public function scatterplot_recommenderAction() { $this->tag->setTitle('Test Help | Student Dashboard'); $this->view->pageTitle = 'Test Help | Student Dashboard'; // Get our context (this takes care of starting the session, too) $context = $this->getDI()->getShared('ltiContext'); $this->view->context = $context; $this->view->feedbackEmail = $this->getDI()->getShared('config')->feedback_email; // Concept and Unit lists // TODO way to have html list default to current // Concepts $conceptsMapping = MappingHelper::allConcepts(); $concepts = []; // Make each hierarchical content category have consistent structure for view foreach ($conceptsMapping as $c) { $concepts[] = ["id" => $c["Lecture Number"], "title" => $c["Concept Title"]]; } $this->view->concepts = $concepts; // Units $unitsMapping = MappingHelper::allUnits(); $units = []; foreach ($unitsMapping as $u) { $units[] = ["id" => $u["Unit Number"], "title" => $u["Unit Title"]]; } $this->view->units = $units; }
public function mappingsAction() { echo "<pre>"; echo "All units\n"; print_r(MappingHelper::allUnits()); echo "<hr>Concepts in unit 4\n"; print_r(MappingHelper::conceptsInUnit("4")); echo "<hr>Questions in concept (lecture number) 1\n"; print_r(MappingHelper::questionsInConcept("1")); echo "<hr>Question info for question 78.4\n"; print_r(MappingHelper::questionInformation("78.4")); echo "<hr>Videos for concept 9\n"; print_r(MappingHelper::videosForConcept("9")); echo "<hr>Resources for concept 1\n"; print_r(MappingHelper::resourcesForConcept("1")); echo "<hr>Concepts within the past 2 weeks: \n"; print_r(MappingHelper::conceptsWithin2Weeks()); }