public function login($username, $password) { $username = strip_tags($username); $username = stripslashes($username); $username = mysql_real_escape_string($username); $passHash = md5($password); // Applies MD5 encoded hash to the password $connection = new MySQLConnection(); $connection->connect(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM mymembers WHERE my_username = '******' AND my_password = '******' LIMIT 1"; $query = mysql_query($sql); if ($query) { $count = mysql_num_rows($query); } else { die(mysql_error()); } if ($count > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $_SESSION['pw'] = $password; $uid = $row['uid']; session_name($username . $uid); setcookie(session_name(), '', time() + 42000, '/'); $connection->close(); die("login=1"); } die("login=0&error=Invalid username or password"); } else { $connection->close(); die("login=0&error=Invalid username or password"); } }
function orders_condition_check() { $query = "SELECT * FROM SHEK_orders WHERE status > 0 AND status < 4"; $connection = MySQLConnection::get_connection(); $query_obj = $connection->query($query); if ($query_obj->num_rows == 0) { return; } $final_result = array(); while ($result = $query_obj->fetch_assoc()) { array_push($final_result, new Order($result)); } foreach ($final_result as $order) { $separeted_conditions_array = $order->get_separated_conditions(); foreach ($separeted_conditions_array as $condition) { $from_obj = date_create($condition[2]); $from = date_format($from_obj, "Y/m/d H:i:s"); $to_obj = date_create($condition[3]); $to = date_format($to_obj, "Y/m/d H:i:s"); $now = date("Y/m/d H:i:s"); if ($to <= $now) { $condition[5] = 4; $order->change_progress($condition[4]); } elseif ($from <= $now) { $condition[5] = 2; } } $order->change_conditions_array($separeted_conditions_array); $order->change_conditions(); } }
public static function connect() { MySQLConnection::$db_connection = mysqli_init(); $connected = @mysqli_real_connect(MySQLConnection::$db_connection, MySQLConfiguration::host, MySQLConfiguration::username, MySQLConfiguration::password, MySQLConfiguration::database, MySQLConfiguration::port, MySQLConfiguration::socket, MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS); if (!$connected) { //Output error details Error::halt(503, 'service unavailable', 'Temporarily unable to process request. Failed to establish a connection with MySQL. Please retry.'); } }
public function change($newMessage) { $newMessage = strip_tags($newMessage); $newMessage = stripslashes($newMessage); $newMessage = mysql_real_escape_string($newMessage); //$newMessage = eregi_replace( "`", "", $newMessage ); $connection = new MySQLConnection(); $connection->connect(); $uid = $this->uid; $sql = "UPDATE mymembers SET status_message = '{$newMessage}' WHERE uid = {$uid}"; $query = mysql_query($sql); $connection->close(); if ($query) { echo "result=1"; } else { die("result=0"); } }
function getsimplequeryjson($query) { require_once 'dbconnection.php'; $ret_val = array(); $mysqli = MySQLConnection::Open(); if ($result = $mysqli->query($query)) { $ret_val = make_json_array($result); } MySQLConnection::Close($mysqli); return $ret_val; }
public function grab() { $connection = new MySQLConnection(); $connection->connect(); $uid = $this->uid; $sql = "SELECT * FROM mymembers WHERE uid = {$uid} LIMIT 1"; $query = mysql_query($sql); if ($query) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $xml = "<user id='{$uid}'>\n"; $xml .= "\t<firstName>" . $row['first_name'] . "</firstName>\n"; $xml .= "\t<lastName>" . $row['last_name'] . "</lastName>\n"; $xml .= "\t<email>" . $row['email'] . "</email>\n"; $xml .= "\t<country>" . $row['country'] . "</country>\n"; $xml .= "\t<statusMessage>" . $row['status_message'] . "</statusMessage>\n"; $xml .= "</user>"; $this->xml = $xml; } } else { die("<error>Failed to grab user data.</error>"); } }
/** * This function return order with order id and user object.If any error occurs returns -1; * @param $id:int * @param $user_id:WP_USER * @returns int|NULL|array */ function get_order($id, $user_id) { $connection = MySQLConnection::get_connection(); $query = "SELECT * FROM SHEK_orders WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?"; if ($prepare = $connection->prepare($query)) { $prepare->bind_param("ii", $ID, $ownerId); $ID = $id; $ownerId = $user_id; if ($prepare->execute()) { $get_result = $prepare->get_result(); return $get_result->fetch_assoc(); } else { return -1; } } else { return -1; } }
public static function delete_recipes(array $recipe_ids) { //Smart quote each recipe id $recipe_ids = array_map(function ($element) { return MySQLConnection::smart_quote($element); }, $recipe_ids); $SQL = "DELETE FROM recipes\n\t\t\t WHERE `id` IN (" . implode(',', $recipe_ids) . ")"; MySQLConnection::query($SQL) or Error::db_halt(500, 'internal server error', 'Unable to execute request, SQL query error.', __FUNCTION__, MySQLConnection::error(), $SQL); }
if (!CSRF::is_valid()) { Error::halt(400, 'bad request', 'Missing required security token.'); } $result = MySQLQueries::get_recipe($_POST['recipe']); $recipe = MySQLConnection::fetch_object($result); if (empty($recipe)) { //Output error details Error::halt(400, 'bad request', 'The recipe \'' . $_POST['recipe'] . '\' does not exist.'); } //Default group handling if (count($_POST['groups']) === 1 && empty($_POST['groups'][0])) { $_POST['groups'] = array(); } $servers = array(); $results = MySQLQueries::get_servers_by_groups($_POST['groups']); while ($row = MySQLConnection::fetch_object($results)) { $servers[] = $row; } $returned_results = array(); foreach ($servers as $server) { try { $ssh = new SSH($server->address, $server->ssh_port, THROW_ERROR); } catch (Exception $ex) { $ex = json_decode($ex->getMessage()); $returned_results[] = array("server" => $server->id, "server_label" => $server->label, "stream" => "error", "result" => $ex->error->message); continue; } try { $ssh_auth = $ssh->auth($server->ssh_username, SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH, SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, THROW_ERROR); } catch (Exception $ex) { $ex = json_decode($ex->getMessage());
/** * @param string $discount_code * @return bool|array */ function get_discount_percent($discount_code) { $query = "SELECT percent FROM SHEK_discounts WHERE code = ? "; $connection = MySQLConnection::get_connection(); if ($prepare = $connection->prepare($query)) { $prepare->bind_param("s", $discountCode); $discountCode = $discount_code; if ($prepare->execute()) { $get_result = $prepare->get_result(); return is_null($result = $get_result->fetch_array()) ? false : val_($result[0]); } return false; } return -1; }
/** * This function adds meta_value to the end of existing value of that meta_key ; * @param $user_id:int * @param $meta_key:string * @param $meta_value:string * @return bool|int */ function portal_concat_user_meta($user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value) { $query = "UPDATE wp_usermeta SET meta_value = CONCAT(meta_value,?) WHERE {$user_id} = ? AND meta_key = ?"; $connection = MySQLConnection::get_connection(); if ($prepare = $connection->prepare($query)) { $prepare->bind_param("sis", $metaValue, $userId, $metaKey); $metaValue = $meta_value; $userId = $user_id; $metaKey = $meta_key; if ($prepare->execute()) { return true; } return false; } return -1; }
/** * This method adds new order to the database If that does not added before; * @return bool|int */ public function create() { $query = " INSERT INTO SHEK_orders(owner_id,title,description,status,progress,installments,price,paid,discount,"; $query .= "create_date,delivery_date,settlement_date,expire_date,conditions)VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $connection = MySQLConnection::get_connection(); // checking if this is a duplicate order if ($check_prepare = $connection->prepare("SELECT id FROM SHEK_orders WHERE owner_id = ? AND title = ?")) { $check_prepare->bind_param("is", $ID, $checkTitle); $ID = $this->owner_id; $checkTitle = $this->title; if ($check_prepare->execute()) { $check_get_result = $check_prepare->get_result(); if (!is_null($check_get_result->fetch_array())) { return "-1"; } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } if ($prepare = $connection->prepare($query)) { $prepare->bind_param("issiisiidsssss", $ownerId, $Title, $Description, $Status, $Progress, $Installments, $Price, $Paid, $Discount, $createDate, $deliveryDate, $settlementDate, $expireDate, $Conditions); $ownerId = $this->owner_id; $Title = $this->title; $Description = $this->description; $Status = $this->status; $Progress = $this->progress; $Installments = $this->installments; $Price = $this->price; $Paid = $this->paid; $Discount = $this->discount; $createDate = date("Y/m/d H:i:s"); $deliveryDate = $this->delivery_date; $settlementDate = $this->settlement_date; $expireDate = $this->expire_date; $Conditions = $this->conditions; if ($prepare->execute()) { $this->id = $connection->insert_id; $this->add_invoices(); return true; } return -1; } return -1; }
<?php defined("MYSQLCLASS") || define("MYSQLCLASS", true); require_once '../__Classes/class.MySQL.php'; defined("FAKE") || define("FAKE", true); require_once "../common/fake_handler.php"; defined("USERGETTER") || define("USERGETTER", true); require_once "../common/get_user.php"; defined("COMMONC") || define("COMMONC", true); require_once "../common/users_common.php"; if (get_user_from_cookie()) { header("Location: ../dashboard"); exit; } if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $connection = MySQLConnection::get_connection(); $query = $connection->query("SELECT ID FROM wp_users WHERE user_email = '" . $_POST['email'] . "'"); if (is_null($id = $query->fetch_array())) { echo "0"; exit; } else { if ($meta = portal_get_user_meta($id[0], "forget-password")) { $meta_array = explode("|", $meta); $date_create = date_create($meta_array[count($meta_array) - 1]); $date = date_format($date_create, "Y/m/d H:i:s"); $new_date = date("Y/m/d H:i:s", strtotime("-7 days")); if ($new_date < $date) { echo "شما به تازگی پسورد خود را بازیابی کرده اید.امکان بازیابی دوباره ی رمز عبور پیش از یک هفته وجود ندارد"; exit; } }
<?php require_once "classes/MySQLConnection.php"; if (isset($_POST['username'])) { $connection = new MySQLConnection(); $connection->connect(); $username = $_POST['username']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM mymembers WHERE my_username = '******' LIMIT 1"; $query = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $uid = $row['uid']; $xml = '<user id="' . $uid . '">' . "\n"; $xml .= "\t<firstName>" . $row['first_name'] . "</firstName>\n"; $xml .= "\t<lastName>" . $row['last_name'] . "</lastName>\n"; $xml .= "\t<country>" . $row['country'] . "</country>\n"; $xml .= "\t<statusMessage>" . $row['status_message'] . "</statusMessage>\n"; $xml .= "</user>\n"; } echo $xml; $connection->close(); exit; } ?>
/** * Execute any statement * * @param mixed* args * @return rdbms.mysql.MySQLResultSet or FALSE to indicate failure * @throws rdbms.SQLException */ public function query() { $args = func_get_args(); $sql = $this->_prepare($args); $res = parent::query($sql); if (TRUE !== $res || !$this->shadow) { return $res; } // Get the affected rows / insert_id of the query on the bugs db to check for // midway collisions. Otherwise you get the affected rows / insert_id of the // shadow db insert $this->_affected = mysql_affected_rows($this->handle); $this->_insert_id = mysql_insert_id($this->handle); // This was an SQL update, insert or delete, or: something that does // not return a resultset. Write it into the shadow log mysql_query($this->_prepare(array('insert into shadowlog (command) values (%s)', $sql)), $this->handle); return $res; }
/** * returns an array of Invoice objects; * @param int $limit * @return array|void */ function get_invoices($limit = 1000) { defined("INVOICECLASS") || define("INVOICECLASS", true); require_once "../__Classes/class.Invoice.php"; $query = "SELECT * FROM Shek_invoices ORDER BY create_date DESC LIMIT " . strval($limit); $connection = MySQLConnection::get_connection(); $query_object = $connection->query($query); if ($query_object->num_rows < 1) { return; } $final_result = array(); while ($result = $query_object->fetch_assoc()) { array_push($final_result, new Invoice($result)); } return $final_result; }
<?php $root = realpath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]); include_once $root . "/Gestarea/util/MySQLConnection.php"; include_once $root . "/Gestarea/modelo/service/ServiceTarea.php"; $msql = new MySQLConnection(); $connection = $msql->getConnection(); $sql = "SELECT ID, FECHA_ALTA, DESCRIPCION, FECHA_INICIO, HORA_INICIO, FECHA_FIN, HORA_FIN, HORAS_TAREA, TOTAL_HORAS FROM TAREA \r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID = '1'"; $connection->query($sql); if ($row = $result->num_rows > 0) { echo $row["ID"]; $tarea = new tarea($row["ID"], $row["FECHA_ALTA"], $row["DESCRIPCION"], $row["FECHA_INICIO"], $row["HORA_INICIO"], $row["FECHA_FIN"], $row["HORA_FIN"], $row["HORAS_TAREA"], $row["TOTAL_HORAS"]); } $msql->close();
public static function get_timezone_offset() { if (defined("TIMEZONE_OFFSET")) { return TIMEZONE_OFFSET; } //Get settings $settings = null; $result = MySQLQueries::get_settings(false); $row = MySQLConnection::fetch_object($result); if (isset($row->data)) { $row->data = json_decode($row->data); } $settings = $row; if (isset($settings->data->timezone_offset)) { if (isset($settings->data->timezone_daylight_savings) && $settings->data->timezone_daylight_savings) { $hours = substr($settings->data->timezone_offset, 0, 3); $offsetted_hours = $hours + 1; if ($offsetted_hours < 0 && substr($offsetted_hours, 0, 1) == "-") { $offsetted_hours = "-" . str_pad(str_replace("-", "", $offsetted_hours), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } else { $offsetted_hours = "+" . str_pad($offsetted_hours, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } define("TIMEZONE_OFFSET", str_replace($hours, $offsetted_hours, $settings->data->timezone_offset)); } else { define("TIMEZONE_OFFSET", $settings->data->timezone_offset); } } else { define("TIMEZONE_OFFSET", "+00:00"); } return TIMEZONE_OFFSET; }
public static function get_db_version() { $SQL = "SELECT `current`\n\t\t\t FROM db_version"; return MySQLConnection::query($SQL); }
<?php include "functions.lib.php"; include "database.lib.php"; include "classes.php"; session_start(); // local copy //$db = new MySQLConnection("p:", "riccardo", "DyuAH2vBVGYYD3Yy", "registro_elettronico"); // seeweb copy //$db = new MySQLConnection("", "admin", "oiQu1ea2", "registro_elettronico", "3306"); //$db->set_charset("utf-8"); // keliweb copy $db = new MySQLConnection("localhost", "rbachisn_reg", "C}iyHFFRX^Pg", "rbachisn_regelett", "3306"); $db->set_charset("utf-8"); //print "Connection ok"; /*inserisco la visita $page = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]; $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $tipo_utente = "anonimo"; $uid = 0; $uri = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; if(isset($_SESSION['__uid__'])){ $uid = $_SESSION['__uid__']; if($_SESSION['__parent'] == 1) $tipo_utente = "genitore"; else if($_SESSION['__student__'] == 1) $tipo_utente = "studente"; else $tipo_utente = "scuola"; } $ins = "INSERT INTO visite (data_ora, ip_address, page, utente, tipo_utente, uri) VALUES (NOW(), '$ip', '$page', $uid, '$tipo_utente', '$uri')";
public static function get_db_version() { $result = MySQLQueries::get_db_version(); if ($result !== false) { $row = MySQLConnection::fetch_object($result); return $row->current; } return null; }
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. */ $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] !== "/controller.php" ? require_once __DIR__ . "/classes/Requires.php" : (Links::$pretty = true); Functions::check_required_parameters(array($_GET['param1'])); //Get recipe $result = MySQLQueries::get_recipe($_GET['param1']); $recipe = MySQLConnection::fetch_object($result); $recipe = Functions::format_dates($recipe); $interpreters = array("shell", "bash", "perl", "python", "node.js"); Header::set_title(" - Edit Recipe"); Header::render(array("chosen", "codemirror")); Navigation::render("recipes"); ?> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="span12"> <h1 class="header" style="float: left;"><?php echo $recipe->name; ?> </h1>
/** * @param int $user_id * @param string $new_email * @return bool */ function update_user_email($user_id, $new_email) { $query = "UPDATE wp_users SET user_email = ? WHERE ID = ?"; $connection = MySQLConnection::get_connection(); if ($prepare = $connection->prepare($query)) { $prepare->bind_param("si", $newEmail, $id); $newEmail = $new_email; $id = $user_id; if ($prepare->execute()) { if (portal_get_user_meta($user_id, "change-email") !== false) { portal_concat_user_meta($user_id, "change-email", date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . "|"); } else { portal_add_user_meta($user_id, "change-email", date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . "|"); } return true; } } return false; }
/** * This method adds current ticket to the database; * @return bool|int */ public function create() { $query = "INSERT INTO SHEK_tickets(applicant_id,related_ticket,related_order,status,create_date,title,content,"; $query .= "attachments,other,tracking_code,department) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $connection = MySQLConnection::get_connection(); if ($prepare = $connection->prepare($query)) { $prepare->bind_param("iiiissssssi", $apId, $relatedTicket, $relatedOrder, $Status, $crDate, $Title, $Content, $attch, $Other, $trCode, $department); $apId = $this->applicant_id; $relatedTicket = $this->related_ticket; $relatedOrder = $this->related_order; $Status = $this->status; $crDate = date("Y/m/d H:i:s"); $Title = $this->title; $Content = $this->content; $attch = $this->attachments; $Other = $this->other; $trCode = $this->tracking_code; $department = $this->department; if ($prepare->execute()) { $this->id = $connection->insert_id; return true; } return false; } return -1; }
/** * This method adds invoice to the database if not exists.If exists, update that; * @return bool|int */ public function create() { $query = "INSERT INTO Shek_invoices(owner_id,order_id,price,discount,create_date,expire_date,settlement_date,"; $query .= "status,installment_number) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $connection = MySQLConnection::get_connection(); if ($check_prepare = $connection->prepare("SELECT id FROM Shek_invoices WHERE owner_id = ? AND order_id = ? AND installment_number = ?")) { $check_prepare->bind_param("iii", $owner_Id, $order_Id, $instNum); $owner_Id = $this->owner_id; $order_Id = $this->order_id; $instNum = $this->installment_number; if ($check_prepare->execute()) { $check_get_result = $check_prepare->get_result(); if (!is_null($check_get_result->fetch_array())) { $this->update(); exit; } } else { return false; } } if ($prepare = $connection->prepare($query)) { $prepare->bind_param("iiidsssii", $ownerId, $orderId, $Price, $Discount, $CreateDate, $exDate, $setDate, $Status, $instNumber); $ownerId = $this->related_user(); $orderId = $this->related_order(); $Price = $this->get_price(); $Discount = $this->get_discount_percent(); $CreateDate = $this->get_create_date(); $exDate = $this->get_expire_date(); $setDate = $this->get_settlement_date(); $Status = $this->status; $instNumber = $this->installment_number; if ($prepare->execute()) { $this->id = $connection->insert_id; return true; } return -1; } return -1; }
private function __construct() { MySQLConnection::$_instance = new mysqli(PORTAL_DB_HOST, PORTAL_DB_USERNAME, PORTAL_DB_PASSWORD, PORTAL_DB_NAME); }
# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. */ $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] !== "/controller.php" ? require_once __DIR__ . "/classes/Requires.php" : (Links::$pretty = true); $diffs_to_execute = array(); if ($handle = opendir(__DIR__ . "/schema/diffs")) { while (false !== ($diff = readdir($handle))) { if ($diff != "." && $diff != "..") { $diff = basename($diff, ".sql"); if (version_compare($diff, Version::db, ">=")) { $diffs_to_execute[] = $diff; } } } closedir($handle); } foreach ($diffs_to_execute as $diff) { $SQL = str_replace("\n", "", file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/schema/diffs/" . $diff . ".sql")); MySQLConnection::multi_query($SQL) or Error::db_halt(500, 'internal server error', 'Unable to execute request, SQL query error.', __FUNCTION__, MySQLConnection::error(), $SQL); } Functions::redirect("/");
<?php /* # Copyright 2012 NodeSocket, LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. */ require_once dirname(__DIR__) . "/classes/Requires.php"; $result = MySQLQueries::get_settings(); $settings = null; $result = MySQLQueries::get_settings(); $row = MySQLConnection::fetch_object($result); if (isset($row->data)) { $row->data = json_decode($row->data); } $settings = $row; Functions::format_dates($settings); echo json_encode($settings);
$relatedPosts = PostFactory::GetRelatedPosts($postid); MySQLConnection::Close($GLOBALS['mysqli']); //allow cors cors(); echo json_encode($relatedPosts); }); $app->get('/getrecentposts/', function () { require_once 'common/dbconnection.php'; require_once 'category.php'; require_once 'post.php'; require_once 'posttype.php'; require_once 'userresponse.php'; require_once 'userreply.php'; $GLOBALS['mysqli'] = MySQLConnection::Open(); $relatedPosts = PostFactory::GetRecentPosts(); MySQLConnection::Close($GLOBALS['mysqli']); //allow cors cors(); echo json_encode($relatedPosts); }); $app->run(); class User { public function __construct($username, $password) { $this->UserName = $username; $this->Password = $password; if ($username == 'gapeterb' && $password == 'danielb') { $this->IsValidUser = TRUE; } }