예제 #1
 public function __construct($baseURL, $number_of_results, $results_per_page)
     if (!php_Boot::$skip_constructor) {
         if ($results_per_page <= 0) {
             throw new HException(new system_base_General_error(" results per page must be 1 or larger", 500, _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "Paginator.hx", "lineNumber" => 37, "className" => "system.base.Paginator", "methodName" => "new"))));
         $full_pages = Math::floor($number_of_results / $results_per_page);
         $spill_pages = system_base_Paginator_0($this, $baseURL, $full_pages, $number_of_results, $results_per_page);
         $this->current_links = null;
         $this->base_url = $baseURL;
         $this->total_pages = $full_pages + $spill_pages;
예제 #2
 public function base26($num)
     if ($num < 0) {
         return "-";
     $out = "";
     do {
         $out = _hx_string_or_null($out) . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_char_at($alpha, _hx_mod($num, 26)));
         $num = Math::floor($num / 26) - 1;
     } while ($num >= 0);
     return $out;
예제 #3
 public function toString()
     $html = "";
     $width = Math::floor(100 / $this->iframes->length) - 1;
     $_g = 0;
     $_g1 = $this->iframes;
     while ($_g < $_g1->length) {
         $iframeUrl = $_g1[$_g];
         $html .= "\n\t" . "<iframe src=\"" . _hx_string_or_null($iframeUrl) . "\" style=\"width:" . Std::string($width) . "%; height:100%; margin:0px; padding:0px; border:1px solid;\"></iframe>";
     return ltrim($html);
예제 #4
 static function create()
     $s = new _hx_array(array());
     $_g = 0;
     while ($_g < 8) {
         $i = $_g++;
         $s[$i] = _hx_char_at("0123456789ABCDEF", Math::floor(Math::random() * 16));
     $s[8] = "-";
     $_g1 = 9;
     while ($_g1 < 13) {
         $i1 = $_g1++;
         $s[$i1] = _hx_char_at("0123456789ABCDEF", Math::floor(Math::random() * 16));
     $s[13] = "-";
     $s[14] = "4";
     $_g2 = 15;
     while ($_g2 < 18) {
         $i2 = $_g2++;
         $s[$i2] = _hx_char_at("0123456789ABCDEF", Math::floor(Math::random() * 16));
     $s[18] = "-";
     $s[19] = "" . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_char_at("89AB", Math::floor(Math::random() * 4)));
     $_g3 = 20;
     while ($_g3 < 23) {
         $i3 = $_g3++;
         $s[$i3] = _hx_char_at("0123456789ABCDEF", Math::floor(Math::random() * 16));
     $s[23] = "-";
     $_g4 = 24;
     while ($_g4 < 36) {
         $i4 = $_g4++;
         $s[$i4] = _hx_char_at("0123456789ABCDEF", Math::floor(Math::random() * 16));
     return $s->join("");
예제 #5
 static function binarySearch($v, $c)
     $min = 0;
     $max = $v->length - 1;
     do {
         $mid = Math::floor(($min + $max) / 2);
         $cc = $v[$mid];
         if ($c === $cc) {
             return true;
         } else {
             if ($c < $cc) {
                 $max = $mid - 1;
             } else {
                 $min = $mid + 1;
         unset($mid, $cc);
     } while ($min <= $max);
     return false;
예제 #6
 public function getTestPage()
     $random = "" . _hx_string_rec(Math::floor(Math::random() * 9999), "");
     $mml = "<math xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML\"><mrow><msqrt><mn>" . $random . "</mn></msqrt></mrow></math>";
     $testName = null;
     $reportText = null;
     $solutionLink = null;
     $condition = null;
     $output = "";
     $output .= "<html><head>\r\n";
     $output .= "<title>WIRIS plugin test page</title><meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" /><style type=\"text/css\">/*<!--*/html {font-family: sans-serif;}h2 {margin-left: 1em;}h3 {margin-left: 2em;}p {margin-left: 3em;}p.concrete {margin-left: 4em;}.ok {font-weight: bold;color: #0c0;}.error {font-weight: bold;color: #f00;}/*-->*/</style><style type=\"text/css\">body{font-family: Arial;}span{font-weight: bold;}span.ok {color: #009900;}span.error {color: #dd0000;}table, th, td, tr {border: solid 1px #000000;border-collapse:collapse;padding: 5px;}th{background-color: #eeeeee;}img{border:none;}</style>\r\n";
     $output .= "<script src=\"../core/WIRISplugins.js?viewer=image\" ></script>\r\n";
     $output .= "</head><body><h1>WIRIS plugin test page</h1>\r\n";
     $output .= "<table><tr><th>Test</th><th>Report</th><th>Status</th></tr>\r\n";
     $testName = "WIRIS plugin version";
     try {
         $s = com_wiris_system_Storage::newResourceStorage("VERSION")->read();
         $reportText = "<b>" . $s . "</b>";
         $solutionLink = "";
         $condition = true;
     } catch (Exception $»e) {
         $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e;
         $ex = $_ex_;
         $reportText = "Missing version";
         $solutionLink = "";
         $condition = false;
     $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
     $testName = "Creating and storing data";
     $solutionLink = "";
     $param = array();
     $outp = array();
     $imageUrl = $this->plugin->newRender()->createImage($mml, $param, $outp);
     $reportText = "<a href=\"" . $imageUrl . "\" />" . $imageUrl . "</a>";
     $condition = true;
     $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
     $testName = "Retrieving data";
     $solutionLink = "";
     $reportText = "<img src=\"" . $imageUrl . "\" />";
     $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
     $testName = "JavaScript MathML filter";
     $solutionLink = "";
     $reportText = $mml;
     $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
     $testName = "Host platform";
     $solutionLink = "";
     $platform = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$HOST_PLATFORM, "failed");
     $reportText = $platform;
     $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
     $testName = "Filter test";
     $solutionLink = "";
     $condition = true;
     $p = null;
     $p = array();
     $p["savemode"] = "safeXml";
     $s2 = str_replace("<", com_wiris_plugin_impl_TestImpl_0($this, $condition, $ex, $imageUrl, $mml, $outp, $output, $p, $param, $platform, $random, $reportText, $solutionLink, $testName), $mml);
     $s2 = str_replace(">", com_wiris_plugin_impl_TestImpl_1($this, $condition, $ex, $imageUrl, $mml, $outp, $output, $p, $param, $platform, $random, $reportText, $s2, $solutionLink, $testName), $s2);
     $s2 = str_replace("\"", com_wiris_plugin_impl_TestImpl_2($this, $condition, $ex, $imageUrl, $mml, $outp, $output, $p, $param, $platform, $random, $reportText, $s2, $solutionLink, $testName), $s2);
     $reportText = $this->plugin->newTextService()->filter("square root: " . $s2, $p);
     $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
     $testName = "Connecting to www.wiris.net";
     $solutionLink = "";
     $condition = true;
     try {
         $h = new com_wiris_plugin_impl_HttpImpl("http://www.wiris.net", null);
     } catch (Exception $»e) {
         $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e;
         $ex2 = $_ex_;
         $condition = false;
     $reportText = "Checking if WIRIS server is reachable";
     $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
     if (Type::resolveClass("com.wiris.editor.services.PublicServices") !== null) {
         $condition = true;
         $testName = "Testing integrated services";
         $reportText = "WIRIS Services installed";
         $solutionLink = "";
         $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
         $isLicensed = $this->plugin->isEditorLicensed();
         $condition = false;
         $testName = "WIRIS editor license";
         $reportText = "Checking WIRIS editor valid license";
         $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $isLicensed);
     } else {
         $reportText = "WIRIS Services not installed";
     $debug = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$DEBUG, "false") === "true";
     if ($debug) {
         $testName = "Font family";
         $solutionLink = "";
         $condition = true;
         $reportText = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$FONT_FAMILY, "");
         $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
         $testName = "Configuration file";
         $solutionLink = "";
         $condition = true;
         $reportText = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$CONFIGURATION_PATH, "") . "\\configuration.ini";
         $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
         $testName = "Cache path";
         $solutionLink = "";
         $condition = true;
         $reportText = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$CACHE_FOLDER, "");
         $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
         $testName = "Formula path";
         $solutionLink = "";
         $condition = true;
         $reportText = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$FORMULA_FOLDER, "");
         $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
         $testName = "Integration path";
         $solutionLink = "";
         $condition = true;
         $reportText = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$INTEGRATION_PATH, "");
         $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
         $testName = "Context path";
         $solutionLink = "";
         $condition = true;
         $reportText = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$CONTEXT_PATH, "");
         $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
         $testName = "default-configuration.ini load";
         $solutionLink = "";
         $defaultConfiguration = com_wiris_system_Storage::newResourceStorage("default-configuration.ini")->read();
         $condition = $defaultConfiguration !== null && strlen($defaultConfiguration) > 0;
         if ($condition) {
             $reportText = "Length: " . _hx_string_rec(strlen($defaultConfiguration), "");
         } else {
             $reportText = "Not found!";
         $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
         $testName = "cas.png load";
         $solutionLink = "";
         $casPng = com_wiris_system_Storage::newResourceStorage("cas.png")->readBinary();
         $casPngLength = 0;
         if ($casPng !== null) {
             $casPngLength = haxe_io_Bytes::ofData($casPng)->length;
             $condition = $casPngLength > 0;
         } else {
             $condition = false;
         if ($condition) {
             $reportText = "Length: " . _hx_string_rec($casPngLength, "");
         } else {
             $reportText = "Not found!";
         $output .= $this->createTableRow($testName, $reportText, $solutionLink, $condition);
     $output .= "<div id=\"haxe:trace\"></div>";
     return $output;
 public function isRedirect()
     return Math::floor($this->status / 100) === 3;