  * Test pearLogPriorityToConstrantName function
 function test_pearLogPriorityToConstrantName()
     $oOption = new OA_Admin_Option('settings');
     $this->assertEqual('PEAR_LOG_CRIT', $oOption->pearLogPriorityToConstrantName(PEAR_LOG_CRIT));
     $this->assertEqual('PEAR_LOG_INFO', $oOption->pearLogPriorityToConstrantName('PEAR_LOG_INFO'));
예제 #2
    // Create a new settings object, and save the settings!
    $oSettings = new OA_Admin_Settings();
    $result = $oSettings->processSettingsFromForm($aElements);
    if ($result) {
        // Queue confirmation message
        $setPref = $oOptions->getSettingsPreferences($prefSection);
        $title = $setPref[$prefSection]['name'];
        $translation = new OX_Translation();
        $translated_message = $translation->translate($GLOBALS['strXSettingsHaveBeenUpdated'], array(htmlspecialchars($title)));
        OA_Admin_UI::queueMessage($translated_message, 'local', 'confirm', 0);
        // The settings configuration file was written correctly,
    // Could not write the settings configuration file, store this
    // error message and continue
    $aErrormessage[0][] = $strUnableToWriteConfig;
// Set the correct section of the settings pages and display the drop-down menu
$setPref = $oOptions->getSettingsPreferences($prefSection);
$title = $setPref[$prefSection]['name'];
// Display the settings page's header and sections
$oHeaderModel = new OA_Admin_UI_Model_PageHeaderModel($title);
phpAds_PageHeader('account-settings-index', $oHeaderModel);
// Set the correct value of Debug Priority Level
$GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['log']['priority'] = $oOptions->pearLogPriorityToConstrantName($GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['log']['priority']);
// Prepare an array of HTML elements to display for the form, and
// output using the $oOption object
$aSettings = array(array('text' => $strAuditTrailSettings, 'items' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'audit_enabled', 'text' => $strEnableAudit), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'audit_enabledForZoneLinking', 'text' => $strEnableAuditForZoneLinking))), array('text' => $strDebug, 'items' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'debug_production', 'text' => $strProductionSystem), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'log_enabled', 'text' => $strEnableDebug), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'log_methodNames', 'text' => $strDebugMethodNames, 'depends' => 'log_enabled==1'), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'log_lineNumbers', 'text' => $strDebugLineNumbers, 'depends' => 'log_enabled==1'), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'log_type', 'text' => $strDebugType, 'items' => array('file' => $strDebugTypeFile), 'depends' => 'log_enabled==1'), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'log_name', 'text' => $strDebugName, 'req' => true, 'depends' => 'log_enabled==1'), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'log_priority', 'text' => $strDebugPriority, 'items' => array('PEAR_LOG_DEBUG' => $strPEAR_LOG_DEBUG, 'PEAR_LOG_INFO' => $strPEAR_LOG_INFO, 'PEAR_LOG_NOTICE' => $strPEAR_LOG_NOTICE, 'PEAR_LOG_WARNING' => $strPEAR_LOG_WARNING, 'PEAR_LOG_ERR' => $strPEAR_LOG_ERR, 'PEAR_LOG_CRIT' => $strPEAR_LOG_CRIT, 'PEAR_LOG_ALERT' => $strPEAR_LOG_ALERT, 'PEAR_LOG_EMERG' => $strPEAR_LOG_EMERG), 'depends' => 'log_enabled==1'), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'log_ident', 'text' => $strDebugIdent, 'req' => true, 'depends' => 'log_enabled==1'))));
$oOptions->show($aSettings, $aErrormessage);
// Display the page footer