예제 #1
 function isCached($image, $cacheParams)
     if (!rex_image::isValid($image)) {
         trigger_error('Given image is not a valid rex_image', E_USER_ERROR);
     $original_cache_file = $this->getCacheFile($image, $cacheParams);
     $cache_files = glob($original_cache_file . '*');
     // ----- check for cache file
     if (is_array($cache_files) && count($cache_files) == 1) {
         $cache_file = $cache_files[0];
         // time of cache
         $cachetime = filectime($cache_file);
         $imagepath = $image->getFilePath();
         if ($original_cache_file != $cache_file) {
             $image->img['format'] = strtoupper(OOMedia::_getExtension($cache_file));
             $image->img['file'] = $image->img['file'] . '.' . OOMedia::_getExtension($cache_file);
         // file exists?
         if (file_exists($imagepath)) {
             $filetime = filectime($imagepath);
         } else {
             // Missing original file for cache-validation!
         // cache is newer?
         if ($cachetime > $filetime) {
             return true;
     return false;
 function execute()
     global $REX;
     $from_path = realpath($this->image->img['filepath']);
     if (($ext = self::getExtension($from_path)) && in_array(strtolower($ext), self::$convert_types)) {
         // convert possible
         $convert_path = self::getConvertPath();
         if ($convert_path != '') {
             // convert to image and save in tmp
             $to_path = $REX['GENERATED_PATH'] . '/files/image_manager__convert2img_' . md5($this->image->img['filepath']) . '_' . $this->image->img['file'] . '.png';
             $cmd = $convert_path . ' -density 150 "' . $from_path . '[0]" -colorspace RGB "' . $to_path . '"';
             // echo $cmd;
             exec($cmd, $out, $ret);
             if ($ret != 0) {
                 return false;
             $this->image->img['file'] = $this->image->img['file'] . '.png';
             $this->image->img['filepath'] = $to_path;
             $this->image->img['format'] = strtoupper(OOMedia::_getExtension($to_path));
             $this->tmp_imagepath = $to_path;
     } else {
         // no image
 function rex_image($filepath)
     global $REX;
     // ----- check params
     if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
         $this->sendError('Imagefile does not exist - ' . $filepath);
     // ----- check filesize
     $max_file_size = $REX['ADDON']['image_manager']['max_resizekb'] * 1024;
     $filesize = filesize($filepath);
     if ($filesize > $max_file_size) {
         $error = 'Imagefile is to big.';
         $error .= ' Only files < ' . $REX['ADDON']['image_manager']['max_resizekb'] . 'kb are allowed';
         $error .= '- ' . $filepath . ', ' . OOMedia::_getFormattedSize($filesize);
     // ----- imagepfad speichern
     $this->img = array();
     $this->img['file'] = basename($filepath);
     $this->img['filepath'] = $filepath;
     $this->img['quality'] = $REX['ADDON']['image_manager']['jpg_quality'];
     $this->img['format'] = strtoupper(OOMedia::_getExtension($this->img['filepath']));
예제 #4
 function rex_image($filepath)
     global $REX;
     // ----- check params
     if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
         // 'Imagefile does not exist - '. $filepath
     // ----- imagepfad speichern
     $this->img = array();
     $this->img['file'] = basename($filepath);
     $this->img['filepath'] = $filepath;
     $this->img['quality'] = $REX['ADDON']['image_manager']['jpg_quality'];
     $this->img['format'] = strtolower(OOMedia::_getExtension($this->img['filepath']));
 function rex_thumbnail($imgfile)
     global $REX;
     // ----- imagepfad speichern
     $this->img = array();
     $this->imgfile = $imgfile;
     // ----- gif support ?
     $this->gifsupport = function_exists('imageGIF');
     // ----- detect image format
     $this->img['format'] = strtoupper(OOMedia::_getExtension($imgfile));
     $this->img['src'] = false;
     if (strpos($imgfile, 'cache/') === false) {
         if ($this->img['format'] == 'JPG' || $this->img['format'] == 'JPEG') {
             // --- JPEG
             $this->img['format'] = 'JPEG';
             $this->img['src'] = @ImageCreateFromJPEG($imgfile);
         } elseif ($this->img['format'] == 'PNG') {
             // --- PNG
             $this->img['src'] = @ImageCreateFromPNG($imgfile);
         } elseif ($this->img['format'] == 'GIF') {
             // --- GIF
             if ($this->gifsupport) {
                 $this->img['src'] = @ImageCreateFromGIF($imgfile);
         } elseif ($this->img['format'] == 'WBMP') {
             // --- WBMP
             $this->img['src'] = @ImageCreateFromWBMP($imgfile);
         // ggf error image senden
         if (!$this->img['src']) {
         $this->img['width'] = imagesx($this->img['src']);
         $this->img['height'] = imagesy($this->img['src']);
         $this->img['width_offset_thumb'] = 0;
         $this->img['height_offset_thumb'] = 0;
         // --- default quality jpeg
         $this->img['quality'] = $REX['ADDON']['image_resize']['jpg_quality'];
         $this->filters = array();
  * @access public
  * @static
 function _isImage($filename)
     static $imageExtensions;
     if (!isset($imageExtensions)) {
         $imageExtensions = array('gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'bmp');
     return in_array(OOMedia::_getExtension($filename), $imageExtensions);
예제 #7

// *************************************** Subpage: ADD FILE
if ($media_method == 'add_file') {
    if (rex_post('save', 'boolean') || rex_post('saveandexit', 'boolean')) {
        if ($_FILES['file_new']['name'] != '' && $_FILES['file_new']['name'] != 'none') {
            if (!rex_mediapool_isAllowedMediaType($_FILES['file_new']['name'], rex_post('args', 'array'))) {
                $warning = $I18N->msg('pool_file_mediatype_not_allowed') . ' <var>.' . OOMedia::_getExtension($_FILES['file_new']['name'] . '</var>');
                $whitelist = rex_mediapool_getMediaTypeWhitelist(rex_post('args', 'array'));
                $warning .= count($whitelist) > 0 ? '<br />' . $I18N->msg('pool_file_allowed_mediatypes') . ' <var>' . rtrim(implode('</var> <var>', $whitelist), ', ') . '</var>' : '<br />' . $I18N->msg('pool_file_banned_mediatypes') . ' <var>' . rtrim(implode('</var> <var>', rex_mediapool_getMediaTypeBlacklist()), ', ') . '</var>';
            } else {
                $FILEINFOS['title'] = rex_request('ftitle', 'string');
                if (!$PERMALL && !$REX['USER']->hasPerm("media[{$rex_file_category}]")) {
                    $rex_file_category = 0;
                // function in function.rex_mediapool.inc.php
                $return = rex_mediapool_saveMedia($_FILES['file_new'], $rex_file_category, $FILEINFOS, $REX['USER']->getValue('login'));
                if ($return['ok']) {
                    $info = $return['msg'];
                    $subpage = '';
                // ----- EXTENSION POINT
                if ($return['ok'] == 1) {
                    rex_register_extension_point('MEDIA_ADDED', '', $return);
                if (rex_post('saveandexit', 'boolean') && $return['ok'] == 1) {
                    $file_name = $return['filename'];
                    $ffiletype = $return['type'];
                    $title = $return['title'];
                    if ($opener_input_field == 'TINYIMG') {
 * check if mediatpye(extension) is allowed for upload
 * @param string $filename
 * @param array  $args
 * @return  bool
function rex_mediapool_isAllowedMediaType($filename, $args = array())
    $file_ext = '.' . OOMedia::_getExtension($filename);
    if ($filename === '' || strpos($file_ext, ' ') !== false || $file_ext === '.') {
        return false;
    $blacklist = rex_mediapool_getMediaTypeBlacklist();
    $whitelist = rex_mediapool_getMediaTypeWhitelist($args);
    if (in_array($file_ext, $blacklist)) {
        return false;
    if (count($whitelist) > 0 && !in_array($file_ext, $whitelist)) {
        return false;
    return true;