public function checkLogin() { //用户登陆检测,若成功,把登陆时间与IP插入数据库 $verify = $this->_param('verify'); //$_POST['verify']; if ($_SESSION['verify'] != md5($verify)) { $this->error('验证码错误!'); } $admin_name = $this->_param('admin_name'); $admin_pw = $this->_param('admin_pw'); $m = new Model('admin'); //查看管理员表中有没有该用户信息 注:管理员与普通用户为2个表!!! $where = 'user_name="' . $admin_name . '" AND password="******" AND state=0'; $res = $m->where($where)->find(); if (count($res) > 0) { //判断是否有管理员信息 $data['last_login_ip'] = get_client_ip(); $data['last_login_time'] = time(); $where = 'id=' . $res['id']; $m->where($where)->save($data); session_start(); $_SESSION['username'] = $res['user_name']; $_SESSION['islogin'] = 1; //$_SESSION['level']=2; $this->redirect('Index/main'); } else { $this->error('密码错误或账号不存在或者已经被禁用!', U('Escape/login')); } }
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 根据表单生成查询条件 * 进行列表过滤 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @access protected +---------------------------------------------------------- * @param Model $model 数据对象 * @param HashMap $map 过滤条件 * @param string $sortBy 排序 * @param boolean $asc 是否正序 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @return void +---------------------------------------------------------- * @throws ThinkExecption +---------------------------------------------------------- */ protected function _list($model, $map, $sortBy = '', $asc = false) { //排序字段 默认为主键名 if (isset($_REQUEST['_order'])) { $order = $_REQUEST['_order']; } else { $order = !empty($sortBy) ? $sortBy : $model->getPk(); } //取得满足条件的记录数 $count = $model->where($map)->count('id'); if ($count > 0) { import("ORG.Util.Page"); //创建分页对象 if (!empty($_REQUEST['listRows'])) { $listRows = $_REQUEST['listRows']; } else { $listRows = ''; } $p = new Page($count, $listRows); //分页查询数据 $voList = $model->where($map)->order("" . $order . " desc")->limit($p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows)->select(); //分页跳转的时候保证查询条件 foreach ($map as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($val)) { $p->parameter .= "{$key}=" . urlencode($val) . "&"; } } //分页显示 $page = $p->show(); //列表排序显示 $sortImg = $sort; //排序图标 $sortAlt = $sort == 'desc' ? '升序排列' : '倒序排列'; //排序提示 //模板赋值显示 $this->assign('list', $voList); $this->assign('order', $order); $this->assign('sortImg', $sortImg); $this->assign('sortType', $sortAlt); $this->assign("page", $page); } $MagazineType = M("MagazineType"); $MagazineTypeList = $MagazineType->field('id, name')->select(); $this->assign('MagazineTypeList', $MagazineTypeList); $this->assign('totalCount', $count); $this->assign('numPerPage', C('PAGE_LISTROWS')); $this->assign('currentPage', !empty($_REQUEST[C('VAR_PAGE')]) ? $_REQUEST[C('VAR_PAGE')] : 1); Cookie::set('_currentUrl_', __SELF__); return; }
function getMsgList($parm = array()) { $M = new Model('member_msg'); $pre = C('DB_PREFIX'); $field = true; $orderby = " id DESC"; if ($parm['pagesize']) { //分页处理 import("ORG.Util.Page"); $count = $M->where($parm['map'])->count('id'); $p = new \Org\Util\Page($count, $parm['pagesize']); $page = $p->show(); $Lsql = "{$p->firstRow},{$p->listRows}"; //分页处理 } else { $page = ""; $Lsql = "{$parm['limit']}"; } $data = M('member_msg')->field(true)->where($parm['map'])->order($orderby)->limit($Lsql)->select(); $symbol = C('MONEY_SYMBOL'); $suffix = C("URL_HTML_SUFFIX"); foreach ($data as $key => $v) { } $row = array(); $row['list'] = $data; $row['page'] = $page; $row['count'] = $count; return $row; }
public function index() { $Hot = new Model('Article'); $listHot = $Hot->where("blar_status=3")->order('blar_create_time desc')->limit(5)->select(); $this->assign('listHot', $listHot); $Order = new Model('Article'); $listOrder = $Order->where("blar_status<>2")->order('blar_clicks desc, blar_create_time desc')->limit(10)->select(); $this->assign('listOrder', $listOrder); $Article = new Model('Article'); // 实例化模型类 import("ORG.Util.Page"); $count = $Article->where("blar_status<>2")->count(); $Page = new Page($count, 5); $show = $Page->show(); $list = $Article->where('blar_status<>2')->order('blar_create_time desc')->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows)->select(); // 查询数据 foreach ($list as $key => $art) { $blar_id = $art["blar_id"]; $ViewArTags = new Model('view_ar_tags'); $result = $ViewArTags->where('blar_id=' . $blar_id)->select(); if (isset($result) && !empty($result)) { $art["tags"] = $result; } $list[$key] = $art; } $this->assign('list', $list); // 模板变量赋值 $this->assign('page', $show); $this->display(); }
/** * 构造函数 * * @access public * @param mixed $name * @param mixed $password * @return mixed */ public function __construct($name, $password) { $safebox = Safebox::getInstance(); $manager = $safebox->get('manager'); if (!isset($manager['id']) || $manager['id'] == '' || $manager['name'] != $name) { $model = new Model('manager'); $name = Filter::sql($name); $user = $model->where("name='" . $name . "'")->find(); if (!empty($user)) { $key = md5($user['validcode']); $password = substr($key, 0, 16) . $password . substr($key, 16, 16); if ($user['password'] == md5($password)) { $this->status = 'online'; $this->properties = $user; $safebox->set('manager', $this->properties); } else { $this->status = 'offline'; $this->properties = null; } } else { $this->status = 'offline'; $this->properties = null; } } else { $this->status = 'online'; $this->properties = $safebox->get('manager'); } }
public function item_desc() { $where = 'type=3 AND status=1'; $obj = new Model('t_contents'); $res = $obj->where($where)->find(); $this->assign('res', $res); $this->display(); }
public function proStatus() { $project_hash = _get('get.token', null, '/^[a-z0-9]{30}$/'); if ($project_hash) { $obj = new Model('project'); if ($obj->where("project_hash = '" . $project_hash . "'")->update(array('status' => '1'))) { echo 'ok'; } } }
/** * Perform filter for global * * @param array $columns * @param string $search * @return self */ public function dtPerformGlobalFilter($columns, $search = '') { $this->dtModel = $this->dtModel->where(function ($query) use($columns, $search) { foreach ($columns as $column) { if (filter_var($column['searchable'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) && !in_array($column['name'], $this->dtUnsearchable)) { $query->orWhere(DB::raw($column['name']), 'LIKE', '%' . $search['value'] . '%'); } } }); return $this; }
public static function paymentVoucher($voucherTemplate, $userID = null) { $model = new Model("voucher"); do { $account = strtoupper(CHash::random(10, 'char')); $password = strtoupper(CHash::random(10, 'char')); $obj = $model->where("account = '{$account}'")->find(); } while ($obj); $start_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $end_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+' . $voucherTemplate['valid_days'] . ' days')); $model->data(array('account' => $account, 'password' => $password, 'name' => $voucherTemplate['name'], 'value' => $voucherTemplate['value'], 'start_time' => $start_time, 'end_time' => $end_time, 'money' => $voucherTemplate['money'], 'is_send' => 1, 'user_id' => $userID))->insert(); }
function listall() { $projects = new Model('project'); @($res = $projects->field('project_name,project_desc,project_hash,time,status')->where("user_hash = '" . $_SESSION['user_hash'] . "'")->select()); //封装数组处理 $url = new Model('url'); foreach ($res as $key => &$value) { $value['shellnum'] = $url->where("project_hash = '" . $value['project_hash'] . "'")->count(); $value['time'] = date('Y-m-d', $value['time']); } return $res; }
public function group_insert() { $data['name'] = $this->_post('name'); $data['mem_num'] = $this->_post('mem_num'); $data['resp'] = $this->_post('resp'); $data['phone'] = $this->_post('phone'); $vid = $this->get_volun_id(); $obj = new Model('t_group'); $res = $obj->where('resp=\'' . $vid . '\'')->find(); if (!empty($res)) { //更新 $g_id = $this->_post('g_id'); $res2 = $obj->where('g_id=' . $g_id)->save($data); } else { $res2 = $obj->add($data); } if ($res2) { $this->success('组织注册成功', '__APP__/Group/group', 3); } else { $this->error('组织注册失败', '', 3); } }
public static function write($user_id, $value, $note) { if (is_numeric($value)) { $model = new Model('customer'); $customer = $model->where("user_id=" . $user_id)->find(); if ($customer) { if ($value < 0) { if ($customer['point'] < abs($value)) { return array('status' => 'fail', 'msg' => '积分不够扣除!'); } } $new_point = $customer['point'] + $value; $model->where("user_id=" . $user_id)->data(array('point' => $new_point))->update(); $logs = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'value' => $value, 'point' => $new_point, 'note' => $note, 'create_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $model = new Model('point_log'); $model->data($logs)->insert(); return true; } } else { return array('status' => 'fail', 'msg' => '积分必需为数值。'); } }
function ajax_arclist() { $prefix = !empty($_REQUEST['prefix']) ? (bool) $_REQUEST['prefix'] : true; //表过滤防止泄露信息,只允许的表 if (!in_array($_REQUEST['model'], array('article', 'type', 'ad', 'label', 'link'))) { exit; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['model'])) { if ($prefix == true) { $model = C('DB_PREFIX') . $_REQUEST['model']; } else { $model = $_REQUEST['model']; } } else { $model = C('DB_PREFIX') . 'article'; } $order = !empty($_REQUEST['order']) ? inject_check($_REQUEST['order']) : ''; $num = !empty($_REQUEST['num']) ? inject_check($_REQUEST['num']) : ''; $where = !empty($_REQUEST['where']) ? inject_check(urldecode($_REQUEST['where'])) : ''; //使where支持 条件判断,添加不等于的判断 $page = false; if (!empty($_REQUEST['page'])) { $page = (bool) $_REQUEST['page']; } $pagesize = !empty($_REQUEST['pagesize']) ? intval($_REQUEST['pagesize']) : '10'; //$query =!empty($_REQUEST['sql'])?$_REQUEST['sql']:'';//太危险不用 $field = ''; if (!empty($_REQUEST['field'])) { $f_t = explode(',', inject_check($_REQUEST['field'])); $f_t = array_map('urlencode', $f_t); $field = implode(',', $f_t); } $m = new Model($model, NULL); //如果使用了分页,缓存也不生效 if ($page) { import("ORG.Util.Page"); //这里改成你的Page类 $count = $m->where($where)->count(); $total_page = ceil($count / $pagesize); $p = new Page($count, $pagesize); //如果使用了分页,num将不起作用 $t = $m->field($field)->where($where)->limit($p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows)->order($order)->select(); //echo $m->getLastSql(); $ret = array('total_page' => $total_page, 'data' => $t); } //如果没有使用分页,并且没有 query if (!$page) { $ret = $m->field($field)->where($where)->order($order)->limit($num)->select(); } $this->ajaxReturn($ret, '返回信息', 1); }
/** * 构造角色类,考虑到角色的修改,即时有效性,暂不考虑用Session保存 * * @access public * @param mixed $roles * @return mixed */ public function __construct($roles = null) { if ($roles !== null) { $key = $this->name . '_' . $roles; $model = new Model('roles'); $result = $model->where("id=" . $roles)->find(); $this->roles = $result; //Session::set($key,$this->roles); /*else { $this->roles=Session::get($key); }*/ } }
public function mobansave() { if (!IS_POST) { $this->message2('无效请求!', __APP__ . '/Admin'); } $site_template = I('site_template', 'default'); $data = array(); $data['site_template'] = $site_template; $config_model = new Model('config'); if (false !== $config_model->where('id=1')->data($data)->save()) { $this->message2('模板设置成功!', 'moban'); } else { $this->message2('模板设置失败:' . $config_model->getError(), 'moban'); } }
/** * [search description] * @param [type] $related [description] * @param [type] $search [description] * @param [type] $type [description] * @param [type] $field [description] * @param [type] $per_page [description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function search($related, $search, $type, $field, $per_page) { $sign = $type == 'equal' ? '=' : 'like'; if ($type == 'contain') { $search = '%' . $search . '%'; } if ($type == 'start') { $search = $search . '%'; } if (!is_null($related)) { $data = array('related' => $related, 'field' => $field, 'sign' => $sign, 'search' => $search); return $this->model->searchHasRelated($data)->paginate($per_page); } else { return $this->model->where($field, $sign, $search)->orderBy($field, 'asc')->paginate($per_page); } }
public function findSelectedFilter($filters, $aggregations, $model_filter) { if (!empty($model_filter)) { $values = array(); $model_ranges = explode("-", $model_filter); foreach ($model_ranges as $model_range) { $models = Model::where('id', '=', $model_range); if ($models->count()) { $title = $models->first()->model; array_push($values, array("title" => $title, "index" => 'model-remove-' . $model_range)); } } array_push($filters, array("name" => "Model", "values" => $values, "modal" => "model")); } return $filters; }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return Response */ public function create() { // load the create form (app/views/items/create.blade.php) $spares = Spare::where('state', '=', 1)->get()->toArray(); foreach ($spares as $key => $value) { $spare[$value['id']] = $value['name']; } $models = Model::where('state', '=', 1)->get()->toArray(); foreach ($models as $key => $value) { $model[$value['id']] = $value['name']; } $providers = Provider::where('state', '=', 1)->get()->toArray(); foreach ($providers as $key => $value) { $provider[$value['id']] = $value['name']; } return View::make('itemsin.create')->with('spares', $spare)->with('models', $model)->with('providers', $provider); }
function delurl() { $urlhash = _get('get.token', null, '/^[a-z0-9]{30}$/'); if ($urlhash) { //获取项目token $obj = new Model('url'); $tokenarr = $obj->field('project_hash')->where("url_hash = '" . $urlhash . "'")->find(); $token = $tokenarr['project_hash']; //项目token查用户hash权限判断 $buffusers = new Model('project'); $userhash = $buffusers->field('user_hash')->where("project_hash = '" . $token . "'")->find(); if ($userhash['user_hash'] != $_SESSION['user_hash']) { exit; } if ($obj->where("url_hash = '" . $urlhash . "'")->del()) { $this->_ajaxReturn('删除成功', 'success', 'index.php?m=project&a=listurl&token=' . $token); } } }
public function article() { $id = I('id', NULL); if (empty($id)) { $this->message2('未指定文章!', 'index'); } $model = new Model('article'); $article = $model->where('id=' . $id)->find(); if ($article['article_keyword'] != '') { $this->assign('seo_keyword', $article['article_keyword']); } if ($article['article_desc'] != '') { $this->assign('seo_desc', $article['article_desc']); } $config = M('config')->where('id=1')->find(); $this->assign('seo_title', $article['article_name'] . '-' . $config['sitename']); $this->assign('article', $article); $this->display(); }
/** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { DB::getDoctrineSchemaManager()->getDatabasePlatform()->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('enum', 'string'); $f2 = new CustomFieldset(['name' => "Asset with MAC Address"]); $f2->timestamps = false; //when this model was first created, it had no timestamps. But later on it gets them. if (!$f2->save()) { throw new Exception("couldn't save customfieldset"); } $macid = DB::table('custom_fields')->insertGetId(['name' => "MAC Address", 'format' => CustomField::$PredefinedFormats['MAC'], 'element' => 'text']); if (!$macid) { throw new Exception("Can't save MAC Custom field: {$macid}"); } $f2->fields()->attach($macid, ['required' => false, 'order' => 1]); Model::where(["show_mac_address" => true])->update(["fieldset_id" => $f2->id]); DB::statement("ALTER TABLE assets CHANGE mac_address _snipeit_mac_address varchar(255)"); $ans = Schema::table("models", function (Blueprint $table) { $table->renameColumn('show_mac_address', 'deprecated_mac_address'); }); }
public static function callerporder($order_no) { $url = ''; $ordermodel = new Model("order"); $pushordermodel = new Model("push_order"); $pushorderhismodel = new Model("push_order_his"); $orderconet = $ordermodel->where("order_no=" . $order_no)->find(); $pushordermodel->data(array('order_id' => $orderconet['id'], 'order_no' => $order_no, 'express_id' => 0, 'tracking_no' => null, 'push_flg' => 1, 'push_type' => 1, 'ins_dt' => Filter::str(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')), 'upd_dt' => Filter::str(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))))->inserttoerp(); $pushorderhismodel->data(array('order_id' => $orderconet['id'], 'order_no' => $order_no, 'express_id' => 0, 'tracking_no' => null, 'push_flg' => 1, 'push_type' => 1, 'ins_dt' => Filter::str(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')), 'upd_dt' => Filter::str(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))))->inserttoerp(); // $param = array("order_no" => $order_no, "id" => $orderconet['id']); // $returnVal = Http::doPost($url, $param); // $returnObj = json_decode($returnVal); // if ($returnObj->returnVal == "OK") { if (1) { $pushordermodel->data(array('push_flg' => 0))->where("order_no=" . $order_no)->updatetoerp(); $pushorderhismodel->data(array('order_id' => $orderconet['id'], 'order_no' => $order_no, 'express_id' => 0, 'tracking_no' => null, 'push_flg' => 0, 'push_type' => 1, 'ins_dt' => Filter::str(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')), 'upd_dt' => Filter::str(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))))->inserttoerp(); } else { // 请求失败 } }
public function register() { $data['usrname'] = _get('post.username', null, '/[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,12}/'); $data['usrpass'] = _get('post.password'); // $data['email'] = _get('', null, '/^[-\\w]+@[-\\w]+(\\.[-\\w]+){0,2}(\\.\\w{0,3})$/'); $data['time'] = time(); //加密用户数据 $data['user_hash'] = _md5($data['usrpass'], $data['time'], -25); $data['usrpass'] = _md5($data['usrpass'], 'codier', -20); $users = new Model('users'); //检测用户名是否已经存在 if ($users->where("usrname = '" . $data['usrname'] . "'")->count()) { $this->_ajaxReturn('用户名已存在', 'prompt'); } else { if ($users->insert($data)) { $this->_ajaxReturn('注册成功', 'success', 'index.php?m=index&a=index'); } else { } } }
public function changeOwnerUpdate($id) { // FIND OLD VEHICLE AND CREATE RESPECTIVE LOGS $oldVehicle = Vehicle::find($id); /* // IF VEHICLE STATUS IS CHANGED, ADD OLD STATUS IN LOG AND UPDATE DATA if($oldVehiclesStatus != $newVehiclesStatus){ LogVehicleStatus::create(['log_vehicle_status_vehicle_id' => $id, 'log_vehicle_status_vehicle_status_id' => $oldVehiclesStatus]); } // IF VEHICLE COLOR IS CHANGED, ADD OLD COLOR IN LOG AND UPDATE DATA if($oldvehicleColor != $newVehicleColor){ LogVehicleColor::create(['log_vehicle_color_vehicle_id' => $id, 'log_vehicle_color_color_id' => $oldvehicleColor]); } // IF VEHICLE USE TYPE IS CHANGED, ADD OLD USE TYPE IN LOG AND UPDATE DATA if($oldVehicleUseType != $newVehicleUseType){ $oldRegistrations_no = $oldVehicle->registration->registrations_no; LogVehicleUseType::create(['log_vehicle_use_type_vehicle_id' => $id, 'log_vehicle_use_type_use_type' => $oldVehicleUseType, 'log_vehicle_use_type_registration_no' => $oldRegistrations_no]); } * // TAKE LOG OF ODOMETER $vehicles_odometer = trim(Input::get('vehicles_odometer')); $oldOdometer = Vehicle::find($id)->vehicles_odometer; LogVehicleOdometer::create(['log_vehicle_odometer_vehicle_id' => $id, 'log_vehicle_odometer_old_odometer' => $oldOdometer]); */ //VEHICLE DATA $vehicles_year = trim(Input::get('vehicles_year')); $vehicles_make_id = trim(Input::get('vehicles_make_id')); $vehicles_name_trim = trim(Input::get('vehicles_name_trim')); $vehicles_name_trim_ar = explode(',', $vehicles_name_trim); $model_name = trim($vehicles_name_trim_ar[0]); if (count($vehicles_name_trim_ar) > 1) { $model_trim = trim($vehicles_name_trim_ar[1]); } else { $model_trim = ""; } $vehicles_body = trim(Input::get('vehicles_body')); if ($vehicles_body == -1) { $vehicles_body = ""; } $vehicles_weight_kg = trim(Input::get('vehicles_weight_kg')); // BEGIN VEHICLE // IF VEHICLE BODY IS NOT BLANK THEN ADD BODY, ELSE IGNORE IT TO MAKE IT NULL if ($vehicles_body != "") { $vehicle = Input::only(['vehicles_vin', 'vehicles_year', 'vehicles_make_id', 'vehicles_name_trim', 'vehicles_body', 'vehicles_weight_kg', 'vehicles_use_type', 'vehicles_use_type', 'vehicles_class', 'vehicles_color', 'vehicles_status', 'vehicles_odometer']); } else { $vehicle = Input::only(['vehicles_vin', 'vehicles_year', 'vehicles_make_id', 'vehicles_name_trim', 'vehicles_weight_kg', 'vehicles_use_type', 'vehicles_use_type', 'vehicles_class', 'vehicles_color', 'vehicles_status', 'vehicles_odometer']); } //$validator_vehicle = Validator::make($vehicle, Vehicle::$rules); //if($validator_vehicle->passes()){ // GETTING AND ADDING MODEL ID // IF BODY IS NULL if ($vehicles_body == "") { // GETTING MODEL $vehicle['vehicles_model_id'] = Model::where('model_year', $vehicles_year)->where('model_make_id', $vehicles_make_id)->where('model_name', $model_name)->where('model_trim', $model_trim)->whereNull('model_body')->first()->id; } else { $vehicle['vehicles_model_id'] = Model::where('model_year', $vehicles_year)->where('model_make_id', $vehicles_make_id)->where('model_name', $model_name)->where('model_trim', $model_trim)->where('model_body', $vehicles_body)->first()->id; } // INSERT VEHICLE DATA AND GET ID $vehicle_inserted_id = Vehicle::create($vehicle)->id; //}else // return Redirect::route('vehicle.create')->withErrors($validator_vehicle)->withInput(); // END VEHICLE // ASSOCTIATE NEW VEHICLE AND THEN DELETE OLD VEHICLE DATA $old_vehicle = Vehicle::find($id); // ASSOCIATE NEW VEHICLE WITH OLD VEHICLE $old_vehicle->update(['vehicles_transfer' => $vehicle_inserted_id]); // DELETE INSURANCE if ($old_vehicle->insurance) { $old_vehicle->insurance->delete(); } // DELETE LIEN if ($old_vehicle->lien) { $old_vehicle->lien->delete(); } // DELETE REGISTRATION $old_vehicle->registration->delete(); // DELETE VEHICLE $old_vehicle->delete(); // BEGIN OWNERS $owners_index = Input::get('owners_index'); $owners_index_arr = array_filter(explode(',', $owners_index)); // LOOP THROUGH EACH OWNER AND ASSOCIATE WITH DRIVERS foreach ($owners_index_arr as $owners_index_id) { $drivers_license_no = Input::get('drivers_license_no' . $owners_index_id); if (trim($drivers_license_no) != "") { $drivers_status = Driver::where('drivers_license_no', $drivers_license_no)->first(); // IF DRIVER DOESN'T EXISTS, CREATE DRIVER if ($drivers_status == NULL) { $owner_info['drivers_fname'] = Input::get('drivers_fname' . $owners_index_id); $owner_info['drivers_mname'] = Input::get('drivers_mname' . $owners_index_id); $owner_info['drivers_lname'] = Input::get('drivers_lname' . $owners_index_id); $owner_info['drivers_nin'] = Input::get('drivers_nin' . $owners_index_id); $owner_info['drivers_license_no'] = Input::get('drivers_license_no' . $owners_index_id); $owner_info['drivers_street'] = Input::get('drivers_street' . $owners_index_id); $owner_info['drivers_city'] = Input::get('drivers_city' . $owners_index_id); $owner_info['drivers_po_box'] = Input::get('drivers_po_box' . $owners_index_id); $owner_info['drivers_country'] = Input::get('drivers_country' . $owners_index_id); $owner_info['drivers_cell1'] = Input::get('drivers_cell1' . $owners_index_id); $owner_info['drivers_cell2'] = Input::get('drivers_cell2' . $owners_index_id); $owner_info['drivers_email'] = Input::get('drivers_email' . $owners_index_id); $owner_info['drivers_driving_status'] = Input::get('drivers_driving_status' . $owners_index_id); $insert_owner_into_driver_table = Driver::create($owner_info); $owner_ids[] = $insert_owner_into_driver_table->id; } else { $owner_ids[] = Driver::where('drivers_license_no', $drivers_license_no)->first()->id; } } } // LINK VEHICLE WITH OWNERS if (!empty($owner_ids)) { foreach ($owner_ids as $owner_ids_fet) { $owner_ids_fet = (int) $owner_ids_fet; //VehicleDriverOwner::create(['vehicle_driver_owners_vehicle_id' => $vehicle_inserted_id, 'vehicle_driver_owners_driver_id' => $owner_ids_fet]); Vehicle::find($vehicle_inserted_id)->owners()->attach($owner_ids_fet); } } // END OWNERS //BEGIN AUTHORIZED DRIVERS $authorized_index = Input::get('authorized_index'); // IF AUTHORIZED DRIVERS EXIST, ASSOCIATE WITH DRIVERS.(CHECKING USING LICENSE) if ($authorized_index != "") { $authorized_index_arr = explode(',', $authorized_index); foreach ($authorized_index_arr as $authorized_index_id) { $authorized_license_no = Input::get('authorized_license_no' . $authorized_index_id); $authorized_status = Driver::where('drivers_license_no', $authorized_license_no)->first(); //IF DRIVER DOESN'T EXISTS, CREATE DRIVER if ($authorized_status == NULL) { $authorized_info['drivers_fname'] = Input::get('authorized_fname' . $authorized_index_id); $authorized_info['drivers_mname'] = Input::get('authorized_mname' . $authorized_index_id); $authorized_info['drivers_lname'] = Input::get('authorized_lname' . $authorized_index_id); $authorized_info['drivers_nin'] = Input::get('authorized_nin' . $authorized_index_id); $authorized_info['drivers_license_no'] = Input::get('authorized_license_no' . $authorized_index_id); $authorized_info['drivers_street'] = Input::get('authorized_street' . $authorized_index_id); $authorized_info['drivers_city'] = Input::get('authorized_city' . $authorized_index_id); $authorized_info['drivers_po_box'] = Input::get('authorized_po_box' . $authorized_index_id); $authorized_info['drivers_country'] = Input::get('authorized_country' . $authorized_index_id); $authorized_info['drivers_cell1'] = Input::get('authorized_cell1' . $authorized_index_id); $authorized_info['drivers_cell2'] = Input::get('authorized_cell2' . $authorized_index_id); $authorized_info['drivers_email'] = Input::get('authorized_email' . $authorized_index_id); $authorized_info['drivers_driving_status'] = Input::get('authorized_driving_status' . $authorized_index_id); $insert_authorized_into_driver_table = Driver::create($authorized_info); $authorized_ids[] = $insert_authorized_into_driver_table->id; } else { $authorized_ids[] = Driver::where('drivers_license_no', $authorized_license_no)->first()->id; } } // LINK VEHICLE WITH AUTHORIZED DRIVERS foreach ($authorized_ids as $authorized_ids_fet) { $authorized_ids_fet = (int) $authorized_ids_fet; //VehicleDriverAuthorized::create(['vehicle_driver_authorized_vehicle_id' => $vehicle_inserted_id, 'vehicle_driver_authorized_driver_id' => $authorized_ids_fet]); Vehicle::find($vehicle_inserted_id)->authorizedDrivers()->attach($authorized_ids_fet); } } // END AUTHORIZED DRIVERS // BEGIN INSURANCE if (Input::get('insurances_company') != "") { $insurance_arr = new Insurance(Input::only('insurances_company', 'insurances_policy_no', 'insurances_exp_date', 'insurances_agent_fname', 'insurances_agent_lname', 'insurances_agent_cell', 'insurances_agent_city', 'insurances_agent_email')); //$insurance_arr['insurances_vehicle_id'] = $vehicle_inserted_id; //Insurance::create($insurance_arr); Vehicle::find($vehicle_inserted_id)->insurance()->save($insurance_arr); } // END INSURANCE // BEGIN LIEN HOLDER if (Input::get('lien_index')) { $lien_arr = new Lien(Input::only('liens_collateral_id', 'liens_collateral_value', 'liens_bank_name', 'liens_bank_branch', 'liens_bank_street', 'liens_bank_city')); //$lien_arr['liens_vehicle_id'] = $vehicle_inserted_id; //Lien::create($lien_arr); Vehicle::find($vehicle_inserted_id)->lien()->save($lien_arr); } // END LIEN HOLDER // BEGIN FILES $files_col = Input::file(); $files_count = count(array_filter($files_col['files'])); // IF FILES EXISTS if ($files_count) { foreach ($files_col['files'] as $files) { $filename_ar = explode('.', $files->getClientOriginalName()); $document_ext = end($filename_ar); $path = public_path() . '/vehicledata/documents'; // GENERATE RANDOM FILE NAME AND ADD EXTENSION $randName = md5(rand() * time()); $document_name = $randName . '.' . $document_ext; // MOVE FILE AND ENTRY INTO DATABASE if ($files->move($path, $document_name)) { //Document::create(['documents_vehicle_id' => $vehicle_inserted_id, 'documents_name' => $document_name]); Vehicle::find($vehicle_inserted_id)->documents()->save(new Document(['documents_name' => $document_name])); } } } // END FILES // BEGIN REGISTRATION if (isset($vehicle_inserted_id) && $vehicle_inserted_id != "") { $registrations_vehicle_id = $vehicle_inserted_id; $registrations_no = Input::get('registrations_no'); $registrations_licence_plate_no = Input::get('registrations_licence_plate_no'); if ($registrations_no != "" && $registrations_licence_plate_no != "" && $registrations_vehicle_id != "") { $vehicles_use_type = Input::get('vehicles_use_type'); $vehicles_class = Input::get('vehicles_class'); if ($vehicles_use_type != "" && $vehicles_class != "") { $vehicles_use_type_table_name = VehicleUseType::find($vehicles_use_type)->vehicle_use_types_table_name; //REGISTRATION FEES $vehicles_class_col_name = $vehicles_use_type_table_name . '_total'; $registrations_fees = DB::table($vehicles_use_type_table_name)->find($vehicles_class)->{$vehicles_class_col_name}; // INCREMENT REGISTRATION SEQUENCE $vehicles_sequence_col_name = $vehicles_use_type_table_name . '_sequence'; $currentSequence = DB::table($vehicles_use_type_table_name)->find($vehicles_class)->{$vehicles_sequence_col_name}; $newSequence = $currentSequence + 1; DB::table($vehicles_use_type_table_name)->where('id', $vehicles_class)->update([$vehicles_sequence_col_name => $newSequence]); $registration_ar = compact('registrations_vehicle_id', 'registrations_no', 'registrations_licence_plate_no', 'registrations_fees'); //Registration::create($registration_ar); Vehicle::find($vehicle_inserted_id)->registration()->save(new Registration($registration_ar)); // TAKE LOGS $newVehiclesStatus = Input::get('vehicles_status'); $newVehicleColor = Input::get('vehicles_color'); $newVehicleUseType = Input::get('vehicles_use_type'); $newVehiclesRegistrationNo = Input::get('registrations_no'); $vehicles_odometer = Input::get('vehicles_odometer'); LogVehicleStatus::create(['log_vehicle_status_vehicle_id' => $registrations_vehicle_id, 'log_vehicle_status_vehicle_status_id' => $newVehiclesStatus]); LogVehicleColor::create(['log_vehicle_color_vehicle_id' => $registrations_vehicle_id, 'log_vehicle_color_color_id' => $newVehicleColor]); LogVehicleUseType::create(['log_vehicle_use_type_vehicle_id' => $registrations_vehicle_id, 'log_vehicle_use_type_use_type' => $newVehicleUseType, 'log_vehicle_use_type_registration_no' => $newVehiclesRegistrationNo]); LogVehicleOdometer::create(['log_vehicle_odometer_vehicle_id' => $registrations_vehicle_id, 'log_vehicle_odometer_old_odometer' => $vehicles_odometer, 'log_vehicle_odometer_status' => 1]); return Redirect::route('vehicle.print', [$registrations_vehicle_id]); } } } else { echo "Nothing is saved because fields are not filled"; die; } // END REGISTRATION }
/** * 根据表单生成查询条件 * 进行列表过滤 * @param Model $model 数据对象 * @param HashMap $map 过滤条件 * @param string $sortBy 排序 * @param boolean $asc 是否正序 */ protected function _list($model, $map = array(), $sortBy = '', $asc = false) { //排序字段 默认为主键名 if (!empty($_REQUEST['_order'])) { $order = $_REQUEST['_order']; } else { $order = !empty($sortBy) ? $sortBy : $model->getPk(); } //排序方式默认按照倒序排列 //接受 sort参数 0 表示倒序 非0都 表示正序 if (!empty($_REQUEST['_sort'])) { $sort = $_REQUEST['_sort'] == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; } else { $sort = $asc ? 'asc' : 'desc'; } //取得满足条件的记录数 $count = $model->where($map)->count(); //每页显示的记录数 if (!empty($_REQUEST['numPerPage'])) { $listRows = $_REQUEST['numPerPage']; } else { $listRows = '10'; } //设置当前页码 if (!empty($_REQUEST['pageNum'])) { $nowPage = $_REQUEST['pageNum']; } else { $nowPage = 1; } $_GET['p'] = $nowPage; //创建分页对象 import("ORG.Util.Page"); $p = new Page($count, $listRows); //分页查询数据 //$list = $model->where($map)->order($order . ' ' . $sort)->select(); $model = D('Comment'); $list = $model->where($map)->relation(true)->order($order . ' ' . $sort)->limit($p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows)->select(); //回调函数,用于数据加工,如将用户id,替换成用户名称 if (method_exists($this, '_tigger_list')) { $this->_tigger_list($list); } //分页跳转的时候保证查询条件 foreach ($map as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($val)) { $p->parameter .= "{$key}=" . urlencode($val) . "&"; } } //分页显示 $page = $p->show(); //列表排序显示 $sortImg = $sort; //排序图标 $sortAlt = $sort == 'desc' ? '升序排列' : '倒序排列'; //排序提示 $sort = $sort == 'desc' ? 1 : 0; //排序方式 //模板赋值显示 $this->assign('list', $list); $this->assign('sort', $sort); $this->assign('order', $order); $this->assign('sortImg', $sortImg); $this->assign('sortType', $sortAlt); $this->assign("page", $page); $this->assign("search", $search); //搜索类型 $this->assign("values", $_POST['values']); //搜索输入框内容 $this->assign("totalCount", $count); //总条数 $this->assign("numPerPage", $p->listRows); //每页显多少条 $this->assign("currentPage", $nowPage); //当前页码 }
public function where($condition, $parse = null) { if (is_array($condition)) { $condition = array_merge(array('appid' => $this->oApp['id'], 'status' => 0), $condition); } return parent::where($condition, $parse); }
/** +---------------------------------------------------------- * 根据表单生成查询条件 * 进行列表过滤 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @access protected +---------------------------------------------------------- * @param Model $model 数据对象 * @param HashMap $map 过滤条件 * @param string $sortBy 排序 * @param boolean $asc 是否正序 +---------------------------------------------------------- * @return void +---------------------------------------------------------- * @throws ThinkExecption +---------------------------------------------------------- */ protected function _list($model, $map, $sortBy = '', $asc = false) { //排序字段 默认为主键名 if (isset($_REQUEST['_order'])) { $order = $_REQUEST['_order']; } else { $order = !empty($sortBy) ? $sortBy : $model->getPk(); } //排序方式默认按照倒序排列 //接受 sost参数 0 表示倒序 非0都 表示正序 if (isset($_REQUEST['_sort'])) { $sort = $_REQUEST['_sort'] ? 'asc' : 'desc'; } else { $sort = $asc ? 'asc' : 'desc'; } //取得满足条件的记录数 $count = $model->where($map)->count('id'); if ($count > 0) { import("@.ORG.Util.Page"); //创建分页对象 if (!empty($_REQUEST['listRows'])) { $listRows = $_REQUEST['listRows']; } else { $listRows = ''; } $p = new Page($count, $listRows); //分页查询数据 $voList = $model->where($map)->order("`" . $order . "` " . $sort)->limit($p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows)->select(); //echo $model->getlastsql(); //分页跳转的时候保证查询条件 foreach ($map as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($val)) { $p->parameter .= "{$key}=" . urlencode($val) . "&"; } } //分页显示 $page = $p->show(); //列表排序显示 $sortImg = $sort; //排序图标 $sortAlt = $sort == 'desc' ? '升序排列' : '倒序排列'; //排序提示 $sort = $sort == 'desc' ? 1 : 0; //排序方式 //模板赋值显示 $this->assign('list', $voList); $this->assign('sort', $sort); $this->assign('order', $order); $this->assign('sortImg', $sortImg); $this->assign('sortType', $sortAlt); $this->assign("page", $page); } cookie('_currentUrl_', __SELF__); return; }
/** * * 分页方法 * @param $Model 数据库对象 * @param $num 每页的数据条数 * @param $where 选择数据的条件 * @param $field 选择的字段 * @param $data_list 模板中数据集的变量名 * @param $show_list 模板中分类的变量名 * @param $error_info 读取失败或结果为空时的模板变量 * $param $join */ protected function pagingList(Model $Model, $num, $where, $field, $data_list, $show_list, $error_info, $join, $order) { if (empty($order)) { //$order="ctime"; } import('ORG.Util.Page'); $count = $Model->where($where)->count(); $Page = new Page($count, $num); $show = $Page->show(); $Model->query("SET sql_mode = 'NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION'"); $list = $Model->where($where)->field($field)->order($order)->join($join)->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows)->select(); // $Page->setConfig("", $value); if ($list) { //dump($list); //dump($show); //dump($Model->getLastSql()); $this->assign($data_list, $list); // 赋值数据集 $this->assign($show_list, $show); // 赋值分页输出 } elseif (is_null($list)) { //dump($Model->getLastSql()); $this->assign($error_info, "记录为空!"); } else { //dump($Model->getLastSql()); $this->assign($error_info, "读取错误!"); } }
public function setAccess() { $role_id = I('role_id'); $access = I('access'); //print_r($access);exit; $m = new Model('admin_access'); $m->where('role_id=' . $role_id)->delete(); $data = array(); foreach ($access as $val) { $arr = explode('_', $val); $data[] = array('role_id' => $role_id, 'node_id' => $arr[0], 'level' => $arr[1]); } if ($m->addAll($data)) { $this->alert_jump('配置成功', U('Admin/access', array('id' => $role_id))); } else { $this->alert_back('配置失败'); } }
public function first($field, $value) { return $this->model->where($field, $value)->first(); }