예제 #1
function exec_ogp_module()
    global $db;
    global $view;
    echo "<h2>" . get_lang('add_new_game_home') . "</h2>";
    echo "<p><a href='?m=user_games'>&lt;&lt; " . get_lang('back_to_game_servers') . "</a></p>";
    $remote_servers = $db->getRemoteServers();
    if ($remote_servers === FALSE) {
        echo "<p class='note'>" . get_lang('no_remote_servers_configured') . "</p>\n\t\t\t  <p><a href='?m=server'>" . get_lang('add_remote_server') . "</a></p>";
    $game_cfgs = $db->getGameCfgs();
    $users = $db->getUserList();
    if ($game_cfgs === FALSE) {
        echo "<p class='note'>" . get_lang('no_game_configurations_found') . " <a href='?m=config_games'>" . get_lang('game_configurations') . "</a></p>";
    echo "<p> <span class='note'>" . get_lang('note') . ":</span> " . get_lang('add_mods_note') . "</p>";
    $selections = array("allow_updates" => "u", "allow_file_management" => "f", "allow_parameter_usage" => "p", "allow_extra_params" => "e", "allow_ftp" => "t", "allow_custom_fields" => "c");
    if (isset($_REQUEST['add_game_home'])) {
        $rserver_id = $_POST['rserver_id'];
        $home_cfg_id = $_POST['home_cfg_id'];
        $web_user_id = trim($_POST['web_user_id']);
        $control_password = genRandomString(8);
        $access_rights = "";
        $ftp = FALSE;
        foreach ($selections as $selection => $flag) {
            if (isset($_REQUEST[$selection])) {
                $access_rights .= $flag;
                if ($flag == "t") {
                    $ftp = TRUE;
        if (empty($web_user_id)) {
        } else {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if ($row['home_cfg_id'] == $home_cfg_id) {
                    $server_name = $row['game_name'];
            foreach ($remote_servers as $server) {
                if ($server['remote_server_id'] == $rserver_id) {
                    $ogp_user = $server['ogp_user'];
            foreach ($users as $user) {
                if ($user['user_id'] == $web_user_id) {
                    $web_user = $user['users_login'];
            $ftppassword = genRandomString(8);
            $game_path = "/home/" . $ogp_user . "/OGP_User_Files/";
            if (($new_home_id = $db->addGameHome($rserver_id, $web_user_id, $home_cfg_id, clean_path($game_path), $server_name, $control_password, $ftppassword)) !== FALSE) {
                $db->assignHomeTo("user", $web_user_id, $new_home_id, $access_rights);
                if ($ftp) {
                    $home_info = $db->getGameHomeWithoutMods($new_home_id);
                    require_once 'includes/lib_remote.php';
                    $remote = new OGPRemoteLibrary($home_info['agent_ip'], $home_info['agent_port'], $home_info['encryption_key']);
                    $host_stat = $remote->status_chk();
                    if ($host_stat === 1) {
                        $remote->ftp_mgr("useradd", $home_info['home_id'], $home_info['ftp_password'], $home_info['home_path']);
                    $db->changeFtpStatus('enabled', $new_home_id);
                $db->logger(get_lang('game_home_added') . " ({$server_name})");
            } else {
                print_failure(get_lang_f("failed_to_add_home_to_db", $db->getError()));
    // View form to add more servers.
    if (!isset($_POST['rserver_id'])) {
        echo "<form action='?m=user_games&amp;p=add' method='post'>";
        echo "<table class='center'>";
        echo "<tr><td  class='right'>" . get_lang('game_server') . "</td><td class='left'><select onchange=" . '"this.form.submit()"' . " name='rserver_id'>\n";
        echo "<option>" . get_lang('select_remote_server') . "</option>\n";
        foreach ($remote_servers as $server) {
            echo "<option value='" . $server['remote_server_id'] . "'>" . $server['remote_server_name'] . " (" . $server['agent_ip'] . ")</option>\n";
        echo "</select>\n";
        echo "</form>";
        echo "</td></tr></table>";
    } else {
        if (isset($_POST['rserver_id'])) {
            $rhost_id = $_POST['rserver_id'];
        $remote_server = $db->getRemoteServer($rhost_id);
        require_once 'includes/lib_remote.php';
        $remote = new OGPRemoteLibrary($remote_server['agent_ip'], $remote_server['agent_port'], $remote_server['encryption_key']);
        $host_stat = $remote->status_chk();
        if ($host_stat === 1) {
            $os = $remote->what_os();
        } else {
            $os = "Unknown OS";
        echo "<form action='?m=user_games&amp;p=add' method='post'>";
        echo "<table class='center'>";
        echo "<tr><td class='right'>" . get_lang('game_type') . "</td><td class='left'> <select name='home_cfg_id'>\n";
        // Linux 64 bits + wine
        if (preg_match("/Linux/", $os) and preg_match("/64/", $os) and preg_match("/wine/", $os)) {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/linux/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "'>" . $row['game_name'];
                if (preg_match("/64/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    echo " (64 bit)";
                echo "</option>\n";
            echo "<option style='background:black;color:white;' value=''>" . get_lang('wine_games') . ":</option>\n";
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/win/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "'>" . $row['game_name'];
                if (preg_match("/64/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    echo " (64 bit)";
                echo "</option>\n";
        } elseif (preg_match("/Linux/", $os) and preg_match("/64/", $os)) {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/linux/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "'>" . $row['game_name'];
                if (preg_match("/64/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    echo " (64 bit)";
                echo "</option>\n";
        } elseif (preg_match("/Linux/", $os) and preg_match("/wine/", $os)) {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/linux32/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "'>" . $row['game_name'] . "</option>\n";
            echo "<option style='background:black;color:white;' value=''>" . get_lang('wine_games') . "</option>\n";
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/win32/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "'>" . $row['game_name'] . "</option>\n";
        } elseif (preg_match("/Linux/", $os)) {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/linux32/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "'>" . $row['game_name'] . "</option>\n";
        } elseif (preg_match("/CYGWIN/", $os) and preg_match("/64/", $os)) {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/win/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "'>" . $row['game_name'];
                if (preg_match("/64/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    echo " (64 bit)";
                echo "</option>\n";
        } elseif (preg_match("/CYGWIN/", $os)) {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/win32/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "'>" . $row['game_name'] . "</option>\n";
        } elseif ($os == "Unknown OS") {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "'>" . $row['game_name'];
                if (preg_match("/64/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    echo " (64 bit)";
                echo "</option>\n";
        echo "</select>\n</td></tr>";
        // Select user
        echo "<tr><td class='right'>" . get_lang('login') . ":</td>\n\t\t\t<td class='left'><select name='web_user_id'>";
        $users = $db->getUserList();
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            // Only users and admins can be assigned homes... not subusers
            if (is_null($user['users_parent'])) {
                echo "<option value='" . $user['user_id'] . "'>" . $user['users_login'] . "</option>\n";
        echo "</select>\n</td></tr>";
        // Select permisions
        echo "<tr><td class='right'>" . get_lang('access_rights') . ":</td>\n\t\t\t<td class='left'>";
        foreach ($selections as $selection => $flag) {
            echo create_selection($selection, $flag);
        echo "</td></tr>";
        // Assign home
        echo "<tr><td align='center' colspan='2'>\n\t\t\t  <input type='hidden' name='rserver_id' value='" . $rhost_id . "' />" . "<input type='submit' name='add_game_home' value='" . get_lang('add_game_home') . "' /></td></tr></table>";
        echo "</form>";
function exec_ogp_module()
    include 'includes/lib_remote.php';
    global $db;
    global $view;
    if (isset($_POST['add_ftp_user'])) {
        $server_row = $db->getRemoteServer($_POST['remote_server_id']);
        $remote = new OGPRemoteLibrary($server_row['agent_ip'], $server_row['agent_port'], $server_row['encryption_key']);
        $post_ftp_login = trim($_POST['ftp_login']);
        $host_stat = $remote->status_chk();
        $ftp_accounts_list = $remote->ftp_mgr("list");
        $ftp_accounts = explode("\n", $ftp_accounts_list);
        $user_exists = FALSE;
        foreach ($ftp_accounts as $ftp_account) {
            if ($ftp_account != "") {
                list($ftp_login, $ftp_path) = explode("\t", $ftp_account);
                $ftp_login = trim($ftp_login);
                if ($ftp_login == $post_ftp_login) {
                    $user_exists = TRUE;
        if ($user_exists === TRUE) {
        } else {
            $remote->ftp_mgr("useradd", $post_ftp_login, $_POST['ftp_password'], $_POST['full_path']);
    if (isset($_POST['del_ftp_user_y'])) {
        $server_row = $db->getRemoteServer($_POST['remote_server_id']);
        $remote = new OGPRemoteLibrary($server_row['agent_ip'], $server_row['agent_port'], $server_row['encryption_key']);
        $remote->ftp_mgr("userdel", $_POST['ftp_login']);
        $home_info = $db->getHomeByFtpLogin($server_row['remote_server_id'], $_POST['ftp_login']);
        $db->changeFtpStatus('disabled', $home_info['home_id']);
    if (isset($_POST['edit_ftp_user'])) {
        $server_row = $db->getRemoteServer($_POST['remote_server_id']);
        $remote = new OGPRemoteLibrary($server_row['agent_ip'], $server_row['agent_port'], $server_row['encryption_key']);
        $settings = "";
        foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
            if ($key != "edit_ftp_user" and $key != "ftp_login" and $key != "remote_server_id") {
                $account_settings .= "{$key}\t{$value}\n";
        $remote->ftp_mgr("usermod", $_POST['ftp_login'], $account_settings);
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    echo "<h2>" . get_lang('pure-ftpd_admin') . "</h2>";
    $servers = $db->getRemoteServers();
    echo "<tr><td colspan='3' >\n\t\t<form method=POST >\n\t\t<table class='center' style='width:100%' ><tr>\n\t\t<td>" . get_lang('remote_server') . " <select style='width:250px' name='remote_server_id' >";
    foreach ($servers as $server_row) {
        echo "<option value='" . $server_row['remote_server_id'] . "' >" . $server_row['remote_server_name'] . " (" . $server_row['agent_ip'] . ":" . $server_row['agent_port'] . ")</option>";
    echo "</select>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . get_lang('login') . "<input type=text name='ftp_login' /></td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . get_lang('password') . "<input type=text name='ftp_password' /></td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . get_lang('full_path') . "<input type=text name='full_path' /></td>\n\t\t  </tr>\n\t\t  <tr>\n\t\t\t<td colspan=4 ><input style='width:100%;' type=submit name='add_ftp_user' value='" . get_lang('add_ftp_account') . "' /></td>\n\t\t  </tr>\n\t\t </table>\n\t\t </form>\n\t\t </td></tr>";
<table id="servermonitor" class="tablesorter">
    foreach ($servers as $server_row) {
        $remote = new OGPRemoteLibrary($server_row['agent_ip'], $server_row['agent_port'], $server_row['encryption_key']);
        $host_stat = $remote->status_chk();
        $status = ($host_stat === 0 or $host_stat === -1) ? "<span class='failure'>" . get_lang('offline') . "</span>" : "<span class='success'>" . get_lang('online') . "</span>";
        if ($host_stat === 1) {
            $ftp_accounts_list = $remote->ftp_mgr("list");
            $ftp_accounts = explode("\n", $ftp_accounts_list);
            foreach ($ftp_accounts as $ftp_account) {
                if (!empty($ftp_account)) {
                    list($ftp_login, $ftp_path) = explode("\t", $ftp_account);
                    $ftp_login = trim($ftp_login);
                    $home_info = $db->getHomeByFtpLogin($server_row['remote_server_id'], $ftp_login);
                    $expandme = (isset($_POST['ftp_login']) and $ftp_login == $_POST['ftp_login'] and (isset($_POST['remote_server_id']) and $home_info['remote_server_id'] == $_POST['remote_server_id'])) ? "expandme" : "";
                    $home_name = isset($home_info['home_name']) ? $home_info['home_name'] : $ftp_path;
                    echo "<tr class='maintr {$expandme}'><td class='collapsible' ></td><td>" . $server_row['remote_server_name'] . " (" . $server_row['agent_ip'] . ")</td><td><b class='failure' >{$ftp_login}</td><td>{$home_name}</td><td>{$ftp_path}</td></tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  <tr class='expand-child' ><td colspan='4' >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  <form method=POST >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  <table>";
                    $account_details = $remote->ftp_mgr("show", $ftp_login);
                    $ftp_account_detail_list = explode("\n", $account_details);
                    foreach ($ftp_account_detail_list as $detail_line) {
                        if (!empty($detail_line)) {
                            list($key, $value) = explode(" : ", $detail_line);
                            $key = trim($key);
                            $value = trim($value);
                            $blacklist = array("Login", "Password", "UID", "GID", "ftp_user_id", "username", "username_prefix", "password", "sys_userid", "sys_groupid", "sys_perm_user", "sys_perm_group", "sys_perm_other", "server_id", "parent_domain_id", "uid", "gid");
                            if (in_array($key, $blacklist)) {
                            $value_parts = explode(" ", $value);
                            $value = $value_parts[0];
                            @($advert = $value_parts[1]);
                            if ($key == "Allowed local  IPs" or $key == "ul_ratio" or count($ftp_account_detail_list) == 4 and $key == "Directory") {
                                echo "</table>\n</td><td>\n<table>\n";
                            if ($key == "Directory") {
                                $value = str_replace("/./", "", $value);
                            if ($key == "Username") {
                                $readOnly = true;
                            echo "<tr><td>{$key}</td><td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  <input type=text name='{$key}' value='{$value}' ";
                            if (isset($readOnly) && $readOnly) {
                                echo "readonly ";
                            echo "/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  </td><td>{$advert}</td></tr>\n";
                    echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan='2' >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <center>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  <input type=hidden name='remote_server_id' value='" . $server_row['remote_server_id'] . "'/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  <input type=hidden name='ftp_login' value='{$ftp_login}'/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  <input type=submit name='edit_ftp_user' value='" . get_lang('change_account_details') . "' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t </center>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   <input type='image' name='del_ftp_user' onsubmit='submit-form();' src='modules/administration/images/remove.gif'>" . get_lang('remove_account') . "</input>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  </tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t </table>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t </form>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t </td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
    echo "</tbody>";
    echo "</table>\n";
예제 #3
function exec_ogp_module()
    global $db;
    $isAdmin = $db->isAdmin($_SESSION['user_id']);
    $submit = isset($_REQUEST['submit']) ? $_REQUEST['submit'] : "";
    $home_id = $_GET['home_id'];
    $enabled_mods = $db->getHomeMods($home_id);
    if ($isAdmin and isset($_POST['change_home_cfg_id'])) {
        if (!empty($enabled_mods)) {
            foreach ($enabled_mods as $enabled_rows) {
        $home_cfg_id = $game_home['home_cfg_id'];
        $new_home_cfg_id = $_POST['home_cfg_id'];
        if ($db->updateHomeCfgId($home_id, $new_home_cfg_id)) {
            $db->logger(get_lang('successfully_changed_game_server') . " HOME ID:{$home_id} - " . get_lang('change_game_type') . ":old home_cfg_id:{$home_cfg_id}, new home_cfg_id:{$new_home_cfg_id}");
        $enabled_mods = $db->getHomeMods($home_id);
    if ($isAdmin) {
        $game_home = $db->getGameHome($_GET['home_id']);
    } else {
        $game_home = $db->getUserGameHome($_SESSION['user_id'], $_GET['home_id']);
    if (!$game_home and !$isAdmin) {
    $home_info = $db->getGameHomeWithoutMods($home_id);
    $server_xml = read_server_config(SERVER_CONFIG_LOCATION . $home_info['home_cfg_file']);
    include 'includes/lib_remote.php';
    $remote = new OGPRemoteLibrary($home_info['agent_ip'], $home_info['agent_port'], $home_info['encryption_key']);
    $ftp_installed = $db->isModuleInstalled('ftp');
    $screen_running = $remote->is_screen_running(OGP_SCREEN_TYPE_HOME, $home_info['home_id']) === 1;
    if ($isAdmin) {
        $game_home['access_rights'] = "ufpet";
    echo "<h2>" . get_lang('editing_home_called') . " \"" . $home_info['home_name'] . "\"</h2>";
    if (isset($_REQUEST['change_name'])) {
        $server_name = $_POST['server_name'];
        if ($db->changeHomeName($home_id, $server_name) === TRUE) {
            $db->logger(get_lang('successfully_changed_game_server') . " HOME ID:{$home_id} - " . get_lang('game_server_name') . ":{$server_name}");
        } else {
            print_failure("Name update failed.");
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['change_control_password'])) {
        $control_password = $_POST['control_password'];
        if ($db->changeHomeControlPassword($home_id, $control_password) === TRUE) {
            $db->logger(get_lang('control_password_updated_successfully') . " HOME ID:{$home_id} - " . get_lang('game_control_password') . ":{$control_password}");
        } else {
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['change_ftp_login']) && preg_match("/t/", $game_home['access_rights']) > 0) {
        // Is FTP Module Installed?
        if ($ftp_installed) {
            if ($db->IsFtpEnabled($home_id) or $isAdmin) {
                $post_ftp_login = trim($_POST['ftp_login']);
                $host_stat = $remote->status_chk();
                $user_exists = FALSE;
                $host_online = FALSE;
                if ($host_stat === 1) {
                    $host_online = TRUE;
                    $ftp_accounts_list = $remote->ftp_mgr("list");
                    $ftp_accounts = explode("\n", $ftp_accounts_list);
                    foreach ($ftp_accounts as $ftp_account) {
                        if ($ftp_account != "") {
                            list($ftp_login, $ftp_path) = explode("\t", $ftp_account);
                            $ftp_login = trim($ftp_login);
                            if ($ftp_login == $post_ftp_login) {
                                $user_exists = TRUE;
                if ($host_online and !$user_exists) {
                    $old_login = isset($home_info['ftp_login']) ? $home_info['ftp_login'] : $home_id;
                    $change_login_delete_old = $remote->ftp_mgr("userdel", $old_login);
                    if ($change_login_delete_old !== 0) {
                        $change_login_add_new = $remote->ftp_mgr("useradd", $post_ftp_login, $home_info['ftp_password'], $home_info['home_path']);
                    if (isset($change_login_add_new) and $change_login_add_new !== 0) {
                        if ($db->changeFtpLogin($home_id, $post_ftp_login) === TRUE) {
                            $db->logger(get_lang('successfully_changed_game_server') . " HOME ID:{$home_id} - " . get_lang('server_ftp_login') . ":{$post_ftp_login}");
                    } else {
                        print_failure(get_lang('error_ocurred_on_remote_server') . " " . get_lang('ftp_login_can_not_be_changed'));
                } else {
                    print_failure(get_lang('error_ocurred_on_remote_server') . " " . get_lang('ftp_login_can_not_be_changed'));
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['change_ftp_password']) && preg_match("/t/", $game_home['access_rights']) > 0) {
        // Is FTP Module Installed?
        if ($ftp_installed) {
            if ($db->IsFtpEnabled($home_id) or $isAdmin) {
                $ftp_password = $_POST['ftp_password'];
                $ftp_login = isset($home_info['ftp_login']) ? $home_info['ftp_login'] : $home_id;
                $change_passwd_on_remote = $remote->ftp_mgr("passwd", $ftp_login, $ftp_password);
                if ($change_passwd_on_remote !== 0) {
                    if ($db->changeFtpPassword($home_id, clean_path($ftp_password)) === TRUE) {
                        $db->logger(get_lang('successfully_changed_game_server') . " HOME ID:{$home_id} - " . get_lang('server_ftp_password') . ":{$ftp_password}");
                } else {
                    print_failure(get_lang('error_ocurred_on_remote_server') . " " . get_lang('ftp_password_can_not_be_changed'));
    } elseif (isset($_POST["force_mod_id"])) {
        $force_mod_id = $_POST['force_mod_id'];
        $ip_id = $_POST['ip_id'];
        $port = $_POST['port'];
        if ($db->forceModAtAddress($ip_id, $port, $force_mod_id)) {
        } else {
            print_failure("Failed to assign mod to address.");
    } elseif ($isAdmin) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['create_ftp'])) {
            $login = isset($home_info['ftp_login']) ? $home_info['ftp_login'] : $home_id;
            $create_ftp = $remote->ftp_mgr("useradd", $login, $home_info['ftp_password'], $home_info['home_path']);
            if ($create_ftp === 0) {
                print_failure(get_lang('error_ocurred_on_remote_server') . " " . get_lang('ftp_can_not_be_switched_on'));
            } else {
                $db->changeFtpStatus('enabled', $home_id);
                $db->logger(get_lang('successfully_changed_game_server') . " HOME ID:{$home_id} - " . get_lang('change_ftp_account_status') . ":enabled");
        } else {
            if (isset($_REQUEST['delete_ftp'])) {
                $login = isset($home_info['ftp_login']) ? $home_info['ftp_login'] : $home_id;
                $delete_ftp = $remote->ftp_mgr("userdel", $login);
                if ($delete_ftp === 0) {
                    print_failure(get_lang('error_ocurred_on_remote_server') . " " . get_lang('ftp_can_not_be_switched_off'));
                } else {
                    $db->changeFtpStatus('disabled', $home_id);
                    $db->logger(get_lang('successfully_changed_game_server') . " HOME ID:{$home_id} - " . get_lang('change_ftp_account_status') . ":disabled");
            } else {
                if (isset($_REQUEST['change_user_id_main'])) {
                    $user_id_main = $_POST['user_id_main'];
                    if (isset($_POST['deleteoldassigns'])) {
                        $db->unassignHomeFrom("user", $home_info['user_id_main'], $home_id);
                        $home_groups = $db->getGroupsForHome($home_info['home_id']);
                        if (isset($home_groups)) {
                            foreach ($home_groups as $home_group) {
                                $db->unassignHomeFrom("group", $home_group['group_id'], $home_id);
                    $old_home = $db->getUserGameHome($home_info['user_id_main'], $home_id);
                    if ($db->changeUserIdMain($home_id, clean_path($user_id_main)) === TRUE && $db->assignHomeTo("user", $user_id_main, $home_id, $old_home['access_rights']) === TRUE) {
                        $db->logger(get_lang('successfully_changed_game_server') . " HOME ID:{$home_id} - " . get_lang('change_user_id_main') . ":{$user_id_main}");
                } else {
                    if (isset($_REQUEST['change_home'])) {
                        $home_path = $_POST['home_path'];
                        if ($db->changeHomePath($home_id, clean_path($home_path)) === TRUE) {
                            if ($ftp_installed) {
                                if ($db->IsFtpEnabled($home_id)) {
                                    $login = isset($home_info['ftp_login']) ? $home_info['ftp_login'] : $home_id;
                                    $delte_old_ftp_account = $remote->ftp_mgr("userdel", $login);
                                    if ($delte_old_ftp_account !== 0) {
                                        $create_new_ftp_account = $remote->ftp_mgr("useradd", $login, $home_info['ftp_password'], $home_path);
                                    if (isset($create_new_ftp_account) and $create_new_ftp_account !== 0) {
                                        $db->logger(get_lang('successfully_changed_game_server') . " HOME ID:{$home_id} - " . get_lang('home_path') . ":{$home_path}");
                                    } else {
                                        print_failure(get_lang('error_ocurred_on_remote_server') . " " . get_lang('ftp_login_can_not_be_changed'));
                                } else {
                                    $db->logger(get_lang('successfully_changed_game_server') . " HOME ID:{$home_id} - " . get_lang('home_path') . ":{$home_path}");
                            } else {
                                $db->logger(get_lang('successfully_changed_game_server') . " HOME ID:{$home_id} - " . get_lang('home_path') . ":{$home_path}");
                    } else {
                        if (isset($_REQUEST['master_server'])) {
                            if (isset($_POST['add'])) {
                                $action = "add";
                            } else {
                                $action = "remove";
                            if ($db->setMasterServer($action, $home_id, $home_info['home_cfg_id'], $home_info['remote_server_id']) === TRUE) {
                                $db->logger(get_lang('successfully_changed_game_server') . " HOME ID:{$home_id} - " . get_lang('set_as_master_server') . ":{$action}");
        if (isset($_REQUEST['add_mod'])) {
            $mod_cfg_id = $_POST['mod_cfg_id'];
            if ($db->addModToGameHome($home_id, $mod_cfg_id) === FALSE) {
                print_failure(get_lang_f('failed_to_assing_mod_to_home', $mod_cfg_id));
            } else {
                print_success(get_lang_f('successfully_assigned_mod_to_home', $mod_cfg_id));
                $db->logger(get_lang_f('successfully_assigned_mod_to_home', $mod_cfg_id) . " [HOME ID:{$home_id}]");
        } else {
            if ($submit == "delete_mod") {
                $mod_id = $_GET['mod_id'];
                if ($db->delGameMod($mod_id) === TRUE) {
                $db->logger(get_lang('successfully_removed_mod') . " [MOD ID:{$mod_id} HOME ID:{$home_id}]");
            } else {
                if (isset($_REQUEST['set_options'])) {
                    $maxplayers = 0 + @$_POST['maxplayers'];
                    $cliopts = $_POST['cliopts'];
                    $cpus = $_POST['cpus'];
                    $nice = $_POST['nice'];
                    $mod_cfg_id = $_POST['mod_cfg_id'];
                    $db->updateGameModParams($maxplayers, $cliopts, $cpus, $nice, $home_id, $mod_cfg_id);
                    $db->logger(get_lang('successfully_modified_mod') . " [MOD CFG ID:{$mod_cfg_id} HOME ID:{$home_id}]");
                    echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2'>";
    $home_info = $db->getGameHomeWithoutMods($home_id);
    $custom_fileds_access_enabled = preg_match("/c/", $game_home['access_rights']) > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
    echo "<p>";
    echo "<a href='?m=gamemanager&p=game_monitor&home_id={$home_id}'>&lt;&lt; " . get_lang('back_to_game_monitor') . "</a>";
    if ($isAdmin) {
        echo " &nbsp; ";
        echo "<a href='?m=user_games'>&lt;&lt; " . get_lang('back_to_game_servers') . "</a>";
        $custom_fileds_access_enabled = TRUE;
    if (isset($server_xml->custom_fields) and $custom_fileds_access_enabled) {
        echo " &nbsp; <a href='?m=user_games&p=custom_fields&home_id=" . $home_id . "'>" . get_lang('go_to_custom_fields') . " &gt;&gt;</a>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "<table class='center'>";
    if ($isAdmin) {
        // Form to change game type
        echo "<tr><td rowspan='2' class='right'>" . get_lang('game_type') . ":</td><td class='left'>";
        echo "<form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>";
        $game_cfgs = $db->getGameCfgs();
        $host_stat = $remote->status_chk();
        if ($host_stat === 1) {
            $os = $remote->what_os();
        } else {
            $os = "Unknown OS";
        echo "<select name='home_cfg_id' >";
        // Linux 64 bits + wine
        if (preg_match("/Linux/", $os) and preg_match("/64/", $os) and preg_match("/wine/", $os)) {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/linux/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    $selected = $home_info['home_cfg_id'] == $row['home_cfg_id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : "";
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "' {$selected}>" . $row['game_name'];
                    if (preg_match("/64/", $row['game_key'])) {
                        echo " (64 bit)";
                    echo "</option>\n";
            echo "<option style='background:black;color:white;' value=''>" . get_lang('wine_games') . ":</option>\n";
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/win/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    $selected = $home_info['home_cfg_id'] == $row['home_cfg_id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : "";
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "' {$selected}>" . $row['game_name'];
                    if (preg_match("/64/", $row['game_key'])) {
                        echo " (64 bit)";
                    echo "</option>\n";
        } elseif (preg_match("/Linux/", $os) and preg_match("/64/", $os)) {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/linux/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    $selected = $home_info['home_cfg_id'] == $row['home_cfg_id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : "";
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "' {$selected}>" . $row['game_name'];
                    if (preg_match("/64/", $row['game_key'])) {
                        echo " (64 bit)";
                    echo "</option>\n";
        } elseif (preg_match("/Linux/", $os) and preg_match("/wine/", $os)) {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/linux32/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    $selected = $home_info['home_cfg_id'] == $row['home_cfg_id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : "";
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "' {$selected}>" . $row['game_name'] . "</option>\n";
            echo "<option style='background:black;color:white;' value=''>" . get_lang('wine_games') . "</option>\n";
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/win32/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    $selected = $home_info['home_cfg_id'] == $row['home_cfg_id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : "";
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "' {$selected}>" . $row['game_name'] . "</option>\n";
        } elseif (preg_match("/Linux/", $os)) {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/linux32/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    $selected = $home_info['home_cfg_id'] == $row['home_cfg_id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : "";
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "' {$selected}>" . $row['game_name'] . "</option>\n";
        } elseif (preg_match("/CYGWIN/", $os) and preg_match("/64/", $os)) {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/win/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    $selected = $home_info['home_cfg_id'] == $row['home_cfg_id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : "";
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "' {$selected}>" . $row['game_name'];
                    if (preg_match("/64/", $row['game_key'])) {
                        echo " (64 bit)";
                    echo "</option>\n";
        } elseif (preg_match("/CYGWIN/", $os)) {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                if (preg_match("/win32/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    $selected = $home_info['home_cfg_id'] == $row['home_cfg_id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : "";
                    echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "' {$selected}>" . $row['game_name'] . "</option>\n";
        } elseif ($os == "Unknown OS") {
            foreach ($game_cfgs as $row) {
                $selected = $home_info['home_cfg_id'] == $row['home_cfg_id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : "";
                echo "<option value='" . $row['home_cfg_id'] . "' {$selected}>" . $row['game_name'];
                if (preg_match("/64/", $row['game_key'])) {
                    echo " (64 bit)";
                echo "</option>\n";
        echo "</select>\n</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td class='left'><input type='submit' name='change_home_cfg_id' value='" . get_lang('change_game_type') . "' />";
        echo "</form></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td colspan='2' class='info'>" . get_lang('change_game_type_info') . "</td></tr>";
        // Form to edit main user.
        echo "<tr><td rowspan='3' class='right'>" . get_lang('user_id_main') . ":</td><td class='left'>";
        echo "<form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>";
        echo "<input type='hidden' name='home_id' value=\"{$home_id}\" />\n";
        echo "<select name='user_id_main'>";
        $user = $db->getUserById($home_info['user_id_main']);
        echo "<option value='" . $home_info['user_id_main'] . "'>" . $user['users_login'] . "</option>\n";
        $users = $db->getUserList();
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            // Only users and admins can be assigned homes... not subusers
            if (is_null($user['users_parent'])) {
                if ($home_info['user_id_main'] != $user['user_id']) {
                    echo "<option value='" . $user['user_id'] . "'>" . $user['users_login'] . "</option>\n";
        echo "</select></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td><input type='checkbox' name='deleteoldassigns' id='deleteoldassigns' /><label for='deleteoldassigns' >" . get_lang('Delete_old_user_assigned_homes') . "</label></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td class='left'><input type='submit' name='change_user_id_main' value='" . get_lang('change_user_id_main') . "' />";
        echo "</form></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td colspan='2' class='info'>" . get_lang('change_user_id_main_info') . "</td></tr>";
        // Form to edit game path.
        echo "<tr><td class='right'>" . get_lang('home_path') . ":</td><td class='left'>";
        echo "<form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>";
        echo "<input type='hidden' name='home_id' value=\"{$home_id}\" />\n";
        echo "<input type='text' size='30' name='home_path' value=" . $home_info['home_path'] . " />";
        echo "<input type='submit' name='change_home' value='" . get_lang('change_home') . "' />";
        echo "</form></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td colspan='2' class='info'>" . get_lang('change_home_info') . "</td></tr>";
    // Form to edit game name
    echo "<tr><td class='right'>" . get_lang('game_server_name') . ":</td><td class='left'>";
    echo "<form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>";
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='home_id' value=\"{$home_id}\" />\n";
    echo "<input type='text' size='30' name='server_name' value='" . $home_info['home_name'] . "' />";
    echo "<input type=submit name='change_name' value='" . get_lang('change_name') . "' />";
    echo "</form></td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td colspan='2' class='info'>" . get_lang('change_name_info') . "</td></tr>";
    // Form to edit control password
    echo "<tr><td class='right'>" . get_lang('game_control_password') . ":</td><td class='left'>";
    echo "<form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>";
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='home_id' value=\"{$home_id}\" />\n";
    echo "<input type='text' size='30' name='control_password' value='" . $home_info['control_password'] . "' />";
    echo "<input type='submit' name='change_control_password' value='" . get_lang('change_control_password') . "' />";
    echo "</form></td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td colspan='2' class='info'>" . get_lang('change_control_password_info') . "</td></tr>";
    if (preg_match("/t/", $game_home['access_rights']) > 0 && $ftp_installed && $db->IsFtpEnabled($home_id)) {
        // Form to edit control ftp login
        $ftp_login = isset($home_info['ftp_login']) ? $home_info['ftp_login'] : $home_id;
        echo "<tr><td class='right'>" . get_lang('server_ftp_login') . ":</td><td class='left'>";
        echo "<form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>";
        echo "<input type='text' size='30' name='ftp_login' value='" . $ftp_login . "' />";
        echo "<input type='submit' name='change_ftp_login' value='" . get_lang('change_ftp_login') . "' />";
        echo "</form></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td  colspan='2' class='info'>" . get_lang('change_ftp_login_info') . "</td></tr>";
        // Form to edit control ftp password
        echo "<tr><td class='right'>" . get_lang('server_ftp_password') . ":</td><td class='left'>";
        echo "<form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>";
        echo "<input type='text' size='30' name='ftp_password' value='" . $home_info['ftp_password'] . "' />";
        echo "<input type='submit' name='change_ftp_password' value='" . get_lang('change_ftp_password') . "' />";
        echo "</form></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td  colspan='2' class='info'>" . get_lang('change_ftp_password_info') . "</td></tr>";
    if ($isAdmin && $ftp_installed) {
        // Forms to enable/disable ftp account
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td class='right'>" . get_lang('change_ftp_account_status') . ":</td>";
        echo "<td class='left'>";
        if (!$db->IsFtpEnabled($home_id)) {
            echo "<div style='display:block;float:left;' ><form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>";
            echo "<input type='submit' name='create_ftp' value='" . get_lang('ftp_on') . "' />";
            echo "</form></div>";
        } else {
            echo "<div style='display:block;float:left;' ><form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>";
            echo "<input type='submit' name='delete_ftp' value='" . get_lang('ftp_off') . "' />";
            echo "</form></div>";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td  colspan='2' class='info'>" . get_lang('change_ftp_account_status_info') . "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    if ($isAdmin) {
        $master_server_home_id = $db->getMasterServer($home_info['remote_server_id'], $home_info['home_cfg_id']);
        if ($master_server_home_id != FALSE and $master_server_home_id == $home_id) {
            $checked = 'checked ="checked"';
        } else {
            $checked = "";
        // Form to enable/disable as master server for local update
        echo "</tr><tr><td class='right'>" . get_lang('master_server_for_clon_update') . ":</td><td class='left'>";
        echo "<form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>";
        echo "<input type='checkbox' name='add' {$checked} />";
        echo "<input type='submit' name='master_server' value='" . get_lang('set_as_master_server') . "' />";
        echo "</form></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td colspan='2' class='info'>" . get_lang('set_as_master_server_for_local_clon_update') . " (" . get_lang_f('only_available_for', $server_xml->game_name, $home_info['remote_server_name']) . ")</td></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    if ($isAdmin) {
        $avail_ips = $db->getRemoteServerIPs($home_info['remote_server_id']);
        $ip_array = array();
        if (is_array($avail_ips) && !empty($avail_ips)) {
            echo "<h3>" . get_lang('ips_and_ports') . "</h3>";
            if (!$screen_running) {
                if (isset($_REQUEST['set_ip'])) {
                    $ip_id = $_POST['ip'];
                    $ip_row = $db->resultQuery("SELECT ip FROM OGP_DB_PREFIXremote_server_ips WHERE ip_id=" . $ip_id);
                    $ip = $ip_row['0']['ip'];
                    $port = $_POST['port'];
                    $port = (int) trim($port);
                    $home_id = $_POST['home_id'];
                    if (!isPortValid($port)) {
                    } else {
                        if ($db->addGameIpPort($home_id, $ip_id, $port) === FALSE) {
                            print_failure(get_lang_f('ip_port_already_in_use', $ip, $port));
                        } else {
                            print_success(get_lang_f('successfully_assigned_ip_port_to_server_id', $ip, $port, $home_id));
                            $db->logger(get_lang_f('successfully_assigned_ip_port_to_server_id', $ip, $port, $home_id));
                if (isset($_REQUEST["delete_ip"])) {
                    $del_ip = $_GET['ip'];
                    $del_port = $_GET['port'];
                    if ($db->delGameIpPort($home_id, $del_ip, $del_port)) {
                        $db->logger(get_lang('successfully_assigned_ip_port') . " [unassigned]");
                    } else {
                        print_failure("Failed to unassign ip:port.");
                echo "<form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>\n";
                echo "<input type='hidden' name='home_id' value=\"{$home_id}\" />\n";
                echo get_lang('ip') . ":<select name='ip' onchange='this.form.submit();'>";
                foreach ($avail_ips as $value) {
                    $selected = (isset($_POST['ip']) and $_POST['ip'] == $value['ip_id']) ? "selected='selected'" : "";
                    echo "<option value='" . $value['ip_id'] . "' {$selected} >" . $value['ip'] . "</option>\n";
                echo "</select>";
                $ip_id = isset($_POST['ip']) ? $_POST['ip'] : $avail_ips[0]['ip_id'];
                $port = $db->getNextAvailablePort($ip_id, $home_info['home_cfg_id']);
                echo " " . get_lang('port') . ":<input type='text' name='port' value='" . $port . "' size='6' />";
                echo "<input type='submit' name='set_ip' value='" . get_lang('set_ip') . "' />";
                echo "</form>";
                $assigned = $db->getHomeIpPorts($home_id);
                if (empty($assigned)) {
                } else {
                    foreach ($assigned as $assigned_rows) {
                        $force_mod = "";
                        $align = "center";
                        if (!empty($enabled_mods) and count($enabled_mods) > 1) {
                            $force_mod .= "<td align='left'>\n" . "<form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='ip_id' value=" . $assigned_rows['ip_id'] . " />" . "<input type='hidden' name='port' value=" . $assigned_rows['port'] . " />" . "<select name='force_mod_id' onchange='this.form.submit();'>" . "<option value='0' >" . get_lang('force_mod_on_this_address') . "</option>";
                            foreach ($enabled_mods as $mod) {
                                $selected = $mod['mod_id'] == $assigned_rows['force_mod_id'] ? "selected='selected'" : "";
                                $force_mod .= "<option value='" . $mod['mod_id'] . "' {$selected}>" . $mod['mod_name'] . "</option>";
                            $force_mod .= "</select>\n</form>\n</td>\n";
                            $align = "right";
                        echo "<table class='center'><tr><td align='{$align}'>" . $assigned_rows['ip'] . ":" . $assigned_rows['port'] . " <a href='?m=user_games&amp;p=edit&amp;home_id={$home_id}&amp;delete_ip&amp;ip=" . $assigned_rows['ip_id'] . "&amp;port=" . $assigned_rows['port'] . "'>[ " . get_lang('delete') . " ]</a></td>\n" . $force_mod . "</tr>\n</table>\n";
            } else {
        } else {
            print_failure(get_lang('no_ip_addresses_configured') . "<a href='?m=server'>" . get_lang('server_page') . "</a>.");
        echo "<h3>" . get_lang('mods') . "</h3>";
        echo "<p class='info'>" . get_lang('extra_cmd_line_info') . "</p>\n";
        if (empty($enabled_mods)) {
            print_failure(get_lang('note') . ":" . get_lang('note_no_mods'));
            $cpu_count = $remote->cpu_count();
            if ($cpu_count === -1) {
                $cpu_count = 'NA';
            } else {
                // cpu numbering starts from 0 so lets remove the last cpu.
                $cpu_count -= 1;
            $game_mods = $db->getAvailableModsForGameHome($home_id);
            foreach ($game_mods as $game_mod) {
                if ($game_mod['mod_name'] == "none") {
                    $mod_cfg_id = $game_mod['mod_cfg_id'];
                if ($game_mod['mod_name'] == "None") {
                    $mod_cfg_id = $game_mod['mod_cfg_id'];
            if (isset($mod_cfg_id)) {
                $db->addModToGameHome($home_id, $mod_cfg_id);
                $maxplayers = $server_xml->max_user_amount ? $server_xml->max_user_amount : 0;
                $db->updateGameModParams($maxplayers, '', 'NA', '0', $home_id, $mod_cfg_id);
                echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0'>";
            } else {
                echo "<form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>\n";
                echo "<input type='hidden' name='home_id' value=\"{$home_id}\" />\n";
                echo "<p>" . get_lang('available_mods') . ": <select name='mod_cfg_id'>\n";
                foreach ($game_mods as $game_mod) {
                    echo "<option value='" . $game_mod['mod_cfg_id'] . "'>" . $game_mod['mod_name'] . "</option>\n";
                echo "</select>\n";
                echo "<input type='submit' name='add_mod' value='" . get_lang('add_mod') . "' /></p>";
                echo "</form>";
        } else {
            $cpu_count = $remote->cpu_count();
            if ($cpu_count === -1) {
                $cpu_count = 'NA';
            } else {
                // cpu numbering starts from 0 so lets remove the last cpu.
                $cpu_count -= 1;
            echo "<table class='center'>\n";
            echo "<tr><td></td><td><b>" . get_lang('mod_name') . "</b></td>";
            if ($server_xml->max_user_amount) {
                echo "<td><b>" . get_lang('max_players') . "</b></td>";
            echo "<td><b>" . get_lang('extra_cmd_line_args') . "</b></td><td><b>" . get_lang('cpu_affinity') . "</b></td>";
            echo "<td><b>" . get_lang('nice_level') . "</b></td><td></td></tr>\n";
            foreach ($enabled_mods as $enabled_rows) {
                echo "<form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'><tr><td>\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='home_id' value=\"{$home_id}\" />\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='mod_cfg_id' value=\"" . $enabled_rows['mod_cfg_id'] . "\" />\n" . "<a href='?m=user_games&amp;p=edit&amp;mod_id=" . $enabled_rows['mod_id'] . "&amp;home_id={$home_id}&amp;submit=delete_mod'>[ " . get_lang('remove_mod') . " ]</a><br>" . "<a href='?m=user_games&p=install_cmds&home_id={$home_id}&mod_id=" . $enabled_rows['mod_id'] . "'>" . get_lang('mod_install_cmds') . "</a></td>" . "<td>" . $enabled_rows['mod_name'] . "</td>";
                if ($server_xml->max_user_amount) {
                    echo "<td>" . create_drop_box_from_array(range(0, $server_xml->max_user_amount), 'maxplayers', $enabled_rows['max_players'], true) . "</td>";
                echo "<td><input type='text' name='cliopts' size='20' value=\"" . $enabled_rows['extra_params'] . "\" /></td>";
                echo "<td>" . create_drop_box_from_array(array_merge(array('NA'), range(0, $cpu_count)), 'cpus', $enabled_rows['cpu_affinity']) . "</td>";
                echo "<td>" . create_drop_box_from_array(array_merge(range(-19, 19)), 'nice', $enabled_rows['nice']) . "</td>";
                echo "<td><input type='submit' name='set_options' value='" . get_lang('set_options') . "' /></td></tr></form>\n";
            echo "</table>\n";
            $game_mods = $db->getAvailableModsForGameHome($home_id);
            foreach ($game_mods as $game_mod) {
                if ($game_mod['mod_name'] == "none") {
                    $mods_available = 0;
                } elseif ($game_mod['mod_name'] == "None") {
                    $mods_available = 0;
                } else {
                    $mods_available = 1;
            if ($mods_available == 1) {
                echo "<form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>\n";
                echo "<input type='hidden' name='home_id' value=\"{$home_id}\" />\n";
                echo "<p>" . get_lang('available_mods') . ": <select name='mod_cfg_id'>\n";
                foreach ($game_mods as $game_mod) {
                    echo "<option value='" . $game_mod['mod_cfg_id'] . "'>" . $game_mod['mod_name'] . "</option>\n";
                echo "</select>\n";
                echo "<input type='submit' name='add_mod' value='" . get_lang('add_mod') . "' /></p>";
                echo "</form>";
    } else {
        $assigned = $db->getHomeIpPorts($home_id);
        if (!empty($assigned) and !empty($enabled_mods) and count($enabled_mods) > 1) {
            echo "<table class='center'>\n" . "<tr>\n" . "<td colspan='2' align='center'>" . "<h3>" . get_lang('switch_mods') . "</h3>" . "</td>\n" . "</tr>\n";
            foreach ($assigned as $assigned_rows) {
                $force_mod = "<tr>\n<td align='right' style='width:50%' >" . get_lang_f('switch_mod_for_address', $assigned_rows['ip'] . ":" . $assigned_rows['port']) . "</td>\n" . ($force_mod .= "<td align='left' style='width:50%' >\n" . "<form action='?m=user_games&p=edit&home_id=" . $home_id . "' method='post'>\n" . "<input type='hidden' name='ip_id' value=" . $assigned_rows['ip_id'] . " />" . "<input type='hidden' name='port' value=" . $assigned_rows['port'] . " />" . "<select name='force_mod_id' onchange='this.form.submit();'>");
                foreach ($enabled_mods as $mod) {
                    $selected = $mod['mod_id'] == $assigned_rows['force_mod_id'] ? "selected='selected'" : "";
                    $force_mod .= "<option value='" . $mod['mod_id'] . "' {$selected}>" . $mod['mod_name'] . "</option>";
                $force_mod .= "</select>\n</form>\n</td>\n</tr>\n";
            echo $force_mod . "</table>\n";
예제 #4
function exec_ogp_module()
    global $db;
    global $view;
    require_once 'includes/lib_remote.php';
    $game = "N/A";
    $home_id = $_GET['home_id'];
    $y = isset($_GET['y']) ? $_GET['y'] : "";
    $files = isset($_GET['files']) ? $_GET['files'] : "";
    $force = isset($_GET['force']) ? $_GET['force'] : "";
    $home_info = $db->getGameHomeWithoutMods($home_id);
    if ($home_info === FALSE) {
        print_failure("User home_id {$home_id} not found.");
    if ($y !== 'y') {
        echo "<p>" . get_lang_f('sure_to_delete_serverid_from_remoteip_and_directory', $home_info['home_id'], $home_info['agent_ip'], $home_info['home_path']) . "</p>";
        $server_info = $db->getRemoteServerById($home_info['remote_server_id']);
        $remote = new OGPRemoteLibrary($server_info['agent_ip'], $server_info['agent_port'], $server_info['encryption_key']);
        $r = $remote->rfile_exists($home_info['home_path']);
        if ($r == 1) {
            echo "<p><a href=\"?m=user_games&amp;p=del&amp;y=y&amp;home_id={$home_id}&amp;files=y\">" . get_lang('yes_and_delete_the_files') . "</a> | ";
        echo "<a href=\"?m=user_games&amp;p=del&amp;y=y&amp;home_id={$home_id}\">" . get_lang('yes') . "</a> | <a href=\"?m=user_games\">" . get_lang('no') . "</a></p>";
    if ($force == 'y') {
        if ($db->deleteGameHome($home_id) === FALSE) {
        } else {
            print_success(get_lang_f('successfully_deleted_game_server_with_id', $home_id));
            $db->logger(get_lang_f('successfully_deleted_game_server_with_id', $home_id));
        global $view;
    if ($db->IsFtpEnabled($home_id)) {
        $ftp_login = isset($home_info['ftp_login']) ? $home_info['ftp_login'] : $home_id;
        $remote = new OGPRemoteLibrary($home_info['agent_ip'], $home_info['agent_port'], $home_info['encryption_key']);
        if ($remote->ftp_mgr("userdel", $ftp_login) === 0) {
            echo "<p>" . get_lang('remove_it_anyway') . "<p>\n\t\t\t\t<a href=\"?m=user_games&amp;p=del&amp;y=y&amp;force=y&amp;home_id={$home_id}\">" . get_lang('yes') . "</a> | <a href=\"?m=user_games\">" . get_lang('no') . "</a></p>";
        } else {
            if ($db->deleteGameHome($home_id) === FALSE) {
            } else {
                print_success(get_lang_f('successfully_deleted_game_server_with_id', $home_info['home_id']));
                $db->logger(get_lang_f('successfully_deleted_game_server_with_id', $home_info['home_id']));
    } else {
        if ($db->deleteGameHome($home_id) === FALSE) {
        } else {
            print_success(get_lang_f('successfully_deleted_game_server_with_id', $home_info['home_id']));
            $db->logger(get_lang_f('successfully_deleted_game_server_with_id', $home_info['home_id']));
    if ($files == 'y') {
        $server_info = $db->getRemoteServerById($home_info['remote_server_id']);
        $remote = new OGPRemoteLibrary($server_info['agent_ip'], $server_info['agent_port'], $server_info['encryption_key']);
        $del_rc = $remote->remove_home($home_info['home_path']);
        while (!$del_rc) {
        if ($del_rc == 1) {
            print_success(get_lang_f('sucessfully_deleted', $home_info['home_path']));
            $db->logger(get_lang_f('sucessfully_deleted', $home_info['home_path']));
        } elseif ($del_rc == 0) {
            print_failure(get_lang_f('the_agent_had_a_problem_deleting', $home_info['home_path']));
    global $view;