예제 #1
 public function processPasswordedReleases($echooutput = false)
     $maxattemptstocheckpassworded = 5;
     $potentiallypasswordedfileregex = "/\\.(ace|cab|tar|gz)\$/i";
     $numfound = 0;
     $numpasswd = 0;
     $numpot = 0;
     $numnone = 0;
     $db = new DB();
     $nntp = new Nntp();
     $rar = new RarInfo();
     if ($echooutput) {
         echo "Checking for passworded releases.\n\n";
     // Get out all releases which have not been checked more than max attempts for password.
     $result = $db->query(sprintf("select ID from releases where passwordstatus between %d and -1", ($maxattemptstocheckpassworded + 1) * -1));
     if (count($result) > 0) {
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             // get out all files for this release, if it contains no rars, mark as Releases::PASSWD_NONE
             // if it contains rars, try and retrieve the message for the first rar and inspect its filename
             // if rar file is encrypted set as Releases::PASSWD_RAR, if it contains an ace/cab etc
             // mark as Releases::PASSWD_POTENTIAL, otherwise set as Releases::PASSWD_NONE.
             // Go through the binaries for this release looking for a rar
             $binresult = $db->query(sprintf("select binaries.ID, binaries.name, groups.name as groupname from binaries inner join groups on groups.ID = binaries.groupID where releaseID = %d order by relpart", $row["ID"]));
             $msgid = -1;
             $bingroup = "";
             foreach ($binresult as $binrow) {
                 if (preg_match("/\\W(?:part0*1|(?!part\\d+)[^.]+)\\.rar(?!\\.)/i", $binrow["name"])) {
                     $bingroup = $binrow["groupname"];
                     echo "Checking " . $binrow["name"] . " for password.\n";
                     $part = $db->queryOneRow(sprintf("select messageID from parts where binaryID = %d order by partnumber", $binrow["ID"]));
                     if (isset($part["messageID"])) {
                         $msgid = $part["messageID"];
             $passStatus = Releases::PASSWD_NONE;
             // no part of binary found matching a rar, so it cant be progressed further
             if ($msgid != -1) {
                 $fetchedBinary = $nntp->getMessage($bingroup, $msgid);
                 if ($fetchedBinary === false) {
                     $db->query(sprintf("update releases set passwordstatus = passwordstatus - 1 where ID = %d", $row["ID"]));
                 if ($rar->setData($fetchedBinary)) {
                     // whole archive password protected
                     if ($rar->isEncrypted) {
                         $passStatus = Releases::PASSWD_RAR;
                     } else {
                         $files = $rar->getFileList();
                         foreach ($files as $file) {
                             // individual file rar passworded
                             if ($file['pass'] == true) {
                                 $passStatus = Releases::PASSWD_RAR;
                             } else {
                                 if (preg_match($potentiallypasswordedfileregex, $file["name"])) {
                                     $passStatus = Releases::PASSWD_POTENTIAL;
             // increment reporting stats
             if ($passStatus == Releases::PASSWD_RAR) {
             } elseif ($passStatus == Releases::PASSWD_POTENTIAL) {
             } else {
             $db->query(sprintf("update releases set passwordstatus = %d where ID = %d", $passStatus, $row["ID"]));
     if ($echooutput) {
         echo sprintf("Finished checking for passwords for %d releases (%d passworded, %d potential, %d none).\n\n", $numfound, $numpasswd, $numpot, $numnone);
예제 #2
 public function processAdditional()
     $maxattemptstocheckpassworded = 5;
     $processSample = $this->site->ffmpegpath != '' ? true : false;
     $processMediainfo = $this->site->mediainfopath != '' ? true : false;
     $processPasswords = $this->site->unrarpath != '' ? true : false;
     $tmpPath = $this->site->tmpunrarpath;
     if (substr($tmpPath, -strlen('/')) != '/') {
         $tmpPath = $tmpPath . '/';
     $db = new DB();
     $nntp = new Nntp();
     // Get out all releases which have not been checked more than max attempts for password.
     $result = $db->query(sprintf("select r.ID, r.guid, r.name, c.disablepreview from releases r \n\t\t\tleft join category c on c.ID = r.categoryID\n\t\t\twhere (r.passwordstatus between %d and -1)\n\t\t\tor (r.haspreview = -1 and c.disablepreview = 0)\t\t\t\n\t\t", ($maxattemptstocheckpassworded + 1) * -1));
     $rescount = sizeof($result);
     echo "Post-processing {$rescount} releases\n";
     if ($rescount > 0) {
         foreach ($result as $rel) {
             // Per release defaults
             $passStatus = array(Releases::PASSWD_NONE);
             $blnTookMediainfo = false;
             $blnTookSample = $rel['disablepreview'] == 1 ? true : false;
             //only attempt sample if not disabled
             if ($blnTookSample) {
                 $db->query(sprintf("update releases set haspreview = 0 where id = %d", $rel['ID']));
             // Go through the binaries for this release looking for a rar, a sample, and a mediafile
             $sql = sprintf("select binaries.ID, binaries.name, groups.name as groupname from binaries inner join groups on groups.ID = binaries.groupID where releaseID = %d order by relpart", $rel["ID"]);
             $binresult = $db->query($sql);
             $msgid = array();
             $samplemsgid = $mediamsgid = -1;
             $bingroup = $samplegroup = $mediagroup = "";
             $norar = 0;
             echo "\n" . $rel['name'] . " has " . sizeof($binresult) . " binaries\n";
             foreach ($binresult as $binrow) {
                 if (preg_match("/\\W\\.r00/i", $binrow["name"])) {
                     $norar = 1;
                 if (preg_match("/sample/i", $binrow["name"]) && !preg_match("/\\.par2|\\.srs/i", $binrow["name"])) {
                     echo "Detected sample file " . $binrow["name"] . "\n";
                     $samplepart = $db->queryOneRow(sprintf("select messageID from parts where binaryID = %d order by partnumber limit 1", $binrow["ID"]));
                     if (isset($samplepart["messageID"])) {
                         $samplegroup = $binrow["groupname"];
                         $samplemsgid = $samplepart["messageID"];
                 if (preg_match('/\\.(' . $this->mediafileregex . ')[\\. "\\)\\]]/i', $binrow["name"]) && !preg_match("/\\.par2|\\.srs/i", $binrow["name"])) {
                     $mediapart = $db->queryOneRow(sprintf("select messageID from parts where binaryID = %d order by partnumber limit 1", $binrow["ID"]));
                     if (isset($mediapart["messageID"]) && $mediapart['messageID'] != $samplemsgid) {
                         echo "Detected media file " . $binrow["name"] . "\n";
                         $mediagroup = $binrow["groupname"];
                         $mediamsgid = $mediapart["messageID"];
                 if (preg_match("/\\W(?:part0*1|(?!part\\d+)[^.]+)\\.rar(?!\\.)/i", $binrow["name"]) && !preg_match("/[-_\\.]sub/i", $binrow["name"])) {
                     echo "Detected RAR " . $binrow["name"] . "\n";
                     $part = $db->queryOneRow(sprintf("select messageID from parts where binaryID = %d order by partnumber limit 1", $binrow["ID"]));
                     if (isset($part["messageID"])) {
                         $bingroup = $binrow["groupname"];
                         $msgid[] = $part["messageID"];
             // attempt to process sample file
             if ($samplemsgid != -1 && $processSample && $blnTookSample === false) {
                 echo "Processing Sample\n";
                 echo "-Fetching binary {$samplemsgid}\n";
                 $sampleBinary = $nntp->getMessage($samplegroup, $samplemsgid);
                 if ($sampleBinary === false) {
                     echo "-Couldnt fetch binary {$samplemsgid}\n";
                     $samplemsgid = -1;
                 } else {
                     $samplefile = $tmpPath . 'sample.avi';
                     file_put_contents($samplefile, $sampleBinary);
                     $blnTookSample = $this->getSample($tmpPath, $this->site->ffmpegpath, $rel['guid']);
                     if ($blnTookSample) {
             // attempt to process loose media file
             if ($mediamsgid != -1 && ($processSample && $blnTookSample === false || $processMediainfo)) {
                 echo "Processing loose media file\n";
                 echo "-Fetching binary {$mediamsgid}\n";
                 $mediaBinary = $nntp->getMessage($mediagroup, $mediamsgid);
                 if ($mediaBinary === false) {
                     echo "-Couldnt fetch binary {$mediamsgid}\n";
                     $mediamsgid = -1;
                     // can't get the media so we'll try from the .rar
                 } else {
                     $mediafile = $tmpPath . 'sample.avi';
                     file_put_contents($mediafile, $mediaBinary);
                     if ($processSample && $blnTookSample === false) {
                         $blnTookSample = $this->getSample($tmpPath, $this->site->ffmpegpath, $rel['guid']);
                         if ($blnTookSample) {
                     if ($processMediainfo) {
                         $blnTookMediainfo = $this->getMediainfo($tmpPath, $this->site->mediainfopath, $rel['ID']);
             if (!empty($msgid) && ($this->site->checkpasswordedrar > 0 || $processSample && $blnTookSample === false || $processMediainfo)) {
                 echo "Processing RAR files\n";
                 $mysqlkeepalive = 0;
                 foreach ($msgid as $mid) {
                     echo "-Fetching binary " . $mid . " (" . ++$mysqlkeepalive . ")\n";
                     $fetchedBinary = $nntp->getMessage($bingroup, $mid);
                     if ($fetchedBinary === false) {
                         echo "-Failed fetching binary\n";
                         $db->query(sprintf("update releases set passwordstatus = passwordstatus - 1 where ID = %d", $rel['ID']));
                     } else {
                         $relFiles = $this->processReleaseFiles($fetchedBinary, $rel['ID']);
                         if ($this->site->checkpasswordedrar > 0 && $processPasswords) {
                             $passStatus[] = $this->processReleasePasswords($fetchedBinary, $tmpPath, $this->site->unrarpath, $this->site->checkpasswordedrar);
                         // we need to unrar the fetched binary if checkpasswordedrar wasnt 2
                         if ($this->site->checkpasswordedrar < 2 && $processPasswords) {
                             $rarfile = $tmpPath . 'rarfile.rar';
                             file_put_contents($rarfile, $fetchedBinary);
                             $execstring = '"' . $this->site->unrarpath . '" e -ai -ep -c- -id -r -kb -p- -y -inul "' . $rarfile . '" "' . $tmpPath . '"';
                             $output = runCmd($execstring);
                         if ($processSample && $blnTookSample === false) {
                             $blnTookSample = $this->getSample($tmpPath, $this->site->ffmpegpath, $rel['guid']);
                             if ($blnTookSample) {
                         if ($processMediainfo && $blnTookMediainfo === false) {
                             $blnTookMediainfo = $this->getMediainfo($tmpPath, $this->site->mediainfopath, $rel['ID']);
                         if ($mysqlkeepalive % 25 == 0) {
                             $db->query("select 1");
                     //clean up all files
                     foreach (glob($tmpPath . '*') as $v) {
                 //end foreach msgid
             } elseif (empty($msgid) && $norar == 1) {
                 $passStatus[] = Releases::PASSWD_POTENTIAL;
             $hpsql = '';
             if (!$blnTookSample) {
                 $hpsql = ', haspreview = 0';
             $sql = sprintf("update releases set passwordstatus = %d %s where ID = %d", max($passStatus), $hpsql, $rel["ID"]);
         //end foreach result