  * Adds a {@link WizardComponent} to this component. It will return the newly added component.
  * @param string $name The short-string name of the component - this is used for creating form input field names and storing data.
  * @param ref object $component A {@link WizardComponent} to add.
  * @access public
  * @return ref object
 function addComponent($name, $component)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($name, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     ArgumentValidator::validate($component, ExtendsValidatorRule::getRule('WizardComponent'));
     $this->_children[preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9:_-]/", "_", $name)] = $component;
     return $component;
예제 #2
  * Constructor
  * @param object SeguePluginsAPI $pluginInstance
  * @param string $versionId
  * @param object DateAndTime $timestamp
  * @param object Id $agentId
  * @param int $number
  * @param string $comment
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 1/7/08
 public function __construct(SeguePluginsAPI $pluginInstance, $versionId, DateAndTime $timestamp, Id $agentId, $number, $comment)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($versionId, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     ArgumentValidator::validate($number, IntegerValidatorRule::getRule());
     ArgumentValidator::validate($comment, StringValidatorRule::getRule());
     $this->pluginInstance = $pluginInstance;
     $this->versionId = $versionId;
     $this->timestamp = $timestamp;
     $this->agentId = $agentId;
     $this->number = $number;
     $this->comment = $comment;
예제 #3
  * This is the primary method that clients will use
  * @param string $title
  * @param object SiteComponent $startingComponent
  * @return string The string Id.
  * @access public
  * @since 12/3/07
 public function getNodeId($title, SiteComponent $startingComponent)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($title, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     $this->visited = array();
     $this->title = html_entity_decode($title);
     $this->title = mb_convert_encoding($this->title, 'UTF-8', mb_detect_encoding($this->title, "ASCII,UTF-8,ISO-8859-1,JIS,EUC-JP,SJIS"));
     $this->title = mb_strtolower($this->title, 'UTF-8');
     $this->title = trim($this->title);
     $result = $this->searchDown($startingComponent);
     if (is_null($result)) {
         $result = $this->searchUp($startingComponent);
     if (is_null($result)) {
         throw new UnknownTitleException("Title '{$title}' was now found.");
     return $result;
예제 #4
  * Answer an iterator of agents that match the value of the property specified
  * with data from the agent element.
  * @param string $propertyKey
  * @param object DOMElement $element
  * @return object Iterator
  * @access protected
  * @since 1/29/08
 protected function getAgentsMatchingProperty($propertyKey, DOMElement $element)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($propertyKey, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     $valueElements = $this->xpath->evaluate('./property[key = \'' . $propertyKey . '\']/string', $element);
     if ($valueElements->length) {
         $value = $this->getStringValue($valueElements->item(0));
         if (strlen($value)) {
             $agentManager = Services::getService("Agent");
             $searchType = new HarmoniType("Agent & Group Search", "edu.middlebury.harmoni", "TokenSearch");
             $string = "*" . $value . "*";
             $agents = new MultiIteratorIterator();
             $agents->addIterator($agentManager->getAgentsBySearch($string, $searchType));
             $agents->addIterator($agentManager->getGroupsBySearch($string, $searchType));
             $searchType = new HarmoniType("Agent & Group Search", "edu.middlebury.harmoni", "AgentPropertiesSearch");
             $string = "*" . $value . "*";
             $agents->addIterator($agentManager->getAgentsBySearch($string, $searchType));
             $agents->addIterator($agentManager->getGroupsBySearch($string, $searchType));
             return $agents;
     return new HarmoniIterator(array());
예제 #5
  * Answer a new MediaFile Id with any ids found in the id map passed converted
  * to their new equivalents
  * @param array $idMap An associative array of old id-strings to new id-strings.
  * @param string $idString
  * @return string The resulting id string
  * @access public
  * @since 1/24/08
  * @static
 public static function getMappedIdString(array $idMap, $idString)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($idString, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     if (!preg_match('/^(?:(?:repositoryId=(.+)&(?:amp;)?)|(?:&(?:amp;)?))?assetId=(.+)&(?:amp;)?recordId=(.+)$/', $idString, $matches)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid Id format, '{$idString}'");
     // 		printpre($matches);
     if (isset($matches[1]) && $matches[1]) {
         if (isset($idMap[$matches[1]])) {
             $id = "repositoryId=" . $idMap[$matches[1]] . "&";
         } else {
             $id = "repositoryId=" . $matches[1] . "&";
     } else {
         $id = "";
     if (isset($idMap[$matches[2]])) {
         $id .= "assetId=" . $idMap[$matches[2]];
     } else {
         $id .= "assetId=" . $matches[2];
     if (isset($idMap[$matches[3]])) {
         $id .= "&recordId=" . $idMap[$matches[3]];
     } else {
         $id .= "&recordId=" . $matches[3];
     return $id;
예제 #6
  * Answer an 'add new component' link
  * @param string $title
  * @param string $display
  * @param object SiteComponent $startingSiteComponent
  * @return string
  * @access public
  * @since 12/3/07
 public function getAddLink($title, $display, SiteComponent $startingComponent)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($title, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     ArgumentValidator::validate($display, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     $harmoni = Harmoni::instance();
     print "<a href='";
     try {
         print SiteDispatcher::quickURL($this->addModule, $this->addAction, array('title' => $title, 'refNode' => $startingComponent->getId()));
     } catch (NullArgumentException $e) {
         print $harmoni->request->quickURL($this->addModule, $this->addAction, array('title' => $title, 'node' => $startingComponent->getId(), 'refNode' => $startingComponent->getId()));
     print "'";
     print " title=\"" . str_replace('%1', strip_tags($title), _("Add '%1' as a new component.")) . "\"";
     print ">";
     print $display;
     print " ?</a>";
     return ob_get_clean();
  * Add a new field to the matrix. Each field can be set to one of the options. 
  * The final parameter allows you to set how the value of this field must
  * relate to the field prior to it. If null, then no relation is enforced. Valid options
  * for this parameter are:
  *		null
  *		'<'
  *		'<='
  *		'=='
  *		'>='
  *		'>'
  * When an field is changed, all other fields will attempt to move and respect
  * the rules set. If the rules cannot be met, then the field change is reverted.
  * @param string $parentKey
  * @param string $key
  * @param string $displayText
  * @param optional mixed $initialValue null or an option value.
  * @param optional mixed $rule One of null, '<', '<=', '==', '>=', '>'.
  * @return object RadioMatrixField
  * @access public
  * @since 11/1/07
 public function addChildField($parentKey, $key, $displayText, $initialValue = null, $rule = null)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($parentKey, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     ArgumentValidator::validate($key, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     ArgumentValidator::validate($displayText, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     if (!is_null($initialValue)) {
         ArgumentValidator::validate($initialValue, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     if (!is_null($rule)) {
         ArgumentValidator::validate($rule, ChoiceValidatorRule::getRule('<', '<=', '==', '>=', '>'));
     parent::addField($key, $displayText, $initialValue, null);
     $field = $this->fields[count($this->fields) - 1];
     $field->rule = $rule;
     try {
     } catch (RuleValidationFailedException $e) {
         throw new RuleValidationFailedException("Default state does not validate against the rules supplied. Please change either the default values of the fields or the rules in order to have a valid initial state.");
     return $field;
예제 #8
  * Answer a MediaFile in this Asset
  * @param string $id
  * @return object MediaFile
  * @access public
  * @since 4/27/07
 function getFileByIdString($id)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($id, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     $idManager = Services::getService('Id');
     return $this->getFileById($idManager->getId($id));
  * Answer a particular version.
  * @param string $versionId
  * @return object SeguePluginVersion
  * @access public
  * @since 1/7/08
 public function getVersion($versionId)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($versionId, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     if (!isset($this->versions)) {
     foreach ($this->versions as $version) {
         if ($version->getVersionId() == $versionId) {
             return $version;
     throw new UnknownIdException("No version with id, '{$versionId}', was found for this plugin instance.");
  * Constructor
  * @param string $eventType
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 11/16/07
 public function __construct($eventType)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($eventType, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     $this->eventType = $eventType;
  * Answer an Agent Id in the receiving system that corresponds to an id in the
  * source system.
  * @param string $idString
  * @return object Id
  * @access protected
  * @since 1/23/08
 protected function getAgentId($idString)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($idString, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     return $this->agentImporter->getAgentId($idString);
예제 #12
  * Add an event type for the button
  * @param string $event
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 11/16/07
 public function addEvent($event)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($event, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     $this->events[] = $event;
예제 #13
  * Add a new field to the matrix. Each field can be set to one of the options. 
  * The final parameter allows you to set how the value of this field must
  * relate to the field prior to it. If null, then no relation is enforced. Valid options
  * for this parameter are:
  *		null
  *		'<'
  *		'<='
  *		'=='
  *		'>='
  *		'>'
  * When an field is changed, all other fields will attempt to move and respect
  * the rules set. If the rules cannot be met, then the field change is reverted.
  * @param string $key
  * @param string $displayText
  * @param optional mixed $initialValue null or an option value.
  * @param optional mixed $rule One of null, '<', '<=', '==', '>=', '>'.
  * @return object RadioMatrixField
  * @access public
  * @since 11/1/07
 public function addField($key, $displayText, $initialValue = null, $rule = null)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($key, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     ArgumentValidator::validate($displayText, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     if (!is_null($initialValue)) {
         ArgumentValidator::validate($initialValue, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     if (!is_null($rule)) {
         ArgumentValidator::validate($rule, ChoiceValidatorRule::getRule('<', '<=', '==', '>=', '>'));
     $field = $this->createField();
     $field->key = $key;
     $field->displayText = $displayText;
     if (is_null($initialValue)) {
         $field->value = 0;
     } else {
         $field->value = $this->getOptionNumber($initialValue);
     $field->rule = $rule;
     $field->spacerBefore = false;
     $field->spacerAfter = false;
     $field->disabledOptions = array();
     $field->index = count($this->fields);
     $this->fields[] = $field;
     try {
     } catch (RuleValidationFailedException $e) {
         throw new RuleValidationFailedException("Default state does not validate against the rules supplied. Please change either the default values of the fields or the rules in order to have a valid initial state.");
     return $field;
예제 #14
  * Set the update module and action. This method should not be used by plugins.
  * it is to be used only by plugin users to direct plugins to alternate updating
  * actions.
  * @param string $module
  * @param string $action
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 11/8/07
 public function setUpdateAction($module, $action)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($module, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     ArgumentValidator::validate($action, NonZeroLengthStringValidatorRule::getRule());
     $this->updateModule = $module;
     $this->updateAction = $action;