath)) {
         $filePath = OSS_String::mb_str_replace(Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getBaseUrl() . '/', '', $filePath);
     if (@is_readable($filePath)) {
         $pathInfo = pathinfo($filePath);
         $attachment = $this->createAttachment(@file_get_contents($filePath));
         $attachment->type = $this->getMimeByExtension($pathInfo['extension']);
         $attachment->encoding = Zend_Mime::ENCODING_BASE64;
         if ($embed == false) {
             $attachment->disposition = Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT;
             $attachment->filename = basename($filePath);
         } else {
             $attachment->disposition = Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_INLINE;
             $attachment->id = 'cid_' . md5_file($filePath);
             $this->setBodyHtml(OSS_String::mb_str_replace($filePath, "cid:{$attachment->id}", $this->getBodyHtml(true)));
         return true;
     return false;
예제 #9
  * Generates a random MAC address.
  * @param bool $upperCase default false
  * @return string
 public static function randomMacAddress($upperCase = false)
     $retArr = array();
     for ($x = 1; $x <= 6; $x++) {
         $retArr[] = OSS_String::random(2, false, false, false, '0123456789abcdef', '');
     $retVal = implode(':', $retArr);
     return $upperCase ? strtoupper($retVal) : $retVal;
예제 #10
  * Hash password for davical user.
  * It hashes three davical supported types hash:
  *  * First and most unsecured hash is plain it just add two start infont of password.
  *  * Second is md5 result is *<salt>* (where <salt> is a random series of characters not including '*') 
  *       then the rest of the string is a hash of (password + salt), i.e. a salted hash. 
  *  * Third  is SSHA result is is "*<salt>*<LDAP compatible SSHA password>" and the <LDAP compatible SSHA password> 
  *       is "{SSHA}<SHA-1 salted hash>". Read the code in /usr/share/awl/inc/AWLUtilities.php if you want to 
  *       understand that format more deeply! 
  * @param string $password  Users password to login.
  * @param string $method Hash method
  * @return string return hashed string.
 public static function hashPassword($password, $method)
     $salt = OSS_String::salt(9);
     if ($method == self::PASSWORD_HASH_PLAIN) {
         return "**" . $password;
     } else {
         if ($method == self::PASSWORD_HASH_MD5) {
             return sprintf("*%s*%s", $salt, md5($password . $salt));
         } else {
             if ($method == self::PASSWORD_HASH_SSHA) {
                 return sprintf("*%s*{SSHA}%s", $salt, base64_encode(sha1($password . $salt, true) . $salt));
             } else {
                 throw new OSS_Exception('Hash password method is unknown');
예제 #11
 public function setupAction()
     if ($this->getD2EM()->getRepository('\\Entities\\Admin')->getCount() != 0) {
         $this->addMessage(_("Admins already exist in the system."), OSS_Message::INFO);
     if ($this->getAuth()->getIdentity()) {
         $this->addMessage(_('You are already logged in.'), OSS_Message::INFO);
     $this->view->form = $form = new ViMbAdmin_Form_Admin_AddEdit();
     if (!isset($this->_options['securitysalt']) || strlen($this->_options['securitysalt']) != 64) {
         $this->view->saltSet = false;
         $randomSalt = $this->view->randomSalt = OSS_String::salt(64);
         $this->view->rememberSalt = OSS_String::salt(64);
         $this->view->passwordSalt = OSS_String::salt(64);
     } else {
         $this->view->saltSet = true;
         if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $form->isValid($_POST)) {
             if ($form->getElement('salt')->getValue() != $this->_options['securitysalt']) {
                 $this->addMessage(_("Incorrect security salt provided. Please copy and paste it from the <code>application.ini</code> file."), OSS_Message::INFO);
             } else {
                 $admin = new \Entities\Admin();
                 $admin->setPassword(OSS_Auth_Password::hash($form->getValue('password'), $this->_options['resources']['auth']['oss']));
                 $admin->setCreated(new \DateTime());
                 $admin->setModified(new \DateTime());
                 // we need to populate the Doctine migration table
                 $dbversion = new \Entities\DatabaseVersion();
                 $dbversion->setAppliedOn(new \DateTime());
                 try {
                     $mailer = $this->getMailer();
                     $mailer->setSubject(_('ViMbAdmin :: Your New Administrator Account'));
                     $mailer->setFrom($this->_options['server']['email']['address'], $this->_options['server']['email']['name']);
                     $this->view->username = $admin->getUsername();
                     $this->view->password = $form->getValue('password');
                 } catch (Zend_Mail_Exception $e) {
                     $this->addMessage(_('Could not send welcome email to the new administrator. 
                         Please ensure you have configured a mail relay server in your <code>application.ini</code>.'), OSS_Message::ALERT);
                 $this->addMessage(_('Your administrator account has been added. Please log in below.'), OSS_Message::SUCCESS);
             if (!(isset($this->_options['skipInstallPingback']) && $this->_options['skipInstallPingback'])) {
                 try {
                     // Try and track new installs to see if it is worthwhile continuing development
                     include_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/../public/PiwikTracker.php';
                     if (class_exists('PiwikTracker')) {
                         if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
                             PiwikTracker::$URL = 'https://stats.opensolutions.ie/';
                         } else {
                             PiwikTracker::$URL = 'http://stats.opensolutions.ie/';
                         $piwikTracker = new PiwikTracker($idSite = 5);
                         $piwikTracker->doTrackPageView('New V3 Install Completed');
                         $piwikTracker->doTrackGoal($idGoal = 2, $revenue = 1);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
예제 #12
 public static function generateSalt()
     return sprintf('$2a$%02d$%s', self::$_cost, OSS_String::random(22, true, true, true, '', ''));
예제 #13
  * Asks for the email and a CAPTCHA text, then sends a validation code (link) to the email address,
  * and then redirects to /reset-password
 public function lostPasswordAction()
     $this->view->form = $form = $this->_getFormLostPassword();
     $form->getElement('username')->setValue($this->_getParam('username', ""));
     $this->view->useCaptcha = $useCaptcha = isset($this->_options['resources']['auth']['oss']['lost_password']['use_captcha']) && $this->_options['resources']['auth']['oss']['lost_password']['use_captcha'];
     if ($useCaptcha) {
         $captcha = new OSS_Captcha_Image(0, 0);
         $this->view->captchaId = $captcha->generate();
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         if ($useCaptcha && $this->_getParam('requestnewimage', 0)) {
         if ($form->isValid($_POST)) {
             if ($useCaptcha && !OSS_Captcha_Image::_isValid($this->_getParam('captchaid'), $this->_getParam('captchatext', '__'))) {
                 $form->getElement('captchatext')->setValue('')->addError('The entered text does not match that of the image');
             $user = $this->getD2EM()->getRepository($this->getOptions()['resources']['auth']['oss']['entity'])->findOneByUsername($form->getValue('username'));
             if (!$user) {
                 $this->addMessage('If your username was correct, then an email with a key to allow you to change your password below has been sent to you.', OSS_Message::SUCCESS);
                 $this->redirectAndEnsureDie('auth/reset-password/un/' . urlencode($form->getValue('username')));
             // start by removing expired preferences
             if ($user->cleanExpiredPreferences()) {
             $pwdResetToken = OSS_String::random(40);
             try {
                 $user->addIndexedPreference('tokens.password_reset', $pwdResetToken, '=', time() + 2 * 60 * 60, 5);
             } catch (OSS_Doctrine2_WithPreferences_IndexLimitException $e) {
                 $this->addMessage('The limit of password reset tokens has been reached. Please try again later when the existing ones will expire or contact support.', OSS_Message::ERROR);
             $this->view->user = $user;
             $this->view->token = $pwdResetToken;
             $mailer = $this->getMailer();
             $mailer->setFrom($this->getOptions()['identity']['mailer']['email'], $this->getOptions()['identity']['mailer']['name']);
             $mailer->addTo($user->getEmail(), $user->getFormattedName());
             $mailer->setSubject($this->getOptions()['identity']['sitename'] . ' - Password Reset Information');
             $this->resolveTemplate($mailer, 'lost-password');
             $this->addMessage('If your username was correct, then an email with a key to allow you to change your password below has been sent to you.', OSS_Message::SUCCESS);
             $this->getLogger()->info(sprintf(_("%s requested a reset password token"), $user->getUsername()));
             $this->_redirect('auth/reset-password/username/' . urlencode($form->getValue('username')));
예제 #14
  * Creates/updates/deletes the user for a contact when adding / editing a contact
  * @param IXP_Form_Contact $form The form object
  * @param \Entities\Contact $contact The Doctrine2 entity (being edited or blank for add)
  * @param bool $isEdit True of we are editing an object, false otherwise
 private function _processUser($form, $contact, $isEdit)
     if ($form->getValue("login")) {
         // the contact has a user already or one needs to be created
         if (!($user = $contact->getUser())) {
             $user = new \Entities\User();
             $user->setCreated(new DateTime());
             // these should only be updated by CUSTADMIN on creation of a login account
             if ($this->getUser()->getPrivs() <= \Entities\User::AUTH_CUSTADMIN) {
                 $user->setPassword(OSS_Auth_Password::hash(OSS_String::random(16), $this->_options['resources']['auth']['oss']));
             } else {
                 // if this is an admin user, let them start with no unread notes
                 if ($form->getValue("privs") == \Entities\User::AUTH_SUPERUSER) {
                     $user->setPreference('customer-notes.read_upto', time());
             $this->_feParams->userStatus = "created";
         $user->setLastupdated(new DateTime());
         // SUPERADMIN can update these always
         if ($this->getUser()->getPrivs() == \Entities\User::AUTH_SUPERUSER) {
             if ($form->getValue("password", '') != '') {
                 $user->setPassword(OSS_Auth_Password::hash($form->getValue("password"), $this->_options['resources']['auth']['oss']));
             // ensure the username is not already taken
             if ($user->getUsername() != $form->getValue("username") && $this->getD2R('\\Entities\\User')->findOneBy(['username' => $form->getValue("username")])) {
                 $this->addMessage('That username is already is use by another user', OSS_Message::ERROR);
                 return false;
         $this->getLogger()->info("{$this->getUser()->getUsername()} created user {$user->getUsername()}");
     } else {
         if ($contact->getUser()) {
     return true;
예제 #15
  * Set cookies for Remember Me functionality
  * The username is stored as a salted SHA1 hashed value to protect the user's username
  * The key is a random 40 charater string
  * @param \Entitues\User $user The user enitiy
  * @param \Entities\RememberMe $rememberme The remember me entity with cookie details (or null to create one)
 protected function _setRememberMeCookie($user, $rememberme = null)
     if ($rememberme == null) {
         $rememberme = new \Entities\RememberMe();
         $rememberme->setCreated(new DateTime());
     $expire = time() + $this->_options['resources']['auth']['oss']['rememberme']['timeout'];
     $rememberme->setExpires(new DateTime("@{$expire}"));
     $rememberme->setLastUsed(new DateTime());
     $rememberme->setCkey(OSS_String::random(40, true, true, true, '', ''));
     setcookie('aval', $rememberme->getUserhash(), $expire, '/', '', $this->_options['resources']['auth']['oss']['rememberme']['secure'], true);
     setcookie('bval', $rememberme->getCkey(), $expire, '/', '', $this->_options['resources']['auth']['oss']['rememberme']['secure'], true);
예제 #16
  * A generic password hashing method using a given configuration array
  * The parameters expected in `$config` are:
  * * `pwhash`      - a hashing method from the `HASH_` constants in this class
  * * `hash_cost`   - a *cost* parameter for certain hashing functions - e.g. bcrypt (defaults to 9)
  * @param string $pw The plaintext password to hash
  * @param array $config The resources.auth.oss array from `application.ini`
  * @throws OSS_Exception
  * @return string The hashed password
 public static function hash($pw, $config)
     $hash = self::HASH_UNKNOWN;
     if (is_array($config)) {
         if (!isset($config['pwhash'])) {
             throw new OSS_Exception('Cannot hash password without a hash method');
         $hash = $config['pwhash'];
     } else {
         $hash = $config;
     if (substr($hash, 0, 8) == 'dovecot:') {
         return ViMbAdmin_Dovecot::password(substr($hash, 8), $pw, $config['username']);
     } else {
         if (substr($hash, 0, 6) == 'crypt:') {
             $indicator = '';
             $salt_len = 2;
             switch ($hash) {
                 case 'crypt:md5':
                     $salt = '$1$' . OSS_String::randomPassword(12) . '$';
                 case 'crypt:blowfish':
                     $salt = '$2a$12$' . OSS_String::randomPassword(22) . '$';
                 case 'crypt:sha256':
                     $salt = '$5$' . OSS_String::randomPassword(16) . '$';
                 case 'crypt:sha512':
                     $salt = '$6$' . OSS_String::randomPassword(12) . '$';
                     throw new OSS_Exception('Unknown crypt password hashing method');
             return crypt($pw, $salt);
         } else {
             switch ($hash) {
                 case self::HASH_PLAINTEXT:
                 case self::HASH_PLAIN:
                     return $pw;
                 case self::HASH_BCRYPT:
                     if (!isset($config['hash_cost'])) {
                         $config['hash_cost'] = 9;
                     $bcrypt = new OSS_Crypt_Bcrypt($config['hash_cost']);
                     return $bcrypt->hash($pw);
                 case self::HASH_MD5:
                     return md5($pw);
                 case self::HASH_MD5_SALTED:
                     return md5($pw . $config['pwhash']);
                 case self::HASH_SHA1:
                     return sha1($pw);
                 case self::HASH_SHA1_SALTED:
                     return sha1($pw . $config['pwhash']);
                     throw new OSS_Exception('Unknown password hashing method');
  * @param IXP_Form_Interface_Vlan $form The form object
  * @param \Entities\VlanInterface $object The Doctrine2 entity (being edited or blank for add)
  * @param bool $isEdit True of we are editing an object, false otherwise
  * @param array $options Options passed onto Zend_Form
  * @param string $cancelLocation Where to redirect to if 'Cancal' is clicked
  * @return void
 protected function formPostProcess($form, $object, $isEdit, $options = null, $cancelLocation = null)
     if ($isEdit) {
         $form->getElement('preselectIPv4Address')->setValue($object->getIPv4Address() ? $object->getIPv4Address()->getAddress() : null);
         $form->getElement('preselectIPv6Address')->setValue($object->getIPv6Address() ? $object->getIPv6Address()->getAddress() : null);
         if ($this->getParam('rtn', false) == 'vli') {
             $form->setAction(OSS_Utils::genUrl('vlan-interface', 'edit', false, ['id' => $object->getId(), 'rtn' => 'vli']));
         } else {
             $form->getElement('cancel')->setAttrib('href', OSS_Utils::genUrl('virtual-interface', 'edit', false, ['id' => $object->getVirtualInterface()->getId()]));
     } else {
         if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && ($vintid = isset($_POST['virtualinterfaceid']) && $_POST['virtualinterfaceid'])) {
             $vint = $this->getD2EM()->getRepository('\\Entities\\VirtualInterface')->find($_POST['virtualinterfaceid']);
         } else {
             if (($vintid = $this->getRequest()->getParam('vintid')) !== null) {
                 $vint = $this->getD2EM()->getRepository('\\Entities\\VirtualInterface')->find($vintid);
         if (!isset($vint) || !$vint) {
             $this->addMessage('You need a containing virtual interface before you add a VLAN interface', OSS_Message::ERROR);
         // make BGP MD5 easy
         $form->getElement('cancel')->setAttrib('href', OSS_Utils::genUrl('virtual-interface', 'edit', false, ['id' => $vint->getId()]));