protected function processSubmit()
     $req = $this->getRequest();
     $out = $this->getOutput();
     $jobs = array();
     $jobs[] = MessageIndexRebuildJob::newJob();
     $changefile = TranslateUtils::cacheFile(self::CHANGEFILE);
     $reader = CdbReader::open($changefile);
     $groups = unserialize($reader->get('#keys'));
     $postponed = array();
     foreach ($groups as $groupId) {
         $group = MessageGroups::getGroup($groupId);
         $changes = unserialize($reader->get($groupId));
         foreach ($changes as $code => $subchanges) {
             foreach ($subchanges as $type => $messages) {
                 foreach ($messages as $index => $params) {
                     $id = self::changeId($groupId, $code, $type, $params['key']);
                     if ($req->getVal($id) === null) {
                         // We probably hit the limit with number of post parameters.
                         $postponed[$groupId][$code][$type][$index] = $params;
                     if ($type === 'deletion' || $req->getCheck("i/{$id}")) {
                     $fuzzy = $req->getCheck("f/{$id}") ? 'fuzzy' : false;
                     $key = $params['key'];
                     $title = Title::makeTitleSafe($group->getNamespace(), "{$key}/{$code}");
                     $jobs[] = MessageUpdateJob::newJob($title, $params['content'], $fuzzy);
             if (!isset($postponed[$groupId][$code])) {
                 $cache = new MessageGroupCache($groupId, $code);
     rename($changefile, $changefile . '-' . wfTimestamp());
     if (count($postponed)) {
         $changefile = TranslateUtils::cacheFile(self::CHANGEFILE);
         $writer = CdbWriter::open($changefile);
         $keys = array_keys($postponed);
         $writer->set('#keys', serialize($keys));
         foreach ($postponed as $groupId => $changes) {
             $writer->set($groupId, serialize($changes));
         $this->showChanges(true, $this->getLimit());
     } else {
예제 #2
  * @todo Very long code block; split up.
  * @param $group MessageGroup
  * @param $code
 public function importForm($group, $code)
     $this->setSubtitle($group, $code);
     $formParams = array('method' => 'post', 'action' => $this->getTitle()->getFullURL(array('group' => $group->getId())), 'class' => 'mw-translate-manage');
     global $wgRequest, $wgLang;
     if ($wgRequest->wasPosted() && $wgRequest->getBool('process', false) && $this->user->isAllowed('translate-manage') && $this->user->matchEditToken($wgRequest->getVal('token'))) {
         $process = true;
     } else {
         $process = false;
     $this->out->addHTML(Xml::openElement('form', $formParams) . Html::hidden('title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText()) . Html::hidden('token', $this->user->editToken()) . Html::hidden('group', $group->getId()) . Html::hidden('process', 1));
     // BEGIN
     $cache = new MessageGroupCache($group, $code);
     if (!$cache->exists() && $code === 'en') {
     $collection = $group->initCollection($code);
     $diff = new DifferenceEngine();
     $ignoredMessages = $collection->getTags('ignored');
     if (!is_array($ignoredMessages)) {
         $ignoredMessages = array();
     $messages = $group->load($code);
     $changed = array();
     foreach ($messages as $key => $value) {
         // ignored? ignore!
         if (in_array($key, $ignoredMessages)) {
         $fuzzy = $old = false;
         if (isset($collection[$key])) {
             $old = $collection[$key]->translation();
         // No changes at all, ignore.
         if (str_replace(TRANSLATE_FUZZY, '', $old) === $value) {
         if ($old === false) {
             $name = wfMsgHtml('translate-manage-import-new', '<code style="font-weight:normal;">' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '</code>');
             $text = TranslateUtils::convertWhiteSpaceToHTML($value);
             $changed[] = MessageWebImporter::makeSectionElement($name, 'new', $text);
         } else {
             if (TranslateEditAddons::hasFuzzyString($old)) {
                 // NO-OP
             } else {
                 $transTitle = MessageWebImporter::makeTranslationTitle($group, $key, $code);
                 if (TranslateEditAddons::isFuzzy($transTitle)) {
                     $old = TRANSLATE_FUZZY . $old;
             $diff->setText($old, $value);
             $text = $diff->getDiff('', '');
             $type = 'changed';
             if ($process) {
                 if (!count($changed)) {
                     $changed[] = '<ul>';
                 $action = $wgRequest->getVal(MessageWebImporter::escapeNameForPHP("action-{$type}-{$key}"));
                 if ($action === null) {
                     $message = wfMsgExt('translate-manage-inconsistent', 'parseinline', wfEscapeWikiText("action-{$type}-{$key}"));
                     $changed[] = "<li>{$message}</li></ul>";
                     $process = false;
                 } else {
                     // Initialise processing time counter.
                     if (!isset($this->time)) {
                         $this->time = wfTimestamp();
                     $fuzzybot = FuzzyBot::getUser();
                     $message = MessageWebImporter::doAction($action, $group, $key, $code, $value, '', $fuzzybot, EDIT_FORCE_BOT);
                     $key = array_shift($message);
                     $params = $message;
                     $message = wfMsgExt($key, 'parseinline', $params);
                     $changed[] = "<li>{$message}</li>";
                     if ($this->checkProcessTime()) {
                         $process = false;
                         $duration = $wgLang->formatNum($this->processingTime);
                         $message = wfMsgExt('translate-manage-toolong', 'parseinline', $duration);
                         $changed[] = "<li>{$message}</li></ul>";
             if ($code !== 'en') {
                 $actions = array('import', 'conflict', 'ignore');
             } else {
                 $actions = array('import', 'fuzzy', 'ignore');
             $act = array();
             if ($this->user->isAllowed('translate-manage')) {
                 $defaction = $fuzzy ? 'conflict' : 'import';
                 foreach ($actions as $action) {
                     $label = wfMsg("translate-manage-action-{$action}");
                     $name = MessageWebImporter::escapeNameForPHP("action-{$type}-{$key}");
                     $selected = $wgRequest->getVal($name, $defaction);
                     $id = Sanitizer::escapeId("action-{$key}-{$action}");
                     $act[] = Xml::radioLabel($label, $name, $action, $id, $action === $selected);
             $name = wfMsg('translate-manage-import-diff', '<code style="font-weight:normal;">' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '</code>', implode(' ', $act));
             $changed[] = MessageWebImporter::makeSectionElement($name, $type, $text);
     if (!$process) {
         $collection->filter('hastranslation', false);
         $keys = $collection->getMessageKeys();
         $diff = array_diff($keys, array_keys($messages));
         foreach ($diff as $s) {
             $name = wfMsgHtml('translate-manage-import-deleted', '<code style="font-weight:normal;">' . htmlspecialchars($s) . '</code>');
             $text = TranslateUtils::convertWhiteSpaceToHTML($collection[$s]->translation());
             $changed[] = MessageWebImporter::makeSectionElement($name, 'deleted', $text);
     if ($process || !count($changed) && $code !== 'en') {
         if (!count($changed)) {
         if (!count($changed) || strpos($changed[count($changed) - 1], '<li>') !== 0) {
             $changed[] = '<ul>';
         $message = wfMsgExt('translate-manage-import-rebuild', 'parseinline');
         $changed[] = "<li>{$message}</li>";
         $message = wfMsgExt('translate-manage-import-done', 'parseinline');
         $changed[] = "<li>{$message}</li></ul>";
         $this->out->addHTML(implode("\n", $changed));
     } else {
         // END
         if (count($changed)) {
             if ($code === 'en') {
             } else {
                 $lang = TranslateUtils::getLanguageName($code, false, $wgLang->getCode());
                 $this->out->addWikiMsg('translate-manage-intro-other', $lang);
             $this->out->addHTML(Html::hidden('language', $code));
             $this->out->addHTML(implode("\n", $changed));
             if ($this->user->isAllowed('translate-manage')) {
         } elseif ($this->user->isAllowed('translate-manage')) {
             // Update timestamp
     if ($code === 'en') {
     } else {
         $this->out->addHTML('<p>' . $this->skin->link($this->getTitle(), wfMsgHtml('translate-manage-return-to-group'), array(), array('group' => $group->getId())) . '</p>');