예제 #1
        } else {
            setLocation('http://' . domain_name . '/act.php?func=boy');
// Видимо тут уже игрок в игре
if (defined("MODULE_ID")) {
    $result_func = checkFunc($user_id, MODULE_ID);
    if (!defined("NO_FUNC_CHECK")) {
        if ($result_func == 0) {
            $last_str = getRedirectFunc($user_id);
            setLocation('http://' . domain_name . '/' . $last_str . '');
$map_name = $char['map_name'];
$filelist = ",/combat.php,/arcomage.php,/chat/chat_online.php,/chat/chat_ajax.php,/combat/ajax.php,/chat/chat.php,/chat/chat_update.php,/admin.php,/lib/map_editor.php,/main.php,/lib/town.php,";
if (strpos($filelist, PHP_SELF) == false) {
    //сначала проверяем на автонападение ботов
    if ($char['func_id'] != func_craft and $char['func_id'] != func_combat and $char['func_id'] != func_arcomage and (close_combat != 1 or $user_id == 612) and $char['hide'] == 0) {
        $result = myquery("SELECT game_npc.id FROM game_npc,game_npc_template WHERE game_npc.npc_id=game_npc_template.npc_id AND game_npc.map_name =" . $char['map_name'] . " AND game_npc.xpos =" . $char['map_xpos'] . " AND game_npc.ypos =" . $char['map_ypos'] . " AND game_npc_template.agressive IN ('2','1') AND game_npc.time_kill+game_npc_template.respawn<UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND (game_npc.for_user_id=0 OR game_npc.for_user_id={$user_id}) ORDER BY game_npc.HP");
        if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
            while ($npc = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                $Npc = new Npc($npc['id']);