예제 #1
  * Get the filterable field types and their operators.
  * @param string $client The client that you are working on.
  * @return array The list of filterable field types and their operators.
 public static function getOperators($client = 'base')
     $filtersMetadata = MetaDataManager::getManager($client)->getSugarFilters();
     if (empty($filtersMetadata['operators']['meta'])) {
         return array();
     return $filtersMetadata['operators']['meta'];
예제 #2
 public function clearCaches()
     //Need to invalidate the caches for rolesets when roles change (availible modules may change)
     if ($this->load_relationship('acl_role_sets')) {
         $rolesets = $this->acl_role_sets->getBeans();
         $mm = MetaDataManager::getManager();
         foreach ($rolesets as $roleset) {
             $context = new MetaDataContextRoleSet($roleset);
             $mm->invalidateCache($mm->getPlatformsWithCaches(), $context);
예제 #3
  * Gets a MetaDataManager object
  * @param string $platform The platform to get the manager for
  * @param boolean $public Flag to describe visibility for metadata
  * @return MetaDataManager
 protected function getMetaDataManager($platform = '', $public = false)
     return MetaDataManager::getManager($platform, $public);
예제 #4
  * Sets up metadata caches for various platforms and languages.
  * NOTE: This can get expensive for many platforms and/or many languages.
  * @param array $platforms Array of platforms for setup metadata for
  * @param array $languages Array of language metadata caches to build
  * @return void
 public static function setupMetadata($platforms = array(), $languages = array())
     // Set up the platforms array
     if (empty($platforms)) {
         $platforms = array('base');
     if (!is_array($platforms)) {
         $platforms = (array) $platforms;
     if (empty($languages)) {
         $languages = array('en_us');
     if (!is_array($languages)) {
         $languages = (array) $languages;
     // Loop over the metadata managers for each platform and visibility, then
     // over each of the languages for each manager
     foreach ($platforms as $platform) {
         foreach (array(true, false) as $public) {
             $mm = MetaDataManager::getManager($platform, $public);
             foreach ($languages as $language) {
예제 #5
  * Gets the metadata manager for this user and platform
  * @return MetaDataManager
 protected function getMetadataManager()
     return MetaDataManager::getManager(array($this->platform));
예제 #6
 protected function buildRelationshipCache()
     global $beanList, $buildingRelCache;
     if ($buildingRelCache) {
     $buildingRelCache = true;
     $relationships = $this->getRelationshipData();
     //Save it out
     sugar_mkdir(dirname($this->getCacheFile()), null, true);
     $out = "<?php \n \$relationships = " . var_export($relationships, true) . ";";
     sugar_file_put_contents_atomic($this->getCacheFile(), $out);
     // There are only certain times when the relationship cache needs to be
     // refreshed...
     // If we have a cache, but no internal relationships yet, do NOT rebuild
     // the api cache. This is a first load of this class.
     // If there is no cache, then do NOT rebuild the api cache since there is
     // nothing to rebuild.
     // DO rebuild the cache if there is a cache, there is an internal relationships
     // property and it is different than $relationships
     $rebuildApiCache = false;
     $metaCacheKey = MetaDataManager::getManager()->getCachedMetadataHash();
     if (empty($metaCacheKey)) {
         $rebuildApiCache = !empty($this->relationships) && array_diff_key($this->relationships, $relationships) !== array();
     $this->relationships = $relationships;
     if ($rebuildApiCache) {
     // set the variable back to false, as we are now going to rebuild the vardefs since we have all the
     // relationships are loaded
     $buildingRelCache = false;
     //Now load all vardefs a second time populating the rel_calc_fields
     foreach ($beanList as $moduleName => $beanName) {
         // need to refresh the vardef so that the related calc fields are loaded
         VardefManager::loadVardef($moduleName, BeanFactory::getObjectName($moduleName), true);
예제 #7
     foreach ($currentReauthPrefs as $key => $val) {
         if ($focus->getPreference($key) != $val) {
             $refreshMetadata = true;
 // [BR-200] Force reauth so user pref metadata is refreshed
 if ($refreshMetadata) {
     // This will more than likely already be true, but force it to be sure
     $focus->update_date_modified = true;
 // Since metadata caches contain data specific to roles and users, we need
 // to nuke the caches when a user changes since it is possible for one
 // user to change another user
 $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['disable_team_access_check'] = true;
 $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['disable_team_access_check'] = false;
 $return_id = $focus->id;
 $ieVerified = true;
 global $new_pwd;
 $new_pwd = '';
 if ((isset($_POST['old_password']) || $focus->portal_only) && (isset($_POST['new_password']) && !empty($_POST['new_password'])) && (isset($_POST['password_change']) && $_POST['password_change'] == 'true')) {
     if (!$focus->change_password($_POST['old_password'], $_POST['new_password'])) {
         if (isset($_POST['page']) && $_POST['page'] == 'EditView') {
             header("Location: index.php?action=EditView&module=Users&record=" . $_POST['record'] . "&error_password="******"Location: index.php?action=ChangePassword&module=Users&record=" . $_POST['record'] . "&error_password=" . urlencode($focus->error_string));
예제 #8
  * Load the layout def file and associate the definition with a variable in the file.
 function open_layout_defs($reload = false, $layout_def_key = '', $original_only = false)
     require_once 'include/MetaDataManager/MetaDataManager.php';
     $mm = MetaDataManager::getManager();
     $layout_defs[$this->_focus->module_dir] = array();
     $layout_defs[$layout_def_key] = array();
     $def_path = array();
     if (empty($this->layout_defs) || $reload || !empty($layout_def_key) && !isset($layout_defs[$layout_def_key])) {
         if (!$original_only) {
             if (isModuleBWC($this->_focus->module_dir)) {
                 $def_path = array('modules/' . $this->_focus->module_dir . '/metadata/' . ($this->platform == 'mobile' ? 'wireless.' : '') . 'subpaneldefs.php');
                 $def_path[] = SugarAutoLoader::loadExtension($this->platform == 'mobile' ? 'wireless_subpanels' : 'layoutdefs', $this->_focus->module_dir);
                 foreach (SugarAutoLoader::existing($def_path) as $file) {
                     require $file;
             } else {
                 $viewdefs = $mm->getModuleLayouts($this->_focus->module_dir);
                 $viewdefs = !empty($viewdefs['subpanels']['meta']['components']) ? $viewdefs['subpanels']['meta']['components'] : array();
         $layoutDefsKey = !empty($layout_def_key) ? $layout_def_key : $this->_focus->module_dir;
         // convert sidecar subpanels to the array the SubpanelDefinitions are looking for
         if ($this->_focus instanceof SugarBean && !isModuleBWC($this->_focus->module_dir) && isset($viewdefs)) {
             require_once 'include/MetaDataManager/MetaDataConverter.php';
             $metaDataConverter = new MetaDataConverter();
             $layout_defs[$layoutDefsKey] = $metaDataConverter->toLegacySubpanelLayoutDefs($viewdefs, $this->_focus);
         $this->layout_defs = $layout_defs[$layoutDefsKey];
예제 #9
    if (isset($_REQUEST['collation']) && !empty($_REQUEST['collation'])) {
        //kbrill Bug #14922
        if (array_key_exists('collation', $sugar_config['dbconfigoption']) && $_REQUEST['collation'] != $sugar_config['dbconfigoption']['collation']) {
        $cfg->config['dbconfigoption']['collation'] = $_REQUEST['collation'];
    if ($locale->invalidLocaleNameFormatUpgrade()) {
    // Metadata sections that have to be refreshed on `Save`.
    $refreshSections = array(MetaDataManager::MM_CURRENCIES, MetaDataManager::MM_LABELS, MetaDataManager::MM_ORDEREDLABELS);
    $mm = MetaDataManager::getManager();
    // Call `ping` API to refresh the metadata.
    echo "\n        <script>\n        var app = window.parent.SUGAR.App;\n        app.api.call('read', app.api.buildURL('ping'));\n        app.router.navigate('#bwc/index.php?module=Administration&action=index', {trigger:true, replace:true});\n        </script>\n    ";
} else {
    $collationOptions = $GLOBALS['db']->getCollationList();
    if (!empty($collationOptions)) {
        if (!isset($sugar_config['dbconfigoption']['collation'])) {
            $sugar_config['dbconfigoption']['collation'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getDefaultCollation();
        $sugar_smarty->assign('collationOptions', get_select_options_with_id(array_combine($collationOptions, $collationOptions), $sugar_config['dbconfigoption']['collation']));
  * @param $params
  * @return array
 protected function getRoleOptions($params)
     $manager = MetaDataManager::getManager();
     return $manager->getEditableDropdownFilter($params['dropdown_name'], $params['dropdown_role']);
예제 #11
  * Returns list of roles with marker indicating whether role specific metadata for the given dropdown field exists
  * @param string $name Dropdown field name
  * @return array
 protected function getAvailableRoleList($name)
     $manager = MetaDataManager::getManager();
     return MBHelper::getAvailableRoleList(function (array $params) use($manager, $name) {
         return $manager->hasEditableDropdownFilter($name, $params['role']);
예제 #12
  * Get the beans ACL's to pass back any that differ
  * @param  SugarBean $bean
  * @param  array     $fieldList
  * @return array
 public function getBeanAcl(SugarBean $bean, array $fieldList)
     $acl = array('fields' => (object) array());
     if (SugarACL::moduleSupportsACL($bean->module_dir)) {
         $mm = MetaDataManager::getManager($this->api->platform);
         $moduleAcl = $mm->getAclForModule($bean->module_dir, $this->api->user, false, true);
         $beanAcl = $mm->getAclForModule($bean->module_dir, $this->api->user, $bean, true);
         if ($beanAcl['_hash'] != $moduleAcl['_hash'] || !empty($fieldList)) {
             // diff the fields separately, they are usually empty anyway so we won't diff these often.
             $moduleAclFields = $moduleAcl['fields'];
             $beanAclFields = $beanAcl['fields'];
             // dont' need the fields here will append at the end
             // don't need the hashes anymore
             $acl = array_diff_assoc($beanAcl, $moduleAcl);
             $fieldAcls = array();
              * Fields are different than module level acces
              * if fields is empty that means all access is granted
              * beanAclFields is empty and moduleAclFields is empty -> all access -> return empty
              * beanAclFields is empty and moduleAclFields is !empty -> all access -> return yes's
              * beanAclFields is !empty and moduleAclFields is empty -> beanAclFields access restrictions -> return beanAclFields
              * beanAclFields is !empty and moduleAclFields is !empty -> return all access = "Yes" from moduleAcl and unset any in beanAcl that is in ModuleAcl [don't dupe data]
             if (!empty($beanAclFields) && empty($moduleAclFields)) {
                 $fieldAcls = $beanAclFields;
             } elseif (!empty($beanAclFields) && !empty($moduleAclFields)) {
                 // we need the ones that are moduleAclFields but not in beanAclFields
                 foreach ($moduleAclFields as $field => $aclActions) {
                     foreach ($aclActions as $action => $access) {
                         if (!isset($beanAclFields[$field][$action])) {
                             $beanAclFields[$field][$action] = "yes";
                         // if the bean action is set and it matches the access from module, we do not need to send it down
                         if (isset($beanAclFields[$field][$action]) && $beanAclFields[$field][$action] == $access) {
                 // cleanup BeanAclFields, we don't want to pass a field that doens't have actions
                 foreach ($beanAclFields as $field => $actions) {
                     if (empty($actions)) {
                 $fieldAcls = $beanAclFields;
             } elseif (empty($beanAclFields) && !empty($moduleAclFields)) {
                 // it is different because we now have access...
                 foreach ($moduleAclFields as $field => $aclActions) {
                     foreach ($aclActions as $action => $access) {
                         $fieldAcls[$field][$action] = "yes";
             foreach ($fieldList as $fieldName) {
                 if (empty($fieldAcls[$fieldName]) && isset($moduleAclFields[$fieldName])) {
                     $fieldAcls[$fieldName] = $moduleAclFields[$fieldName];
             $acl['fields'] = (object) $fieldAcls;
     return $acl;