예제 #1
 echo "\t\t<td colspan=\"4\" style=\"padding-top: 10px\">\n";
 echo "\t\t\t" . ($results ? "<input type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-danger\" value=\"Delete Selected\" onclick=\"confirmLinkDelete()\" />" : "&nbsp;");
 echo "\t\t</td>\n";
 echo "\t</tr>\n";
 echo "</tfoot>\n";
 echo "<tbody>\n";
 if ($results) {
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         $student_hidden = $result["student_hidden"];
         if ($student_hidden) {
             $link_src = "htmlh";
         } else {
             $link_src = "html";
         $link_statistics[$result["elink_id"]]["title"] = $result["link_title"];
         $link_statistics[$result["elink_id"]]["statistics"] = Models_Statistic::getEventLinkViews($result["elink_id"]);
         echo "<tr>\n";
         echo "\t<td class=\"modified\" style=\"width: 50px; white-space: nowrap\">\n";
         echo "\t\t<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete[]\" value=\"" . $result["elink_id"] . "\" style=\"vertical-align: middle\" />\n";
         echo "\t\t<a href=\"" . ENTRADA_URL . "/link-event.php?id=" . $result["elink_id"] . "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" . ENTRADA_URL . "/images/url-visit.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"Visit " . html_encode($result["link"]) . "\" title=\"Visit " . html_encode($result["link"]) . "\" style=\"vertical-align: middle\" border=\"0\" /></a>\n";
         echo "\t</td>\n";
         echo "\t<td class=\"title\" style=\"white-space: normal; overflow: visible\">\n";
         echo "<img src='" . ENTRADA_URL . "/serve-icon.php?ext=" . $link_src . "' width='16' height='16' alt='" . strtoupper($link_src) . " Document' title='" . strtoupper($link_src) . " Document' style='vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 4px' />\n";
         echo "\t\t<a " . ($student_hidden ? "class='hidden_shares'" : "") . "  href=\"#link-listing\" onclick=\"openDialog('" . ENTRADA_URL . "/api/link-wizard-event.api.php?action=edit&id=" . $EVENT_ID . "&lid=" . $result["elink_id"] . "')\" title=\"Click to edit " . html_encode($result["link"]) . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">" . ($result["link_title"] != "" ? html_encode($result["link_title"]) : $result["link"]) . "</a>\n";
         echo "\t</td>\n";
         echo "\t<td class=\"date-small\"><span class=\"content-date\">" . ((int) $result["release_date"] ? date(DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, $result["release_date"]) : "No Restrictions") . "</span></td>\n";
         echo "\t<td class=\"date-small\"><span class=\"content-date\">" . ((int) $result["release_until"] ? date(DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, $result["release_until"]) : "No Restrictions") . "</span></td>\n";
         echo "\t<td class=\"accesses\" style=\"text-align: center\"><a href=\"#link-statistic-" . $result["elink_id"] . "\" data-toggle=\"modal\" title=\"Click to see access log " . html_encode($result["accesses"]) . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">" . html_encode($result["accesses"]) . "</a></td>\n";
         echo "</tr>\n";
 } else {