function testBuildFromJSON() { $this->CI->load->library('json'); $this->CI->load->model('mark'); $mark = new Mark(); $mark->buildFromJSON($this->_jsonTest); $this->assertEqual('FirstTest', $mark->get('classification'), 'Classification extracted from JSON'); $data = $mark->get('markData'); $this->assertEqual('Test general com', $data->generalComment, 'Ensure json process transparent'); try { $mark = new Mark(); $mark->buildFromJSON('{}xxx'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->pass("Detected invalid JSON"); $passed = true; } if (!$passed) { $this->fail("Failed to detect invalid JSON"); } }
/** * Method for saving Flex models.Mark. * @param POST jsonData - holds the markData information in JSON format */ public function addMark() { if (!($jsonData = $this->input->post('jsonData'))) { return; } $this->load->model('mark'); $this->load->model('script'); $this->load->library('json'); $decoded = $this->json->decode($jsonData); $script = new Script(); $script->setKey($decoded->script); $mark = new Mark(); $mark->setKey($script->getKey()); $mark->retrieve(); // make sure the marker has right to mark this if ($mark->get('marker') !== $this->_getUser()) { $this->_flexResult(I_FlexMarksIn::NOT_AUTH); return; } // store data $mark->set('markData', $jsonData); $mark->set('targets', serialize($decoded->targets)); $mark->set('generalComment', $decoded->generalComment); // change status $mark->submit(); if (!$mark->update()) { // @todo add some Flex handeling for this if it occurs $this->_flexResult(I_FlexMarksIn::ERROR); return; } // set script's status to marked $script->marked(); $script->update(); // get the script data to use in the email $script->retrieve(); $customerEmail = $script->get('email'); $scriptID = $script->getKey(); $lastPage = count($script->pages->getPageKeys()); // save an email for the customers, to be send by cron task $subject = 'A tutor has read your exam essay and provided feedback'; foreach ($decoded->targets as $target) { $newTarget['type'] = $target->type; $newTarget['text'] = $target->text; $emailData['targets'][] = $newTarget; } $emailData['generalComment'] = $decoded->generalComment; // link for user to launch flex viewer $emailData['viewURL'] = site_url("/user/scripts/viewfeedback/{$scriptID}/{$lastPage}"); $msg = $this->load->view('email/marked', $emailData, true); $this->load->model('email'); $this->email->set('sender', '*****@*****.**'); $this->email->set('receiver', $customerEmail); $this->email->set('subject', $subject); $this->email->set('message', $msg); //$this->email->set('messageHTML',$msgHTML); $this->email->create(); $this->_flexResult(I_FlexMarksIn::SAVE_SUCCESSFUL); }