public function testNothingToAll()
     $t = new ModerationTestsuite();
     $entry = $t->getSampleEntry();
     $error = $t->html->getModerationError($entry->rejectAllLink);
     $this->assertEquals('(moderation-nothing-to-rejectall)', $error);
     $error = $t->html->getModerationError($entry->approveAllLink);
     $this->assertEquals('(moderation-nothing-to-approveall)', $error);
 	@covers ModerationCheckUserHook
 public function testPreverveUserAgent()
     global $wgSpecialPages;
     $t = new ModerationTestsuite();
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     if (!array_key_exists('CheckUser', $wgSpecialPages) || !$dbw->tableExists('cu_changes')) {
         $this->markTestIncomplete('Test skipped: CheckUser extension must be installed to run it.');
     $moderatorUA = 'UserAgent of Moderator/1.0';
     $userUA = 'UserAgent of UnprivilegedUser/1.0';
     # When the edit is approved, cu_changes.cuc_agent field should
     # contain UserAgent of user who made the edit,
     # not UserAgent or the moderator who approved it.
     $entry = $t->getSampleEntry();
     $row = $dbw->selectRow('cu_changes', array('cuc_agent AS agent'), array('1'), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'cuc_id DESC', 'LIMIT' => 1));
     $this->assertNotEquals($moderatorUA, $row->agent, "testPreverveUserAgent(): UserAgent in checkuser tables matches moderator's UserAgent");
     $this->assertEquals($userUA, $row->agent, "testPreverveUserAgent(): UserAgent in checkuser tables doesn't match UserAgent of user who made the edit");
 public function testBlock()
     $t = new ModerationTestsuite();
     $entry = $t->getSampleEntry('Test page 1');
     $this->assertNotNull($entry->blockLink, "testBlock(): Block link not found for non-blocked user");
     $this->assertNull($entry->unblockLink, "testBlock(): Unblock link found for non-blocked user");
     $this->assertRegExp('/\\(moderation-block-ok: ' . preg_quote($entry->user) . '\\)/', $t->html->getMainText(), "testBlock(): Result page doesn't contain (moderation-block-ok)");
     # Now that the user is blocked, try to edit
     $t->doTestEdit('Test page 2');
     $this->assertCount(0, $t->new_entries, "testBlock(): Something was added into Pending folder when queueing an edit from spammer");
     $this->assertCount(0, $t->deleted_entries, "testBlock(): Something was deleted from Pending folder when queueing an edit from spammer");
     $this->assertCount(1, $t->new_entries, "testBlock(): One edit from spammer was queued for moderation, but number of added entries in Spam folder isn't 1");
     $this->assertCount(0, $t->deleted_entries, "testBlock(): Something was deleted from Spam folder during the queueing");
     $entry = $t->new_entries[0];
     $this->assertEquals($t->lastEdit['User'], $entry->user);
     $this->assertEquals($t->lastEdit['Title'], $entry->title);
     $this->assertFalse($entry->rejected_batch, "testBlock(): Edit rejected automatically has rejected_batch flag ON");
     $this->assertTrue($entry->rejected_auto, "testBlock(): Edit rejected automatically edit has rejected_auto flag OFF");
     $this->assertNull($entry->blockLink, "testBlock(): Block link found for blocked user");
     $this->assertNotNull($entry->unblockLink, "testBlock(): Unblock link not found for blocked user");
     $this->assertNull($entry->rejectLink, "testBlock(): Reject link found for already rejected edit");
     $this->assertNull($entry->rejectAllLink, "testBlock(): RejectAll link found for already rejected edit");
     $this->assertNull($entry->approveAllLink, "testBlock(): ApproveAll link found for already rejected edit");
     # Check 'block' log entry
     $events = $t->apiLogEntries();
     $this->assertCount(1, $events, "testBlock(): Wrong number of log entries after modaction=block.");
     $le = $events[0];
     $this->assertEquals('block', $le['action'], "testBlock(): Most recent log entry is not 'block'");
     $this->assertEquals($t->moderator->getName(), $le['user']);
     $this->assertEquals($t->unprivilegedUser->getUserPage(), $le['title']);
     $events = $t->nonApiLogEntries(1);
     $this->assertEquals('block', $events[0]['type']);
     $this->assertEquals($t->moderator->getName(), $events[0]['params'][1]);
     $this->assertEquals($t->unprivilegedUser->getUserPage()->getText(), $events[0]['params'][2]);
     # Unblock the user
     $this->assertRegExp('/\\(moderation-unblock-ok: ' . preg_quote($entry->user) . '\\)/', $t->html->getMainText(), "testBlock(): Result page doesn't contain (moderation-unblock-ok)");
     # Check that the user is no longer considered a spammer...
     $t->doTestEdit('Test page 3');
     $this->assertCount(0, $t->new_entries, "testBlock(): Something was added into Spam folder when queueing an edit from non-spammer");
     $this->assertCount(0, $t->deleted_entries, "testBlock(): Something was deleted from Spam folder when queueing an edit from non-spammer");
     $this->assertCount(1, $t->new_entries, "testBlock(): One edit from non-spammer was queued for moderation, but number of added entries in Pending folder isn't 1");
     $this->assertCount(0, $t->deleted_entries, "testBlock(): Something was deleted from Pending folder when queueing an edit from non-spammer");
     $entry = $t->new_entries[0];
     $this->assertEquals($t->lastEdit['User'], $entry->user);
     $this->assertEquals($t->lastEdit['Title'], $entry->title);
     $this->assertNotNull($entry->blockLink, "testBlock(): Block link not found for no-longer-blocked user");
     $this->assertNull($entry->unblockLink, "testBlock(): Unblock link found for no-longer-blocked user");
     # Check 'unblock' log entry
     $events = $t->apiLogEntries();
     $this->assertCount(2, $events, "testBlock(): Wrong number of log entries after modaction=unblock.");
     $le = $events[0];
     $this->assertEquals('unblock', $le['action'], "testBlock(): Most recent log entry is not 'unblock'");
     $this->assertEquals($t->moderator->getName(), $le['user']);
     $this->assertEquals($t->unprivilegedUser->getUserPage(), $le['title']);
     $events = $t->nonApiLogEntries(1);
     $this->assertEquals('unblock', $events[0]['type']);
     $this->assertEquals($t->moderator->getName(), $events[0]['params'][1]);
     $this->assertEquals($t->unprivilegedUser->getUserPage()->getText(), $events[0]['params'][2]);
 public function testApproveTimestamp()
     $t = new ModerationTestsuite();
     $entry = $t->getSampleEntry();
     $TEST_TIME_CHANGE = '6 hours';
     # in seconds
     $ts = new MWTimestamp(time());
     $ts->timestamp->modify('-' . $TEST_TIME_CHANGE);
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     $dbw->update('moderation', array('mod_timestamp' => $ts->getTimestamp(TS_MW)), array('mod_id' => $entry->id), __METHOD__);
     $rev = $this->tryToApprove($t, $entry);
     # Page history should mention the time when edit was made,
     # not when it was approved.
     $expected = $ts->getTimestamp(TS_ISO_8601);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $rev['timestamp'], "testApproveTimestamp(): approved edit has incorrect timestamp in the page history");
     # RecentChanges should mention the time when the edit was
     # approved, so that it won't "appear in the past", confusing
     # those who read RecentChanges.
     $ret = $t->query(array('action' => 'query', 'list' => 'recentchanges', 'rcprop' => 'timestamp', 'rclimit' => 1, 'rcuser' => $t->lastEdit['User']));
     $rc_timestamp = $ret['query']['recentchanges'][0]['timestamp'];
     $this->assertNotEquals($expected, $rc_timestamp, "testApproveTimestamp(): approved edit has \"appeared in the past\" in the RecentChanges");
     # Does the time in RecentChanges match the time of approval?
     # NOTE: we don't know the time of approval to the second, so
     # string comparison can't be used. Difference can be seconds
     # or even minutes (if system time is off).
     $ts->timestamp->modify('+' . $TEST_TIME_CHANGE);
     $expected = $ts->getTimestamp(TS_UNIX);
     $ts_actual = new MWTimestamp($rc_timestamp);
     $actual = $ts_actual->getTimestamp(TS_UNIX);
     $this->assertLessThan($ACCEPTABLE_DIFFERENCE, abs($expected - $actual), "testApproveTimestamp(): timestamp of approved edit in RecentChanges is too different from the time of approval");