예제 #1
  * Sets up form for display to user
  * @global object $CFG Moodle global config
  * @version 2015062901
  * @since 2011042601
 public function definition()
     global $CFG;
     global $PAGE;
     $accountDAO = new TxttoolsAccountDAO();
     $accountCount = $accountDAO->countTxttoolsRecords();
     $PAGE->requires->yui_module('moodle-block_moodletxt-admin', 'M.block_moodletxt.admin.init');
     $installForm =& $this->_form;
     // We need a list of users that can be default inboxes,
     // for the user to choose from for this initial account
     $defaultInboxUsers = get_users_by_capability(context_system::instance(), 'block/moodletxt:defaultinbox');
     $admins = get_admins();
     foreach ($admins as $admin) {
         $defaultInboxUsers[$admin->id] = $admin;
     $defaultInboxList = array();
     foreach ($defaultInboxUsers as $defaultInboxUser) {
         $defaultInboxList[$defaultInboxUser->id] = MoodletxtStringHelper::formatNameForDisplay($defaultInboxUser->firstname, $defaultInboxUser->lastname, $defaultInboxUser->username);
     $ctxtInstances = array();
     $ctxtInstances[TxttoolsAccount::$UK_LOCATION] = TxttoolsAccount::$UK_LOCATION . ' - ' . TxttoolsAccount::$UK_URL;
     $ctxtInstances[TxttoolsAccount::$US_LOCATION] = TxttoolsAccount::$US_LOCATION . ' - ' . TxttoolsAccount::$US_URL;
     $ctxtInstances['URL'] = 'Custom';
     // Txttools account
     $installForm->addElement('header', 'addAccount', get_string('adminlabeladdaccount', 'block_moodletxt'));
     if ($accountCount < 1) {
         $installForm->addElement('select', 'accountCtxtInstance', get_string('adminaccountctxtinstance', 'block_moodletxt'), $ctxtInstances);
         $installForm->setType('accountCtxtInstance', PARAM_STRINGID);
         $installForm->addElement('text', 'accountUrl', get_string('adminaccounturl', 'block_moodletxt'));
         $installForm->setType('accountUrl', PARAM_URL);
     $installForm->addElement('text', 'accountName', get_string('adminlabelaccusername', 'block_moodletxt'), array('maxlength' => 20));
     $installForm->setType('accountName', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT);
     $installForm->addRule('accountName', get_string('errornousername', 'block_moodletxt'), 'required');
     $installForm->addElement('password', 'accountPassword1', get_string('adminlabelaccpassword', 'block_moodletxt'));
     $installForm->setType('accountPassword1', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT);
     $installForm->addRule('accountPassword1', get_string('errornopassword', 'block_moodletxt'), 'required');
     $installForm->addRule('accountPassword1', get_string('errorpasswordtooshort', 'block_moodletxt'), 'minlength', 8);
     $installForm->addElement('password', 'accountPassword2', get_string('adminlabelaccpassword2', 'block_moodletxt'));
     $installForm->setType('accountPassword2', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT);
     $installForm->addRule('accountPassword2', get_string('errornopassword', 'block_moodletxt'), 'required');
     $installForm->addRule('accountPassword2', get_string('errorpasswordtooshort', 'block_moodletxt'), 'minlength', 8);
     $installForm->addElement('text', 'accountDescription', get_string('adminlabelaccdesc', 'block_moodletxt'));
     $installForm->setType('accountDescription', PARAM_TEXT);
     $installForm->addElement('select', 'accountDefaultInbox', get_string('adminlabelaccinbox', 'block_moodletxt'), $defaultInboxList);
     $installForm->setType('accountDefaultInbox', PARAM_INT);
     // Buttons
     $buttonarray = array();
     $buttonarray[] =& $installForm->createElement('submit', 'submitButton', get_string('adminbutaddaccount', 'block_moodletxt'));
     $installForm->addGroup($buttonarray, 'buttonar', '', array(' '), false);
  * Override of standard Moodle function - allows for this
  * element to have additional recipients selected that were not 
  * in the form when it first loaded.
  * @param array $submitValues Data submitted to form
  * @param boolean $assoc Whether to return the value(s) as associative array
  * @return mixed The selected and valid value(s) of the element
  * @version 2012100301
  * @since 2012100301
 public function exportValue(&$submitValues, $assoc = false)
     $value = $this->_findValue($submitValues);
     // Get values of element to iterate over
     if (is_null($value)) {
         $value = $this->getValue();
     } else {
         if (!is_array($value)) {
             $value = array($value);
     $cleanValues = null;
     // Values should only be allowed into the form data
     // if they are part of the initial value set,
     // or if they begin with the fragment "add#", which
     // denotes an additional recipient being dynamically added
     // to the composition form
     if (is_array($value) && !empty($this->_options)) {
         foreach ($value as $v) {
             for ($i = 0, $optCount = count($this->_options); $i < $optCount; $i++) {
                 // Passed values are compound - look for recipient type
                 $explodedValue = explode("#", $v);
                 if ($v == $this->_options[$i]['attr']['value'] || $explodedValue[0] === 'add') {
                     $cleanValues[] = $v;
                     // Dynamically added contacts must be persisted
                     // to the internal options array. After this point,
                     // the form will consider them to be valid and treat them
                     // as any other option in the form. Hurrah!
                     if ($explodedValue[0] === 'add') {
                         $this->_options[] = array('text' => MoodletxtStringHelper::formatNameForDisplay($explodedValue[3], $explodedValue[2], null, null, null, $explodedValue[1]), 'attr' => array('value' => $v));
     } else {
         $cleanValues = $value;
     if (is_array($cleanValues) && !$this->getMultiple()) {
         return $this->_prepareValue($cleanValues[0], $assoc);
     } else {
         return $this->_prepareValue($cleanValues, $assoc);
예제 #3
파일: send.php 프로젝트: educacionbe/campus
 * If the user has selected a message source for reply on
 * the inbox page, process it here
$unknownString = get_string('fragunknownname', 'block_moodletxt');
if ($replyType != '' && $replyValue != '') {
    switch ($replyType) {
        case 'user':
            $initialData['recipients'] = 'u#' . $replyValue;
        case 'contact':
            $initialData['recipients'] = array('ab#' . $replyValue);
        case 'additional':
            $recipientValue = 'add#' . $replyValue . '#' . $unknownString . '#' . $unknownString;
            $potentialRecipients[$recipientValue] = array(MoodletxtStringHelper::formatNameForDisplay($unknownString, $unknownString, null, null, null, $replyValue), array());
            $initialData['recipients'] = array($recipientValue);
//$sendForm = new MoodletxtSendMessageForm(null, $customData, 'post', '', array('id' => 'messageForm')); // Would work, except Moodle overrides IDs...
$sendForm = new MoodletxtSendMessageForm(null, $customData);
// Check for submitted data
$formData = $sendForm->get_data();
if ($formData != null) {
    $moodleUsers = array();
    $moodleUserGroups = array();
    $addressBookContacts = array();
    $addressBookGroups = array();
예제 #4
$PAGE->requires->jquery_plugin('moodletxt-json', 'block_moodletxt');
$PAGE->requires->js('/blocks/moodletxt/js/received.js', true);
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call('receiveCourseId', array($courseId));
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call('receiveInstanceId', array($instanceId));
$output = $PAGE->get_renderer('block_moodletxt');
 * Inline form for message controls
$userList = array_merge(get_users_by_capability(context_system::instance(), 'block/moodletxt:receivemessages'), get_users_by_capability(context_course::instance($courseId), 'block/moodletxt:receivemessages'));
$userArray = array(0 => '');
foreach ($userList as $thisUser) {
    // Don't add the current user to the destination list
    if ($thisUser->id == $USER->id) {
    $userArray[$thisUser->id] = MoodletxtStringHelper::formatNameForDisplay($thisUser->firstname, $thisUser->lastname, $thisUser->username);
$GLOBALS['_HTML_QuickForm_default_renderer'] = new InlineFormRenderer();
$customData = array('userlist' => $userArray);
$inboxForm = new MoodletxtInboundControlForm(null, $customData, 'post', '', array('class' => 'mdltxt_left'));
 * Create results table
$table = new flexible_table('blocks-moodletxt-inboxmessages');
$table->define_baseurl($CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/moodletxt/received.php?course=' . $courseId . '&instance=' . $instanceId);
// Required in 2.2 for export
$table->set_attribute('id', 'mdltxtReceivedMessagesList');
$table->set_attribute('class', 'generaltable generalbox boxaligncenter boxwidthwide mtxtCentredCells');
if ($download != '') {
    $table->is_downloading($download, get_string('exportsheetinbox', 'block_moodletxt'), get_string('exporttitleinbox', 'block_moodletxt'));
예제 #5
  * Returns the recipients full name, formatted for screen display
  * @return string Recipient's full name, display formatted
  * @version 2013052301
  * @since 2012031401
 public function getFullNameForDisplay($linkifyUsername = false)
     $userId = $linkifyUsername ? $this->getId() : 0;
     return MoodletxtStringHelper::formatNameForDisplay($this->getFirstName(), $this->getLastName(), $this->getUsername(), null, $userId);
예제 #6
  * Returns a full-name string to be used
  * in page table displays
  * @return string Recipient's full name, display formatted
  * @version 2013052301
  * @since 2010082001
 public function getFullNameForDisplay()
     return MoodletxtStringHelper::formatNameForDisplay($this->getFirstName(), $this->getLastName());
  * Gets the message source's name, formatted for display
  * @return string Formatted source name
  * @version 2013052301
  * @since 2012042401
 public function getSourceNameForDisplay()
     if ($this->associatedSource instanceof MoodletxtRecipient) {
         return $this->associatedSource->getFullNameForDisplay();
     } else {
         return MoodletxtStringHelper::formatNameForDisplay($this->getSourceFirstName(), $this->getSourceLastName());