protected function EditLibraryMedia() { $this->response = new ResponseManager(); $db =& $this->db; $user =& $this->user; $layoutid = $this->layoutid; $regionid = $this->regionid; $mediaid = $this->mediaid; $userid = $this->user->userid; if (!$this->auth->edit) { $this->response->SetError('You do not have permission to edit this media.'); $this->response->keepOpen = false; return $this->response; } // Hand off to the media module $mediaObject = new Media($db); // Stored As from the XML $storedAs = $this->GetOption('uri'); // File data $tmpName = Kit::GetParam('hidFileID', _POST, _STRING); $name = Kit::GetParam('name', _POST, _STRING); $tags = Kit::GetParam('tags', _POST, _STRING); if ($this->auth->modifyPermissions) { $this->duration = Kit::GetParam('duration', _POST, _INT, 0, false); } // Revise this file? if ($tmpName != '') { Debug::LogEntry('audit', 'Uploading a new revision', 'module', 'EditLibraryMedia'); // File name and extension (orignial name) $fileName = Kit::GetParam('txtFileName', _POST, _STRING); if ($name == '') { $name = $fileName; } if (!($new_mediaid = $mediaObject->FileRevise($mediaid, $tmpName, $fileName, $userid))) { $this->response->SetError($mediaObject->GetErrorMessage()); $this->response->keepOpen = true; return $this->response; } // Are we on a region if ($regionid != '') { $security = new LayoutMediaGroupSecurity($db); $security->Copy($layoutid, $regionid, $mediaid, $new_mediaid); } // Required Attributes $this->mediaid = $new_mediaid; // Find out what we stored this item as try { $dbh = PDOConnect::init(); $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT StoredAs FROM `media` WHERE mediaid = :mediaId'); $sth->execute(array('mediaId' => $new_mediaid)); $storedAs = Kit::ValidateParam($sth->fetchColumn(0), _FILENAME); $this->SetOption('uri', $storedAs); } catch (Exception $e) { Debug::LogEntry('error', $e->getMessage(), get_class(), __FUNCTION__); trigger_error(__('Unable to find uploaded file.'), E_USER_ERROR); } Debug::LogEntry('audit', 'New revision uploaded: ' . $storedAs, 'module', 'EditLibraryMedia'); } // Edit the media record if (!$mediaObject->Edit($this->mediaid, $name, $this->duration, $userid, $tags)) { $this->response->SetError($mediaObject->GetErrorMessage()); $this->response->keepOpen = true; return $this->response; } // Should have built the media object entirely by this time if ($regionid != '' && $this->showRegionOptions) { // This saves the Media Object to the Region $this->UpdateRegion(); $this->response->loadForm = true; $this->response->loadFormUri = "index.php?p=timeline&layoutid={$layoutid}®ionid={$regionid}&q=RegionOptions"; } elseif ($regionid != '' && !$this->showRegionOptions) { $this->UpdateRegion(); $this->response->loadForm = false; } else { $this->response->message = 'Edited the ' . $this->displayType; } // Edit from the library - check to see if we are replacing this media in *all* layouts. $replaceInLayouts = Kit::GetParam('replaceInLayouts', _POST, _CHECKBOX) == 1; $replaceBackgroundImages = Kit::GetParam('replaceBackgroundImages', _POST, _CHECKBOX) == 1; if ($mediaid != $this->mediaid && ($replaceInLayouts || $replaceBackgroundImages)) { $this->ReplaceMediaInAllLayouts($replaceInLayouts, $replaceBackgroundImages, $mediaid, $this->mediaid, $this->duration); } // Do we need to delete the old media item? if ($tmpName != '' && Kit::GetParam('deleteOldVersion', _POST, _CHECKBOX) == 1) { // We pass in the newMediaId as the second parameter so that we can correctly link a prior revision if one exists. if (!$mediaObject->Delete($mediaid, $this->mediaid)) { $this->response->message .= ' ' . __('Failed to remove old media'); } } return $this->response; }
/** * Delete a Media file from the library */ public function LibraryMediaDelete() { if (!$this->user->PageAuth('content')) { return $this->Error(1, 'Access Denied'); } Kit::ClassLoader('Media'); $media = new Media(); $mediaId = $this->GetParam('mediaId', _INT); if (!$this->user->MediaAuth($mediaId)) { return $this->Error(1, 'Access Denied'); } if (!$media->Delete($mediaId)) { return $this->Error($media->GetErrorNumber(), $media->GetErrorMessage()); } return $this->Respond($this->ReturnId('success', true)); }
/** * Removes all expired media files */ public static function removeExpiredFiles() { $media = new Media(); // Get a list of all expired files and delete them foreach (Media::Entries(NULL, array('expires' => time(), 'allModules' => 1)) as $entry) { // If the media type is a module, then pretend its a generic file if ($entry->mediaType == 'module') { // Find and remove any links to layouts. $media->removeModuleFile($entry->mediaId, $entry->storedAs); } else { // Create a module for it and issue a delete include_once 'modules/' . $entry->type . '.module.php'; $moduleObject = new $entry->type(new database(), new User()); // Remove it from all assigned layout $moduleObject->UnassignFromAll($entry->mediaId); // Delete it $media->Delete($entry->mediaId); } } }
/** * Delete Media from the Database * @return */ public function DeleteMedia() { $db =& $this->db; Kit::ClassLoader('Media'); $mediaObject = new Media($db); $layoutid = $this->layoutid; $regionid = $this->regionid; $mediaid = $this->mediaid; // Check permissions if (!$this->auth->del) { $this->response->SetError('You do not have permission to delete this assignment.'); $this->response->keepOpen = false; return $this->response; } // Extra work if we are on a layout if ($layoutid != '') { if (!$this->ApiDeleteRegionMedia($layoutid, $regionid, $mediaid)) { $this->response->keepOpen = true; $this->response->SetError($this->errorMessage); return $this->response; } } // Are we region specific media? if (!$this->regionSpecific) { $options = Kit::GetParam('options', _POST, _WORD); // Unassigning Media needs to remove it from all Layouts the user has permission for. if ($options == 'unassignall') { if (!$this->UnassignFromAll($mediaid)) { $this->response->SetError($mediaObject->GetErrorMessage()); $this->response->keepOpen = true; return $this->response; } } else { if ($options == 'retire') { if (!$mediaObject->Retire($mediaid)) { $this->response->SetError($mediaObject->GetErrorMessage()); $this->response->keepOpen = true; return $this->response; } } else { if ($options == 'delete') { if (!$mediaObject->Delete($mediaid)) { $this->response->SetError($mediaObject->GetErrorMessage()); $this->response->keepOpen = true; return $this->response; } } } } $this->response->message = __('Completed Successfully'); } // We want to load the region timeline form back again if ($layoutid != '') { $this->response->loadForm = true; $this->response->loadFormUri = "index.php?p=timeline&layoutid={$layoutid}®ionid={$regionid}&q=RegionOptions"; } return $this->response; }
public function TidyLibrary($tidyOldRevisions, $cleanUnusedFiles) { // Also run a script to tidy up orphaned media in the library $library = Config::GetSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION'); $library = rtrim($library, '/') . '/'; $mediaObject = new Media(); Debug::Audit('Library Location: ' . $library); // Dump the files in the temp folder foreach (scandir($library . 'temp') as $item) { if ($item == '.' || $item == '..') { continue; } Debug::Audit('Deleting temp file: ' . $item); unlink($library . 'temp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item); } $media = array(); $unusedMedia = array(); $unusedRevisions = array(); // Run a query to get an array containing all of the media in the library try { $dbh = PDOConnect::init(); $sth = $dbh->prepare(' SELECT media.mediaid, media.storedAs, media.type, media.isedited, SUM(CASE WHEN IFNULL(lklayoutmedia.lklayoutmediaid, 0) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS UsedInLayoutCount, SUM(CASE WHEN IFNULL(, 0) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS UsedInDisplayCount FROM `media` LEFT OUTER JOIN `lklayoutmedia` ON lklayoutmedia.mediaid = media.mediaid LEFT OUTER JOIN `lkmediadisplaygroup` ON lkmediadisplaygroup.mediaid = media.mediaid GROUP BY media.mediaid, media.storedAs, media.type, media.isedited '); $sth->execute(array()); foreach ($sth->fetchAll() as $row) { $media[$row['storedAs']] = $row; // Ignore any module files or fonts if ($row['type'] == 'module' || $row['type'] == 'font') { continue; } // Collect media revisions that aren't used if ($tidyOldRevisions && $row['UsedInLayoutCount'] <= 0 && $row['UsedInDisplayCount'] <= 0 && $row['isedited'] > 0) { $unusedRevisions[$row['storedAs']] = $row; } else { if ($cleanUnusedFiles && $row['UsedInLayoutCount'] <= 0 && $row['UsedInDisplayCount'] <= 0) { $unusedMedia[$row['storedAs']] = $row; } } } } catch (Exception $e) { Debug::LogEntry('error', $e->getMessage()); if (!$this->IsError()) { $this->SetError(1, __('Unknown Error')); } return false; } //Debug::Audit(var_export($media, true)); //Debug::Audit(var_export($unusedMedia, true)); // Get a list of all media files foreach (scandir($library) as $file) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } if (is_dir($library . $file)) { continue; } // Ignore thumbnails if (strstr($file, 'tn_') || strstr($file, 'bg_')) { continue; } // Is this file in the system anywhere? if (!array_key_exists($file, $media)) { // Totally missing Debug::Audit('Deleting file: ' . $file); // If not, delete it $mediaObject->DeleteMediaFile($file); } else { if (array_key_exists($file, $unusedRevisions)) { // It exists but isn't being used any more Debug::Audit('Deleting unused revision media: ' . $media[$file]['mediaid']); $mediaObject->Delete($media[$file]['mediaid']); } else { if (array_key_exists($file, $unusedMedia)) { // It exists but isn't being used any more Debug::Audit('Deleting unused media: ' . $media[$file]['mediaid']); $mediaObject->Delete($media[$file]['mediaid']); } } } } return true; }
public static function Run() { if (key_exists('MJaxUploadPanel_file', $_FILES)) { //Check for posted files $objMedia = new Media(); $objMedia->CreDate = QDateTime::Now(); $objMedia->IdUser = TWAuthDriver::IdUser(); $objMedia->Save(); $strType = $_FILES['MJaxUploadPanel_file']['type']; switch ($strType) { case 'image/gif': $strSufix = 'gif'; break; case 'image/png': $strSufix = 'png'; break; case 'image/jpg': $strSufix = 'jpg'; break; } $objMedia->FileLoc = __UPLOAD_DIRECTORY__ . '/' . $objMedia->IdMedia . '.' . $strSufix; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['MJaxUploadPanel_file']['tmp_name'], $objMedia->FileLoc)) { //Set the Businesses idMediaProfilePic Id $arrResponse = array('success' => 'true', 'fileLoc' => $objMedia->FileLoc, 'idMedia' => $objMedia->IdMedia); echo json_encode($arrResponse); $objMedia->Save(); } else { $objMedia->Delete(); } } else { //RENDER IFRAME require __DOCROOT__ . __TPL_ASSETS__ . '/_core/MJaxUploadPanel.tpl.php'; } }