public function init() { $locations = new Model_Locations(); $result = $locations->getAllProvinces(); if ($result) { $this->_list["province"][''] = "Select"; foreach ($result as $row) { $this->_list["province"][$row['pkId']] = $row['locationName']; } } //Generate $locations = new Model_Locations(); $result = $locations->getSindhDistricts(); $this->_list["district"][''] = "Select"; if ($result) { foreach ($result as $row) { $this->_list["district"][$row['pkId']] = $row['locationName']; } } $date_from = date('01/m/Y'); $date_to = date('d/m/Y'); foreach ($this->_fields as $col => $name) { switch ($col) { case "name": case "father_name": case "age": case "contact": case "address": case "item_1": case "item_2": case "item_3": case "item_4": case "item_5": case "reffers_to": case "remarks": $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array())); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "vaccination_date_from": $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control", 'readonly' => 'true', 'style' => 'position: relative; z-index: 100000;'), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array(), "value" => $date_from)); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "vaccination_date_to": $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control", 'readonly' => 'true', 'style' => 'position: relative; z-index: 100000;'), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array(), "value" => $date_to)); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; default: break; } if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_list))) { $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => true, "required" => false, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_list[$col], "validators" => array(array("validator" => "Float", "breakChainOnFailure" => false, "options" => array("messages" => array("notFloat" => $name . " must be a valid option")))))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_radio))) { $this->addElement("radio", $col, array("attribs" => array(), "allowEmpty" => true, 'separator' => '', "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array(), "multiOptions" => $this->_radio[$col], 'value' => '1')); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag")->removeDecorator("<br>"); } } }
public function init() { //Generate month Combo $this->_list["month"][''] = 'Select'; $this->_list["month"]['01'] = 'January'; $this->_list["month"]['02'] = 'February'; $this->_list["month"]['03'] = 'March'; $this->_list["month"]['04'] = 'April'; $this->_list["month"]['05'] = 'May'; $this->_list["month"]['06'] = 'June'; $this->_list["month"]['07'] = 'July'; $this->_list["month"]['08'] = 'August'; $this->_list["month"]['09'] = 'September'; $this->_list["month"]['10'] = 'October'; $this->_list["month"]['11'] = 'November'; $this->_list["month"]['12'] = 'December'; //Generate year Combo $this->_list["year"][''] = 'Select'; // for ($y = 2013; $y <= date("Y"); $y++) { // $this->_list["year"][$y] = $y; // } $this->_list["year"][date("Y")] = date("Y"); //Generate Province/Region Combo $locations = new Model_Locations(); $result = $locations->getAllProvinces(); if ($result) { $this->_list["province_region"][''] = "Select"; foreach ($result as $row) { $this->_list["province_region"][$row['pkId']] = $row['locationName']; } } //Generate Antigen(items) Combo $item_pack_sizes = new Model_ItemPackSizes(); $result2 = $item_pack_sizes->getAllVaccines(); foreach ($result2 as $item) { $this->_list["product"][''] = 'Select'; $this->_list["product"][$item['pkId']] = $item['itemName']; } foreach ($this->_fields as $col => $name) { // switch ($col) { // // case "year": // $this->addElement("text", $col, array( // "attribs" => array("class" => "form-control", 'readonly' => 'true', 'style' => 'position: relative; z-index: 100000;'), // "allowEmpty" => false, // "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), // "validators" => array(), // "value" => date("Y") // )); // $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); // break; // } if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_list))) { $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => true, "required" => false, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_list[$col], "validators" => array(array("validator" => "Float", "breakChainOnFailure" => false, "options" => array("messages" => array("notFloat" => $name . " must be a valid option")))))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } } }
public function init() { //Generate Asset Type Combo $geo_level = new Model_Locations(); $result1 = $geo_level->getStakeholderGeoLevel(); $this->_list["geo_level"][''] = "Select"; foreach ($result1 as $rs) { $this->_list["geo_level"][$rs['pkId']] = $rs['geoLevelName']; } $stakeholder_sectors = new Model_Stakeholders(); $result2 = $stakeholder_sectors->getAllSectors(); $this->_list["sector"][''] = "Select"; foreach ($result2 as $rs) { $this->_list["sector"][$rs['pkId']] = $rs['stakeholderSectorName']; } $stakeholder_activities = new Model_Stakeholders(); $result3 = $stakeholder_activities->getAllActivities(); $this->_list["activity"][''] = "Select"; foreach ($result3 as $rs) { $this->_list["activity"][$rs['pkId']] = $rs['activity']; } foreach ($this->_fields as $col => $name) { switch ($col) { case "stakeholder_name": case "stakeholder_activity": case "stakeholder_type": case "stakeholder_sector": $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array())); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; default: break; } if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_list))) { $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => true, "required" => false, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_list[$col])); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } } foreach ($this->_hidden as $col => $name) { switch ($col) { case "stakeholder_id": case "stakeholder_activity_id": case "stakeholder_type_id": case "stakeholder_sector_id": $this->addElement("hidden", $col); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; default: break; } } }
public function init() { $locations = new Model_Locations(); $uc_warehouses = $locations->getAllUCByUserId(); foreach ($uc_warehouses as $locations) { $this->_list["uc"][''] = 'Select'; $this->_list["uc"][$locations['pk_id']] = $locations['location_name']; } foreach ($this->_fields as $col => $name) { if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_list))) { $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => true, "required" => false, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_list[$col])); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } } }
public function init() { $locations = new Model_Locations(); $result2 = $locations->getAllProvinces(); foreach ($result2 as $item) { $this->_list["province"][''] = 'Select'; $this->_list["province"][$item['pkId']] = $item['locationName']; } $this->_list["district"][''] = 'Select'; $this->_list["user"][''] = 'Select'; foreach ($this->_fields as $col => $name) { if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_list))) { $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => true, "required" => false, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_list[$col])); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } switch ($col) { case "starting_on": case "working_uptil": case "from_edit": $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control", 'readonly' => 'true'), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array())); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; default: break; } if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_radio))) { $this->addElement("radio", $col, array("attribs" => array(), "allowEmpty" => true, 'separator' => '', "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array(), "multiOptions" => $this->_radio[$col])); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } } foreach ($this->_hidden as $col => $name) { switch ($col) { case "user_hidden": case "district_hidden": case "province_hidden": $this->addElement("hidden", $col); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; default: break; } } }
/** * save * @author Thomas Schedler <*****@*****.**> * @version 1.1 */ public function save() { $this->core->logger->debug('massiveart->generic->data->GenericDataTypeLocation->save()'); try { $this->getModelLocations()->setLanguageId($this->setup->getLanguageId()); $intUserId = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->id; /** * add|edit|newVersion core and instance data */ switch ($this->setup->getActionType()) { case $this->core->sysConfig->generic->actions->add: $arrCoreData = array('idGenericForms' => $this->setup->getGenFormId(), 'idUnits' => $this->setup->getParentId(), 'idUsers' => $intUserId, 'creator' => $intUserId, 'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); if (count($this->setup->CoreFields()) > 0) { foreach ($this->setup->CoreFields() as $strField => $obField) { $arrCoreData[$strField] = $obField->getValue(); } } /** * add location */ $this->setup->setElementId($this->objModelLocations->addLocation($arrCoreData)); $this->insertFileData('location', array('Id' => $this->setup->getElementId())); break; case $this->core->sysConfig->generic->actions->edit: $arrCoreData = array('idUsers' => $intUserId); if (count($this->setup->CoreFields()) > 0) { foreach ($this->setup->CoreFields() as $strField => $obField) { $arrCoreData[$strField] = $obField->getValue(); } } /** * add location */ $this->objModelLocations->editLocation($this->setup->getElementId(), $arrCoreData); $this->updateFileData('location', array('Id' => $this->setup->getElementId())); break; } return $this->setup->getElementId(); } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->core->logger->err($exc); } }
/** * getModelLocations * @return Model_Locations * @author Cornelius Hansjakob <*****@*****.**> * @version 1.0 */ protected function getModelLocations() { if (null === $this->objModelLocations) { /** * autoload only handles "library" compoennts. * Since this is an application model, we need to require it * from its modules path location. */ require_once GLOBAL_ROOT_PATH . $this->core->sysConfig->path->zoolu_modules . 'core/models/Locations.php'; $this->objModelLocations = new Model_Locations(); $this->objModelLocations->setLanguageId($this->core->intZooluLanguageId); } return $this->objModelLocations; }
public function init() { $this->addElement('captcha', 'captcha', array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), 'required' => true, 'captcha' => array('captcha' => 'Image', 'font' => PUBLIC_DIR . '/fonts/arial.ttf', 'fontSize' => '24', 'wordLen' => 5, 'height' => '50', 'width' => '150', 'imgDir' => PUBLIC_DIR . '/captcha', 'imgUrl' => Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getBaseUrl() . '/captcha', 'imgAlt' => "Captcha Image", 'messages' => array('badCaptcha' => 'Please enter the correct code'), 'dotNoiseLevel' => 50, 'lineNoiseLevel' => 5))); $this->getElement('captcha')->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); // Generate Country List Combo $locations = new Model_Locations(); $result = $locations->getCountryList(); if ($result) { $this->_list["country"][''] = "Select"; foreach ($result as $row) { $this->_list["country"][$row['country_id']] = $row['country_name']; } $this->_list["country"]['253'] = "other"; } foreach ($this->_fields as $col => $name) { switch ($col) { case "organization": $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array())); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "e_mail": $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array())); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "address": $this->addElement("textarea", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control", "rows" => "3"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array())); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; default: break; } if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_list))) { $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => true, "required" => false, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_list[$col], "validators" => array(array("validator" => "Float", "breakChainOnFailure" => false, "options" => array("messages" => array("notFloat" => $name . " must be a valid option")))))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } } }
public function getNonCcmLocationsStatusAction() { $wh_id = $this->_request->getParam('wh_id'); $locations = new Model_Locations(); $result = $locations->getNonCcmLocationsStatus($wh_id); echo Zend_Json::encode($result); }
public function compGraphOptionGeoDistrict() { /* District */ $monthval = array("JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC"); $post = $this->form_values; $products = $post['products']; $year1 = $post['yearcomp']; $provinces = $post['all_provinces']; $districts = $post['all_districts']; $optvals = $post['optvals']; $period = new Model_Period(); $period->form_values = array('id' => $post['period']); $months = $period->getPeriodById(); $rep_option = new Model_ReportOptions(); $rep_option->form_values = array('stakeholder' => 1, 'report_id' => $post['indicators'], 'report_comp' => $optvals); $query = $rep_option->getReportDataSql(); $title = $query->getReportTitleSql(); $location = new Model_Locations(); $loc_name = array(); if (!empty($provinces)) { $location->form_values = array("pk_id" => $provinces); $province_name = $location->getLocationName(); } foreach ($districts as $dist_id) { $location->form_values = array("pk_id" => $dist_id); $loc_name[] = $location->getLocationName(); } $location_name = implode(",", $loc_name); for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($products); $k++) { $product_obj = new Model_ItemPackSizes(); $product_obj->form_values['pk_id'] = $products[$k]; $product_name = $product_obj->getProductName(); list($indicator, $compare_options) = explode("-", str_replace("Report", "Graph", str_replace("Province", "Provincial", $title))); $graph_caption = $indicator . " of " . $product_name; if ($optvals == 1) { $graph_subcaption = $compare_options; } elseif ($optvals == 2) { $graph_subcaption = "Provincial " . $compare_options . " for " . $location_name; } elseif ($optvals == 3) { $graph_subcaption = "District " . $compare_options . " for " . $location_name; } elseif ($optvals == 7) { $graph_subcaption = "" . $compare_options . " for " . $location_name; } elseif ($optvals == 8) { $graph_subcaption = "" . $compare_options . " for " . $province_name . "(" . $location_name . ")"; } $xmlstore = "<chart exportEnabled='1' labelDisplay='rotate' slantLabels='1' yAxisMaxValue='100' exportAction='Download' caption='" . $graph_caption . "' subCaption='" . $graph_subcaption . "' exportFileName='" . $title . " - " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " - " . $location_name . " - " . $product_name . "' yAxisName='Doses' numberSuffix='' showValues='1' formatNumberScale='0' theme='fint'>"; $xmlstore .= "<categories>"; for ($i = $months->getBeginMonth(); $i <= $months->getEndMonth(); $i++) { $month_name = $monthval[$i - 1]; $xmlstore .= "<category label='{$month_name}' />"; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($districts); $j++) { $location_obj = new Model_Locations(); $location_obj->form_values['product_id'] = $districts[$j]; $loc_name = $location_obj->getLocationById(); $sql = "select " . str_replace("\$i", $i, $query->getReportDataSql()) . " as xyz from dual "; $sql = str_replace("\$year1", $year1, $sql); $sql = str_replace("'\$products[\$k]'", "'" . $products[$j] . "'", $sql); $sql = str_replace("\$seluser", 1, $sql); $sql = str_replace("\$provinces[0]", $provinces, $sql); $sql = str_replace("\$dists[\$j]", $districts[$j], $sql); $dbg_sql .= $sql . '<br>'; //echo $sql."; "; $str_sql = $this->_em->getConnection()->prepare($sql); $str_sql->execute(); $row = $str_sql->fetchAll(); if (!empty($row)) { $res = explode('*', $row[0]['xyz']); $row_data = $res[$query->getReportDataPosition()] / 1; $filedata1[$loc_name][$monthval[$i - 1]] = $row_data; } } } //exit; //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($filedata1); //exit; $xmlstore .= "</categories>"; foreach ($filedata1 as $key1 => $value1) { $xmlstore .= "<dataset seriesName='{$key1}'>"; foreach ($value1 as $val2) { $xmlstore .= "<set value='" . $val2 . "' />"; } $xmlstore .= "</dataset>"; } $xmlstore .= "</chart>"; $xmlstore_array[] = $xmlstore; } //var_dump($xmlstore_array); //exit; return $xmlstore_array; }
public function inventoryManagementReportingAction() { $this->_helper->layout->setLayout('reports'); $this->view->report_id = 'SNONREPDIST'; $this->view->report_title = 'Inventory Management Reporting Report'; $this->view->actionpage = 'inventory-management-reporting'; $this->view->parameters = 'TS01IP'; $this->view->parameter_width = '100%'; $item_pack_sizes = new Model_ItemPackSizes(); $locations = new Model_Locations(); //FOR BCG ITEM $item_pack_sizes->form_values = 6; $items = $item_pack_sizes->getItemForConsumptionReport(); $this->view->items = $items; //For locations Combo $lct = $locations->conusmptionReportLocations(); $this->view->location = $lct; if (!empty($this->_request->from_year_sel) && !empty($this->_request->from_month_sel)) { $this->view->from_year_sel = $from_year = $this->_request->from_year_sel; $this->view->from_month_sel = $from_month = $this->_request->from_month_sel; } else { $from_year = date("Y"); $this->view->from_year_sel = $from_year; $this->view->from_month_sel = $from_month = date("m", strtotime("-4 month")); } if (!empty($this->_request->year_sel) && !empty($this->_request->month_sel)) { $this->view->year_sel = $year = $this->_request->year_sel; $this->view->month_sel = $month = $this->_request->month_sel; } else { $year = date("Y"); if (date('d') > 10) { $month = date("m", strtotime("-2 month")); } else { $month = date("m", strtotime("-2 month")); } $this->view->year_sel = $year; $this->view->month_sel = $month; } if (isset($this->_request->province) && !empty($this->_request->province)) { $this->view->prov_sel = $province = $this->_request->province; } else { $this->view->prov_sel = $province = 2; } if (isset($this->_request->district) && !empty($this->_request->district)) { $this->view->district_id = $district_id = $this->_request->district; } else { $this->view->district_id = $district_id = 30; } if (isset($this->_request->tehsil) && !empty($this->_request->tehsil)) { $this->view->tehsil = $this->_request->tehsil; } else { $this->view->tehsil = 1; } if (isset($this->_request->wh_type) && !empty($this->_request->wh_type)) { $this->view->wh_type = $wh_type = $this->_request->wh_type; } else { $this->view->wh_type = $wh_type = 4; } if ($this->_request->wh_type == 4) { $locations->form_values['pk_id'] = $this->_request->district; $this->view->loc_name = "District:" . ' ' . $locations->getLocationName(); } elseif ($this->_request->wh_type == 5) { $locations->form_values['pk_id'] = $this->_request->tehsil; $this->view->loc_name = "Tehsil:" . ' ' . $locations->getLocationName(); } else { $this->view->loc_name = "District:" . ' ' . 'Badin'; } $locations->form_values['geo_level_id'] = '4'; $locations->form_values['province_id'] = $province; $district = $locations->getLocationsByLevelByProvinceConsumption(); $this->view->district = $district; $this->view->prov_sel = $province; $locations->form_values['dist_id'] = $district_id; $locations->form_values['year'] = $year; $distrctName = $locations->getLocationForReport(); $res = $locations->getLocationsForConsumptionReport(); $this->view->result = $res; //FOR Excel File Name $reportingDate = $year . '-' . $month . '-01'; $fileName = 'BCG-Vaccine-Coverage' . $distrctName . '_for_' . date('M-Y', strtotime($reportingDate)); $this->view->file_name = $fileName; }
public function vvmManagementAction() { $form = new Form_VvmManagement(); if ($this->_request->isPost()) { $product_id = $this->_request->getPost('product'); $batch_id = $this->_request->getPost('batch'); $msg = ''; $em = Zend_Registry::get('doctrine'); $em->getConnection()->beginTransaction(); try { $quantity = $this->_request->quantity; $newvvm = $this->_request->newvvm; foreach ($quantity as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value) && $value > 0) { $updatedqty = $value; list($batchid, $vvmid, $locationid) = explode("_", $key); $batch_detail = $this->_em->getRepository("StockBatch")->find($batchid); $placement = new Model_Placements(); $placement->form_values = array('quantity' => "-" . $updatedqty, 'placement_loc_id' => $locationid, 'batch_id' => $batchid, 'placement_loc_type_id' => 116, 'user_id' => $this->_userid, 'created_date' => date("Y-m-d"), 'vvmstage' => $vvmid, 'is_placed' => 0); $placement->add(); $placement->form_values = array('quantity' => $updatedqty, 'placement_loc_id' => $locationid, 'batch_id' => $batchid, 'placement_loc_type_id' => 116, 'user_id' => $this->_userid, 'created_date' => date("Y-m-d"), 'vvmstage' => $newvvm[$key], 'is_placed' => 1); $placement->add(); //Log Entry START $history = new VvmTransferHistory(); $from_to_batch = $this->_em->getRepository("StockBatch")->find($batchid); $history->setBatch($from_to_batch); $from_vvmstages = $this->_em->getRepository("VvmStages")->find($vvmid); $history->setFromVvmStage($from_vvmstages); $to_vvmstages = $this->_em->getRepository("VvmStages")->find($newvvm[$key]); $history->setToVvmStage($to_vvmstages); $created_by = $this->_em->getRepository("Users")->find($this->_userid); $history->setCreatedBy($created_by); $history->setCreatedDate(new DateTime(date("Y-m-d"))); $history->setQuantity(ABS($updatedqty)); $this->_em->persist($history); $this->_em->flush(); //Log Entry END $msg = 'VVM has been changed successfully!'; $product_id = $batch_detail->getItemPackSize()->getPkId(); $batch_id = $batchid; } } $location = new Model_Locations(); $this->view->result = $location->getBatchVvmLocations($batch_id); $form->product->setValue($product_id); $this->view->batch = $batch_id; $em->getConnection()->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $em->getConnection()->rollback(); $em->close(); App_FileLogger::info($e); } $stock_detail = new Model_StockDetail(); $this->view->h_result = $stock_detail->getVvmTransferHistory($product_id); } $this->view->form = $form; $this->view->msg = $msg; }
public function ajaxGetUcsAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $form_values = $this->_request->getPost(); $location = new Model_Locations(); $location->form_values = $form_values; $result = $location->getAllUcsByCampaignId(); $this->view->data = $result; }
public function init() { $items = new Model_Item(); $result = $items->getProductList(); $productItem = $items->getProductByCategory(); for ($j = date('Y'); $j >= 2010; $j--) { $this->_year["year"][$j] = $j; } foreach ($result as $item) { $this->_list["product"][$item['pkId']] = $item['itemName']; } foreach ($productItem as $item) { $this->_product_item["product_item"][$item['pkId']] = $item['itemName']; } $locations = new Model_Locations(); $res = $locations->getProvinceName(); $this->_province_list["province"]['all'] = "Select"; foreach ($res as $loc) { $this->_province_list["province"][$loc['pk_id']] = $loc['location_name']; $this->_province["prov"][$loc['pk_id']] = $loc['location_name']; } $this->_reporting_list["reporting_product"]['%'] = "All Product"; foreach ($result as $item) { $this->_reporting_list["reporting_product"][$item['pkId']] = $item['itemName']; } foreach ($this->_fields as $col => $name) { switch ($col) { case "month": $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "multiOptions" => array('1' => 'Jan', '2' => 'Feb', '3' => 'Mar', '4' => 'Apr', '5' => 'May', '6' => 'Jun', '7' => 'Jul', '8' => 'Aug', '9' => 'Sep', '10' => 'Oct', '11' => 'Nov', '12' => 'Dec'))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "dist": $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "batch_no": $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false)); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "year": $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "multiOptions" => array('2014' => '2014', '2013' => '2013', '2012' => '2012', '2011' => '2011', '2010' => '2010'))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "coldchain_type": $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "multiOptions" => array('1' => 'ILR/Refrigerators at District + Field Level', '3' => 'Cold Rooms at District Level'))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "cc_type": $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "multiOptions" => array('1' => 'ILR/Refrigerators at Tehsil + Field Level'))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "level": $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "multiOptions" => array('all' => 'District + Field', '4' => 'District', '6' => 'Field'))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "map_type": $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "multiOptions" => array('2' => 'Provincial', '4' => 'District'))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "district_level": $this->addElement("select", $col, array("allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "multiOptions" => array('4' => 'District'))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "amc_type": $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "multiOptions" => array('C' => 'Consumption', 'A' => 'Avg.Consumption'))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "status": $this->addElement("select", $col, array("allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "multiOptions" => array('1' => 'Functional', '2' => 'Non-Functional'))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "vvm_level": $this->addElement("select", $col, array("allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "multiOptions" => array('3' => 'Provincial', '4' => 'District'))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; default: break; } if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_list))) { $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => false, "required" => true, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_list[$col])); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_reporting_list))) { $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => false, "required" => true, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_reporting_list[$col])); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_province_list))) { $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => false, "required" => true, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_province_list[$col])); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_province))) { $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => false, "required" => true, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_province[$col])); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_year))) { $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => false, "required" => true, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_year[$col])); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_product_item))) { $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => false, "required" => true, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_product_item[$col])); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } } }
public function locationsCombosFourAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); if (isset($this->_request->combo3) && !empty($this->_request->combo3)) { $tehsil_id = $this->_request->combo3; $location = new Model_Locations(); $location->form_values = array('parent_id' => $tehsil_id, 'geo_level_id' => 6); $this->view->result = $location->getLocationsByLevelByTehsil(); if (!empty($this->_request->uc_id)) { $this->view->uc_id = $this->_request->uc_id; } } }
public function ajaxGetDistrictAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); if (isset($this->_request->province_id) && !empty($this->_request->province_id)) { $locations = new Model_Locations(); $locations->form_values['province_id'] = $this->_request->province_id; $array = $locations->districtLocations(); $this->view->data = $array; } }
public function getConsumptionByUc($dist_id) { $date = $this->form_values['date']; list($yy, $mm) = explode("-", $date); if (empty($dist_id)) { $dist_id = $this->_identity->getDistrictId(); } $rows = $this->_em->getRepository('Warehouses')->findBy(array('district' => $dist_id)); $role_id = $rows[0]->getProvince()->getPkId(); $teh_id = $this->form_values['teh_id']; $cache = Zend_Registry::get('cacheManager')->getCache('file'); $mosucdashlet = "CONSD_{$yy}{$mm}{$dist_id}{$teh_id}" . $this->form_values['item']; if (!($result = $cache->load($mosucdashlet))) { $em = Zend_Registry::get('doctrine'); $str_sql_con = "CALL REPgetConsumptionHF('D','" . $yy . "-" . $mm . "-01', {$teh_id}, '" . $this->form_values['item'] . "', 1);"; $row_consumption = $em->getConnection()->prepare($str_sql_con); $row_consumption->execute(); $result_consumption = $row_consumption->fetchAll(); $em->getConnection()->close(); $result = array(); foreach ($result_consumption as $row) { $result[$row['location_name']]['ucName'] = $row['location_name']; $result[$row['location_name']]['CONS'] = $row['consumption']; $result[$row['location_name']]['target'] = $row['target']; } $cache->save($result, $mosucdashlet); } $item_pack_sizes = new Model_ItemPackSizes(); $item_pack_sizes->form_values['pk_id'] = $this->form_values['item']; $item = $item_pack_sizes->getProductName(); $locations = new Model_Locations(); $locations->form_values['pk_id'] = $teh_id; $tehsil_name = $this->view->location_name = $locations->getLocationName(); $xmlstore = "<chart labelDisplay='rotate' exportEnabled='1' exportAction='Download' bgColor='white' caption='Vaccination status of {$item}(Doses) in {$tehsil_name} Stores and EPI centers during " . ("(" . date('M Y', strtotime($this->form_values['date'])) . ")") . "'\n exportFileName='Districts Consumption " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' yAxisName='Doses' showValues='1' formatNumberScale='0' theme='fint'>"; $xmlstore .= '<categories>'; foreach ($result as $data) { $coverage = ROUND($data['CONS'] / $data['target'] * 100, 1); $xmlstore .= '<category label="' . $data[ucName] . ' (' . $coverage . '%)" />'; } $xmlstore .= '</categories>'; $xmlstore .= "<dataset seriesname='Consumption' color='0075C2'>"; foreach ($result as $data) { $xmlstore .= "<set value='{$data['CONS']}' />"; } $xmlstore .= "</dataset>"; $xmlstore .= "<dataset seriesname='Target' parentyaxis='S' renderas='Line' color='f8bd19'>"; foreach ($result as $data) { $xmlstore .= "<set value='{$data['target']}' />"; } $xmlstore .= "</dataset>"; $xmlstore .= "</chart>"; return $xmlstore; }
public function allLevelComboAllColdChainEquipment($office_term = "", $postfix = null, $data_array) { $identity = App_Auth::getInstance(); $translate = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate'); $base_url = Zend_Registry::get('baseurl'); $user_lvl = $identity->getUserLevel($identity->getIdentity()); $stakeholder_id = $identity->getStakeholderId(); $warehouse = new Model_Warehouses(); $office = $data_array["level"]; $province = $data_array["province"]; $district = $data_array["district"]; $warehouse_id = $data_array["warehouse"]; if ($office == 1) { $warehouse->form_values = array('stakeholder_id' => $stakeholder_id); switch ($office) { case 1: $warehouse_array = $warehouse->getFederalWarehouses(); break; } } if (!empty($province)) { $locations = new Model_Locations(); $locations->form_values = array('parent_id' => 10, 'geo_level_id' => 2); $provinces_array = $locations->getLocationsByLevel(); if (empty($district)) { $warehouse->form_values = array('province_id' => $province, 'stakeholder_id' => $stakeholder_id); switch ($office) { case 1: $warehouse_array = $warehouse->getFederalWarehouses(); break; case 2: $warehouse_array = $warehouse->getProvincialWarehouses(); break; case 4: $warehouse_array = $warehouse->getDistrictWarehousesofProvince(); break; } } } if (!empty($district)) { $location = new Model_Locations(); $location->form_values = array('province_id' => $province, 'geo_level_id' => 4); $districts_array = $location->getLocationsByLevelByProvince(); $warehouse->form_values = array('district_id' => $district, 'stakeholder_id' => $stakeholder_id); switch ($office) { case 5: $warehouse_array = $warehouse->getTehsilWarehousesofDistrict(); break; case 6: $warehouse_array = $warehouse->getUCWarehousesofDistrict(); break; case 8: $warehouse_array = $warehouse->getTehsilWarehousesofDistrict(); break; case 9: $warehouse_array = $warehouse->getUCWarehousesofDistrict(); break; } } switch ($user_lvl) { case 1: case 2: case 3: $arr_levels = array('1' => $translate->translate('National'), '2' => $translate->translate('Province'), '4' => $translate->translate('District'), '8' => $translate->translate('Tehsil-Taluka'), '9' => $translate->translate('UC')); break; case 4: $arr_levels = array('1' => $translate->translate('National'), '2' => $translate->translate('Province'), '4' => $translate->translate('District'), '8' => $translate->translate('Tehsil-Taluka'), '9' => $translate->translate('UC')); break; case 5: $arr_levels = array('2' => $translate->translate('National'), '4' => $translate->translate('District')); break; case 6: $arr_levels = array('2' => $translate->translate('Province'), '5' => $translate->translate('Tehsil-Taluka'), '6' => $translate->translate('Union Council')); break; case 7: $arr_levels = array('7' => $translate->translate('District'), '6' => $translate->translate('Union Council')); case 8: $arr_levels = array('7' => $translate->translate('District'), '5' => $translate->translate('Tehsil-Taluka'), '6' => $translate->translate('Union Council')); break; default: $arr_levels = array('1' => $translate->translate('National'), '2' => $translate->translate('Province'), '4' => $translate->translate('District'), '5' => $translate->translate('Tehsil-Taluka'), '6' => $translate->translate('Union Council')); break; } ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12" id="all_level_combo"> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="office" class="col-md-7"><?php echo $translate->translate("Level"); ?> </label> <div class="controls"> <select name="office" id="office<?php echo $postfix; ?> " class="form-control"> <option value=""><?php echo $translate->translate("Select"); ?> </option> <?php foreach ($arr_levels as $key => $value) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $key; ?> " <?php if (!empty($office) && $key == $office) { echo 'selected'; } ?> ><?php echo $value; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3" id="div_combo1<?php echo $postfix; ?> " <?php if ($office == 2 || !empty($province)) { ?> style="display:block;" <?php } else { ?> style="display:none;"<?php } ?> > <label class="control-label" id="lblcombo1"><?php echo $translate->translate("Province"); ?> </label> <div class="controls"> <select name="combo1" id="combo1<?php echo $postfix; ?> " class="form-control"> <?php if ($provinces_array != false) { ?> <option value=""><?php echo $translate->translate("Select"); ?> </option> <?php foreach ($provinces_array as $row) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $row['key']; ?> " <?php if (!empty($province) && $row['key'] == $province) { echo 'selected'; } ?> > <?php echo $row['value']; ?> </option> <?php } } ?> </select> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3" id="div_combo2<?php echo $postfix; ?> " <?php if ($office == 5 || !empty($district)) { ?> style="display:block;" <?php } else { ?> style="display:none;"<?php } ?> > <label class="control-label" id="lblcombo2"><?php echo $translate->translate("District"); ?> </label> <div class="controls"> <select name="combo2" id="combo2<?php echo $postfix; ?> " class="form-control"> <?php if ($districts_array != false) { ?> <option value=""><?php echo $translate->translate("Select"); ?> </option> <?php foreach ($districts_array as $row) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $row['key']; ?> " <?php if (!empty($district) && $row['key'] == $district) { echo 'selected'; } ?> > <?php echo $row['value']; ?> </option> <?php } } ?> </select> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3" id="wh_combo<?php echo $postfix; ?> " <?php /*if (!empty($warehouse_id)) { ?> style="display:block;" <?php } else { ?> style="display:none;"<?php } */ ?> > <label class="control-label" id="wh_l"><?php echo $translate->translate("Warehouse"); ?> <span class="red">*</span></label> <div class="controls"> <select name="warehouse<?php echo $postfix; ?> " id="warehouse<?php echo $postfix; ?> " class="form-control"> <?php if ($warehouse_array != false) { ?> <option value=""><?php echo $translate->translate("Select"); ?> </option> <?php foreach ($warehouse_array as $row) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $row['key']; ?> " <?php if (!empty($warehouse_id) && $row['key'] == $warehouse_id) { echo 'selected'; } ?> > <?php echo $row['value']; ?> </option> <?php } } ?> </select> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-1" id="loader<?php echo $postfix; ?> " style="display:none;"><img src="<?php echo $base_url; ?> /images/loader.gif" style="margin-top:8px; float:left" alt="" /></div> </div> </div> <?php return true; }
public function getConsumptionMos() { /* Yearly Comparision - National */ $monthval = array("JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC"); $post = $this->form_values; $products = $post['products']; $yearcomp = $post['yearcomp']; $all_provinces = $post['all_provinces']; $all_districts = $post['all_districts']; $optvals = $post['optvals']; $period = new Model_Period(); $period->form_values = array('id' => $post['period']); $months = $period->getPeriodById(); $location = new Model_Locations(); $location->form_values['pk_id'] = $all_provinces; $location_name = $location->getLocationName(); $title = "Vaccination vs Stock On Hand (" . $location_name . "-" . $yearcomp[0] . ")"; for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($products); $k++) { $product_obj = new Model_ItemPackSizes(); $product_obj->form_values['pk_id'] = $products[$k]; $product_name = $product_obj->getProductName(); $xmlstore = "<chart exportEnabled='1' labelDisplay='rotate' slantLabels='1' yAxisMaxValue='100' exportAction='Download' caption='{$product_name} {$title}' exportFileName='" . $title . " - " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " - " . $product_name . "' yAxisName='Doses' numberSuffix='' showValues='1' formatNumberScale='0' theme='fint'>"; $xmlstore .= "<categories>"; for ($i = $months->getBeginMonth(); $i <= $months->getEndMonth(); $i++) { $month_name = $monthval[$i - 1]; $xmlstore .= "<category label='{$month_name}' />"; } $xmlstore .= "</categories>"; $start_date = $yearcomp[0] . '-' . str_pad($months->getBeginMonth(), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "-01"; $end_date = $yearcomp[0] . '-' . str_pad($months->getEndMonth(), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "-01"; $sql = "SELECT\n summary_provincial.consumption,\n summary_provincial.soh_store\n FROM\n summary_provincial\n WHERE\n summary_provincial.item_id = '{$products[$k]}' AND\n summary_provincial.province_id = {$all_provinces} AND\n summary_provincial.stakeholder_id = 1 AND\n DATE_FORMAT(summary_provincial.reporting_date,'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN '{$start_date}' AND '{$end_date}'"; $str_sql = $this->_em->getConnection()->prepare($sql); $str_sql->execute(); $rowData = $str_sql->fetchAll(); $xmlstore .= "<dataset seriesName='Consumption/Vaccination'>"; foreach ($rowData as $val2) { $xmlstore .= "<set value='" . round($val2['consumption']) . "' />"; } $xmlstore .= "</dataset>"; $xmlstore .= "<dataset seriesName='Stock On Hand(SOH)'>"; foreach ($rowData as $val2) { $xmlstore .= "<set value='" . round($val2['soh_store']) . "' />"; } $xmlstore .= "</dataset>"; $xmlstore .= "</chart>"; $xmlstore_array[] = $xmlstore; } return $xmlstore_array; }
public function provinceAction() { $auth = App_Auth::getInstance(); $role_id = $auth->getRoleId(); $this->view->level = 2; $this->view->province = $this->_identity->getProvinceId(); $province = $this->_request->getParam("combo1", 1); if (!empty($province) && $province != 'null') { $this->view->province = $province; } $campaign = new Model_Campaigns(); $location = new Model_Locations(); $location->form_values = array("province_id" => $province); $dists = $location->districtLocations(); foreach ($dists as $dist) { $arr_dist[] = $dist['pk_id']; } $campaign->form_values = array("districts" => implode(",", $arr_dist)); $this->view->campaigns = $campaign->getCampaignsByDistrict(); $this->view->provinces = $location->getProvincesName(); $item = new Model_ItemPackSizes(); $this->view->items = $item->getAllItems(); // Default Filters for IM $this->view->item = 6; $this->view->date = Zend_Registry::get('report_month'); // Default Filters for Campaign $this->view->camp = 23; $this->view->user_role = $role_id; $this->view->prov = $this->_identity->getProvinceId(); $r = $this->_request->getParam("ri_btn", ''); if ($r == 'ri') { $this->view->r = $r; $this->view->item = $this->_request->getParam("items", ''); $this->view->date = $this->_request->getParam("date", ''); $this->view->period = $this->_request->getParam("period", ''); } $i = $this->_request->getParam("im_btn", ''); if ($i == 'im') { $this->view->i = $i; $this->view->item = $this->_request->getParam("items", ''); $this->view->date = $this->_request->getParam("date", ''); $this->view->period = $this->_request->getParam("period", ''); } $c = $this->_request->getParam("camp_btn", ''); if ($c == 'camp') { $this->view->c = $c; $this->view->camp = $this->_request->getParam("camp", ''); $this->view->prov = $this->_request->getParam("prov", ''); } $role_resource = new Model_RoleResources(); $role_resource->form_values = array('type_id' => 3, 'role_id' => $role_id); $dashboards = $role_resource->getRoleResourcesByType(); $this->view->dashboards = $dashboards; $this->view->ri = 472; $this->view->im = 330; $this->view->campaign = 333; $period = new Model_Period(); $time_intervals = $period->getTimeIntervals(); $this->view->time_intervals = $time_intervals; $this->view->quarter = Model_Period::QUARTER; $this->view->halfyear = Model_Period::HALFYEAR; $this->view->annual = Model_Period::ANNUAL; $base_url = Zend_Registry::get('baseurl'); $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($base_url . '/js/all_level_area_combo.js'); }
public function vlmisAction() { $salt = '159jboFHjeQK5mc1K0cdSz5'; $token = sha1(md5($salt . date('Y-m-d'))); if (!$this->_identity->login('userdashboard', base64_encode(123))) { $error = true; throw new Exception(); } if ($token != $_GET['token']) { $this->view->message = 'Invalid Token'; } $province = isset($_GET['combo1']) ? $_GET['combo1'] : 1; $level = isset($_GET['office']) ? $_GET['office'] : 1; $role_id = 4; $this->view->level = $level; $this->view->province = $province; $this->_helper->layout->setLayout('vlmis-dashboad'); $auth = App_Auth::getInstance(); //$role_id = $auth->getRoleId(); $campaign = new Model_Campaigns(); $location = new Model_Locations(); $location->form_values = array('geo_level_id' => 4, 'province_id' => $province); $res = $location->getLocationsByLevelByProvince(); $district = $res[0]['key']; $this->view->district = $district; switch ($level) { case 1: $this->view->campaigns = $campaign->getAllCampaigns(); break; case 2: $location->form_values = array("province_id" => $province); $dists = $location->districtLocations(); foreach ($dists as $dist) { $arr_dist[] = $dist['pk_id']; } $campaign->form_values = array("districts" => implode(",", $arr_dist)); $this->view->campaigns = $campaign->getCampaignsByDistrict(); break; case 6: $campaign->form_values = array("districts" => $district); $this->view->campaigns = $campaign->getCampaignsByDistrict(); break; default: $this->view->campaigns = $campaign->getAllCampaigns(); break; } $this->view->provinces = $location->getProvincesName(); $item = new Model_ItemPackSizes(); $this->view->items = $item->getAllItemsByCategoryAndActivity("1", "1"); // Default Filters for IM $this->view->item = 6; $this->view->date = Zend_Registry::get('report_month'); // Default Filters for Campaign $this->view->camp = 23; $this->view->user_role = $role_id; $this->view->prov = $province; $r = $this->_request->getParam("ri_btn", ''); if ($r == 'ri') { $this->view->r = $r; $this->view->item = $this->_request->getParam("items", ''); $this->view->date = $this->_request->getParam("date", ''); $this->view->period = $this->_request->getParam("period", ''); } $i = $this->_request->getParam("im_btn", ''); if ($i == 'im') { $this->view->i = $i; $this->view->item = $this->_request->getParam("items", ''); $this->view->date = $this->_request->getParam("date", ''); $this->view->period = $this->_request->getParam("period", ''); } $c = $this->_request->getParam("camp_btn", ''); if ($c == 'camp') { $this->view->c = $c; $this->view->camp = $this->_request->getParam("camp", ''); $this->view->prov = $this->_request->getParam("prov", ''); } $role_resource = new Model_RoleResources(); $role_resource->form_values = array('type_id' => 3, 'role_id' => $role_id); $dashboards = $role_resource->getRoleResourcesByTypeForVlmisDashboard(); $this->view->dashboards = $dashboards; $this->view->ri = 472; $this->view->im = 330; $this->view->campaign = 333; $period = new Model_Period(); $time_intervals = $period->getTimeIntervals(); $this->view->time_intervals = $time_intervals; $this->view->quarter = Model_Period::QUARTER; $this->view->halfyear = Model_Period::HALFYEAR; $this->view->annual = Model_Period::ANNUAL; $base_url = Zend_Registry::get('baseurl'); $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($base_url . '/js/all_level_area_combo.js'); $this->view->id = $this->_request->getParam("id", $dashboards[0]->getResource()->getPkId()); /* if ($role_id == 7) { $this->view->province = $this->_identity->getProvinceId(); $this->renderScript("dashboard/user-tehsil.phtml"); } */ }
public function getConsumptionByUc($dist_id) { $date = $this->form_values['date']; list($yy, $mm) = explode("-", $date); if (empty($dist_id)) { $dist_id = $this->_identity->getDistrictId(); } $role_id = $this->form_values['province']; $teh_id = $this->form_values['teh_id']; $cache = Zend_Registry::get('cacheManager')->getCache('file'); $mosucdashlet = "CONSD_{$yy}{$mm}{$teh_id}" . $this->form_values['item']; if (!($result = $cache->load($mosucdashlet))) { $em = Zend_Registry::get('doctrine'); if ($role_id == 2) { $str_sql_con = "CALL REPgetConsumptionHF('D','" . $yy . "-" . $mm . "-01', {$teh_id}, '" . $this->form_values['item'] . "', 1);"; } else { $str_sql_con = "CALL REPgetConsumption('D','" . $yy . "-" . $mm . "-01', {$teh_id}, '" . $this->form_values['item'] . "', 1);"; } $row_consumption = $em->getConnection()->prepare($str_sql_con); $row_consumption->execute(); $result_consumption = $row_consumption->fetchAll(); $em->getConnection()->close(); $result = array(); foreach ($result_consumption as $row) { $result[$row['location_name']]['ucName'] = $row['location_name']; $result[$row['location_name']]['CONS'] = $row['consumption']; $result[$row['location_name']]['target'] = $row['target']; } $cache->save($result, $mosucdashlet); } // $str_sql = "SELECT IFNULL(A.CONS,0) as CONS, // A.ucName, // ROUND(((((A.population / 100) * B.population_percent_increase_per_year) / 100 * B.child_surviving_percent_per_year)* B.doses_per_year) / 12) AS target // FROM ( // SELECT DISTINCT // IFNULL(REPgetConsumption (" . $mm . "," . $yy . "," . $this->form_values['item'] . ",1,'U',locations.pk_id),0) AS CONS, // locations.location_name AS ucName, // (SELECT // IFNULL(location_populations.population,0) // FROM // location_populations // WHERE // location_populations.location_id = locations.pk_id // // AND DATE_FORMAT( // location_populations.estimation_date, // '%Y' // ) = '$yy' // ) AS population // FROM // pilot_districts // INNER JOIN locations ON pilot_districts.district_id = locations.district_id // // WHERE // locations.geo_level_id = 6 // AND locations.parent_id = $teh_id ) A, // ( // SELECT // item_pack_sizes.item_name, // items.population_percent_increase_per_year, // items.child_surviving_percent_per_year, // items.doses_per_year // FROM // item_pack_sizes // INNER JOIN items ON item_pack_sizes.item_id = items.pk_id // WHERE // item_pack_sizes.pk_id = 6 // ) B"; //$row = $this->_em->getConnection()->prepare($str_sql); //$row->execute(); //$result = $row->fetchAll(); $item_pack_sizes = new Model_ItemPackSizes(); $item_pack_sizes->form_values['pk_id'] = $this->form_values['item']; $item = $item_pack_sizes->getProductName(); $locations = new Model_Locations(); $locations->form_values['pk_id'] = $teh_id; $tehsil_name = $this->view->location_name = $locations->getLocationName(); $xmlstore = "<chart labelDisplay='rotate' exportEnabled='1' exportAction='Download' bgColor='white' caption='Consumption status of {$item}(Doses) in {$tehsil_name} Stores and EPI centers during " . ("(" . date('M Y', strtotime($this->form_values['date'])) . ")") . "'\n exportFileName='Districts Consumption " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' yAxisName='Doses' showValues='1' formatNumberScale='0' theme='fint'>"; $xmlstore .= '<categories>'; foreach ($result as $data) { $coverage = ROUND($data['CONS'] / $data['target'] * 100, 1); $xmlstore .= '<category label="' . $data[ucName] . ' (' . $coverage . '%)" />'; } $xmlstore .= '</categories>'; $xmlstore .= "<dataset seriesname='Consumption' color='0075C2'>"; foreach ($result as $data) { $xmlstore .= "<set value='{$data['CONS']}' />"; } $xmlstore .= "</dataset>"; $xmlstore .= "<dataset seriesname='Target' parentyaxis='S' renderas='Line' color='f8bd19'>"; foreach ($result as $data) { $xmlstore .= "<set value='{$data['target']}' />"; } $xmlstore .= "</dataset>"; $xmlstore .= "</chart>"; return $xmlstore; }
public function allLevelCampaign($data_array) { $identity = App_Auth::getInstance(); $translate = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate'); $base_url = Zend_Registry::get('baseurl'); $user_lvl = $identity->getRoleId(); $districts_array = false; $office = $data_array["level"]; $province = $data_array["province"]; $district = $data_array["district"]; $facility_type = $data_array["facility_type"]; if (!empty($province)) { $locations = new Model_Locations(); $locations->form_values = array('parent_id' => 10, 'geo_level_id' => 2); $provinces_array = $locations->getLocationsByLevel(); } if (!empty($district)) { $location = new Model_Locations(); $location->form_values = array('province_id' => $province, 'geo_level_id' => 4); $districts_array = $location->getLocationsByLevelByProvince(); } switch ($user_lvl) { case 1: case 2: case 3: $arr_province = array('1' => $translate->translate('National'), '2' => $translate->translate('Province'), '6' => $translate->translate('District')); break; case 4: $arr_province = array('1' => $translate->translate('National'), '2' => $translate->translate('Province'), '6' => $translate->translate('District')); break; case 5: $arr_province = array('2' => $translate->translate('Province')); break; case 6: $arr_province = array('1' => $translate->translate('National'), '2' => $translate->translate('Province'), '6' => $translate->translate('District')); break; case 7: $arr_province = array(); case 8: $arr_province = array('6' => $translate->translate('District')); break; default: $arr_province = array('1' => $translate->translate('National'), '2' => $translate->translate('Province')); break; } if ($facility_type == 3) { $arr_province = array('1' => $translate->translate('National'), '2' => $translate->translate('Province'), '6' => $translate->translate('District')); } ?> <?php if ($facility_type != 1 && $facility_type != 2) { ?> <div class="col-md-2" id="div_office_combo"> <label class="control-label" for="office"><?php if (empty($office_term)) { echo $translate->translate("Office"); } else { echo $office_term; } ?> </label> <div class="controls"> <select name="office" id="office" class="form-control input-small"> <option value=""><?php echo $translate->translate("Select"); ?> </option> <?php foreach ($arr_province as $key => $value) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $key; ?> " <?php if ($key == $office) { ?> selected=""<?php } ?> ><?php echo $value; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="col-md-2" id="div_combo1" <?php if (empty($province)) { ?> style="display:none;" <?php } ?> > <label class="control-label" id="lblcombo1"> <?php echo $translate->translate("Province"); ?> <span class="red">*</span> </label> <div class="controls"> <select name="combo1" id="combo1" class="form-control input-small"> <?php if ($provinces_array != false) { ?> <option value=""><?php echo $translate->translate("Select"); ?> </option> <?php foreach ($provinces_array as $row) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $row['key']; ?> " <?php if (!empty($province) && $row['key'] == $province) { echo 'selected'; } ?> > <?php echo $row['value']; ?> </option> <?php } } ?> </select> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-2" id="div_combo2" <?php if ($district == '') { ?> style="display:none;" <?php } ?> > <label class="control-label" id="lblcombo2"> <?php echo $translate->translate("District"); ?> <span class="red">*</span> </label> <div class="controls"> <select name="combo2" id="combo2" class="form-control input-small"> <?php if ($districts_array != false) { ?> <option value=""><?php echo $translate->translate("Select"); ?> </option> <?php foreach ($districts_array as $row) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $row['key']; ?> " <?php if (!empty($district) && $row['key'] == $district) { echo 'selected'; } ?> > <?php echo $row['value']; ?> </option> <?php } } ?> </select> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-1" id="loader" style="display:none;"> <img src="<?php echo $base_url; ?> /images/loader.gif" style="margin-top:8px; float:left" alt="" /> </div> <?php return true; }
public function simpleGraphsAction() { if ($this->_request->isPost()) { $post = $this->_request->getPost(); $graphs = new Model_Graphs(); $graphs->form_values = $post; $optvals = $post['optvals']; if (in_array($optvals, array(9, 10, 11))) { $xmlstore = $graphs->simpleGraphOptionYearNational(); } $this->view->xmlstore = $xmlstore; //print_r($post); $this->view->chart_type = $post['ctype']; $this->view->sel_indicator = $post['indicators']; $this->view->sel_product = $post['products']; $this->view->sel_optvals = $post['optvals']; $this->view->sel_period = $post['period']; $this->view->sel_year = $post['yearcomp']; $this->view->sel_province = $post['all_provinces']; $this->view->sel_district = $post['all_districts']; if (in_array($optvals, array(10, 11))) { $locations = new Model_Locations(); $locations->form_values = array('parent_id' => 10, 'geo_level_id' => 2); $this->view->combo_provinces = $locations->getLocationsByLevel(); } if ($optvals == 11) { $location = new Model_Locations(); $location->form_values = array('province_id' => $post['all_provinces'], 'geo_level_id' => 4); $this->view->combo_districts = $location->getLocationsByLevelByProvince(); } } else { $this->view->sel_optvals = 9; } $reports = new Model_Reports(); $indicators = $reports->getIndicators(); $this->view->indicators = $indicators; $products = new Model_ItemPackSizes(); $product = $products->getAllItemsNonDil(); $this->view->product = $product; $compare_option = array("Geographical" => array("9" => "National", "10" => "Provincial", "11" => "District")); $this->view->compare_option = $compare_option; $period = new Model_Period(); $time_intervals = $period->getTimeIntervals(); $this->view->time_intervals = $time_intervals; $this->view->quarter = Model_Period::QUARTER; $this->view->halfyear = Model_Period::HALFYEAR; $this->view->annual = Model_Period::ANNUAL; $years = array(); for ($i = 2013; $i <= date("Y"); $i++) { $years[] = $i; } $this->view->years = $years; $chart_type = array('Line' => "Line", 'Column3D' => "Bar"); $this->view->chart_types = $chart_type; $this->view->main_heading = "Simple Graphs"; }
public function init() { //Generate Provinces Combo $locations = new Model_Locations(); $provinces = $locations->getAllProvinces(); $this->_list["combo1"][''] = "Select"; $this->_list["combo1_add"][''] = "Select"; if ($provinces) { foreach ($provinces as $row) { $this->_list["combo1"][$row['pkId']] = $row['locationName']; $this->_list["combo1_add"][$row['pkId']] = $row['locationName']; } } $this->_list["combo2_add"][''] = "Select Province"; $this->_list["combo2"][''] = "Select Province"; //Generate Facility Type Combo $warehouse = new Model_Warehouses(); $warehouse->form_values['stakeholder_id'] = 1; $wh_types = $warehouse->getAllHealthFacilityTypesByStakeholder(); $this->_list["facility_type"][''] = "Select"; if ($wh_types) { foreach ($wh_types as $row) { $this->_list["facility_type"][$row['pkId']] = $row['warehouseTypeName']; } } $this->_list["year"][''] = "Select"; $yy = date('Y'); $end_year = 2014; for ($i = $yy; $i >= $end_year; $i = $i - 1) { $this->_list["year"][$i] = $i; } $campaign = new Model_Campaigns(); $result1 = $campaign->allCampaigns(); $this->_list["campaign_id"][''] = 'Select'; foreach ($result1 as $row) { $this->_list["campaign_id"][$row['pkId']] = $row['campaignName']; } foreach ($this->_fields as $col => $name) { switch ($col) { /* case "abc": $this->addElement("text", $col, array( "attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => true, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array() )); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; */ default: break; } if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_list))) { $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => true, "required" => false, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_list[$col], "validators" => array(array("validator" => "Float", "breakChainOnFailure" => false, "options" => array("messages" => array("notFloat" => $name . " must be a valid option")))))); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } } foreach ($this->_hidden as $col => $name) { switch ($col) { case "district_id_hidden": $this->addElement("hidden", $col); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; default: break; } } }
/** * Campaign Management Dashlet */ public function dayWiseCoverageAction() { $campaign = new Model_Campaigns(); $this->view->campaigns = $campaign->getAllCampaigns(); $location = new Model_Locations(); $this->view->provinces = $location->getProvincesName(); $wh_data = new Model_WarehousesData(); $params["level"] = $this->_request->getParam("level"); $params["loc_id"] = $this->_request->getParam("district"); $params["prov_id"] = $this->_request->getParam("province"); $params["camp"] = $this->_request->getParam('camp'); $wh_data->form_values = $params; $xmlstore = $wh_data->dayWiseCoverage(); $this->view->xmlstore = $xmlstore; $this->view->camp = $params["camp"]; $this->view->prov = $params["prov"]; }
public function checkCcmLocationUpdateAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $form_values = $this->_request->getPost(); $location = new Model_Locations(); $location->form_values = $form_values; $result = $location->checkCcmLocationIdUpdate(); $this->view->result = $result; }
public function init() { $auth = App_Auth::getInstance(); $role_id = $auth->getRoleId(); if ($auth->getStakeholderId() != 10) { $warehouse_id = $auth->getWarehouseId(); } else { $warehouse_id = ""; } $district_id = $auth->getDistrictId($auth->getIdentity()); $locations = new Model_Locations(); $locations->form_values['district_id'] = $district_id; $result13 = $locations->getAllUcsByCampaignId(); $this->_list["uc_id"][''] = 'All'; // $this->_list["uc_add_id"][''] = 'Select'; // $this->_list["uc_edit_id"][''] = 'Select'; foreach ($result13 as $row) { // $this->_list["uc_id"][$row['pkId']] = $row['warehouseName']; // $this->_list["uc_add_id"][$row['pkId']] = $row['warehouseName']; // $this->_list["uc_edit_id"][$row['pkId']] = $row['warehouseName']; } $campaign = new Model_Campaigns(); if ($role_id == Model_Roles::CAMPAIGN && empty($warehouse_id)) { $result1 = $campaign->allCampaigns(); $this->_list["campaign_id"][''] = 'Select'; // $this->_list["campaign_add_id"][''] = 'Select'; $this->_list["campaign_edit_id"][''] = 'Select'; foreach ($result1 as $row) { $this->_list["campaign_id"][$row['pkId']] = $row['campaignName']; // $this->_list["campaign_add_id"][$row['pkId']] = $row['campaignName']; $this->_list["campaign_edit_id"][$row['pkId']] = $row['campaignName']; } } else { $campaign->form_values['district_id'] = $district_id; $result1 = $campaign->districtCampaigns(); $this->_list["campaign_id"][''] = 'Select'; // $this->_list["campaign_add_id"][''] = 'Select'; $this->_list["campaign_edit_id"][''] = 'Select'; foreach ($result1 as $row) { $this->_list["campaign_id"][$row['pkId']] = $row['campaignName']; // $this->_list["campaign_add_id"][$row['pkId']] = $row['campaignName']; $this->_list["campaign_edit_id"][$row['pkId']] = $row['campaignName']; } } /* $campaign->form_values['province_id'] = $auth->getProvinceId(); $result2 = $campaign->getProvinces(); $this->_list["province_id"][''] = 'Select'; foreach ($result2 as $row) { $this->_list["province_id"][$row['pkId']] = $row['locationName']; } */ foreach ($this->_fields as $col => $name) { switch ($col) { case "inaccessible_children": case "no_of_mobile_teams": case "inaccessible_area": case "no_of_fixed_teams": case "area_in_charge": case "no_of_transist_points": case "aics_trained": case "no_of_teams_trained": case "area_mobile_population": case "uc_add_id": case "campaign_add_id": case "target": $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array())); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; case "date_upec_meeting": $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control", 'readonly' => 'true'), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array())); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; default: break; } if ($col == "campaign_id") { $attribute_class = "form-control"; } else { $attribute_class = "form-control"; } if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_list))) { $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => $attribute_class), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => true, "required" => false, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_list[$col])); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); } } foreach ($this->_hidden as $col => $name) { switch ($col) { case "readiness_uc_id": case "uc_edit_id_hidden": case "campaign_add_id_hidden": case "warehouse_add_id_hidden": case "uc_id_hidden": $this->addElement("hidden", $col); $this->getElement($col)->removeDecorator("Label")->removeDecorator("HtmlTag"); break; default: break; } } }