  * @brief Send an email while creating and assigning a task
  * @param Title of the task
  * @param Task description
  * @param Project ID to which the task belongs
  * @param To whom the task is assigned
  * @param Deadline for completing the task
 public static function sendTaskCreationMail($title, $desc, $pid, $member, $deadline)
     try {
         $subject = 'You are assigned a task \'' . $title . '\'';
         $message = 'Hello ' . $member . ',';
         $message .= '<br /><p style="text-indent: 50px;" >';
         $message .= 'You are assigned to the task \'' . $title . '\' under the project \'' . OC_Collaboration_Project::getProjectTitle($pid) . '\'.';
         $message .= '<br /><p style="text-align: justify;" ><span style="font-weight: bold;" >';
         $message .= 'Description: ';
         $message .= '</span>' . $desc . '<br /><br /><span style="font-weight: bold;" >';
         $message .= 'Deadline: ';
         $message .= '</span>' . $deadline . '</p><br /><br />';
         $message .= 'For further details, logon to your owncloud account.';
         $message .= '<br /><br />';
         \OC_Mail::send(OC_Preferences::getValue($member, 'settings', 'email'), $member, $subject, $message, OC_Config::getValue('mail_smtpname', ''), 'Owncloud Collaboration App', true);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         OC_Log::write('collaboration', __METHOD__ . ', Exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), OCP\Util::DEBUG);
         return false;

	<table id="skills">

print_unescaped($l->t('Number of tasks in project<br />\'%s\'', array(OC_Collaboration_Project::getProjectTitle($_['project']))));

p($l->t('Number of tasks in all projects'));

예제 #3
     * @brief Unassign all the tasks performed by the given member
     * @param Member whose tasks have to be unassigned
     * @param Project ID
     * @param Member who removes the other member
     * @param Whether the calling method has already initiated the (database) transaction
    public static function unassignMembersTasks($member, $pid, $remover, $inTransaction)
        try {
            if (!$inTransaction) {
            $query = \OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT `tstatus`.`tid`, `task`.`title`
											FROM `*PREFIX*collaboration_task_status` AS tstatus,
											     `*PREFIX*collaboration_task` AS task,
											     `*PREFIX*collaboration_project` AS project
											WHERE ' . (is_null($pid) ? '' : ' `project`.`pid`=? AND ') . '`project`.`completed`=false
											AND `tstatus`.`tid`=`task`.`tid` AND `task`.`pid`=`project`.`pid`
											AND (`status`=\'In Progress\' OR `status`=\'Held\') AND `member`=? AND `tstatus`.`last_updated_time`=
											(SELECT MAX(`last_updated_time`)
											 FROM `*PREFIX*collaboration_task_status`
											 WHERE `tid`=`tstatus`.`tid`)');
            $args = array();
            if (is_null($pid)) {
                $args[0] = $member;
            } else {
                $args[0] = $pid;
                $args[1] = $member;
            $result = $query->execute($args);
            $reason = 'User removed from ' . (is_null($pid) ? 'owncloud' : OC_Collaboration_Project::getProjectTitle($pid));
            while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
                self::changeStatus($row['tid'], $row['title'], 'Unassigned', $remover, NULL, $reason, true);
            if (!$inTransaction) {
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            OC_Log::write('collaboration', __METHOD__ . ', Exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), OCP\Util::DEBUG);
            return false;