예제 #1
  * function audit($logModelArray = array(), $methodCall = NULL, $idColumn = 'id', $logTable = 'log', $classCall = NULL)
  * Method to enable the audit log process.
  * This will write a log every time it INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE a record.
 public static function audit($logModelArray = array(), $methodCall = NULL, $idColumn = 'id', $logTable = 'log', $classCall = NULL)
     self::$__audit = true;
     self::$hookTable = $logTable;
     MatchaModel::$tableId = $idColumn;
     if ($classCall == NULL) {
         self::$hookClass = get_called_class();
     } else {
         self::$hookClass = $classCall;
     self::$hookMethod = $methodCall;
예제 #2
  * function SenchaModel($fileModel):
  * This method will create the table and fields if does not exist in the database
  * also this is the brain of the micro ORM.
  * This method needs rework, this method has to be the brain!
  * @param string $fileModel 'App.model.Example'
  * @param bool $force for to read the sencha model file (skip the MatchaMemory)
  * @return bool success
 public static function __SenchaModel($fileModel, $force = false)
     try {
         self::$fileModel = $fileModel;
         // skip this entire routine if freeze option is true
         if (self::$__freeze) {
             self::$__senchaModel = self::__getSenchaModel($fileModel);
             return true;
         self::$__senchaModel = array();
         // check the difference in dates of the Sencha model file and the stored Sencha model on the server memory,
         // if there are equal go ahead and load the model from memory and quit the procedure
         if (!$force && self::__getFileModifyDate($fileModel) == MatchaMemory::__getSenchaModelLastChange($fileModel)) {
             self::$__senchaModel = MatchaMemory::__getModelFromMemory($fileModel);
             return true;
         // get the model of the table from the sencha .js file
         self::$__senchaModel = self::__getSenchaModel($fileModel);
         if (!self::$__senchaModel['fields']) {
             return false;
         // get model fields
         $modelFields = (array) self::$__senchaModel['fields'];
         // Copy the table ID from the idProperty if the idProperty is undefined use "id" instead.
         self::$tableId = isset(self::$__senchaModel['idProperty']) ? self::$__senchaModel['idProperty'] : 'id';
         //id properties
         $tableIdIndex = MatchaUtils::__recursiveArraySearch(self::$tableId, $modelFields);
         self::$tableIdProperties = $modelFields[$tableIdIndex];
         // check if the table property is an array, if not return the array is a table string.
         $table = (string) (is_array(self::$__senchaModel['table']) ? self::$__senchaModel['table']['name'] : self::$__senchaModel['table']);
         // verify the existence of the table if it does not exist create it
         $recordSet = self::$__conn->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $table . "';");
         if (isset($recordSet)) {
         // if id property is not set in sencha model look for propertyId.
         if ($modelFields[$tableIdIndex] === false) {
         // unset the fields that will noe be store int the database
         foreach ($modelFields as $key => $field) {
             if (isset($field['store']) && $field['store'] === false || isset($field['persist']) && $field['persist'] === false) {
         // get the table column information and remove the id column
         $tableColumns = self::$__conn->query("SHOW FULL COLUMNS IN " . $table . ";")->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         unset($tableColumns[MatchaUtils::__recursiveArraySearch(self::$tableId, $tableColumns)]);
         $columnsTableNames = array();
         $columnsSenchaNames = array();
         // get all the column names of each model (Sencha and Database-table)
         foreach ($tableColumns as $column) {
             $columnsTableNames[] = $column['Field'];
         foreach ($modelFields as $column) {
             $columnsSenchaNames[] = isset($column['mapping']) ? $column['mapping'] : $column['name'];
         // get all the column that are not present in the database-table
         $differentCreateColumns = array_diff($columnsSenchaNames, $columnsTableNames);
         $differentDropColumns = array_diff($columnsTableNames, $columnsSenchaNames);
         // unset the id field from both arrays
         unset($differentCreateColumns[MatchaUtils::__recursiveArraySearch('id', $differentCreateColumns)]);
         unset($modelFields[MatchaUtils::__recursiveArraySearch('id', $modelFields)]);
         // deal with the sencha triggers
         $indexArray = self::__getIndexFields(self::$__senchaModel);
         // check if the table has columns, if not create them.
         if (count($tableColumns) <= 1) {
             // add data - if the model has data defined.
             if (isset(self::$__senchaModel['table']['data'])) {
                 $rec = self::$__conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $table);
                 if ($rec->rowCount() <= 0) {
             return true;
         } elseif (count($differentCreateColumns) || count($differentDropColumns)) {
             // add columns to the table
             foreach ($differentCreateColumns as $column) {
                 self::__createColumn($modelFields[MatchaUtils::__recursiveArraySearch($column, $modelFields)], $table, in_array($column, $indexArray));
             // remove columns from the table
             foreach ($differentDropColumns as $column) {
         } else {
             // modify the table columns if is not equal to the Sencha Model
             foreach ($tableColumns as $column) {
                 $change = 'false';
                 foreach ($modelFields as $field) {
                     // if the field is found, start the comparison
                     if ($field['name'] == $column['Field']) {
                         // the following code will check if there is a dataType property if not, take the type instead
                         // on the model and parse it too.
                         $modelDataType = isset($field['dataType']) ? $field['dataType'] : $field['type'];
                         if ($modelDataType == 'string') {
                             $modelDataType = 'varchar';
                         if ($modelDataType == 'bool' && $modelDataType == 'boolean') {
                             $modelDataType = 'tinyint';
                         // check for changes on the field type is a obligatory thing
                         if (strripos($column['Type'], $modelDataType) === false) {
                             $change = 'true';
                         // Type
                         // check if there changes on the allowNull property,
                         // but first check if it's used on the sencha model
                         if (isset($field['allowNull'])) {
                             if ($column['Null'] == ($field['allowNull'] ? 'YES' : 'NO')) {
                                 $change = 'true';
                         // NULL
                         // check the length of the field,
                         // but first check if it's used on the sencha model.
                         if (isset($field['len'])) {
                             if ($field['len'] != filter_var($column['Type'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)) {
                                 $change = 'true';
                         // Length
                         // check if the default value is changed on the model,
                         // but first check if it's used on the sencha model
                         if (isset($field['defaultValue'])) {
                             if ($column['Default'] != $field['defaultValue']) {
                                 $change = 'true';
                         // Default value
                         // check if the primary key is changed on the model,
                         // but first check if the primary key is used on the sencha model.
                         if (isset($field['primaryKey'])) {
                             if ($column['Key'] != ($field['primaryKey'] ? 'PRI' : '')) {
                                 $change = 'true';
                         // Primary key
                         // check if the auto increment is changed on the model,
                         // but first check if the auto increment is used on the sencha model.
                         if (isset($field['autoIncrement'])) {
                             if ($column['Extra'] != ($field['autoIncrement'] ? 'auto_increment' : '')) {
                                 $change = 'true';
                         // auto increment
                         // check if the comment is changed on the model,
                         // but first check if the comment is used on the sencha model.
                         if (isset($field['comment'])) {
                             if ($column['Comment'] != $field['comment']) {
                                 $change = 'true';
                         // Comment
                         if (isset($field['comment'])) {
                             if ($column['Comment'] != $field['comment']) {
                                 $change = 'true';
                         // Comment
                         // Index....
                         $sth = self::$__conn->prepare("SHOW INDEX FROM {$table} WHERE Key_name = '{$field['name']}'");
                         $recs = $sth->fetchAll();
                         $isIndex = count($recs) != 0;
                         $toIndex = in_array($field['name'], $indexArray);
                         $indexChange = $toIndex !== $isIndex;
                         if ($indexChange) {
                             $change = 'true';
                         //                            error_log($table);
                         //                            error_log($field['name']);
                         //                            error_log(var_dump($toIndex));
                         //                            error_log(var_dump($indexChange));
                         // Modify the column on the database
                         if ($change == 'true') {
                             self::__modifyColumn($field, $table, $toIndex);
         return true;
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         return false;