function server_display_role_fs($server_, $var_) { if (is_array($var_['profiles']) && count($var_['profiles']) > 0 && is_array($var_['used by profiles'])) { $show_action_column = isAuthorized('manageServers') && $server_->isOnline() && count($var_['profiles_currently_used']) < count($var_['profiles']); $show_mass_action = $show_action_column && count($var_['profiles_currently_used']) + 1 < count($var_['profiles']); echo '<h3>' . _('User profiles on the server') . '</h3>'; $count = 0; echo '<table id="available_networkfolder_table_profile" class="main_sub sortable" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">'; echo '<thead>'; echo '<tr class="title">'; if ($show_mass_action === true) { echo '<th class="unsortable"></th>'; } echo '<th class="unsortable">' . _('Owner') . '</th>'; echo '<th>' . _('Status') . '</th>'; if ($show_action_column === true) { echo '<th class="unsortable"></th>'; } echo '</tr>'; echo '</thead>'; echo '<tbody>'; foreach ($var_['profiles'] as $a_networkfolder) { $content = 'content' . ($count++ % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 2); echo '<tr class="' . $content . '">'; if ($show_mass_action === true) { echo '<td>'; if (!in_array($a_networkfolder['id'], $var_['profiles_currently_used'])) { echo '<input class="input_checkbox" type="checkbox" name="ids[]" value="' . $a_networkfolder['id'] . '" />'; } echo '</td>'; } echo '<td>'; if (array_key_exists($a_networkfolder['id'], $var_['used by profiles'])) { $objs = $var_['used by profiles'][$a_networkfolder['id']]; $a_obj = array_pop($objs); echo '<a href="users.php?action=manage&id=' . $a_obj['id'] . '">' . $a_obj['name'] . '</a>'; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<span class="msg_' . NetworkFolder::colorStatus($a_networkfolder['status']) . '">' . NetworkFolder::textStatus($a_networkfolder['status']) . '</span>'; echo '</td>'; if ($show_action_column === true) { echo '<td>'; if (!in_array($a_networkfolder['id'], $var_['profiles_currently_used'])) { echo '<form action="actions.php" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm(\'' . _('Are you sure you want to delete this user profile?') . '\');">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="name" value="Profile" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="del" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="ids[]" value="' . $a_networkfolder['id'] . '" />'; echo '<input type="submit" value="' . _('Delete') . '" />'; echo '</form>'; } echo '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</tbody>'; if ($show_mass_action === true) { $content = 'content' . ($count++ % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 2); echo '<tfoot>'; echo '<tr class="' . $content . '">'; echo '<td colspan="3">'; echo '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="markAllRows(\'available_networkfolder_table_profile\'); return false">' . _('Mark all') . '</a>'; echo ' / <a href="javascript:;" onclick="unMarkAllRows(\'available_networkfolder_table_profile\'); return false">' . _('Unmark all') . '</a>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<form action="actions.php" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm(\'' . _('Are you sure you want to delete these user profiles?') . '\') && updateMassActionsForm(this, \'available_networkfolder_table_profile\');">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="name" value="Profile" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="del" />'; echo '<input type="submit" name="to_production" value="' . _('Delete') . '"/>'; echo '</form>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</tfoot>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '<br />'; } if (is_array($var_['sharedfolders']) && count($var_['sharedfolders']) > 0 && is_array($var_['used by sharedfolders'])) { $show_action_column = isAuthorized('manageServers') && $server_->isOnline() && count($var_['sharedfolders_currently_used']) < count($var_['sharedfolders']); $show_mass_action = $show_action_column && count($var_['sharedfolders_currently_used']) + 1 < count($var_['sharedfolders']); echo '<h3>' . _('Shared Folders on the server') . '</h3>'; $count = 0; echo '<table id="available_networkfolder_table_sf" class="main_sub sortable" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">'; echo '<thead>'; echo '<tr class="title">'; if ($show_mass_action === true) { echo '<th class="unsortable"></th>'; } echo '<th>' . _('Name') . '</th>'; echo '<th class="unsortable">' . _('Used by') . '</th>'; echo '<th>' . _('Status') . '</th>'; if ($show_action_column === true) { echo '<th class="unsortable"></th>'; } echo '</tr>'; echo '</thead>'; echo '<tbody>'; foreach ($var_['sharedfolders'] as $a_networkfolder) { $content = 'content' . ($count++ % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 2); echo '<tr class="' . $content . '">'; if ($show_mass_action === true) { echo '<td>'; if (!in_array($a_networkfolder['id'], $var_['sharedfolders_currently_used'])) { echo '<input class="input_checkbox" type="checkbox" name="ids[]" value="' . $a_networkfolder['id'] . '" />'; } echo '</td>'; } echo '<td>'; echo '<a href="sharedfolders.php?action=manage&id=' . $a_networkfolder['id'] . '">' . $a_networkfolder['name'] . '</a>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; if (array_key_exists($a_networkfolder['id'], $var_['used by sharedfolders'])) { $objs = $var_['used by sharedfolders'][$a_networkfolder['id']]; echo '<ul>'; foreach ($objs as $a_obj) { echo '<li>'; echo '<a href="usersgroup.php?action=manage&id=' . $a_obj['id'] . '">' . $a_obj['name'] . '</a>'; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<span class="msg_' . NetworkFolder::colorStatus($a_networkfolder['status']) . '">' . NetworkFolder::textStatus($a_networkfolder['status']) . '</span>'; echo '</td>'; if ($show_action_column === true) { echo '<td>'; if (!in_array($a_networkfolder['id'], $var_['sharedfolders_currently_used'])) { echo '<form action="actions.php" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm(\'' . _('Are you sure you want to delete this network folder?') . '\');">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="name" value="SharedFolder" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="del" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="ids[]" value="' . $a_networkfolder['id'] . '" />'; echo '<input type="submit" value="' . _('Delete') . '" />'; echo '</form>'; } echo '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</tbody>'; if ($show_mass_action === true) { $content = 'content' . ($count++ % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 2); echo '<tfoot>'; echo '<tr class="' . $content . '">'; echo '<td colspan="4">'; echo '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="markAllRows(\'available_networkfolder_table_sf\'); return false">' . _('Mark all') . '</a>'; echo ' / <a href="javascript:;" onclick="unMarkAllRows(\'available_networkfolder_table_sf\'); return false">' . _('Unmark all') . '</a>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<form action="actions.php" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm(\'' . _('Are you sure you want to delete these network folders?') . '\') && updateMassActionsForm(this, \'available_networkfolder_table_sf\');">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="name" value="SharedFolder" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="del" />'; echo '<input type="submit" name="to_production" value="' . _('Delete') . '"/>'; echo '</form>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</tfoot>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '<br />'; } if (is_array($var_['orphanfolders']) && count($var_['orphanfolders']) > 0) { $show_action_column = isAuthorized('manageServers') && $server_->isOnline(); $show_mass_action = $show_action_column && count($var_['orphanfolders']) > 1; echo '<h3>' . _('Orphan network folders on the server') . '</h3>'; $count = 0; echo '<table id="orphanfolder_table" class="main_sub sortable" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">'; echo '<thead>'; echo '<tr class="title">'; if ($show_mass_action === true) { echo '<th class="unsortable"></th>'; } echo '<th>' . _('Name') . '</th>'; if ($show_action_column === true) { echo '<th class="unsortable"></th>'; } echo '</tr>'; echo '</thead>'; echo '<tbody>'; foreach ($var_['orphanfolders'] as $a_orphanfolder) { $content = 'content' . ($count++ % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 2); echo '<tr class="' . $content . '">'; if ($show_mass_action === true) { echo '<td>'; echo '<input class="input_checkbox" type="checkbox" name="ids[]" value="' . $a_orphanfolder . '" />'; echo '</td>'; } echo '<td>' . $a_orphanfolder . '</td>'; if ($show_action_column === true) { echo '<td>'; echo '<form action="actions.php" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm(\'' . _('Are you sure you want to delete this orphan folder?') . '\');">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="name" value="NetworkFolder" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="del" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="ids[]" value="' . $a_orphanfolder . '" />'; echo '<input type="submit" value="' . _('Delete') . '" />'; echo '</form>'; echo '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</tbody>'; if ($show_mass_action === true) { $content = 'content' . ($count++ % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 2); echo '<tfoot>'; echo '<tr class="' . $content . '">'; echo '<td colspan="2">'; echo '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="markAllRows(\'orphanfolder_table\'); return false">' . _('Mark all') . '</a>'; echo ' / <a href="javascript:;" onclick="unMarkAllRows(\'orphanfolder_table\'); return false">' . _('Unmark all') . '</a>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<form action="actions.php" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm(\'' . _('Are you sure you want to delete these orphan folders?') . '\') && updateMassActionsForm(this, \'orphanfolder_table\');">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="name" value="NetworkFolder" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="del" />'; echo '<input type="submit" name="to_production" value="' . _('Delete') . '"/>'; echo '</form>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</tfoot>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '<br />'; } if ($server_->isOnline()) { echo '<h3>' . _('Action') . '</h3>'; echo '<table>'; echo '<tr><form action="actions.php" method="post"><td>'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="name" value="SharedFolder" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="add" />'; echo '<input type="text" name="sharedfolder_name" value="" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="sharedfolder_server" value="' . $server_->id . '" />'; echo '</td><td><input type="submit" value="' . _('Create this shared folder') . '" /></td>'; echo '</form></tr>'; echo '</table>'; } }
function server_display_role_fs($server_, $var_) { if (Preferences::moduleIsEnabled('ProfileDB') == false && Preferences::moduleIsEnabled('SharedFolderDB') == false) { return; } $datas = array(0 => array('name' => _('User profiles on the server'), 'folder' => $var_['profiles'], 'usedby' => $var_['used by profiles'], 'page' => 'users'), 1 => array('name' => _('Shared folders on the server'), 'folder' => $var_['sharedfolders'], 'usedby' => $var_['used by sharedfolders'], 'page' => 'usersgroup')); foreach ($datas as $k => $data) { if (is_array($data['folder']) && count($data['folder']) > 0 && is_array($data['usedby'])) { $mass_action = false; if (count($data['folder']) > 1) { foreach ($data['folder'] as $a_networkfolder) { if ($a_networkfolder->isUsed()) { continue; } $mass_action = true; break; } } echo '<h3>' . $data['name'] . '</h3>'; $count = 0; echo '<table id="available_networkfolder_table_' . $k . '" class="main_sub sortable" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">'; echo '<thead>'; echo '<tr class="title">'; if (isset($mass_action) && $mass_action === true) { echo '<th class="unsortable"></th>'; } if ($k != 0) { echo '<th>' . _('Name') . '</th>'; } echo '<th class="unsortable">' . ($k == 0 ? _('Owner') : _('Used by')) . '</th>'; echo '<th>' . _('Status') . '</th>'; if (isset($mass_action) && $mass_action === true) { echo '<th class="unsortable"></th>'; } echo '</tr>'; echo '</thead>'; echo '<tbody>'; foreach ($data['folder'] as $a_networkfolder) { $content = 'content' . ($count++ % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 2); echo '<tr class="' . $content . '">'; if (count($data['folder']) > 1 && isset($mass_action) && $mass_action === true) { echo '<td>'; if (!$a_networkfolder->isUsed()) { echo '<input class="input_checkbox" type="checkbox" name="ids[]" value="' . $a_networkfolder->id . '" />'; } echo '</td>'; } if ($k != 0) { echo '<td>'; if ($data['page'] !== 'users') { echo '<a href="sharedfolders.php?action=manage&id=' . $a_networkfolder->id . '">' . $a_networkfolder->name . '</a>'; } else { echo $a_networkfolder->name; } echo '</td>'; } echo '<td>'; if (array_key_exists($a_networkfolder->id, $data['usedby']) && is_null($data['page']) === false) { $objs = $data['usedby'][$a_networkfolder->id]; if ($k != 0) { echo '<ul>'; foreach ($objs as $a_obj) { echo '<li>'; echo '<a href="' . $data['page'] . '.php?action=manage&id=' . $a_obj['id'] . '">' . $a_obj['name'] . '</a>'; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } else { $a_obj = array_pop($objs); echo '<a href="' . $data['page'] . '.php?action=manage&id=' . $a_obj['id'] . '">' . $a_obj['name'] . '</a>'; } } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<span class="msg_' . NetworkFolder::colorStatus($a_networkfolder->status) . '">' . NetworkFolder::textStatus($a_networkfolder->status) . '</span>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; if (!$a_networkfolder->isUsed()) { echo '<form action="actions.php" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm(\'' . ($k == 0 ? _('Are you sure you want to delete this user profile?') : _('Are you sure you want to delete this network folder?')) . '\');">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="name" value="' . ($k == 0 ? 'Profile' : 'SharedFolder') . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="del" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="ids[]" value="' . $a_networkfolder->id . '" />'; echo '<input type="submit" value="' . _('Delete') . '" />'; echo '</form>'; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</tbody>'; if (count($data['folder']) > 1 && isset($mass_action) && $mass_action === true) { $content = 'content' . ($count++ % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 2); echo '<tfoot>'; echo '<tr class="' . $content . '">'; echo '<td colspan="' . ($k != 0 ? 4 : 3) . '">'; echo '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="markAllRows(\'available_networkfolder_table_' . $k . '\'); return false">' . _('Mark all') . '</a>'; echo ' / <a href="javascript:;" onclick="unMarkAllRows(\'available_networkfolder_table_' . $k . '\'); return false">' . _('Unmark all') . '</a>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<form action="actions.php" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm(\'' . ($k == 0 ? _('Are you sure you want to delete these user profiles?') : _('Are you sure you want to delete these network folders?')) . '\') && updateMassActionsForm(this, \'available_networkfolder_table_' . $k . '\');">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="name" value="' . ($k == 0 ? 'Profile' : 'SharedFolder') . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="del" />'; echo '<input type="submit" name="to_production" value="' . _('Delete') . '"/>'; echo '</form>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</tfoot>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '<br />'; } } if ($server_->isOnline()) { echo '<h3>' . _('Action') . '</h3>'; echo '<table>'; echo '<tr><form action="actions.php" method="post"><td>'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="name" value="SharedFolder" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="add" />'; echo '<input type="text" name="sharedfolder_name" value="" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="sharedfolder_server" value="' . $server_->fqdn . '" />'; echo '</td><td><input type="submit" value="' . _('Create this shared folder') . '" /></td>'; echo '</form></tr>'; echo '</table>'; } }