예제 #1
  * Creates the methodTable for a passed class.
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @param $className(String) The name of the service class.
  *        May also simply be __FILE__
  * @param $servicePath(String) The location of the classes (optional)
 function create($className, $servicePath = NULL, &$classComment)
     $methodTable = array();
     if (file_exists(Inflector::underscore($className))) {
         //The new __FILE__ way of doing things was used
         // Files are underscored in cakePHP
         $sourcePath = Inflector::underscore($className);
         $className = str_replace("\\", '/', $className);
         $className = substr($className, strrpos($className, '/') + 1);
         // Class names are CamelCased in cakePHP
         $className = Inflector::camelize(str_replace('.php', '', $className));
     } else {
         $className = str_replace('.php', '', $className);
         $fullPath = Inflector::underscore(str_replace('.', '/', $className));
         $className = Inflector::camelize($fullPath);
         if (strpos($fullPath, '/') !== FALSE) {
             // Class names are CamelCased in cakePHP
             $className = Inflector::camelize(substr(strrchr($fullPath, '/'), 1));
         if ($servicePath == NULL) {
             if (isset($GLOBALS['amfphp']['classPath'])) {
                 $servicePath = $GLOBALS['amfphp']['classPath'];
             } else {
                 $servicePath = "../services/";
         $sourcePath = $servicePath . $fullPath . ".php";
     if (!file_exists($sourcePath)) {
         trigger_error("The MethodTable class could not find {" . $sourcePath . "}", E_USER_ERROR);
     if (class_exists('ReflectionClass')) {
         $classMethods = MethodTable::getClassMethodsReflection($sourcePath, $className, $classComment);
     } else {
         $classMethods = MethodTable::getClassMethodsTokenizer($sourcePath, $className, $classComment);
     foreach ($classMethods as $key => $value) {
         if ($value['name'][0] == '_' || $value['name'] == 'beforeFilter') {
         if (defined("METHOD_PREFIX")) {
             if (METHOD_PREFIX != substr($value['name'], 0, strlen(METHOD_PREFIX))) {
         $methodSignature = $value['args'];
         $methodName = $value['name'];
         $methodComment = $value['comment'];
         $description = MethodTable::getMethodDescription($methodComment) . " " . MethodTable::getMethodCommentAttribute($methodComment, "desc");
         $description = trim($description);
         $access = MethodTable::getMethodCommentAttributeFirstWord($methodComment, "access");
         $roles = MethodTable::getMethodCommentAttributeFirstWord($methodComment, "roles");
         $instance = MethodTable::getMethodCommentAttributeFirstWord($methodComment, "instance");
         $returns = MethodTable::getMethodCommentAttributeFirstLine($methodComment, "returns");
         $pagesize = MethodTable::getMethodCommentAttributeFirstWord($methodComment, "pagesize");
         $params = MethodTable::getMethodCommentArguments($methodComment);
         //description, arguments, access, [roles, [instance, [returns, [pagesize]]]]
         $methodTable[$methodName] = array();
         //$methodTable[$methodName]["signature"] = $methodSignature; //debug purposes
         $methodTable[$methodName]["description"] = $description == "" ? "No description given." : $description;
         $methodTable[$methodName]["arguments"] = MethodTable::getMethodArguments($methodSignature, $params);
         $methodTable[$methodName]["access"] = $access == "" ? "private" : $access;
         if ($roles != "") {
             $methodTable[$methodName]["roles"] = $roles;
         if ($instance != "") {
             $methodTable[$methodName]["instance"] = $instance;
         if ($returns != "") {
             $methodTable[$methodName]["returns"] = $returns;
         if ($pagesize != "") {
             $methodTable[$methodName]["pagesize"] = $pagesize;
     $classComment = trim(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", MethodTable::getMethodDescription($classComment)));
     return $methodTable;
예제 #2
  * Creates the methodTable for a passed class.
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @param $className(String) The name of the service class.
  *        May also simply be __FILE__
  * @param $servicePath(String) The location of the classes (optional)
 function create($className, $servicePath = NULL, &$classComment)
     $methodTable = array();
     if (file_exists($className)) {
         //The new __FILE__ way of doing things was used
         $sourcePath = $className;
         $className = str_replace("\\", '/', $className);
         $className = substr($className, strrpos($className, '/') + 1);
         $className = str_replace('.php', '', $className);
     } else {
         $className = str_replace('.php', '', $className);
         $fullPath = str_replace('.', '/', $className);
         $className = $fullPath;
         if (strpos($fullPath, '/') !== FALSE) {
             $className = substr(strrchr($fullPath, '/'), 1);
         if ($servicePath == NULL) {
             if (isset($GLOBALS['amfphp']['classPath'])) {
                 $servicePath = $GLOBALS['amfphp']['classPath'];
             } else {
                 $servicePath = "../services/";
         $sourcePath = $servicePath . $fullPath . ".php";
     if (!file_exists($sourcePath)) {
         trigger_error("The MethodTable class could not find {" . $sourcePath . "}", E_USER_ERROR);
     //convert classname to cake classname
     $className = Inflector::camelize($className);
     if (class_exists('ReflectionClass')) {
         $classMethods = MethodTable::getClassMethodsReflection($sourcePath, $className, $classComment);
     } else {
         $classMethods = MethodTable::getClassMethodsTokenizer($sourcePath, $className, $classComment);
     foreach ($classMethods as $key => $value) {
         if ($value['name'][0] == '_' || in_array($value['name'], array('beforeFilter', 'afterFilter', 'beforeRender', 'afterRender', 'Object', 'cakeError', 'cleanUpFields', 'constructClasses', 'flash', 'flashOut', 'generateFieldNames', 'log', 'postConditions', 'redirect', 'referer', 'render', 'requestAction', 'set', 'setAction', 'toString', 'validate', 'validateErrors', 'view'))) {
         $methodSignature = $value['args'];
         $methodName = $value['name'];
         $methodComment = $value['comment'];
         $description = MethodTable::getMethodDescription($methodComment) . " " . MethodTable::getMethodCommentAttribute($methodComment, "desc");
         $description = trim($description);
         $access = MethodTable::getMethodCommentAttributeFirstWord($methodComment, "access");
         $roles = MethodTable::getMethodCommentAttributeFirstWord($methodComment, "roles");
         $instance = MethodTable::getMethodCommentAttributeFirstWord($methodComment, "instance");
         $returns = MethodTable::getMethodCommentAttributeFirstLine($methodComment, "returns");
         $pagesize = MethodTable::getMethodCommentAttributeFirstWord($methodComment, "pagesize");
         $params = MethodTable::getMethodCommentArguments($methodComment);
         //description, arguments, access, [roles, [instance, [returns, [pagesize]]]]
         $methodTable[$methodName] = array();
         //$methodTable[$methodName]["signature"] = $methodSignature; //debug purposes
         $methodTable[$methodName]["description"] = $description == "" ? "No description given." : $description;
         $methodTable[$methodName]["arguments"] = MethodTable::getMethodArguments($methodSignature, $params);
         $methodTable[$methodName]["access"] = $access == "" ? "private" : $access;
         if ($roles != "") {
             $methodTable[$methodName]["roles"] = $roles;
         if ($instance != "") {
             $methodTable[$methodName]["instance"] = $instance;
         if ($returns != "") {
             $methodTable[$methodName]["returns"] = $returns;
         if ($pagesize != "") {
             $methodTable[$methodName]["pagesize"] = $pagesize;
     $classComment = trim(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", MethodTable::getMethodDescription($classComment)));
     return $methodTable;