</b> please verify your email address by entering the <b>code</b> <br />from the email we sent you: </p> <br /> <form action="apply.php?step=3ppp" method="POST"> <input type="text" size="20" name="form_email_verify" value="" class="center"> <br /><br /> <div class="equalRow"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Next" class="equalCol4"> </div> </form> <br /><br /> </main> <?php } /* code verification */ if (Navigator::checkStep("3ppp")) { $verificationcode = $_POST['form_email_verify']; if ($verificationcode == $_SESSION['eve_verification']) { $_SESSION['char_facebook'] = "0"; Navigator::moveNext("4"); } else { echo "<main style='width: 50%;'>"; echo '<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />'; echo '<img src="resources/img/icon_error.png" border="0">'; echo '<br /><br /><br /><br />'; echo 'Verification failed...'; echo "<div class='equalRow'>"; echo "<a href='apply.php?step=3' class='equalCol4'>Try again</a>"; echo "</div>"; echo "</main>"; }
$character = $characters->getCharacterAt($k); if ($character) { $apiId = "api" . $index . $k; $_SESSION[$apiId . '_character'] = serialize($character); } } } else { return $characters; //error info inside; } } return null; } } //Main page if (Navigator::checkStep("1") || Navigator::checkStep("1v")) { if (isset($_SESSION['success']) && $_SESSION['success'] == TRUE) { unset($_SESSION['success']); Navigator::moveNext("2"); } else { ?> <div class="horizontalContainer"> <div class="verticalContainer"> <aside class="leftAside" style="height: 150px;"> Go to the API management page and create an api key for each of your accounts with these <a href="https://community.eveonline.com/support/api-key/CreatePredefined?accessMask=268435455/0/" target="_blank" id="inlineLink">predefined settings</a>. Then insert the keys and verification codes here. </aside> <aside class="leftAside" style="margin-top: 10px; height: 130px;"> <ul> <li>Character: All</li>
$_SESSION['eve_charid'] = $_SESSION['eve_charid0']; } else { if ($primarychar == "2") { $_SESSION['eve_charname'] = $_SESSION['eve_charname1']; $_SESSION['eve_charid'] = $_SESSION['eve_charid1']; } else { if ($primarychar == "3") { $_SESSION['eve_charname'] = $_SESSION['eve_charname2']; $_SESSION['eve_charid'] = $_SESSION['eve_charid2']; } } } Navigator::moveNext("3"); } //before selection if (Navigator::checkStep("2")) { ?> <main style="width: 70%;"> <br/> <h1>4S APPLICATION</h1> <h3>Step #2</h3> <br/> <p> Please choose your main character, with which you want to apply. </p> <br/> <form action="apply.php?step=2p" method="POST"> <style> .characterBox { display: block;
if (Navigator::checkStep("4")) { ?> <main style="width: 30%;"> <br /> <h1>4S APPLICATION</h1> <h3>Step #4</h3> <br/><br/> Please let us know a little more about yourself... <br /><br /><br /> <?php include "step4-personal-data-form.php"; ?> <br /><br /> </main> <?php } if (Navigator::checkStep("4p")) { $_SESSION['char_realname'] = $_POST['form_char_realname']; $_SESSION['char_gender'] = $_POST['form_char_gender']; $_SESSION['char_bday'] = $_POST['form_char_bday']; $_SESSION['char_bmonth'] = $_POST['form_char_bmonth']; $_SESSION['char_byear'] = $_POST['form_char_byear']; $_SESSION['char_country'] = $_POST['form_char_country']; $_SESSION['char_timezone'] = $_POST['form_char_timezone']; Navigator::moveNext("5"); }