예제 #1
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="session", in="path", required=true, type="string", description="Your MapGuide Session ID"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="resName", in="path", required=true, type="string", description="The name of the Layer Definition"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="scale", in="path", required=true, type="number", description="The scale at which the symbolization is requested"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="geomType", in="path", required=true, type="integer", description="The type of symbolization required: 1=Point, 2=Line, 3=Area, 4=Composite"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="themecat", in="path", required=true, type="integer", description="The value indicating which theme category swatch to return. Used when there is a theme defined at this scale"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="width", in="query", required=true, type="integer", description="The requested image width in pixels"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="height", in="query", required=true, type="integer", description="The requested image height in pixels"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="type", in="path", required=true, type="string", description="The icon image type", enum={"PNG", "PNG8", "JPG", "GIF"}),
 *        @SWG\Response(response=400, description="You supplied a bad request due to one or more missing or invalid parameters"),
 *        @SWG\Response(response=401, description="Session ID or MapGuide credentials not specified"),
 *        @SWG\Response(response=500, description="An error occurred during the operation")
 *     )
$app->get("/session/:sessionId/:resName.LayerDefinition/legend/:scale/:geomtype/:themecat/icon.:format", function ($sessionId, $resName, $scale, $geomtype, $themecat, $format) use($app) {
    $resId = new MgResourceIdentifier("Session:{$sessionId}//{$resName}.LayerDefinition");
    $ctrl = new MgMappingServiceController($app);
    $ctrl->GenerateLegendImage($resId, $scale, $geomtype, $themecat, $format);
//============================= Rendering Service APIs ====================================
 *     @SWG\Get(
 *        path="/session/{session}/{resName}.MapDefinition/image.{type}",
 *        operationId="RenderMapDefinition",
 *        summary="Renders an image of the specified map definition",
 *        tags={"session"},
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="session", in="path", required=true, type="string", description="Your MapGuide Session ID"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="resName", in="path", required=true, type="string", description="The name of the Map Definition"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="x", in="query", required=true, type="integer", description="The X coordinate of the map center to render"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="y", in="query", required=true, type="integer", description="The Y coordinate of the map center to render"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="scale", in="query", required=true, type="number", description="The map scale to render"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="width", in="query", required=true, type="integer", description="The width of the image"),
예제 #2
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="marginbottom", in="query", required=false, type="number", description="bottom margin in inches"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="printlayout", in="query", required=false, type="string", description="The PrintLayout resource to use for plotting. Only applies if plotting to DWF"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="title", in="query", required=false, type="string", description="The title to put in the plot"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="type", in="path", required=true, type="string", description="The plot type", enum={"dwf", "pdf"}),
 *        @SWG\Response(response=400, description="You supplied a bad request due to one or more missing or invalid parameters"),
 *        @SWG\Response(response=401, description="Session ID or MapGuide credentials not specified"),
 *        @SWG\Response(response=500, description="An error occurred during the operation")
 *     )
$app->get("/library/:resourcePath+.MapDefinition/plot.:format", function ($resourcePath, $format) use($app) {
    $count = count($resourcePath);
    if ($count > 0) {
        $resourcePath[$count - 1] = $resourcePath[$count - 1] . ".MapDefinition";
    $resId = MgUtils::ParseLibraryResourceID($resourcePath);
    $ctrl = new MgMappingServiceController($app);
    $ctrl->GeneratePlotFromMapDefinition($resId, $format);
//================================= Rendering Service APIs ==================================
 *     @SWG\Get(
 *        path="/library/{resourcePath}.MapDefinition/image.{type}",
 *        operationId="RenderMapDefinition",
 *        summary="Renders an image of the specified map definition",
 *        tags={"library"},
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="session", in="query", required=false, type="string", description="Your MapGuide Session ID"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="resourcePath", in="path", required=true, type="string", description="The path of the Map Definition"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="x", in="query", required=true, type="integer", description="The X coordinate of the map center to render"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="y", in="query", required=true, type="integer", description="The Y coordinate of the map center to render"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="scale", in="query", required=true, type="number", description="The map scale to render"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="width", in="query", required=true, type="integer", description="The width of the image"),
예제 #3
 *        @SWG\Response(response=500, description="An error occurred during the operation")
 *     )
$app->post("/services/transformcoords", function () use($app) {
    $ctrl = new MgCoordinateSystemController($app);
 *     @SWG\Post(
 *        path="/services/createmap.{type}",
 *        operationId="CreateRuntimeMap",
 *        summary="Creates a new Runtime Map (MgMap) instance from the specified map definition and returns detailed information about its layer/group structure if requested",
 *        tags={"services"},
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="session", in="formData", required=false, type="string", description="Your MapGuide Session ID. If none specified you must pass the basic http authentication challenge"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="mapdefinition", in="formData", required=true, type="string", description="The Map Definition ID to create a new runtime map from"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="targetmapname", in="formData", required=false, type="string", description="The target map name to associate the Runtime Map by. By default, the name is generated from the Map Definition ID"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="requestedfeatures", in="formData", required=false, type="integer", description="A bitmask of the information about the Runtime Map that you would like returned. 1=Layer/Group structure, 2=icons, 4=Feature Source Information"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="iconformat", in="formData", required=false, type="string", description="The desired icon image format if icons are requested", enum={"PNG","JPG","PNG8","GIF"}),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="iconwidth", in="formData", required=false, type="integer", description="The desired width of generated icons if icons are requested"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="iconheight", in="formData", required=false, type="integer", description="The desired height of generated icons if icons are requested"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="iconsperscalerange", in="formData", required=false, type="integer", description="The number of icons to generate per scale range if icons are requested"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="type", in="path", required=true, type="string", description="xml or json", enum={"json", "xml"}),
 *        @SWG\Response(response=400, description="You supplied a bad request due to one or more missing or invalid parameters"),
 *        @SWG\Response(response=401, description="Session ID or MapGuide credentials not specified"),
 *        @SWG\Response(response=500, description="An error occurred during the operation")
 *     )
$app->post("/services/createmap.:format", function ($format) use($app) {
    $ctrl = new MgMappingServiceController($app);
예제 #4
 public function EnumerateMapLayerGroups($sessionId, $mapName, $format)
     $userInfo = new MgUserInformation($sessionId);
     $siteConn = new MgSiteConnection();
     $map = new MgMap($siteConn);
     $groups = $map->GetLayerGroups();
     $groupCount = $groups->GetCount();
     $output = "<GroupCollection>";
     for ($i = 0; $i < $groupCount; $i++) {
         $group = $groups->GetItem($i);
         $parent = $group->GetGroup();
         $output .= MgMappingServiceController::CreateGroupItem($group, $parent);
     $output .= "</GroupCollection>";
     $bs = new MgByteSource($output, strlen($output));
     $br = $bs->GetReader();
     if ($format == "json") {
     } else {