예제 #1
if (!isset($_REQUEST['Body']) || empty($_REQUEST['Body']) || !isset($_REQUEST['From']) || empty($_REQUEST['From'])) {
    header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);
    echo "unknown number or invalid body";
$messageBody = '' . trim($_REQUEST['Body']);
$receivedFrom = '' . trim($_REQUEST['From']);
$timeIs = time() - strtotime("today");
//seconds since midnight
$dayOfWeekIs = date('N');
// 7 == Sunday
$TIME_NOON = 43200;
$TIME_LAST_CALL = 64875;
$mm->logMessage($receivedFrom, $messageBody);
// ================================ Do stuff with the message  ================================ //
// are we in the correct time slot (Sunday)
if (7 == $dayOfWeekIs && $timeIs > 43200 && $timeIs < 64875) {
    // is this the buyer?
    $theBuyer = $mm->getWeekBuyer();
    if ($theBuyer['number'] == $receivedFrom) {
        // check to make sure they have not verified already
        if (NULL !== $mm->getIsWeekStatusSet()) {
            $mm->setSendMessage($receivedFrom, 'Sorry, you\'ve already replied a status for this week!');
            header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' OK', true, 200);
        // is this a confirmation from the buyer?
        if ('yes' == strtolower(substr($messageBody, 0, 4))) {
            $mm->setSendMessageToAll("Kudos to {$theBuyer['name']}! Monster Monday is a go.");