protected function Form_Create() { parent::Form_Create(); if (QApplication::GetUserId() == NarroUser::ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) { $strPassHash = QApplication::QueryString('h'); $strUsername = QApplication::QueryString('u'); if ($strPassHash && $strUsername) { $objUser = NarroUser::LoadByUsernameAndPassword($strUsername, $strPassHash); if ($objUser instanceof NarroUser) { QApplication::$User = $objUser; } else { QApplication::Redirect('login.php'); } } else { QApplication::Redirect('login.php'); } } $this->lblMessage = new QLabel($this); $this->lblMessage->HtmlEntities = false; $this->txtPassword = new QTextBox($this); $this->txtPassword->TextMode = QTextMode::Password; $this->btnChangePassword = new QButton($this); $this->btnChangePassword->PrimaryButton = true; $this->btnChangePassword->Text = t('Change password'); $this->btnChangePassword->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QServerAction('btnChangePassword_Click')); }
protected function Form_Create() { parent::Form_Create(); if (QApplication::GetUserId() == NarroUser::ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) { QApplication::Redirect(NarroLink::ProjectList()); exit; } if (QApplication::GetUserId() != QApplication::QueryString('u') && QApplication::HasPermissionForThisLang('Can manage users', null)) { $this->objUser = NarroUser::Load(QApplication::QueryString('u')); } if (!$this->objUser instanceof NarroUser) { $this->objUser = QApplication::$User; } $this->pnlBreadcrumb->setElements(NarroLink::ProjectList(t('Projects')), NarroLink::UserList('', t('Users')), $this->objUser->RealName); $this->pnlTab = new QTabs($this); new QPanel($this->pnlTab); $arrHeaders[] = NarroLink::UserProfile($this->objUser->UserId, t('Profile')); if (QApplication::GetUserId() == $this->objUser->UserId || QApplication::HasPermissionForThisLang('Can manage users', null)) { new QPanel($this->pnlTab); $arrHeaders[] = NarroLink::UserPreferences($this->objUser->UserId, t('Preferences')); } new QPanel($this->pnlTab); $arrHeaders[] = NarroLink::UserRole($this->objUser->UserId, t('Roles')); if (QApplication::GetUserId() == $this->objUser->UserId || QApplication::HasPermissionForThisLang('Can manage users', null)) { $this->pnlUser = new NarroUserEditPanel($this->objUser, $this->pnlTab); $arrHeaders[] = NarroLink::UserEdit($this->objUser->UserId, t('Edit')); $this->pnlTab->Selected = count($arrHeaders) - 1; } $this->pnlTab->Headers = $arrHeaders; }
protected function Enable() { if ($this->blnEnable) { NarroUser::RegisterPreference($this->strName, 'option', sprintf(t('Enables the %s plugin'), $this->strName), $this->blnEnable ? 'Yes' : 'No', array('Yes', 'No')); $this->blnEnable = $this->blnEnable && QApplication::$User->GetPreferenceValueByName($this->strName) == 'Yes'; } }
public static function InitializeTranslationEngine() { require_once __NARRO_INCLUDES__ . '/gettext_reader.class.php'; require_once __NARRO_INCLUDES__ . '/StreamReader.class.php'; if (QApplication::$User->UserId == NarroUser::ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) { QApplication::$LanguageCode = QApplication::$TargetLanguage->LanguageCode; } else { QApplication::$LanguageCode = QApplication::$User->GetPreferenceValueByName('Application language'); } define('__LOCALE_DIRECTORY__', __DOCROOT__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/locale/' . QApplication::$LanguageCode); QI18n::Initialize('NarroPoParser'); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->blnEnable = false; $this->strName = t('Cedill/Comma issue solver'); if ($this->blnEnable) { NarroUser::RegisterPreference('Cedilla or comma', 'option', 'Select whether you want to see s and t with comma or cedilla undernieth', 'cedilla', array('cedilla', 'comma')); } /** * Preference value: t('cedilla'); * Preference value: t('comma'); */ }
public function btnRegister_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) { if (!trim($this->txtUsername->Text) || !trim($this->txtPassword->Text)) { $this->lblMessage->ForeColor = 'red'; $this->lblMessage->Text = t("It's just three fields, don't leave one empty please."); return false; } try { $objUser = NarroUser::RegisterUser($this->txtUsername->Text, $this->txtEmail->Text, $this->txtPassword->Text, $this->txtRealname->Text); } catch (Exception $objEx) { $this->lblMessage->ForeColor = 'red'; $this->lblMessage->Text = t("Seems like the username or email is already in use.") . $objEx->getMessage(); return false; } if (!$objUser instanceof NarroUser) { QApplication::Redirect(sprintf('login.php?l=%s', QApplication::$TargetLanguage->LanguageCode)); } QApplication::$Session->User = $objUser; QApplication::Redirect(NarroLink::UserPreferences($objUser->UserId)); }
public function btnRecoverPassword_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) { if ($this->txtEmail->Text) { $objUser = NarroUser::QuerySingle(QQ::Equal(QQN::NarroUser()->Email, $this->txtEmail->Text)); } elseif ($this->txtUsername->Text) { $objUser = NarroUser::QuerySingle(QQ::Equal(QQN::NarroUser()->Username, $this->txtUsername->Text)); } else { $this->lblMessage->ForeColor = 'red'; $this->lblMessage->Text = t('Please enter a username or email to continue.'); return false; } if ($objUser instanceof NarroUser) { if ($objUser->UserId == NarroUser::ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) { $this->lblMessage->ForeColor = 'red'; $this->lblMessage->Text = t('Hey, the anonymous user doesn\'t have a password. What are you trying to do?'); return false; } $objMessage = new QEmailMessage(); $objMessage->From = sprintf('%s <%s>', __FROM_EMAIL_NAME__, __FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS__); $objMessage->To = sprintf('%s <%s>', $objUser->Username, $objUser->Email); $objMessage->Subject = sprintf('Password recovery for "%s" on "%s"', $objUser->Username, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $objMessage->Body = sprintf('Somebody, probably you, requested a password recovery for "%s" on "%s". To change your password, please follow this link: %s', $objUser->Username, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__ . sprintf('/change_password.php?l=%s&u=%s&h=%s', QApplication::$TargetLanguage->LanguageCode, $objUser->Username, $objUser->Password)); try { QEmailServer::Send($objMessage); $this->lblMessage->ForeColor = 'green'; $this->lblMessage->Text = t('You should have a new email message with instructions. Check your spam/bulk directory too.'); } catch (Exception $objEx) { $this->lblMessage->ForeColor = 'red'; $this->lblMessage->Text = t('Failed to send email. This may be a server issue. Please try again later.'); return false; } } else { $this->lblMessage->ForeColor = 'red'; $this->lblMessage->Text = t('Bad username or/and email'); } }
public static function GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject, $blnBindRelatedObjects) { if ($objObject->objText) { $objObject->objText = NarroText::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objText, false); } else { if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) { $objObject->intTextId = null; } } if ($objObject->objUser) { $objObject->objUser = NarroUser::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objUser, false); } else { if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) { $objObject->intUserId = null; } } if ($objObject->objLanguage) { $objObject->objLanguage = NarroLanguage::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objLanguage, false); } else { if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) { $objObject->intLanguageId = null; } } if ($objObject->dttCreated) { $objObject->dttCreated = $objObject->dttCreated->qFormat(QDateTime::FormatSoap); } if ($objObject->dttModified) { $objObject->dttModified = $objObject->dttModified->qFormat(QDateTime::FormatSoap); } return $objObject; }
public static function GetSoapArrayFromArray($objArray) { if (!$objArray) { return null; } $objArrayToReturn = array(); foreach ($objArray as $objObject) { array_push($objArrayToReturn, NarroUser::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject, true)); } return unserialize(serialize($objArrayToReturn)); }
public static function GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject, $blnBindRelatedObjects) { if ($objObject->objUser) { $objObject->objUser = NarroUser::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objUser, false); } else { if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) { $objObject->intUserId = null; } } if ($objObject->objRole) { $objObject->objRole = NarroRole::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objRole, false); } else { if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) { $objObject->intRoleId = null; } } if ($objObject->objProject) { $objObject->objProject = NarroProject::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objProject, false); } else { if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) { $objObject->intProjectId = null; } } if ($objObject->objLanguage) { $objObject->objLanguage = NarroLanguage::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objLanguage, false); } else { if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) { $objObject->intLanguageId = null; } } return $objObject; }
public static function GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject, $blnBindRelatedObjects) { if ($objObject->objSuggestion) { $objObject->objSuggestion = NarroSuggestion::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objSuggestion, false); } else { if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) { $objObject->intSuggestionId = null; } } if ($objObject->objContext) { $objObject->objContext = NarroContext::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objContext, false); } else { if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) { $objObject->intContextId = null; } } if ($objObject->objUser) { $objObject->objUser = NarroUser::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objUser, false); } else { if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) { $objObject->intUserId = null; } } if ($objObject->dttCreated) { $objObject->dttCreated = $objObject->dttCreated->qFormat(QDateTime::FormatSoap); } if ($objObject->dttModified) { $objObject->dttModified = $objObject->dttModified->qFormat(QDateTime::FormatSoap); } return $objObject; }
public function dtgUser_Bind() { if ($this->txtSearch->Text != '') { $objSearchCondition = QQ::OrCondition(QQ::Like(QQN::NarroUser()->RealName, sprintf('%%%s%%', $this->txtSearch->Text)), QQ::Like(QQN::NarroUser()->Username, sprintf('%%%s%%', $this->txtSearch->Text)), QQ::Like(QQN::NarroUser()->Email, sprintf('%%%s%%', $this->txtSearch->Text))); } else { $objSearchCondition = QQ::All(); } // Because we want to enable pagination AND sorting, we need to setup the $objClauses array to send to LoadAll() // Remember! We need to first set the TotalItemCount, which will affect the calcuation of LimitClause below $this->dtgUser->TotalItemCount = NarroUser::QueryCount($objSearchCondition); // Setup the $objClauses Array $objClauses = array(); // If a column is selected to be sorted, and if that column has a OrderByClause set on it, then let's add // the OrderByClause to the $objClauses array if ($objClause = $this->dtgUser->OrderByClause) { array_push($objClauses, $objClause); } // Add the LimitClause information, as well if ($objClause = $this->dtgUser->LimitClause) { array_push($objClauses, $objClause); } // Set the DataSource to be the array of all NarroUser objects, given the clauses above $this->dtgUser->DataSource = NarroUser::QueryArray($objSearchCondition, $objClauses); QApplication::ExecuteJavaScript('highlight_datagrid();'); }
/** * Refresh this MetaControl with Data from the local NarroSuggestionVote object. * @param boolean $blnReload reload NarroSuggestionVote from the database * @return void */ public function Refresh($blnReload = false) { if ($blnReload) { $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Reload(); } if ($this->lstSuggestion) { $this->lstSuggestion->RemoveAllItems(); if (!$this->blnEditMode) { $this->lstSuggestion->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); } $objSuggestionArray = NarroSuggestion::LoadAll(); if ($objSuggestionArray) { foreach ($objSuggestionArray as $objSuggestion) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objSuggestion->__toString(), $objSuggestion->SuggestionId); if ($this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Suggestion && $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Suggestion->SuggestionId == $objSuggestion->SuggestionId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstSuggestion->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblSuggestionId) { $this->lblSuggestionId->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Suggestion ? $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Suggestion->__toString() : null; } if ($this->lstContext) { $this->lstContext->RemoveAllItems(); if (!$this->blnEditMode) { $this->lstContext->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); } $objContextArray = NarroContext::LoadAll(); if ($objContextArray) { foreach ($objContextArray as $objContext) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objContext->__toString(), $objContext->ContextId); if ($this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Context && $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Context->ContextId == $objContext->ContextId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstContext->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblContextId) { $this->lblContextId->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Context ? $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Context->__toString() : null; } if ($this->lstUser) { $this->lstUser->RemoveAllItems(); if (!$this->blnEditMode) { $this->lstUser->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); } $objUserArray = NarroUser::LoadAll(); if ($objUserArray) { foreach ($objUserArray as $objUser) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objUser->__toString(), $objUser->UserId); if ($this->objNarroSuggestionVote->User && $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->User->UserId == $objUser->UserId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstUser->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblUserId) { $this->lblUserId->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->User ? $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->User->__toString() : null; } if ($this->txtVoteValue) { $this->txtVoteValue->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->VoteValue; } if ($this->lblVoteValue) { $this->lblVoteValue->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->VoteValue; } if ($this->calCreated) { $this->calCreated->DateTime = $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Created; } if ($this->lblCreated) { $this->lblCreated->Text = sprintf($this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Created) ? $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Created->qFormat($this->strCreatedDateTimeFormat) : null; } if ($this->calModified) { $this->calModified->DateTime = $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Modified; } if ($this->lblModified) { $this->lblModified->Text = sprintf($this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Modified) ? $this->objNarroSuggestionVote->Modified->qFormat($this->strModifiedDateTimeFormat) : null; } }
public static function RegisterUser($strUsername, $strEmail, $strPassword, $strRealName) { $objMaxUser = NarroUser::LoadAll(QQ::Clause(QQ::LimitInfo(1, 0), QQ::OrderBy(QQN::NarroUser()->UserId, false))); $objUser = new NarroUser(); $objUser->UserId = $objMaxUser[0]->UserId + 1; $objUser->Username = $strUsername; if ($strRealName) { $objUser->RealName = $strRealName; } $objUser->Email = $strEmail; require_once __NARRO_INCLUDES__ . '/PasswordHash.class.php'; $objHasher = new PasswordHash(8, FALSE); $objUser->Password = $objHasher->HashPassword($strPassword); try { $objUser->Save(); } catch (Exception $objEx) { throw $objEx; } /** * set up default roles */ $objUserRole = new NarroUserRole(); if ($objUser->UserId == 1) { $objUserRole->RoleId = 5; } else { $objUserRole->RoleId = 2; } $objUserRole->UserId = $objUser->UserId; $objUserRole->Save(); return NarroUser::LoadByUsernameAndPassword($strUsername, md5($strPassword)); }
/** * Refresh this MetaControl with Data from the local NarroUserRole object. * @param boolean $blnReload reload NarroUserRole from the database * @return void */ public function Refresh($blnReload = false) { if ($blnReload) { $this->objNarroUserRole->Reload(); } if ($this->lblUserRoleId) { if ($this->blnEditMode) { $this->lblUserRoleId->Text = $this->objNarroUserRole->UserRoleId; } } if ($this->lstUser) { $this->lstUser->RemoveAllItems(); if (!$this->blnEditMode) { $this->lstUser->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); } $objUserArray = NarroUser::LoadAll(); if ($objUserArray) { foreach ($objUserArray as $objUser) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objUser->__toString(), $objUser->UserId); if ($this->objNarroUserRole->User && $this->objNarroUserRole->User->UserId == $objUser->UserId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstUser->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblUserId) { $this->lblUserId->Text = $this->objNarroUserRole->User ? $this->objNarroUserRole->User->__toString() : null; } if ($this->lstRole) { $this->lstRole->RemoveAllItems(); if (!$this->blnEditMode) { $this->lstRole->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); } $objRoleArray = NarroRole::LoadAll(); if ($objRoleArray) { foreach ($objRoleArray as $objRole) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objRole->__toString(), $objRole->RoleId); if ($this->objNarroUserRole->Role && $this->objNarroUserRole->Role->RoleId == $objRole->RoleId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstRole->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblRoleId) { $this->lblRoleId->Text = $this->objNarroUserRole->Role ? $this->objNarroUserRole->Role->__toString() : null; } if ($this->lstProject) { $this->lstProject->RemoveAllItems(); $this->lstProject->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); $objProjectArray = NarroProject::LoadAll(); if ($objProjectArray) { foreach ($objProjectArray as $objProject) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objProject->__toString(), $objProject->ProjectId); if ($this->objNarroUserRole->Project && $this->objNarroUserRole->Project->ProjectId == $objProject->ProjectId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstProject->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblProjectId) { $this->lblProjectId->Text = $this->objNarroUserRole->Project ? $this->objNarroUserRole->Project->__toString() : null; } if ($this->lstLanguage) { $this->lstLanguage->RemoveAllItems(); $this->lstLanguage->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); $objLanguageArray = NarroLanguage::LoadAll(); if ($objLanguageArray) { foreach ($objLanguageArray as $objLanguage) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objLanguage->__toString(), $objLanguage->LanguageId); if ($this->objNarroUserRole->Language && $this->objNarroUserRole->Language->LanguageId == $objLanguage->LanguageId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstLanguage->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblLanguageId) { $this->lblLanguageId->Text = $this->objNarroUserRole->Language ? $this->objNarroUserRole->Language->__toString() : null; } }
public function __set($strName, $mixValue) { switch ($strName) { case "TranslationPath": if (file_exists($mixValue)) { $this->strTranslationPath = $mixValue; } else { if (!file_exists(dirname($mixValue))) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Cannot create "%s" because the parent directory "%s" does not exist', $mixValue, dirname($mixValue))); } if (!is_writable(dirname($mixValue))) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Cannot create "%s" because the parent directory "%s" is not writable', $mixValue, dirname($mixValue))); } chmod(dirname($mixValue), 0777); if (mkdir($mixValue, 0777, true)) { $this->strTranslationPath = $mixValue; } else { throw new Exception(sprintf(t('TranslationPath "%s" does not exist.'), $mixValue)); } NarroUtils::RecursiveChmod($mixValue); } break; case "TemplatePath": if (file_exists($mixValue)) { $this->strTemplatePath = $mixValue; } else { if (!file_exists(dirname($mixValue))) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Cannot create "%s" because the parent directory "%s" does not exist', $mixValue, dirname($mixValue))); } if (!is_writable(dirname($mixValue))) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Cannot create "%s" because the parent directory "%s" is not writable', $mixValue, dirname($mixValue))); } chmod(dirname($mixValue), 0777); if (mkdir($mixValue, 0777, true)) { $this->strTranslationPath = $mixValue; } else { throw new Exception(sprintf(t('TranslationPath "%s" does not exist.'), $mixValue)); } NarroUtils::RecursiveChmod($mixValue); } break; case "User": if ($mixValue instanceof NarroUser) { $this->objUser = $mixValue; } else { throw new Exception(t('User should be set with an instance of NarroUser')); } break; case "Project": if ($mixValue instanceof NarroProject) { $this->objProject = $mixValue; } else { throw new Exception(t('Project should be set with an instance of NarroProject')); } break; case "TargetLanguage": if ($mixValue instanceof NarroLanguage) { $this->objTargetLanguage = $mixValue; } else { throw new Exception(t('TargetLanguage should be set with an instance of NarroLanguage')); } break; case "SourceLanguage": if ($mixValue instanceof NarroLanguage) { $this->objSourceLanguage = $mixValue; } else { throw new Exception(t('SourceLanguage should be set with an instance of NarroLanguage')); } break; case "Approve": try { $this->blnApprove = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean); break; } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case "SkipUntranslated": try { $this->blnSkipUntranslated = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean); break; } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case "ApproveAlreadyApproved": try { $this->blnApproveAlreadyApproved = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean); break; } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case "CheckEqual": try { $this->blnCheckEqual = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean); break; } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case "ImportUnchangedFiles": try { $this->blnImportUnchangedFiles = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean); break; } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case "ImportSuggestions": try { $this->blnImportSuggestions = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean); break; } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case "CopyUnhandledFiles": try { $this->blnCopyUnhandledFiles = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean); break; } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case "OnlySuggestions": try { $this->blnOnlySuggestions = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean); break; } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case "ExportedSuggestion": try { $this->intExportedSuggestion = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer); break; } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case "ExportAuthorList": try { if (is_array($mixValue)) { $this->arrExportAuthorList = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::ArrayType); } else { $arrAuthor = explode(',', $mixValue); foreach ($arrAuthor as $intIdx => $strAuthor) { $arrAuthor[$intIdx] = trim($strAuthor); } foreach (NarroUser::QueryArray(QQ::In(QQN::NarroUser()->RealName, $arrAuthor)) as $objUser) { $this->arrExportAuthorList[] = $objUser->UserId; } } break; } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } default: return false; } }
/** * Refresh this MetaControl with Data from the local NarroTextComment object. * @param boolean $blnReload reload NarroTextComment from the database * @return void */ public function Refresh($blnReload = false) { if ($blnReload) { $this->objNarroTextComment->Reload(); } if ($this->lblTextCommentId) { if ($this->blnEditMode) { $this->lblTextCommentId->Text = $this->objNarroTextComment->TextCommentId; } } if ($this->lstText) { $this->lstText->RemoveAllItems(); if (!$this->blnEditMode) { $this->lstText->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); } $objTextArray = NarroText::LoadAll(); if ($objTextArray) { foreach ($objTextArray as $objText) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objText->__toString(), $objText->TextId); if ($this->objNarroTextComment->Text && $this->objNarroTextComment->Text->TextId == $objText->TextId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstText->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblTextId) { $this->lblTextId->Text = $this->objNarroTextComment->Text ? $this->objNarroTextComment->Text->__toString() : null; } if ($this->lstUser) { $this->lstUser->RemoveAllItems(); if (!$this->blnEditMode) { $this->lstUser->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); } $objUserArray = NarroUser::LoadAll(); if ($objUserArray) { foreach ($objUserArray as $objUser) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objUser->__toString(), $objUser->UserId); if ($this->objNarroTextComment->User && $this->objNarroTextComment->User->UserId == $objUser->UserId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstUser->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblUserId) { $this->lblUserId->Text = $this->objNarroTextComment->User ? $this->objNarroTextComment->User->__toString() : null; } if ($this->lstLanguage) { $this->lstLanguage->RemoveAllItems(); if (!$this->blnEditMode) { $this->lstLanguage->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); } $objLanguageArray = NarroLanguage::LoadAll(); if ($objLanguageArray) { foreach ($objLanguageArray as $objLanguage) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objLanguage->__toString(), $objLanguage->LanguageId); if ($this->objNarroTextComment->Language && $this->objNarroTextComment->Language->LanguageId == $objLanguage->LanguageId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstLanguage->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblLanguageId) { $this->lblLanguageId->Text = $this->objNarroTextComment->Language ? $this->objNarroTextComment->Language->__toString() : null; } if ($this->calCreated) { $this->calCreated->DateTime = $this->objNarroTextComment->Created; } if ($this->lblCreated) { $this->lblCreated->Text = sprintf($this->objNarroTextComment->Created) ? $this->objNarroTextComment->Created->qFormat($this->strCreatedDateTimeFormat) : null; } if ($this->calModified) { $this->calModified->DateTime = $this->objNarroTextComment->Modified; } if ($this->lblModified) { $this->lblModified->Text = sprintf($this->objNarroTextComment->Modified) ? $this->objNarroTextComment->Modified->qFormat($this->strModifiedDateTimeFormat) : null; } if ($this->txtCommentText) { $this->txtCommentText->Text = $this->objNarroTextComment->CommentText; } if ($this->lblCommentText) { $this->lblCommentText->Text = $this->objNarroTextComment->CommentText; } if ($this->txtCommentTextMd5) { $this->txtCommentTextMd5->Text = $this->objNarroTextComment->CommentTextMd5; } if ($this->lblCommentTextMd5) { $this->lblCommentTextMd5->Text = $this->objNarroTextComment->CommentTextMd5; } }
/** * Default / simple DataBinder for this Meta DataGrid. This can easily be overridden * by calling SetDataBinder() on this DataGrid with another DataBinder of your choice. * * If a paginator is set on this DataBinder, it will use it. If not, then no pagination will be used. * It will also perform any sorting (if applicable). */ public function MetaDataBinder() { $objConditions = $this->Conditions; if (null !== $this->conAdditionalConditions) { $objConditions = QQ::AndCondition($this->conAdditionalConditions, $objConditions); } // Setup the $objClauses Array $objClauses = array(); if (null !== $this->clsAdditionalClauses) { $objClauses = $this->clsAdditionalClauses; } // Remember! We need to first set the TotalItemCount, which will affect the calcuation of LimitClause below if ($this->Paginator) { $this->TotalItemCount = NarroUser::QueryCount($objConditions); } // If a column is selected to be sorted, and if that column has a OrderByClause set on it, then let's add // the OrderByClause to the $objClauses array if ($objClause = $this->OrderByClause) { array_push($objClauses, $objClause); } // Add the LimitClause information, as well if ($objClause = $this->LimitClause) { array_push($objClauses, $objClause); } // Set the DataSource to be a Query result from NarroUser, given the clauses above $this->DataSource = NarroUser::QueryArray($objConditions, $objClauses); }
public static function GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject, $blnBindRelatedObjects) { if ($objObject->objLanguage) { $objObject->objLanguage = NarroLanguage::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objLanguage, false); } else { if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) { $objObject->intLanguageId = null; } } if ($objObject->objProject) { $objObject->objProject = NarroProject::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objProject, false); } else { if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) { $objObject->intProjectId = null; } } if ($objObject->objUser) { $objObject->objUser = NarroUser::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objUser, false); } else { if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) { $objObject->intUserId = null; } } if ($objObject->dttDate) { $objObject->dttDate = $objObject->dttDate->qFormat(QDateTime::FormatSoap); } return $objObject; }
* * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/configuration/'; if (QApplication::HasPermission('Administrator')) { foreach (NarroUser::LoadAll() as $objUser) { $arrUserPermissions = array(); foreach (NarroUserPermission::LoadArrayByUserId($objUser->UserId) as $objUserPermission) { $objUserRole = new NarroUserRole(); switch ($objUserPermission->PermissionId) { case 1: case 2: case 4: $objUserRole->RoleId = 2; break; case 3: $objUserRole->RoleId = 3; break; case 5: case 6: case 8:
public function btnBrowserIdLogin_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strAssertion) { // open connection $ch = curl_init(); // set the url, number of POST vars, POST data curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 2); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, sprintf('assertion=%s&audience=%s', $strAssertion, __HTTP_URL__)); // execute post $result = json_decode(curl_exec($ch)); // close connection curl_close($ch); if ($result && property_exists($result, 'status') && $result->status == 'okay') { $objUser = NarroUser::LoadByUsername($result->email); if (!$objUser instanceof NarroUser) { try { $objUser = NarroUser::RegisterUser($result->email, $result->email, '', $result->email); } catch (Exception $objEx) { $this->lblMessage->ForeColor = 'red'; $this->lblMessage->Text = sprintf(t('Failed to create an associated user for the email address "%s": %s'), $result->email, $objEx->getMessage()); return false; } $objUser->Reload(); QApplication::$Session->User = $objUser; QApplication::Redirect(NarroLink::UserPreferences($objUser->UserId)); exit; } elseif ($objUser->Password != $objHasher->HashPassword('')) { $this->lblMessage->ForeColor = 'red'; $this->lblMessage->Text = t('This user has a password set, please login with that instead'); return false; } QApplication::$Session->RegenerateId(); QApplication::$Session->User = $objUser; QApplication::$User = $objUser; if ($this->txtPreviousUrl) { $strUrl = preg_replace('/([\\?\\&]l\\=)[a-z0-9\\-\\_]+/', '\\1' . QApplication::$User->GetPreferenceValueByName('Language'), $this->txtPreviousUrl); if ($strUrl) { QApplication::Redirect($strUrl); } else { QApplication::Redirect($this->txtPreviousUrl); } } else { QApplication::Redirect(NarroLink::ProjectList(null, null, QApplication::$User->GetPreferenceValueByName('Language'))); } exit; } else { $this->lblMessage->Text = t('BrowserID login failed'); $this->lblMessage->ForeColor = 'red'; } }
/** * Refresh this MetaControl with Data from the local NarroSuggestion object. * @param boolean $blnReload reload NarroSuggestion from the database * @return void */ public function Refresh($blnReload = false) { if ($blnReload) { $this->objNarroSuggestion->Reload(); } if ($this->lblSuggestionId) { if ($this->blnEditMode) { $this->lblSuggestionId->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestion->SuggestionId; } } if ($this->lstUser) { $this->lstUser->RemoveAllItems(); $this->lstUser->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); $objUserArray = NarroUser::LoadAll(); if ($objUserArray) { foreach ($objUserArray as $objUser) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objUser->__toString(), $objUser->UserId); if ($this->objNarroSuggestion->User && $this->objNarroSuggestion->User->UserId == $objUser->UserId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstUser->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblUserId) { $this->lblUserId->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestion->User ? $this->objNarroSuggestion->User->__toString() : null; } if ($this->lstText) { $this->lstText->RemoveAllItems(); if (!$this->blnEditMode) { $this->lstText->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); } $objTextArray = NarroText::LoadAll(); if ($objTextArray) { foreach ($objTextArray as $objText) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objText->__toString(), $objText->TextId); if ($this->objNarroSuggestion->Text && $this->objNarroSuggestion->Text->TextId == $objText->TextId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstText->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblTextId) { $this->lblTextId->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestion->Text ? $this->objNarroSuggestion->Text->__toString() : null; } if ($this->lstLanguage) { $this->lstLanguage->RemoveAllItems(); if (!$this->blnEditMode) { $this->lstLanguage->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); } $objLanguageArray = NarroLanguage::LoadAll(); if ($objLanguageArray) { foreach ($objLanguageArray as $objLanguage) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objLanguage->__toString(), $objLanguage->LanguageId); if ($this->objNarroSuggestion->Language && $this->objNarroSuggestion->Language->LanguageId == $objLanguage->LanguageId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstLanguage->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblLanguageId) { $this->lblLanguageId->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestion->Language ? $this->objNarroSuggestion->Language->__toString() : null; } if ($this->txtSuggestionValue) { $this->txtSuggestionValue->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestion->SuggestionValue; } if ($this->lblSuggestionValue) { $this->lblSuggestionValue->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestion->SuggestionValue; } if ($this->txtSuggestionValueMd5) { $this->txtSuggestionValueMd5->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestion->SuggestionValueMd5; } if ($this->lblSuggestionValueMd5) { $this->lblSuggestionValueMd5->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestion->SuggestionValueMd5; } if ($this->txtSuggestionCharCount) { $this->txtSuggestionCharCount->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestion->SuggestionCharCount; } if ($this->lblSuggestionCharCount) { $this->lblSuggestionCharCount->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestion->SuggestionCharCount; } if ($this->txtSuggestionWordCount) { $this->txtSuggestionWordCount->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestion->SuggestionWordCount; } if ($this->lblSuggestionWordCount) { $this->lblSuggestionWordCount->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestion->SuggestionWordCount; } if ($this->chkHasComments) { $this->chkHasComments->Checked = $this->objNarroSuggestion->HasComments; } if ($this->lblHasComments) { $this->lblHasComments->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestion->HasComments ? QApplication::Translate('Yes') : QApplication::Translate('No'); } if ($this->chkIsImported) { $this->chkIsImported->Checked = $this->objNarroSuggestion->IsImported; } if ($this->lblIsImported) { $this->lblIsImported->Text = $this->objNarroSuggestion->IsImported ? QApplication::Translate('Yes') : QApplication::Translate('No'); } if ($this->calCreated) { $this->calCreated->DateTime = $this->objNarroSuggestion->Created; } if ($this->lblCreated) { $this->lblCreated->Text = sprintf($this->objNarroSuggestion->Created) ? $this->objNarroSuggestion->Created->qFormat($this->strCreatedDateTimeFormat) : null; } if ($this->calModified) { $this->calModified->DateTime = $this->objNarroSuggestion->Modified; } if ($this->lblModified) { $this->lblModified->Text = sprintf($this->objNarroSuggestion->Modified) ? $this->objNarroSuggestion->Modified->qFormat($this->strModifiedDateTimeFormat) : null; } }
/////////////////////// // Setup Error Handling /////////////////////// if (array_key_exists('SERVER_PROTOCOL', $_SERVER)) { set_error_handler('QcodoHandleError', error_reporting()); set_exception_handler('QcodoHandleException'); } spl_autoload_register(array('QApplication', 'Autoload')); QApplication::Initialize(); QApplication::InitializeDatabaseConnections(); QApplication::$EncodingType = 'UTF-8'; NarroUser::GetDatabase()->NonQuery("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); NarroUser::RegisterPreference('Items per page', 'number', t('How many items are displayed per page'), 10); NarroUser::RegisterPreference('Font size', 'option', t('The application font size'), 'medium', array('x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large')); NarroUser::RegisterPreference('Language', 'option', t('The language you are translating to'), QApplication::QueryString('l'), array(QApplication::QueryString('l'))); NarroUser::RegisterPreference('Application language', 'option', t('The language you want to see Narro in'), isset(QApplication::$TargetLanguage) ? QApplication::$TargetLanguage->LanguageCode : NarroLanguage::SOURCE_LANGUAGE_CODE, array(isset(QApplication::$TargetLanguage) ? QApplication::$TargetLanguage->LanguageCode : NarroLanguage::SOURCE_LANGUAGE_CODE)); NarroUser::RegisterPreference('Special characters', 'text', t('Characters that are not on your keyboard, separated by spaces'), '$€'); NarroUser::RegisterPreference('Automatically save translations', 'option', t('Save translations when moving to the next text to translate'), 'No', array('Yes', 'No')); NarroUser::RegisterPreference('Launch imports and exports in background', 'option', t('Launch imports and exports in background'), 'Yes', array('Yes', 'No')); NarroUser::RegisterPreference('Load more texts while scrolling', 'option', t('Whether to load more content if you reach the bottom of the page'), 'No', array('Yes', 'No')); if (!isset($argv)) { QApplication::SessionOverride(); QApplication::InitializeSession(); } QApplication::InitializeUser(); QApplication::InitializeLanguage(); NarroProject::RegisterPreference('Export translators and reviewers in the file header as a comment', false, 0, 'option', '', 'No', array('Yes', 'No')); QApplication::InitializeLogging(); QApplication::InitializeTranslationEngine(); QApplication::$PluginHandler = new NarroPluginHandler(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/narro/plugins'); }
/** * Static Helper Method to Create using PK arguments * You must pass in the PK arguments on an object to load, or leave it blank to create a new one. * If you want to load via QueryString or PathInfo, use the CreateFromQueryString or CreateFromPathInfo * static helper methods. Finally, specify a CreateType to define whether or not we are only allowed to * edit, or if we are also allowed to create a new one, etc. * * @param mixed $objParentObject QForm or QPanel which will be using this NarroUserMetaControl * @param integer $intUserId primary key value * @param QMetaControlCreateType $intCreateType rules governing NarroUser object creation - defaults to CreateOrEdit * @return NarroUserMetaControl */ public static function Create($objParentObject, $intUserId = null, $intCreateType = QMetaControlCreateType::CreateOrEdit) { // Attempt to Load from PK Arguments if (strlen($intUserId)) { $objNarroUser = NarroUser::Load($intUserId); // NarroUser was found -- return it! if ($objNarroUser) { return new NarroUserMetaControl($objParentObject, $objNarroUser); } else { if ($intCreateType != QMetaControlCreateType::CreateOnRecordNotFound) { throw new QCallerException('Could not find a NarroUser object with PK arguments: ' . $intUserId); } } // If EditOnly is specified, throw an exception } else { if ($intCreateType == QMetaControlCreateType::EditOnly) { throw new QCallerException('No PK arguments specified'); } } // If we are here, then we need to create a new record return new NarroUserMetaControl($objParentObject, new NarroUser()); }
} if (array_search('--template-lang', $argv) !== false) { $strSourceLanguage = $argv[array_search('--template-lang', $argv) + 1]; } else { $strSourceLanguage = NarroLanguage::SOURCE_LANGUAGE_CODE; } if (array_search('--translation-lang', $argv) !== false) { $strTargetLanguage = $argv[array_search('--translation-lang', $argv) + 1]; } if (array_search('--user', $argv) !== false) { $intUserId = $argv[array_search('--user', $argv) + 1]; } $objUser = NarroUser::LoadByUserId($intUserId); if (!$objUser instanceof NarroUser) { NarroLogger::LogInfo(sprintf('User id=%s does not exist in the database, will try to use the anonymous user.', $intUserId)); $objUser = NarroUser::LoadAnonymousUser(); if (!$objUser instanceof NarroUser) { NarroLogger::LogInfo(sprintf('The anonymous user id=%s does not exist in the database.', $intUserId)); return false; } } QApplication::$User = $objUser; $objProject = NarroProject::Load($intProjectId); if (!$objProject instanceof NarroProject) { NarroLogger::LogInfo(sprintf('Project with id=%s does not exist in the database.', $intProjectId)); return false; } $objLanguage = NarroLanguage::LoadByLanguageCode($strTargetLanguage); if (!$objLanguage instanceof NarroLanguage) { NarroLogger::LogInfo(sprintf('Language %s does not exist in the database.', $strTargetLanguage)); return false;
/** * Refresh this MetaControl with Data from the local NarroContextInfo object. * @param boolean $blnReload reload NarroContextInfo from the database * @return void */ public function Refresh($blnReload = false) { if ($blnReload) { $this->objNarroContextInfo->Reload(); } if ($this->lblContextInfoId) { if ($this->blnEditMode) { $this->lblContextInfoId->Text = $this->objNarroContextInfo->ContextInfoId; } } if ($this->lstContext) { $this->lstContext->RemoveAllItems(); if (!$this->blnEditMode) { $this->lstContext->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); } $objContextArray = NarroContext::LoadAll(); if ($objContextArray) { foreach ($objContextArray as $objContext) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objContext->__toString(), $objContext->ContextId); if ($this->objNarroContextInfo->Context && $this->objNarroContextInfo->Context->ContextId == $objContext->ContextId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstContext->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblContextId) { $this->lblContextId->Text = $this->objNarroContextInfo->Context ? $this->objNarroContextInfo->Context->__toString() : null; } if ($this->lstLanguage) { $this->lstLanguage->RemoveAllItems(); if (!$this->blnEditMode) { $this->lstLanguage->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); } $objLanguageArray = NarroLanguage::LoadAll(); if ($objLanguageArray) { foreach ($objLanguageArray as $objLanguage) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objLanguage->__toString(), $objLanguage->LanguageId); if ($this->objNarroContextInfo->Language && $this->objNarroContextInfo->Language->LanguageId == $objLanguage->LanguageId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstLanguage->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblLanguageId) { $this->lblLanguageId->Text = $this->objNarroContextInfo->Language ? $this->objNarroContextInfo->Language->__toString() : null; } if ($this->lstValidatorUser) { $this->lstValidatorUser->RemoveAllItems(); $this->lstValidatorUser->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); $objValidatorUserArray = NarroUser::LoadAll(); if ($objValidatorUserArray) { foreach ($objValidatorUserArray as $objValidatorUser) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objValidatorUser->__toString(), $objValidatorUser->UserId); if ($this->objNarroContextInfo->ValidatorUser && $this->objNarroContextInfo->ValidatorUser->UserId == $objValidatorUser->UserId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstValidatorUser->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblValidatorUserId) { $this->lblValidatorUserId->Text = $this->objNarroContextInfo->ValidatorUser ? $this->objNarroContextInfo->ValidatorUser->__toString() : null; } if ($this->lstValidSuggestion) { $this->lstValidSuggestion->RemoveAllItems(); $this->lstValidSuggestion->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); $objValidSuggestionArray = NarroSuggestion::LoadAll(); if ($objValidSuggestionArray) { foreach ($objValidSuggestionArray as $objValidSuggestion) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objValidSuggestion->__toString(), $objValidSuggestion->SuggestionId); if ($this->objNarroContextInfo->ValidSuggestion && $this->objNarroContextInfo->ValidSuggestion->SuggestionId == $objValidSuggestion->SuggestionId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstValidSuggestion->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblValidSuggestionId) { $this->lblValidSuggestionId->Text = $this->objNarroContextInfo->ValidSuggestion ? $this->objNarroContextInfo->ValidSuggestion->__toString() : null; } if ($this->chkHasSuggestions) { $this->chkHasSuggestions->Checked = $this->objNarroContextInfo->HasSuggestions; } if ($this->lblHasSuggestions) { $this->lblHasSuggestions->Text = $this->objNarroContextInfo->HasSuggestions ? QApplication::Translate('Yes') : QApplication::Translate('No'); } if ($this->txtSuggestionAccessKey) { $this->txtSuggestionAccessKey->Text = $this->objNarroContextInfo->SuggestionAccessKey; } if ($this->lblSuggestionAccessKey) { $this->lblSuggestionAccessKey->Text = $this->objNarroContextInfo->SuggestionAccessKey; } if ($this->txtSuggestionCommandKey) { $this->txtSuggestionCommandKey->Text = $this->objNarroContextInfo->SuggestionCommandKey; } if ($this->lblSuggestionCommandKey) { $this->lblSuggestionCommandKey->Text = $this->objNarroContextInfo->SuggestionCommandKey; } if ($this->calCreated) { $this->calCreated->DateTime = $this->objNarroContextInfo->Created; } if ($this->lblCreated) { $this->lblCreated->Text = sprintf($this->objNarroContextInfo->Created) ? $this->objNarroContextInfo->Created->qFormat($this->strCreatedDateTimeFormat) : null; } if ($this->calModified) { $this->calModified->DateTime = $this->objNarroContextInfo->Modified; } if ($this->lblModified) { $this->lblModified->Text = sprintf($this->objNarroContextInfo->Modified) ? $this->objNarroContextInfo->Modified->qFormat($this->strModifiedDateTimeFormat) : null; } }
/** * Refresh this MetaControl with Data from the local NarroLog object. * @param boolean $blnReload reload NarroLog from the database * @return void */ public function Refresh($blnReload = false) { if ($blnReload) { $this->objNarroLog->Reload(); } if ($this->lblLogId) { if ($this->blnEditMode) { $this->lblLogId->Text = $this->objNarroLog->LogId; } } if ($this->lstLanguage) { $this->lstLanguage->RemoveAllItems(); $this->lstLanguage->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); $objLanguageArray = NarroLanguage::LoadAll(); if ($objLanguageArray) { foreach ($objLanguageArray as $objLanguage) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objLanguage->__toString(), $objLanguage->LanguageId); if ($this->objNarroLog->Language && $this->objNarroLog->Language->LanguageId == $objLanguage->LanguageId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstLanguage->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblLanguageId) { $this->lblLanguageId->Text = $this->objNarroLog->Language ? $this->objNarroLog->Language->__toString() : null; } if ($this->lstProject) { $this->lstProject->RemoveAllItems(); $this->lstProject->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); $objProjectArray = NarroProject::LoadAll(); if ($objProjectArray) { foreach ($objProjectArray as $objProject) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objProject->__toString(), $objProject->ProjectId); if ($this->objNarroLog->Project && $this->objNarroLog->Project->ProjectId == $objProject->ProjectId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstProject->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblProjectId) { $this->lblProjectId->Text = $this->objNarroLog->Project ? $this->objNarroLog->Project->__toString() : null; } if ($this->lstUser) { $this->lstUser->RemoveAllItems(); $this->lstUser->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null); $objUserArray = NarroUser::LoadAll(); if ($objUserArray) { foreach ($objUserArray as $objUser) { $objListItem = new QListItem($objUser->__toString(), $objUser->UserId); if ($this->objNarroLog->User && $this->objNarroLog->User->UserId == $objUser->UserId) { $objListItem->Selected = true; } $this->lstUser->AddItem($objListItem); } } } if ($this->lblUserId) { $this->lblUserId->Text = $this->objNarroLog->User ? $this->objNarroLog->User->__toString() : null; } if ($this->txtMessage) { $this->txtMessage->Text = $this->objNarroLog->Message; } if ($this->lblMessage) { $this->lblMessage->Text = $this->objNarroLog->Message; } if ($this->txtPriority) { $this->txtPriority->Text = $this->objNarroLog->Priority; } if ($this->lblPriority) { $this->lblPriority->Text = $this->objNarroLog->Priority; } if ($this->calDate) { $this->calDate->DateTime = $this->objNarroLog->Date; } if ($this->lblDate) { $this->lblDate->Text = sprintf($this->objNarroLog->Date) ? $this->objNarroLog->Date->qFormat($this->strDateDateTimeFormat) : null; } }
/** * This Form_Validate event handler allows you to specify any custom Form Validation rules. * It will also Blink() on all invalid controls, as well as Focus() on the top-most invalid control. */ protected function Form_Validate() { // By default, we report the result of validation from the parent $blnToReturn = parent::Form_Validate(); // Custom Validation Rules // TODO: Be sure to set $blnToReturn to false if any custom validation fails! // Check for records that may violate Unique Clauses if (($objNarroUser = NarroUser::LoadByUsername($this->txtUsername->Text)) && $objNarroUser->UserId != $this->mctNarroUser->NarroUser->UserId) { $blnToReturn = false; $this->txtUsername->Warning = QApplication::Translate("Already in Use"); } if (($objNarroUser = NarroUser::LoadByEmail($this->txtEmail->Text)) && $objNarroUser->UserId != $this->mctNarroUser->NarroUser->UserId) { $blnToReturn = false; $this->txtEmail->Warning = QApplication::Translate("Already in Use"); } if (($objNarroUser = NarroUser::LoadByRealName($this->txtRealName->Text)) && $objNarroUser->UserId != $this->mctNarroUser->NarroUser->UserId) { $blnToReturn = false; $this->txtRealName->Warning = QApplication::Translate("Already in Use"); } $blnFocused = false; foreach ($this->GetErrorControls() as $objControl) { // Set Focus to the top-most invalid control if (!$blnFocused) { $objControl->Focus(); $blnFocused = true; } // Blink on ALL invalid controls $objControl->Blink(); } return $blnToReturn; }