function search($query) { $addressbooks = OC_Contacts_Addressbook::all(OCP\USER::getUser(), 1); // if(count($calendars)==0 || !OCP\App::isEnabled('contacts')){ // //return false; // } // NOTE: Does the following do anything $results = array(); $searchquery = array(); if (substr_count($query, ' ') > 0) { $searchquery = explode(' ', $query); } else { $searchquery[] = $query; } $l = new OC_l10n('contacts'); foreach ($addressbooks as $addressbook) { $vcards = OC_Contacts_VCard::all($addressbook['id']); foreach ($vcards as $vcard) { if (substr_count(strtolower($vcard['fullname']), strtolower($query)) > 0) { $link = OCP\Util::linkTo('contacts', 'index.php') . '?id=' . urlencode($vcard['id']); $results[] = new OC_Search_Result($vcard['fullname'], '', $link, $l->t('Contact')); //$name,$text,$link,$type } } } return $results; }
public function search($query) { $unescape = function ($value) { return strtr($value, array('\\,' => ',', '\\;' => ';')); }; $searchresults = array(); $results = \OCP\Contacts::search($query, array('N', 'FN', 'EMAIL', 'NICKNAME', 'ORG')); $l = new \OC_l10n('contacts'); foreach ($results as $result) { $link = \OCP\Util::linkToRoute('contacts_index') . '#' . $result['id']; $props = array(); $display = isset($result['FN']) && $result['FN'] ? $result['FN'] : null; foreach (array('EMAIL', 'NICKNAME', 'ORG') as $searchvar) { if (isset($result[$searchvar]) && $result[$searchvar]) { if (is_array($result[$searchvar])) { $result[$searchvar] = array_filter($result[$searchvar]); } $prop = is_array($result[$searchvar]) ? implode(',', $result[$searchvar]) : $result[$searchvar]; $props[] = $prop; $display = $display ?: $result[$searchvar]; } } $props = array_map($unescape, $props); $searchresults[] = new \OC_Search_Result($display, implode(', ', $props), $link, (string) $l->t('Contact'), null); //$name,$text,$link,$type } return $searchresults; }
/** * Copyright (c) 2011 Marvin Thomas Rabe <*****@*****.**> * Copyright (c) 2011 Arthur Schiwon <*****@*****.**> * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ function bookmarklet() { $l = new OC_l10n('bookmarks'); $blet = "javascript:(function(){var a=window,b=document,c=encodeURIComponent,e=c(document.title),'"; $blet .= OCP\Util::linkToAbsolute('bookmarks', 'addBm.php'); $blet .= "?output=popup&url='+c(b.location)+'&title='+e,'bkmk_popup','left='+((a.screenX||a.screenLeft)+10)+',top='+((a.screenY||a.screenTop)+10)+',height=400px,width=550px,resizable=1,alwaysRaised=1');a.setTimeout(function(){d.focus()},300);})();"; $help_msg = $l->t('Drag this to your browser bookmarks and click it, when you want to bookmark a webpage quickly:'); return '<div class="bkm_hint">' . $help_msg . '</div><br /><a class="button bookmarklet" href="' . $blet . '">' . $l->t('Add to ownCloud') . '</a>'; }
function search($query) { $calendars = OC_Calendar_Calendar::allCalendars(OCP\USER::getUser(), true); if (count($calendars) == 0 || !OCP\App::isEnabled('calendar')) { //return false; } $results = array(); $searchquery = array(); if (substr_count($query, ' ') > 0) { $searchquery = explode(' ', $query); } else { $searchquery[] = $query; } $user_timezone = OC_Calendar_App::getTimezone(); $l = new OC_l10n('calendar'); foreach ($calendars as $calendar) { $objects = OC_Calendar_Object::all($calendar['id']); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object['objecttype'] != 'VEVENT') { continue; } if (substr_count(strtolower($object['summary']), strtolower($query)) > 0) { $calendardata = OC_VObject::parse($object['calendardata']); $vevent = $calendardata->VEVENT; $dtstart = $vevent->DTSTART; $dtend = OC_Calendar_Object::getDTEndFromVEvent($vevent); $start_dt = $dtstart->getDateTime(); $start_dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($user_timezone)); $end_dt = $dtend->getDateTime(); $end_dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($user_timezone)); if ($dtstart->getDateType() == Sabre\VObject\Property\DateTime::DATE) { $end_dt->modify('-1 sec'); if ($start_dt->format('d.m.Y') != $end_dt->format('d.m.Y')) { $info = $l->t('Date') . ': ' . $start_dt->format('d.m.Y') . ' - ' . $end_dt->format('d.m.Y'); } else { $info = $l->t('Date') . ': ' . $start_dt->format('d.m.Y'); } } else { $info = $l->t('Date') . ': ' . $start_dt->format('d.m.y H:i') . ' - ' . $end_dt->format('d.m.y H:i'); } $link = OCP\Util::linkTo('calendar', 'index.php') . '?showevent=' . urlencode($object['id']); $results[] = new OC_Search_Result($object['summary'], $info, $link, (string) $l->t('Cal.')); //$name,$text,$link,$type } } } return $results; }
function search($query) { $results = array(); if (substr_count($query, ' ') > 0) { $search_words = explode(' ', $query); } else { $search_words = $query; } $db = \OC::$server->getDb(); $user = \OCP\User::getUser(); $bookmarks = Bookmarks::findBookmarks($user, $db, 0, 'id', $search_words, false); $l = new \OC_l10n('bookmarks'); //resulttype can't be localized, javascript relies on that type foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) { $results[] = new \OC_Search_Result($bookmark['title'], $bookmark['title'], $bookmark['url'], (string) $l->t('Bookm.')); } return $results; }
function search($query) { $l = OC_L10N::get('bookmarks'); $results = array(); $search_words = array(); if (substr_count($query, ' ') > 0) { $search_words = explode(' ', $query); } else { $search_words = $query; } $bookmarks = OC_Bookmarks_Bookmarks::searchBookmarks($search_words); $l = new OC_l10n('bookmarks'); //resulttype can't be localized, javascript relies on that type foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) { $results[] = new OC_Search_Result($bookmark['title'], $bookmark['title'], $bookmark['url'], (string) $l->t('Bookm.'), null); } return $results; }
function search($query) { if (!OCP\App::isEnabled('news')) { return array(); } $feedMapper = new OCA\News\FeedMapper(OCP\USER::getUser()); $results = array(); if ($feedMapper->feedCount() > 0) { $allFeeds = $feedMapper->findAll(); $l = new OC_l10n('news'); foreach ($allFeeds as $feed) { if (substr_count(strtolower($feed['title']), strtolower($query)) > 0) { $link = OCP\Util::linkTo('news', 'index.php') . '?feedid=' . urlencode($feed['id']); $results[] = new OC_Search_Result($feed['title'], '', $link, (string) $l->t('News')); } } } return $results; }
function search($query) { $addressbooks = OC_Contacts_Addressbook::all(OCP\USER::getUser(), 1); if (count($addressbooks) == 0 || !OCP\App::isEnabled('contacts')) { return array(); } $results = array(); $l = new OC_l10n('contacts'); foreach ($addressbooks as $addressbook) { $vcards = OC_Contacts_VCard::all($addressbook['id']); foreach ($vcards as $vcard) { if (substr_count(strtolower($vcard['fullname']), strtolower($query)) > 0) { $link = OCP\Util::linkTo('contacts', 'index.php') . '&id=' . urlencode($vcard['id']); $results[] = new OC_Search_Result($vcard['fullname'], '', $link, (string) $l->t('Contact')); //$name,$text,$link,$type } } } return $results; }
function search($query) { $unescape = function ($value) { return strtr($value, array('\\,' => ',', '\\;' => ';')); }; $app = new App(); $searchresults = array(); $results = \OCP\Contacts::search($query, array('N', 'FN', 'EMAIL', 'NICKNAME', 'ORG')); $l = new \OC_l10n('contacts'); foreach ($results as $result) { $link = \OCP\Util::linkToRoute('contacts_index') . '#' . $result['id']; $props = array(); foreach (array('EMAIL', 'NICKNAME', 'ORG') as $searchvar) { if (isset($result[$searchvar]) && count($result[$searchvar]) > 0 && strlen($result[$searchvar][0]) > 3) { $props = array_merge($props, $result[$searchvar]); } } $props = array_map($unescape, $props); $searchresults[] = new \OC_Search_Result($result['FN'], implode(', ', $props), $link, (string) $l->t('Contact')); //$name,$text,$link,$type } return $searchresults; }
/** * Constructor * * @param array $data * @return \OCA\Calendar\Search\Event */ public function __construct(array $data = null) { // set default properties $this->id = $data['id']; $this->name = $data['summary']; $this->link = \OCP\Util::linkTo('calendar', 'index.php') . '?showevent=' . urlencode($data['id']); // do calendar-specific setup $l = new \OC_l10n('calendar'); $calendar_data = \Sabre\VObject\Reader::read($data['calendardata']); $vevent = $calendar_data->VEVENT; // get start time $dtstart = $vevent->DTSTART; $start_dt = $dtstart->getDateTime(); $start_dt->setTimezone($this->getUserTimezone()); $this->start_time = $start_dt->format('r'); // get end time $dtend = \OC_Calendar_Object::getDTEndFromVEvent($vevent); $end_dt = $dtend->getDateTime(); $end_dt->setTimezone($this->getUserTimezone()); $this->end_time = $end_dt->format('r'); // create text description if (!$dtstart->hasTime()) { $end_dt->modify('-1 sec'); if ($start_dt->format('d.m.Y') != $end_dt->format('d.m.Y')) { $this->text = $l->t('Date') . ': ' . $start_dt->format('d.m.Y') . ' - ' . $end_dt->format('d.m.Y'); } else { $this->text = $l->t('Date') . ': ' . $start_dt->format('d.m.Y'); } } else { $this->text = $l->t('Date') . ': ' . $start_dt->format('d.m.y H:i') . ' - ' . $end_dt->format('d.m.y H:i'); } // set last modified time $this->modified = date('r', $data['lastmodified']); // set repeating property $this->repeating = (bool) $data['repeating']; }
<?php // Check if we are a user OCP\JSON::checkLoggedIn(); OCP\JSON::callCheck(); OCP\JSON::checkAppEnabled('bookmarks'); $l = new OC_l10n('bookmarks'); if (empty($_FILES)) { OCP\Util::writeLog('bookmarks', "No file provided for import", \OCP\Util::WARN); $error[] = $l->t('No file provided for import'); } elseif (isset($_FILES['bm_import'])) { $file = $_FILES['bm_import']['tmp_name']; if ($_FILES['bm_import']['type'] == 'text/html') { $error = OC_Bookmarks_Bookmarks::importFile($file); if (empty($errors)) { OCP\JSON::success(); //force charset as not set by OC_JSON header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); exit; } } else { $error[] = $l->t('Unsupported file type for import'); } } OC_JSON::error(array('data' => $error)); //force charset as not set by OC_JSON header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); exit;
<?php require_once \OC_App::getAppPath('news') . '/lib/feedtypes.php'; $l = new OC_l10n('news'); $feed = isset($_['feed']) ? $_['feed'] : null; $feedTitle = $feed->getTitle(); $feedId = $feed->getId(); $unreadItemsCount = isset($_['unreadItemsCount']) ? $_['unreadItemsCount'] : null; $favicon = $feed->getFavicon(); if ($favicon == null) { $favicon = OCP\Util::imagePath('core', 'actions/public.svg'); } $lastViewedFeedId = isset($_['lastViewedFeedId']) ? $_['lastViewedFeedId'] : null; $lastViewedFeedType = isset($_['lastViewedFeedType']) ? $_['lastViewedFeedType'] : null; if ($lastViewedFeedType == OCA\News\FeedType::FEED && $lastViewedFeedId == $feedId) { $activeClass = 'active'; } else { $activeClass = ''; } echo '<li class="feed ' . $activeClass . '" data-id="' . $feedId . '">'; echo '<a style="background-image: url(' . $favicon . ');" href="#" class="title">' . $feedTitle . '</a>'; echo '<span class="unread_items_counter">' . $unreadItemsCount . '</span>'; echo '<span class="buttons">'; echo '<button class="svg action feeds_delete" title="' . $l->t('Delete feed') . '"></button>'; echo '<button class="svg action feeds_markread" title="' . $l->t('Mark all read') . '"></button>'; echo '</span>'; echo '</li>';
<?php /** * ownCloud - News app * * @author Alessandro Cosentino * Copyright (c) 2012 - Alessandro Cosentino <*****@*****.**> * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. * See the COPYING-README file * */ OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\\News\\StatusFlag'] = 'apps/news/lib/item.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\\News\\Item'] = 'apps/news/lib/item.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\\News\\Collection'] = 'apps/news/lib/collection.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\\News\\Feed'] = 'apps/news/lib/feed.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\\News\\Folder'] = 'apps/news/lib/folder.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\\News\\FeedMapper'] = 'apps/news/lib/feedmapper.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\\News\\ItemMapper'] = 'apps/news/lib/itemmapper.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\\News\\FolderMapper'] = 'apps/news/lib/foldermapper.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\\News\\Utils'] = 'apps/news/lib/utils.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\\News\\Backgroundjob'] = 'apps/news/lib/backgroundjob.php'; OCP\Backgroundjob::addRegularTask('OCA\\News\\Backgroundjob', 'run'); $l = new OC_l10n('news'); OCP\App::addNavigationEntry(array('id' => 'news', 'order' => 74, 'href' => OC_Helper::linkTo('news', 'index.php'), 'icon' => OC_Helper::imagePath('news', 'icon.svg'), 'name' => $l->t('News')));
/** @NoAdminRequired * * @return \OCP\AppFramework\Http\JSONResponse */ public function importBookmark() { $l = new \OC_l10n('bookmarks'); $full_input = $this->request->getUploadedFile("bm_import"); if (empty($full_input)) { \OCP\Util::writeLog('bookmarks', "No file provided for import", \OCP\Util::WARN); $error = array(); $error[] = $l->t('No file provided for import'); } else { $error = array(); $file = $full_input['tmp_name']; if ($full_input['type'] == 'text/html') { $error = Bookmarks::importFile($this->userId, $this->db, $file); if (empty($error)) { return new JSONResponse(array('status' => 'success')); } } else { $error[] = $l->t('Unsupported file type for import'); } } return new JSONResponse(array('status' => 'error', 'data' => $error)); }
<?php /** * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ $l = new OC_l10n('collaboration'); OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Collaboration_Project'] = 'collaboration/lib/projects.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Collaboration_Post'] = 'collaboration/lib/posts.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Collaboration_Time'] = 'collaboration/lib/time.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Collaboration_Comment'] = 'collaboration/lib/comments.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Collaboration_Task'] = 'collaboration/lib/tasks.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Collaboration_Mail'] = 'collaboration/lib/mail_templates.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Collaboration_Hooks'] = 'collaboration/lib/hooks.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Collaboration_Skillset'] = 'collaboration/lib/skillset.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Collaboration_Report'] = 'collaboration/lib/reports.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Collaboration_Calendar'] = 'collaboration/lib/calendar_support.php'; OC_Hook::connect('OC_User', 'post_deleteUser', 'OC_Collaboration_Hooks', 'notifyUserDeletion'); OC_Hook::connect('OCP\\Share', 'post_shared', 'OC_Collaboration_Hooks', 'notifyFileShare'); $gid = "Collaboration Admin"; if (!OC_Group::groupExists($gid)) { OC_Group::createGroup($gid); } \OCP\App::addNavigationEntry(array('id' => 'collaboration', 'order' => 0, 'href' => \OCP\Util::linkToRoute('collaboration_route', array('rel_path' => '')), 'icon' => \OCP\Util::imagePath('collaboration', 'collaboration.svg'), 'name' => $l->t('Collaboration')));
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <>. * */ OCP\JSON::checkLoggedIn(); OCP\JSON::callCheck(); OCP\JSON::checkAppEnabled('collaboration'); $l = new OC_l10n('collaboration'); if (isset($_POST['start']) && isset($_POST['count']) && isset($_POST['project']) && isset($_POST['status']) && isset($_POST['assigned_to']) && isset($_POST['assigned_by'])) { if ($_POST['project'] != '' && !OC_Collaboration_Project::isMemberWorkingOnProjectByTitle(OC_User::getUser(), $_POST['project'])) { throw new Exception(OC_User::getUser() . ' is trying to access project ' . $_POST['project']); OC_JSON::error(); exit; } $args = array('assigned_to' => $_POST['assigned_to'] == true ? OC_User::getUser() : NULL, 'assigned_by' => $_POST['assigned_by'] == true ? OC_User::getUser() : NULL, 'project' => $_POST['project'] == '' ? NULL : $_POST['project'], 'status' => $_POST['status'] == '' ? NULL : $_POST['status']); $tasks = OC_Collaboration_Task::readTasks($args, $_POST['start'], $_POST['count']); $text = ''; foreach ($tasks as $each) { if (!isset($each['tid']) || $each['tid'] == '') { break; } $datetime = OC_Collaboration_Time::convertDBTimeToUITime($each['ending_time']); $text .= '<div class="unit">
<?php OCP\App::checkAppEnabled('bookmarks'); $l = new OC_l10n('bookmarks'); if (isset($_FILES['bm_import'])) { $error = array(); $file = $_FILES['bm_import']['tmp_name']; if ($_FILES['bm_import']['type'] == 'text/html') { $error = OC_Bookmarks_Bookmarks::importFile($file); if (empty($errors)) { OCP\JSON::success(); //force charset as not set by OC_JSON header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); exit; } } else { $error[] = $l->t('Unsupported file type for import'); } } OC_JSON::error(array('data' => $error)); //force charset as not set by OC_JSON header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); exit;
<?php /** * Copyright (c) 2011 Marvin Thomas Rabe <*****@*****.**> * Copyright (c) 2011 Arthur Schiwon <*****@*****.**> * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Bookmarks_Bookmarks'] = 'apps/bookmarks/lib/bookmarks.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Search_Provider_Bookmarks'] = 'apps/bookmarks/lib/search.php'; OCP\App::register(array('order' => 70, 'id' => 'bookmark', 'name' => 'Bookmarks')); $l = new OC_l10n('bookmarks'); OCP\App::addNavigationEntry(array('id' => 'bookmarks_index', 'order' => 70, 'href' => OCP\Util::linkTo('bookmarks', 'index.php'), 'icon' => OCP\Util::imagePath('bookmarks', 'bookmarks.png'), 'name' => $l->t('Bookmarks'))); OCP\App::registerPersonal('bookmarks', 'settings'); OCP\Util::addscript('bookmarks', 'bookmarksearch'); OC_Search::registerProvider('OC_Search_Provider_Bookmarks');
<?php require_once \OC_App::getAppPath('news') . '/lib/feedtypes.php'; $l = new OC_l10n('news'); $folder = isset($_['folder']) ? $_['folder'] : null; $folderId = $folder->getId(); $folderName = $folder->getName(); if ($folder->getOpened()) { $openedClass = 'open'; } else { $openedClass = 'collapsed'; } $lastViewedFeedId = isset($_['lastViewedFeedId']) ? $_['lastViewedFeedId'] : null; $lastViewedFeedType = isset($_['lastViewedFeedType']) ? $_['lastViewedFeedType'] : null; if ($lastViewedFeedType == OCA\News\FeedType::FOLDER && $lastViewedFeedId == $folderId) { $activeClass = 'active'; } else { $activeClass = ''; } echo '<li class="folder ' . $openedClass . ' ' . $activeClass . ' all_read" data-id="' . $folderId . '">'; echo '<button class="collapsable_trigger" title="' . $l->t('Collapse') . '"></button>'; echo '<a href="#" class="title">' . htmlspecialchars($folderName, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</a>'; echo '<span class="unread_items_counter"></span>'; echo '<span class="buttons">'; echo '<button class="svg action feeds_delete" title="' . $l->t('Delete folder') . '"></button>'; echo '<button class="svg action feeds_edit" title="' . $l->t('Rename folder') . '"></button>'; echo '<button class="svg action feeds_markread" title="' . $l->t('Mark all read') . '"></button>'; echo '</span>'; echo '<ul data-id="' . $folderId . '">';