public function toHtml($hash = null, $login = null) { $title = "<h2 class='xorg_nl'><a id='art{$this->aid}'></a>" . pl_entities($this->title()) . '</h2>'; $body = MiniWiki::WikiToHTML($this->body); $app = MiniWiki::WikiToHTML($this->append); $art = "{$title}\n"; $art .= "<div class='art'>\n{$body}\n"; if ($app) { $art .= "<div class='app'>{$app}</div>"; } $art .= "</div>\n"; if (!is_null($hash) && !is_null($login)) { $art = str_replace('%HASH%', "{$hash}/{$login}", $art); } else { $art = str_replace('%HASH%', '', $art); } return $art; }
function handler_edit_announce($page, $aid = null) { global $globals, $platal; $page->changeTpl('xnetgrp/announce-edit.tpl'); $page->assign('new', is_null($aid)); $art = array(); if (Post::v('valid') == 'Visualiser' || Post::v('valid') == 'Enregistrer' || Post::v('valid') == 'Supprimer l\'image' || Post::v('valid') == 'Pas d\'image') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); if (!is_null($aid)) { $art['id'] = $aid; } $art['titre'] = Post::v('titre'); $art['texte'] = Post::v('texte'); $art['contacts'] = Post::v('contacts'); $art['promo_min'] = Post::i('promo_min'); $art['promo_max'] = Post::i('promo_max'); $art['nom'] = S::v('nom'); $art['prenom'] = S::v('prenom'); $art['promo'] = S::v('promo'); $art['hruid'] = S::user()->login(); $art['uid'] = S::user()->id(); $art['expiration'] = Post::v('expiration'); $art['public'] = Post::has('public'); $art['xorg'] = Post::has('xorg'); $art['nl'] = Post::has('nl'); $art['event'] = Post::v('event'); $upload = new PlUpload(S::user()->login(), 'xnetannounce'); $this->upload_image($page, $upload); $art['contact_html'] = $art['contacts']; if ($art['event']) { $art['contact_html'] .= "\n{$globals->baseurl}/{$platal->ns}events/sub/{$art['event']}"; } if (!$art['public'] && ($art['promo_min'] > $art['promo_max'] && $art['promo_max'] != 0 || $art['promo_min'] != 0 && ($art['promo_min'] <= 1900 || $art['promo_min'] >= 2020) || $art['promo_max'] != 0 && ($art['promo_max'] <= 1900 || $art['promo_max'] >= 2020))) { $page->trigError("L'intervalle de promotions est invalide."); Post::kill('valid'); } if (!trim($art['titre']) || !trim($art['texte'])) { $page->trigError("L'article doit avoir un titre et un contenu."); Post::kill('valid'); } if (Post::v('valid') == 'Supprimer l\'image') { $upload->rm(); Post::kill('valid'); } $art['photo'] = $upload->exists() || Post::i('photo'); if (Post::v('valid') == 'Pas d\'image' && !is_null($aid)) { XDB::query('DELETE FROM group_announces_photo WHERE eid = {?}', $aid); $upload->rm(); Post::kill('valid'); $art['photo'] = false; } } if (Post::v('valid') == 'Enregistrer') { $promo_min = $art['public'] ? 0 : $art['promo_min']; $promo_max = $art['public'] ? 0 : $art['promo_max']; $flags = new PlFlagSet(); if ($art['public']) { $flags->addFlag('public'); } if ($art['photo']) { $flags->addFlag('photo'); } if (is_null($aid)) { $fulltext = $art['texte']; if (!empty($art['contact_html'])) { $fulltext .= "\n\n'''Contacts :'''\\\\\n" . $art['contact_html']; } $post = null; if ($globals->asso('forum')) { require_once 'banana/'; $banana = new ForumsBanana(S::user()); $post = $banana->post($globals->asso('forum'), null, $art['titre'], MiniWiki::wikiToText($fulltext, false, 0, 80)); } XDB::query('INSERT INTO group_announces (uid, asso_id, create_date, titre, texte, contacts, expiration, promo_min, promo_max, flags, post_id) VALUES ({?}, {?}, NOW(), {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', S::i('uid'), $globals->asso('id'), $art['titre'], $art['texte'], $art['contact_html'], $art['expiration'], $promo_min, $promo_max, $flags, $post); $aid = XDB::insertId(); if ($art['photo']) { list($imgx, $imgy, $imgtype) = $upload->imageInfo(); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO group_announces_photo SET eid = {?}, attachmime = {?}, x = {?}, y = {?}, attach = {?}', $aid, $imgtype, $imgx, $imgy, $upload->getContents()); } if ($art['xorg']) { $article = new EvtReq("[{$globals->asso('nom')}] " . $art['titre'], $fulltext, $art['promo_min'], $art['promo_max'], $art['expiration'], "", S::user(), $upload); $article->submit(); $page->trigWarning("L'affichage sur la page d'accueil de est en attente de validation."); } else { if ($upload && $upload->exists()) { $upload->rm(); } } if ($art['nl']) { $article = new NLReq(S::user(), $globals->asso('nom') . " : " . $art['titre'], $art['texte'], $art['contact_html']); $article->submit(); $page->trigWarning("La parution dans la Lettre Mensuelle est en attente de validation."); } } else { XDB::query('UPDATE group_announces SET titre = {?}, texte = {?}, contacts = {?}, expiration = {?}, promo_min = {?}, promo_max = {?}, flags = {?} WHERE id = {?} AND asso_id = {?}', $art['titre'], $art['texte'], $art['contacts'], $art['expiration'], $promo_min, $promo_max, $flags, $art['id'], $globals->asso('id')); if ($art['photo'] && $upload->exists()) { list($imgx, $imgy, $imgtype) = $upload->imageInfo(); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO group_announces_photo (eid, attachmime, attach, x, y) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE attachmime = VALUES(attachmime), attach = VALUES(attach), x = VALUES(x), y = VALUES(y)', $aid, $imgtype, $upload->getContents(), $imgx, $imgy); $upload->rm(); } } } if (Post::v('valid') == 'Enregistrer' || Post::v('valid') == 'Annuler') { pl_redirect(""); } if (empty($art) && !is_null($aid)) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT *, FIND_IN_SET('public', flags) AS public,\n FIND_IN_SET('photo', flags) AS photo\n FROM group_announces\n WHERE asso_id = {?} AND id = {?}", $globals->asso('id'), $aid); if ($res->numRows()) { $art = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); $art['contact_html'] = $art['contacts']; } else { $page->kill("Aucun article correspond à l'identifiant indiqué."); } } if (is_null($aid)) { $events = XDB::iterator("SELECT *\n FROM group_events\n WHERE asso_id = {?} AND archive = 0", $globals->asso('id')); if ($events->total()) { $page->assign('events', $events); } } $art['contact_html'] = @MiniWiki::WikiToHTML($art['contact_html']); $page->assign('art', $art); $page->assign_by_ref('upload', $upload); }
public function export($bits = null) { $export = parent::export(); if ($this->name !== null) { $export['name'] = $this->name; } if ($this->versions !== null) { foreach ($this->versions as $key => $version) { $export['versions'][$key] = array('wrote' => $version['wrote'], 'writer' => $version['writer']->export(), 'content' => $version['content'], 'html' => MiniWiki::WikiToHTML($version['content'], true)); } } if ($this->comments !== null) { $export['comments'] = $this->comments; } return $export; }