예제 #1
  * Strips any national prefix (such as 0, 1) present in the number provided.
  * @param string $number the normalized telephone number that we wish to strip any national
  *     dialing prefix from
  * @param PhoneMetadata $metadata the metadata for the region that we think this number is from
  * @param string $carrierCode a place to insert the carrier code if one is extracted
  * @return bool true if a national prefix or carrier code (or both) could be extracted.
 public function maybeStripNationalPrefixAndCarrierCode(&$number, PhoneMetadata $metadata, &$carrierCode)
     $numberLength = mb_strlen($number);
     $possibleNationalPrefix = $metadata->getNationalPrefixForParsing();
     if ($numberLength == 0 || $possibleNationalPrefix === null || mb_strlen($possibleNationalPrefix) == 0) {
         // Early return for numbers of zero length.
         return false;
     // Attempt to parse the first digits as a national prefix.
     $prefixMatcher = new Matcher($possibleNationalPrefix, $number);
     if ($prefixMatcher->lookingAt()) {
         $nationalNumberRule = $metadata->getGeneralDesc()->getNationalNumberPattern();
         // Check if the original number is viable.
         $nationalNumberRuleMatcher = new Matcher($nationalNumberRule, $number);
         $isViableOriginalNumber = $nationalNumberRuleMatcher->matches();
         // $prefixMatcher->group($numOfGroups) === null implies nothing was captured by the capturing
         // groups in $possibleNationalPrefix; therefore, no transformation is necessary, and we just
         // remove the national prefix
         $numOfGroups = $prefixMatcher->groupCount();
         $transformRule = $metadata->getNationalPrefixTransformRule();
         if ($transformRule === null || mb_strlen($transformRule) == 0 || $prefixMatcher->group($numOfGroups - 1) === null) {
             // If the original number was viable, and the resultant number is not, we return.
             $matcher = new Matcher($nationalNumberRule, substr($number, $prefixMatcher->end()));
             if ($isViableOriginalNumber && !$matcher->matches()) {
                 return false;
             if ($carrierCode !== null && $numOfGroups > 0 && $prefixMatcher->group($numOfGroups) !== null) {
                 $carrierCode .= $prefixMatcher->group(1);
             $number = substr($number, $prefixMatcher->end());
             return true;
         } else {
             // Check that the resultant number is still viable. If not, return. Check this by copying
             // the string and making the transformation on the copy first.
             $transformedNumber = $number;
             $transformedNumber = substr_replace($transformedNumber, $prefixMatcher->replaceFirst($transformRule), 0, $numberLength);
             $matcher = new Matcher($nationalNumberRule, $transformedNumber);
             if ($isViableOriginalNumber && !$matcher->matches()) {
                 return false;
             if ($carrierCode !== null && $numOfGroups > 1) {
                 $carrierCode .= $prefixMatcher->group(1);
             $number = substr_replace($number, $transformedNumber, 0, mb_strlen($number));
             return true;
     return false;
  * Parses a string and fills up the phoneNumber. This method is the same as the public
  * parse() method, with the exception that it allows the default region to be null, for use by
  * isNumberMatch(). checkRegion should be set to false if it is permitted for the default region
  * to be null or unknown ("ZZ").
  * @param $numberToParse
  * @param string $defaultRegion
  * @param $keepRawInput
  * @param $checkRegion
  * @param PhoneNumber $phoneNumber
  * @throws NumberParseException
 private function parseHelper($numberToParse, $defaultRegion, $keepRawInput, $checkRegion, PhoneNumber $phoneNumber)
     if ($numberToParse === NULL) {
         throw new NumberParseException(NumberParseException::NOT_A_NUMBER, "The phone number supplied was null.");
     } elseif (strlen($numberToParse) > self::MAX_INPUT_STRING_LENGTH) {
         throw new NumberParseException(NumberParseException::TOO_LONG, "The string supplied was too long to parse.");
     $nationalNumber = '';
     $this->buildNationalNumberForParsing($numberToParse, $nationalNumber);
     if (!$this->isViablePhoneNumber($nationalNumber)) {
         throw new NumberParseException(NumberParseException::NOT_A_NUMBER, "The string supplied did not seem to be a phone number.");
     // Check the region supplied is valid, or that the extracted number starts with some sort of +
     // sign so the number's region can be determined.
     if ($checkRegion && !$this->checkRegionForParsing($nationalNumber, $defaultRegion)) {
         throw new NumberParseException(NumberParseException::INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE, "Missing or invalid default region.");
     if ($keepRawInput) {
     // Attempt to parse extension first, since it doesn't require region-specific data and we want
     // to have the non-normalised number here.
     $extension = $this->maybeStripExtension($nationalNumber);
     if (strlen($extension) > 0) {
     $regionMetadata = $this->getMetadataForRegion($defaultRegion);
     // Check to see if the number is given in international format so we know whether this number is
     // from the default region or not.
     $normalizedNationalNumber = "";
     $countryCode = 0;
     try {
         // TODO: This method should really just take in the string buffer that has already
         // been created, and just remove the prefix, rather than taking in a string and then
         // outputting a string buffer.
         $countryCode = $this->maybeExtractCountryCode($nationalNumber, $regionMetadata, $normalizedNationalNumber, $keepRawInput, $phoneNumber);
     } catch (NumberParseException $e) {
         $matcher = new Matcher(self::$PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN, $nationalNumber);
         if ($e->getErrorType() == NumberParseException::INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE && $matcher->lookingAt()) {
             // Strip the plus-char, and try again.
             $countryCode = $this->maybeExtractCountryCode(substr($nationalNumber, $matcher->end()), $regionMetadata, $normalizedNationalNumber, $keepRawInput, $phoneNumber);
             if ($countryCode == 0) {
                 throw new NumberParseException(NumberParseException::INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE, "Could not interpret numbers after plus-sign.");
         } else {
             throw new NumberParseException($e->getErrorType(), $e->getMessage());
     if ($countryCode !== 0) {
         $phoneNumberRegion = $this->getRegionCodeForCountryCode($countryCode);
         if ($phoneNumberRegion != $defaultRegion) {
             // Metadata cannot be null because the country calling code is valid.
             $regionMetadata = $this->getMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode($countryCode, $phoneNumberRegion);
     } else {
         // If no extracted country calling code, use the region supplied instead. The national number
         // is just the normalized version of the number we were given to parse.
         $normalizedNationalNumber .= $this->normalize($nationalNumber);
         if ($defaultRegion !== NULL) {
             $countryCode = $regionMetadata->getCountryCode();
         } else {
             if ($keepRawInput) {
     if (strlen($normalizedNationalNumber) < self::MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN) {
         throw new NumberParseException(NumberParseException::TOO_SHORT_NSN, "The string supplied is too short to be a phone number.");
     if ($regionMetadata !== NULL) {
         $carrierCode = "";
         $this->maybeStripNationalPrefixAndCarrierCode($normalizedNationalNumber, $regionMetadata, $carrierCode);
         if ($keepRawInput) {
     $lengthOfNationalNumber = strlen($normalizedNationalNumber);
     if ($lengthOfNationalNumber < self::MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN) {
         throw new NumberParseException(NumberParseException::TOO_SHORT_NSN, "The string supplied is too short to be a phone number.");
     if ($lengthOfNationalNumber > self::MAX_LENGTH_FOR_NSN) {
         throw new NumberParseException(NumberParseException::TOO_LONG, "The string supplied is too long to be a phone number.");
     if ($normalizedNationalNumber[0] == '0') {
     $phoneNumber->setNationalNumber((double) $normalizedNationalNumber);