function fetch($option = 'comments', $cid = 0) { // to do - remove, temp for vanishteam if (CACHE_PREFIX == 'van' and !$this->session->isAppAuthorized) { $fHandle = fopen(PATH_SERVER_LOGS . 'edr.log', 'a'); fwrite($fHandle, 'Required to authorize:' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FB_USER_REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n"); $this->facebook = $this->session->app->loadFacebookLibrary(); $user = $this->facebook->require_login(); } // build the read story page require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/read.class.php'; $readObj = new read($this->db, $this->session); $readObj->setPageLink($this); require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . '/classes/actionTeam.class.php'; $this->teamObj = new actionTeam($this->page); if (isset($_GET['cid']) and !is_numeric($_GET['cid'])) { $this->page->decloak(); } if ($cid == 0) { // need for ajax readStory script if (isset($_GET['cid']) and is_numeric($_GET['cid'])) { $cid = $_GET['cid']; } else { exit('error2'); } } $referid = $this->page->fetchReferral(); if ($referid !== false && is_numeric($referid)) { // record chat action if (isset($_GET['chat'])) { if (!$this->session->isAppAuthorized) { // require authorization so we can get their fbId - redirs to signup $this->facebook = $this->session->app->loadFacebookLibrary(); $user = $this->facebook->require_login(); } if (isset($_POST['fb_sig_added']) and $_POST['fb_sig_added'] == 1) { $targetfbId = $_POST['fb_sig_user']; } else { if (isset($_POST['fb_sig_canvas_user'])) { $targetfbId = $_POST['fb_sig_canvas_user']; } else { $targetfbId = 0; } } // make sure the referer is not clicking on the link themselves if ($targetfbId != 0 and $referid != $this->session->userid) { // log referid as having referred this user require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/log.class.php'; $logObj = new log($this->db); $logItem = $logObj->serialize(0, $referid, 'chatStory', $cid, $targetfbId); $inLog = $logObj->update($logItem); } } // check for notification and display it if ($this->session->isLoaded and $referid != $this->session->userid) { // reader was referred here by someone require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/notifications.class.php'; $notificationsTable = new NotificationsTable($this->db); $msgid = $notificationsTable->lookupReferral($referid, $cid, $this->session->fbId); if ($msgid !== false and $msgid != '' and !is_null($msgid)) { $notificationsTable->setStatus($msgid, $this->session->fbId, 'opened'); // get fbId from userid require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/user.class.php'; $uit = new UserInfoTable($this->db); $ui = $uit->getRowObject(); $ui->load($referid); $msgTable = new NotificationMessagesTable($this->db); $msg = $msgTable->getRowObject(); // load the message $msg->load($msgid); // cast msg object into comment property array for token replacement $referObj = array(); $referObj[fbId] = $ui->fbId; $referObj[userid] = $referid; $referObj[comments] = $msg->message; $referObj[date] = $msg->dateCreated; $referMsg = $readObj->fetchReferComment($referObj); } } $this->page->recordReferral($referid, 'referReader', $cid); } if (isset($_GET['viaBookmarklet'])) { //$inside.='<script type="text/javascript">function closeWindow() {window.opener = self;window.close();}</script><a href="#" onclick="closeWindow();">test</a>'; //$inside.=$this->page->buildMessage('success','Your story has been posted','Click here if you wish to <a href="#" onclick="closeWindow();">close this window</a>.'); } else { if (isset($_GET['justPosted'])) { // to do: put some options here } } $inside .= '<div id="col_left"><!-- begin left side -->'; $inside .= $referMsg; $inside .= $readObj->fetchReadStory($cid, $option); $inside .= '</div><!-- end left side -->'; $inside .= '<div id="col_right">'; if ($this->session->isAdmin) { $inside .= '<div class="panel_1"><div class="panelBar clearfix">'; $inside .= '<h2>Administrative Options</h2>'; $inside .= '</div><!-- end panelBar -->'; $inside .= '<div class="panel_block">'; $inside .= '<ul><li><span id="banStoryPoster"><a href="#" onclick="banStoryPoster(' . $cid . ');return false;">Ban Member</a></span></li></ul>'; // <span id="blockStory"><a href="#" onclick="blockStory('.$cid.');return false;">Block story</a></span><span class="pipe">|</span> $inside .= '</div><!-- end panel_block --></div><!-- end panel_1 -->'; } $inside .= $readObj->fetchReadSidePanel($cid, $this->session, $this->page->isAjax); if (defined('ADS_ANY_SIDEBAR_BOTTOM')) { $inside .= str_replace("{ad}", '<fb:iframe src="' . URL_CALLBACK . '?p=cache&m=ad&locale=anySidebarBottom" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="width:180px;height:600px;padding:0px;margin:-5px 0px 0px 0px;"/>', $this->common['adWrapTallSidebar']); } $inside .= '</div> <!-- end right side -->'; if ($this->page->isAjax) { return $inside; } $code .= '<input type="hidden" id="filter" value="default">'; $code .= $this->page->constructPage('read', $inside); return $code; }
$manageObj->addColumn("Newswire", "mediaUrl", "VARCHAR(255) default ''"); $manageObj->addColumn("Newswire", "imageUrl", "VARCHAR(255) default ''"); $manageObj->addColumn("Newswire", "embed", "TEXT"); echo 'Completed database initialization<br />'; } if ($manageObj->modifyLibrary(PATH_CORE . '/classes/', 'feed.class.php')) { // create feed tables require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/feed.class.php'; FeedsTable::createTable($manageObj); FeedMediaTable::createTable($manageObj); } if ($manageObj->modifyLibrary(PATH_CORE . '/classes/', 'notifications.class.php')) { // create Notifications and NotificationMessages Tables require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/notifications.class.php'; NotificationsTable::createTable($manageObj); NotificationMessagesTable::createTable($manageObj); } // Set up some default SystemStatus variables require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/systemStatus.class.php'; $ssObj = new systemStatus($manageObj->db); $ssObj->setState('cloudid', SITE_CLOUDID); //$ssObj->name=$this->getState('name'); //$ssObj->permalink=$this->getState('permalink'); $ssObj->setState('max_sessions', MAX_SESSIONS_ACTIVE); if ($manageObj->modifyLibrary(PATH_CORE . '/classes/', 'userBlogs.class.php')) { // create UserBlogs require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/userBlogs.class.php'; UserBlogsTable::createTable($manageObj); } if ($manageObj->modifyLibrary(PATH_CORE . '/classes/', 'widgets.class.php')) { // create Widgets