function boucleCommande($texte, $args) { $commande = new Commande(); // récupération des arguments $commande_id = lireTag($args, "id", "int"); $commande_ref = lireTag($args, "ref", "string"); $client_id = lireTag($args, "client", "int"); $statut = lireTag($args, "statut", "string"); $classement = lireTag($args, "classement", "string"); $statutexcl = lireTag($args, "statutexcl", "int_list"); $deb = lireTag($args, "deb", "int"); $num = lireTag($args, "num", "int"); if ($commande_ref == "" && $client_id == "") { return; } $search = ""; $order = ""; $limit = ""; $res = ""; // preparation de la requete if ($commande_id != "") { $search .= " and id=\"{$commande_id}\""; } if ($commande_ref != "") { $search .= " and ref=\"{$commande_ref}\""; } if ($client_id != "") { $search .= " and client=\"{$client_id}\""; } if ($statutexcl != "") { $search .= " and statut not in ({$statutexcl})"; } if ($statut != "" && $statut != "paye") { $search .= " and statut=\"{$statut}\""; } else { if ($statut == "paye") { $search .= " and statut>\"1\" and statut<>\"5\""; } } if ($deb == "") { $deb = 0; } if ($num != "") { $limit = "limit {$deb},{$num}"; } if ($classement == "inverse") { $order = "order by date"; } else { $order = "order by date desc"; } $query = "select * from {$commande->table} where 1 {$search} {$order} {$limit}"; $statutdesc = new Statutdesc(); $venteprod = new Venteprod(); $resul = CacheBase::getCache()->query($query); if (empty($resul)) { return ""; } foreach ($resul as $row) { $jour = substr($row->date, 8, 2); $mois = substr($row->date, 5, 2); $annee = substr($row->date, 0, 4); $heure = substr($row->date, 11, 2); $minute = substr($row->date, 14, 2); $seconde = substr($row->date, 17, 2); $jour_livraison = substr($row->datelivraison, 8, 2); $mois_livraison = substr($row->datelivraison, 5, 2); $annee_livraison = substr($row->datelivraison, 0, 4); $datelivraison = $jour_livraison . "/" . $mois_livraison . "/" . $annee_livraison; $datefacturation = $row->datefact == '0000-00-00' ? '' : substr($row->datefact, 8, 2) . "/" . substr($row->datefact, 5, 2) . "/" . substr($row->datefact, 0, 4); $query2 = "\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsum(prixu*quantite) as totalttc,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsum(prixu*quantite / (1 + tva / 100)) as totalht\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$venteprod->table}\n\t\t\t\t\twhere\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcommande='{$row->id}'\n\t\t\t\t"; $resul2 = CacheBase::getCache()->query($query2); $totalarticlesttc = $resul2[0]->totalttc; $totalarticlesht = $resul2[0]->totalht; if ($totalarticlesttc != 0) { $pourcremise = $row->remise / $totalarticlesttc * 100; } else { $pourcremise = 0; } $total = $totalarticlesttc - $row->remise; $port = $row->port; $totcmdport = $row->port + $total; $statutdesc->charger($row->statut); $temp = str_replace("#ID", "{$row->id}", $texte); $temp = str_replace("#ADRESSE", "{$row->adrfact}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#ADRFACT", "{$row->adrfact}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#ADRLIVR", "{$row->adrlivr}", $temp); if ($jour_livraison != "00") { $temp = str_replace("#DATELIVRAISON", $jour_livraison . "/" . $mois_livraison . "/" . $annee_livraison, $temp); } else { $temp = str_replace("#DATELIVRAISON", "", $temp); } $temp = str_replace("#DATEFACTURATION", $datefacturation, $temp); $temp = str_replace("#DATE", $jour . "/" . $mois . "/" . $annee, $temp); $temp = str_replace("#REF", "{$row->ref}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#ADRFACT", "{$row->adrfact}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#ADRLIVR", "{$row->adrlivr}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#FACTURE", "{$row->facture}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#TRANSACTION", "{$row->transaction}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#REMISE", formatter_somme($row->remise), $temp); $temp = str_replace("#STATUTID", "{$row->statut}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#STATUT", "{$statutdesc->titre}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#PORT", formatter_somme($port), $temp); $temp = str_replace("#COMDEVISE", "{$row->devise}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#TAUX", "{$row->taux}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#COLIS", "{$row->colis}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#LIVRAISON", "{$row->livraison}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#CLIENT", "{$row->client}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#TOTALARTICLESTTC", formatter_somme($totalarticlesttc), $temp); $temp = str_replace("#TOTALARTICLESHT", formatter_somme($totalarticlesht), $temp); $temp = str_replace("#POURCEREMISE", $pourcremise, $temp); $temp = str_replace("#TOTALCMD", formatter_somme($total), $temp); $temp = str_replace("#TOTCMDPORT", formatter_somme($totcmdport), $temp); $module = new Modules(); $moduledesc = new Modulesdesc(); $module->charger_id($row->transport); $moduledesc->charger($module->nom); $temp = str_replace("#TRANSPORTTITRE", $moduledesc->titre, $temp); $module->charger_id($row->paiement); $moduledesc->charger($module->nom); $temp = str_replace("#PAIEMENTTITRE", $moduledesc->titre, $temp); $temp = str_replace("#PAIEMENT", "{$row->paiement}", $temp); $temp = str_replace("#TRANSPORT", "{$row->transport}", $temp); $res .= $temp; } return $res; }
<?php echo $client->prenom; ?> </a></li> <li><?php echo $dateaff . " " . $heureaff; ?> </li> </ul> </div> <?php $moduletransport = new Modules(); $moduletransport->charger_id($commande->transport); $moduletransportdesc = new Modulesdesc(); $moduletransportdesc->charger($moduletransport->nom); ?> <div class="bordure_bottom" style="margin:0 0 10px 0;"> <div class="entete_liste_client"> <div class="titre"><?php echo trad('INFO_TRANSPORT', 'admin'); ?> </div> </div> <ul class="ligne_claire_BlocDescription"> <li class="designation" style="width:290px;"><?php echo trad('Mode_transport', 'admin'); ?> </li> <li><?php
<li class="designation" style="width:280px;"><?php echo trad('Type_transport', 'admin'); ?> </li> <li><select name="type_livraison" class="form_client"> <option value=""><?php echo trad('Choisir', 'admin'); ?> ... </option> <?php $modules = new Modules(); $query = "select * from {$modules->table} where type=2 and actif=1"; $resul = CacheBase::getCache()->mysql_query($query, $modules->link); foreach ($resul as $row) { $modulesdesc = new Modulesdesc(); $modulesdesc->charger($row->nom); ?> <option value="<?php echo $row->id; ?> "><?php echo $modulesdesc->titre; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </li> </ul> <ul class="ligne_claire_BlocDescription">
?> </li> </ul> <div class="bordure_bottom"> <?php $liste = ActionsAdminModules::instance()->lister(false, true); $idx = 0; foreach ($liste as $module) { $autorisation_modules = new Autorisation_modules(); $autorisation_modules->charger($module->id, $_GET['id']); try { if (ActionsAdminModules::instance()->est_administrable($module->nom)) { $fond = "ligne_" . ($idx % 2 ? 'fonce' : 'claire') . "_rub"; $modulesdesc = new Modulesdesc(); $modulesdesc->charger($module->id); ?> <ul class="<?php echo $fond; ?> "> <li style="width:250px;"><?php echo ActionsAdminModules::instance()->lire_titre_module($module); ?> </li> <li style="width:510px; border-left:1px solid #96A8B5;"><?php echo $modulesdesc->description; ?> </li> <li style="width:47px; border-left:1px solid #96A8B5;"><input type="checkbox" onchange="changer_droits_module(<?php echo $module->id;
require_once "pre.php"; require_once "auth.php"; if (!est_autorise("acces_configuration")) { exit; } if (!isset($lang)) { $lang = $_SESSION["util"]->lang; } if (isset($action) && $action == "modifier") { ActionsAdminModules::instance()->mise_a_jour_description($nom, $lang, $titre, $chapo, $description, $devise); } // Charger les infos modules $module = new Modules(); $module->charger($nom); $moduledesc = new Modulesdesc(); $moduledesc->charger($nom, $lang); $existe = $moduledesc->verif($nom, $lang); // Initialiser si la description n'existe pas dans cette langue. if (!$existe) { $moduledesc->lang = $lang; $moduledesc->plugin = $nom; $moduledesc->devise = 0; $moduledesc->titre = ''; $moduledesc->chapo = ''; $moduledesc->description = ''; $moduledesc->devise = 0; } // Charger les devises $devises = array(); $result = mysql_query('select * from ' . Devise::TABLE . ' order by nom'); while ($result && ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))) {