  * Any migration code in here is wrapped inside of a transaction.
  * @return bool
 public function safeUp()
     // Rename the table to charges
     MigrationHelper::renameTable('charge_stripe', 'charges');
     // Make it an element type
     MigrationHelper::makeElemental('charges', 'Charge');
     return true;
  * Any migration code in here is wrapped inside of a transaction.
  * @return bool
 public function safeUp()
     if (!craft()->db->tableExists('tagsets')) {
         // Create the tagsets table
         craft()->db->createCommand()->createTable('tagsets', array('name' => array('maxLength' => 100, 'column' => ColumnType::Varchar, 'null' => false), 'handle' => array('maxLength' => 45, 'column' => ColumnType::Char, 'null' => false), 'fieldLayoutId' => array('column' => ColumnType::Int, 'length' => 10, 'unsigned' => false)));
         $this->createIndex('tagsets', 'name', true);
         $this->createIndex('tagsets', 'handle', true);
         // Create the Default tag group
         $this->insert('tagsets', array('name' => 'Default', 'handle' => 'default'));
         $tagSetId = craft()->db->getLastInsertID();
         // Rename the entrytags table
         MigrationHelper::renameTable('entrytags', 'tags');
         // Convert the tags to elements
         MigrationHelper::makeElemental('tags', 'Tag');
         // Make some tweaks on the tags table
         $this->alterColumn('tags', 'name', array('column' => ColumnType::Varchar, 'null' => false));
         $this->dropColumn('tags', 'count');
         $this->addColumnBefore('tags', 'setId', array('column' => ColumnType::Int, 'null' => false), 'name');
         $this->dropIndex('tags', 'name', true);
         // Place all current tags into the Default group
         $this->update('tags', array('setId' => $tagSetId));
         $this->createIndex('tags', 'setId, name', true);
         $this->addForeignKey('tags', 'setId', 'tagsets', 'id', 'CASCADE', null);
         // Create a new field group
         $this->insert('fieldgroups', array('name' => 'Tags (Auto-created)'));
         $groupId = craft()->db->getLastInsertID();
         // Create a new Tags field
         // Find a unique handle
         for ($i = 0; true; $i++) {
             $handle = 'tags' . ($i != 0 ? "-{$i}" : '');
             $totalFields = craft()->db->createCommand()->from('fields')->where(array('handle' => $handle))->count('id');
             if ($totalFields == 0) {
         $this->insert('fields', array('groupId' => $groupId, 'name' => 'Tags', 'handle' => $handle, 'type' => 'Tags', 'settings' => JsonHelper::encode(array('source' => 'tagset:' . $tagSetId))));
         $fieldId = craft()->db->getLastInsertID();
         // Migrate entrytags_enrtries data into relations
         $tagRelations = craft()->db->createCommand()->select('entryId, tagId, dateCreated, dateUpdated, uid')->from('entrytags_entries')->queryAll(false);
         foreach ($tagRelations as &$relation) {
             array_unshift($relation, $fieldId);
         $this->insertAll('relations', array('fieldId', 'parentId', 'childId', 'dateCreated', 'dateUpdated', 'uid'), $tagRelations, false);
         // Update the search indexes
         $this->update('searchindex', array('attribute' => 'field', 'fieldId' => $fieldId), array('attribute' => 'tags'), array(), false);
         // Drop the old entrytags_entries table
     } else {
         Craft::log('Tried to add the `tagsets` table, but it already exists.', LogLevel::Warning);
     return true;
 public function safeUp()
     MigrationHelper::makeElemental('market_variants', 'Market_Variant', true);
     return true;